Health Planner Monitor what is important to you


Wellbeing Recovery


Click on the links below for easy access to the health topic of your choice.

PLANNING GOOD HEALTH 3 HOW TO USE YOUR HEALTH PLANNER 4 MY Health Targets 5 MY CONFESSIONS 6 Be confident about the medicines you are taking 7 Do you have a cold or the flu? 9 Reduce the severity of cold and flu symptoms 10 AM I AT RISK OF DEVELOPING Diabetes? 11 How to bring your blood pressure down 13 QUIT SMOKING 15 Managing life with Asthma 17 How much should we eat? 19 HYDRATION 20 Be sun smart and enjoy the outdoors 21 Getting a good night's sleep 23 Healthy Bones and joints 25 Managing pain naturally 27 Build your own first aid kit 29 TRAVEL WELL 30 Why Vitamins are important to your health 31 Natural ways to maintain a strong immune system 33 How can I get more active? 35 Stretching Program 36 Mother and baby 37 Compression therapy 39 We wish you a speedy recovery 40 Preparing your skin BEFORE makeup 41 challenge YOURSELF TO GOOD HEALTH 43


The Slade Pharmacy Health Planner has been designed to help you keep track of When you first start using your planner set yourself MY WEEKLY HEALTH CHART Date // your health goals and establish healthy habits. We understand that everyone is some realistic goals and record them on the next page. MTWTFSS

Blood pressure /////// different, so what you focus on will be what is important to you. Also, think about what bad habits you have that you Steps per day

Mins spent seriously want to change or do differently. exercising

Daily fruit Using this planner, alongside popular electronic health devices, you can track a intake

Daily vegies intake number of important good health markers such as how much water you drink, Throughout the planner there are weekly health Glasses of water per day No. of naughty your sleep patterns, what you have eaten, and how much exercise you are doing. charts to monitor your progress. If you need more foods No smoking days health charts, simply photocopy one and store them Glasses of alcohol per day

The planner is split into four key areas and covers a range of topics. Quality in the pocket at the back. of sleep

Medication adherence

Health At the end of each month record on page 4 how 7 The condition of your body. Good physical health is when your body many days that month you achieved your target. Weekly charts is functioning as was designed to function. As your healthy habits start to kick in, you will hopefully improve on the good things and decrease MY HealtH Date // Wellbeing the bad things. targets My Pharmacist Use this page to set some health and wellbeing goals over the coming months.

Be realistic. as your confidence grows and you monitor progress you can then set yourself higher targets. The state of feeling good about ourselves and the way our lives are My targets are Monthly blood average hours of Throughout this booklet there are great vouchers pressure. / exercise per week. hours Ideal weight. Hours sleep going. We experience wellbeing when we are physically and mentally kg per day. hours to use at Slade Pharmacy Richmond, Camberwell, average calories well, spiritually aware or connected, and feel that our life is worthwhile, per day. cal Clarendon Street, Victoria Parade and Geelong. My MontHly Progress Month

Blood and has purpose. Wellbeing is influenced by our culture, values, social / / / / / / pressure

Weight context and our general state of health. And there is a pocket to store any scripts, your health kgs exercise*

reports or additional health information. sleep* Beauty *record how many days each month you achieved your target. So simply pick up a pen, turn the page and start Looking and feeling food, inside and out. 4 by setting your health targets. Remember, a Slade Pharmacist is always here to support My Health Targets you on your journey. Re covery ARM YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM With ViraForce®

Take ViraForce® at the first sign of infection to reduce the severity and duration of cold and flu. This high potency formula contains Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist see standardised Andrographis and Olive leaf. With the addition of The process of getting back to good health after surgery or an Echinacea, Vitamin C and Zinc this synergistic formula fortifies the immune defences to help relieve many of the symptoms associated with colds and flu, including sore throat, mucous your healthcare professional. Vitamin supplements may be of assistance congestion, fever, headache and inflammation – especially when illness is best taken with care and surety. A helping hand and sound taken at the first sign of infection. if dietary intake is inadequate. advice can bring confidence to the journey.

At Slade Pharmacy we are passionate about helping our customers achieve BUY 1 ViraForce® 60 CApS ANd RECEIVE a healthy, balanced lifestyle. We hope you find the Health Planner a great 50% OFF ASTRAgAlUS 8 IMMUNE TONIC®

companion on your everyday journey to good health. Valid to 31/12/2016. Present at cashier. One voucher per customer. Vouchers

3 4 Date // Back to MY Health MY CONFESSIONS contents My Pharmacist Targets What are four of your bad habits that you would like to change? Secrets Use this page to set some health and wellbeing goals over the coming months.

Be realistic. As your confidence grows and you monitor progress you can then set 1 yourself higher targets. My targets are Monthly blood Average hours of pressure. / exercise per week. hours 2

Ideal weight. Hours sleep kg per day. hours

A verage calories 3 per day. cal MY Monthly PROGRESS 4 Month

Blood / / / / / / What are you prepared to do differently? pressure Resolutions

Weight kgs 1

Exercise* 2 Sleep* *Record how many days each month you achieved your target. 3

4 5 6 MY WEEKLY HEALTH CHART Date // Be confident about the Back to medicines you are taking contents M T W T F S S A Medication Check offers one-on-one time with your Slade Pharmacist to review and discuss the best ways to manage your medicines. Blood /////// A Medication Check will: pressure FREE improve your understanding of medicines you are taking Steps per day

make you feel confident that you are taking the right Mins spent medicines at the right time exercising

ensure that your medicines are working for you Daily fruit intake

provide you with a written “Medication Action Plan” Daily vegies intake If you take five or more prescription medicines, have had a recent significant medical event or have recently been discharged from hospital, speak to a Glasses Slade Pharmacist about a medication check. of water per day Return of Unwanted Medicines No. of A medicine cabinet can be a health hazard. While we need most medicines in naughty our medicine cabinet, there can be times when older medications go out of date, foods jars lose their labels or we forget what a cream or tablet was for. It is important to No dispose of old medicines to avoid poisoning or incorrect use. smoking days Medicines can contaminate the environment when discarded via landfill sites Glasses and sewerage facilities, so we encourage you to bring your old medicines back of alcohol to a Slade Pharmacy where we can dispose of them for you at no cost. per day

Quality of sleep Did you know E very year up to 210,000 Australians are Medication admitted to hospital due to medication problems. adherence At least 50% of these admissions could be avoided by better medicine management*

7 *The Pharmacy Guild of Australia. 8 Do you have a cold Back to Reduce the severity of Back to or the flu? contents cold and flu symptoms contents

It is often hard to tell whether you have a cold or the flu. When you have a cold, If you catch the flu you often feel lousy, even if you are on prescription medication the symptoms often build up over 48 hours. A runny nose, watery eyes and from your doctor. congestion in the nose are the first symptoms followed by sneezing and a dry cough. These symptoms can last between 3–10 days. Most colds are caused Here are some helpful tips to help reduce the caused from by the rhinovirus and usually do not require antibiotics. the symptoms of the flu.

Flu symptoms however can come on fast, with more severe symptoms such as Keeping your fluids up is important. The flu can leave you dehydrated. fever, chills, body aches and pains. When you have the flu you will feel weak and Water, fruit juice or an electrolyte beverage are good. Just avoid caffeinated lethargic. The symptoms will often last 7–14 days, or up to 21 days if untreated. drinks because caffeine is a diuretic which increases urine output. It is recommended that you see your doctor who will determine if you have a Herbal tea with honey helps with your fluids and can also soothe a sore bacterial infection which may require antibiotics. throat at the same time.

Listen to your body. If it is telling you not to exercise, don’t. If it is urging Z ZZ you to spend all day in bed, do. Bedrest is another way to help your body fight the infection. COLD FLU Humidify. Breathing moist air helps ease nasal congestion and sore throat pain. Have a steamy hot shower, use a steam vaporizer/humidifier or create a tent with a bowl of hot water and towel. Drape the towel over your head, close your eyes and lean over the water under the ‘tent’ breathing Fast onset Symptoms deeply through your nose for 30 seconds. Repeat until you feel the that build of symptoms over 48 hours (especially congestion easing. fever & chills) Weakness Sneezing & fatigue Try a warm compress. Place a warm cloth over your forehead and nose & coughing to relieve a headache or sinus pain. Runny nose, watery eyes Fever & chills

Symptoms Try nasal irrigation. Sounds painful, but it is a simple way to ease may last Symptoms congestion and potentially reduce the risk of sinus infections. Stream 3-10 days may last 7-14 days & may salt water solution into one nostril and let it run out the other, clearing Stuffy nose & Body aches linger for your nasal passages. Ask your Slade Pharmacist for advice. congestion & pains up to 3 weeks Phone a friend. A caregiver can't reduce your temperature or cure a sore throat, but having someone to tuck you into bed, feed you chicken Symptoms can be similar, so keep an eye on what's bothering you most. soup or bring you fluids is often very comforting.

9 10 MY WEEKLY HEALTH CHART Date // AM I AT RISK OF DEVELOPING Back to Diabetes? contents M T W T F S S Many Australians, particularly those who are overweight, are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes due to lifestyle factors such as physical inactivity and poor Blood nutrition. A family history of diabetes can also increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes. pressure /////// While you cannot change risk factors such as age and your genetic background, you can do something about being overweight, reducing your waist measurement, Steps per day increasing your physical activity, improving your eating habits and quitting smoking.

Simple steps to reducing your risk of diabetes include: Mins spent exercising Know your risk. Undertake the Diabetes Australia risk assessment with 1 a Slade Pharmacist. It only takes five minutes to complete. Daily fruit intake

Set goals to help you reduce your risk. 2 Daily vegies intake

Make healthy food choices. Glasses 3 of water per day Ke.eep activ Try dancing, swimming, bike riding, walking, or any activity No. of 4 that keeps you moving for approximately 30 minutes a day. naughty foods Monitor your risk rating on a regular basis by speaking to your No 5 Slade Pharmacist. smoking days Glasses of alcohol per day

Quality of sleep

Medication adherence

11 Motivation is what gets you started. 12 Habit is what keeps you going How to bring your Back to blood pressure down contents

We live in an incredibly busy and stressful world. While it is difficult to eliminate Simple ways to reduce your blood pressure. stress from our lives completely, how we manage stress can make a difference to our overall health. Eat healthy, fresh food A Slade Pharmacist can measure your blood pressure and can show you how to use a blood pressure monitor at home so you can monitor your blood pressure Reduce your salt intake levels during the day. The optimum times to take a blood pressure reading is first thing in the morning and at the end of the day. Exercise and keep active Use the blood pressure chart below to see if your blood pressure requires a review. Maintain a healthy weight

190 Conscious breathing exercises High blood pressure 180 Stop smoking 170 160 Get a good nights sleep 150 Be creative and take up a hobby 140 Pre - high blood pressure 130 Be social with family and friends 120 110 Ideal blood pressure Volunteer and help others Systolic (top number) (top Systolic 100 Ideal blood pressure is to be Relax and take time out 90 in the green zone 80 Low Listen to relaxing music 70 Reduce alcohol intake 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Diastolic (bottom number)

13 Even if you are fit you can have 14 high blood pressure QUIT SMOKING Back to MY WEEKLY HEALTH CHART Date // contents Today could be the day you do something extraordinary. For some people breaking free from smoking is a significant challenge. It takes a lot M T W T F S S of strength to start the journey to quitting and to stop for good. Blood /////// Withdrawal symptoms can be tough; nicotine is a powerful drug. pressure

There are many ways to commence this extraordinary journey. Steps per day Here are some useful tips to help you achieve something truly amazing: Mins spent Decide on your strategy and exercising Avoid those situations that what nicotine replacement you associate with smoking solutions you prefer Daily fruit intake Involve your friends and Reward yourself with family and ask them for $ the money you save Daily vegies support intake

If you do have a cigarette, Glasses Keep a list of the reasons for it’s just a set back and of water quitting on you at all times ! no reason to give up. per day No. of Throw away all cigarettes naughty and lighters foods No smoking Ask your Slade Pharmacist for days a free smokerlyzer test to monitor your CO (carbon monoxide) levels Glasses of alcohol per day

Quality of sleep Talk to your Slade Pharmacist about the range of nicotine replacement options that will help you through the process such as skin patches, gum, inhalers, mists Medication and lozenges. adherence For extra support and confidence consider talking to your doctor, Slade Pharmacist or the Quitline 137 848.

15 As a smoker, you not only put yourself at 16 risk but also those that are close to you Managing life Back to MY WEEKLY HEALTH CHART Date // with Asthma contents M T W T F S S More than two million Australians have asthma. Many asthma sufferers are children, and adults of any age can develop the condition. Athletes can also Blood develop asthma through intensive training over many years. pressure /////// There is no cure for the condition but with good management most asthma sufferers lead full and active lives. Your Slade Pharmacist can offer great advice on Steps per day the medications you have been prescribed and best methods of administering.

For asthma sufferers it is important to make note of the triggers Mins spent that bring on an attack such as: exercising

Daily fruit Allergens including dust mites, pollens pets and moulds intake

Daily vegies Cigarette smoke intake

Glasses of water Viral infections per day No. of naughty foods Sudden changes in weather temperature No smoking days Some medication Glasses of alcohol per day

Work-related dust and chemicals. Quality of sleep

Talk to your Slade Pharmacist about a five minute asthma check. Medication adherence

17 18 Back to Back to 8 GOOD How much should we eat? HYDRATION REASONS contents contents TO KEEP HYDRATED The key to eating well is to enjoy a variety of nutritious foods from each of the five W hy is it so important to stay hydrated? food groups. Your body depends on water to survive. Every , tissue, and organ 1 needs water to work correctly. Im proves The table below has been developed by the Department of Health as a guide to digestion the number of serves from each of the five food groups an average male and How does my body lose water? female requires to ensure their diet contains the nutrients and energy needed. You lose water each day when you go to the bathroom, sweat, and 2 even when you breathe. You lose water even faster when the weather Remv o es Approx. is hot, when you are physically active, or if you have a fever. Vomiting toxins Lean meat and Milk, yoghurt, number of Vegetables Grain (cereal) poultry, fish, cheese and/or additional and diarrhea can also lead to rapid water loss. & legumes Fruit foods, mostly eggs, nuts and alternatives serves from the 3 /beans wholegrain seeds, and (mostly five food groups Symptoms of dehydration include the following: legumes/beans reduced fat) or discretionary Boosts • Little or no urine, or urine that • Headache immune choices function is darker than usual • Confusion Men • Dry mouth • Dizziness or lightheaded feeling 4 19-50 6 2 6 3 2 ½ 0-3 • Sleepiness or fatigue • No tears when crying S upports healthy • Extreme thirst 51-70 5 ½ 2 6 2 ½ 2 ½ 0-2 ½ weight W ho is at higher risk of dehydration? 70+ 5 2 4 ½ 2 ½ 3 ½ 0-2 ½ 5 People are at higher risk of dehydration if they exercise at a high intensity, have certain medical conditions, are sick, or are not able P revents Women headaches to get enough fluids during the day.

19-50 5 2 6 2 ½ 2 ½ 0-2 ½ You may need to increase the amount of water you drink if you: 6 • Have certain medical conditions • Have a fever Keeps your 51-70 5 2 4 2 4 0-2 ½ mind sharp • Are pregnant or breastfeeding • Have been vomiting or have diarrhea 70+ 5 2 3 2 4 0-2 • Will be outside during hot weather 7 • Will be exercising • Are trying to lose weight Drsec ea es muscle Additional serves maybe required by adults who are taller and more active or in cramps the higher end of a particular age band, to meet additional energy requirements. How much water should I drink each day? *Includes an allowance for unsaturated spreads or oils, nuts or seeds (4 serves [28-40g] per day for men less than Most people have been told they should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water 8 70 years of age; 2 serves [14-20g] per day for women and older men.) a day. If you are concerned that you are not drinking enough, check Source: Moisturises serves-adults your urine. If your urine is consistently colorless or light yellow, you skin are most likely staying well hydrated. Dark yellow or amber-colored urine is a sign of dehydration.

19 C olourful fruits and 20 vegetables are good for you // Be sun smart and enjoy Back to MY WEEKLY HEALTH CHART Date the outdoors contents M T W T F S S A ustralians enjoy many months of sunshine and love to be outdoors.

There are a number of factors that can increase or decrease your risk of developing Blood /////// skin problems from over exposure to the sun, including skin type, having many pressure moles and freckles and having a family history of skin problems. Steps per There is not much you can do about your hereditary risk factors, but you can take day steps to reduce your risk of skin problems caused from over exposure to the sun. Use a combination of the five sun protection measures: Mins spent exercising Slip – on sun-protective clothing. Make sure it covers as much skin as possible. Slop – on SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water resistant sunscreen. Daily fruit Apply 20 minutes before going outdoors and reapply every two hours. intake Slap – on a broad-brimmed hat that protects the face, head, neck and ears. Daily vegies Seek – shade. intake

Slide – on wrap-around sunglasses. Make sure they meet Australian/New Zealand Glasses Standard AS/NZS 1067:2003. of water per day If you do happen to get severe sunburn, ask your Slade Pharmacist about ways to No. of soothe the sunburn including use of aloe vera gel and other ointments that naughty maintain moisture in your skin and assist the healing process. foods If you have any concerns about sunspots on your body ask your Slade Pharmacist No for a Skin Check. It’s as simple as having a photograph taken. smoking days If you desire a healthy looking tan, talk to a Slade Beauty Specialist and they can Glasses show you how you can achieve this without compromising your skin. They can of alcohol also advise you on some essentials for your beach bag to keep hydrated and your per day skin moist. Quality of sleep GET A SKIN CHECK Medication adherence

Do you or someone you know have sunspots from too much time in the sun as a youngster or years from being outside?

21 Now might be the time to get your spots checked. KEEP safe in the sun. slip, slop, slap 22 Epworth Sleepiness Scale Date // Getting a good Back to contents night's sleep Name:

Getting a good night's sleep is sometimes not as easy as it sounds. Your age (Yrs): Your sex (Male = M, Female = F):

Here are some tips to help you have a good night's sleep. How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations, in contrast to feeling just tired? This refers to your usual way of life in recent times. Even if you Avoid a heavy meal haven't done some of these things recently try to work out how they would have A heavy meal close to bedtime can cause indigestion and heartburn affected you. Use the following scale to choose the most appropriate number while lying down and prevent you from falling into a natural sleep pattern. for each situation: Ideally you should avoid eating for least two hours before sleeping. 0 = would never doze 1 = slight chance of dozing Avoid alcohol 2 = moderate chance of dozing Alcohol close to bedtime can interfere with the normal sleep process 3 = high change of dozing by making you miss out on the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep phase, It is important that you answer each questions best you can. which is important in refreshing your mind and body. Situation Chance of Dozing (0-3) A void too much internet time Sitting and reading Too much internet time before you sleep can impede a good night’s rest. In addition the bright light can hinder the development of Watching TV melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep. Sitting, inactive in a public place (e.g. a theatre or a meeting) Avoid being uncomfortable Ensure you are warm/cool and comfortable, the bedroom has good As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break ventilation and is free from noise and distraction. L ying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit

How much sleep do you need? Sitting and talking to someone It is recommended that school age children have at least 10 hours sleep a day, teenagers nine-10 hours a day and adults, including the elderly, Sitting quietly after lunch without alcohol 7-8 hours a day. In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in the traffic

Analyse Your Total Score T otal T ake the Epworth Sleepiness Scale on the next page Interpretation and share the results with your Slade Pharmacist 0-7: It is unlikely that you are abnormally sleepy. or doctor in the event you have a sleep disorder 8-9: You have an average amount of daytime sleepiness. 10-15: You may be excessively sleepy depending on the situation. such as sleep apnoea or other health problems. You may want to consider seeking medical attention. 16-24: You are excessively sleepy and should consider seeking medical attention.

Reference: Johns MW. A new method for measuring daytime sleepiness: 23 The Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Sleep 1991; 14(6):540-5. 24 Healthy Bones Back to MY WEEKLY HEALTH CHART Date // and joints contents M T W T F S S Glucosamine and calcium are important to support joint mobility, help repair and maintain cartilage health and help provide symptomatic relief of osteoarthritis. Blood /////// Glucosamine helps the body rebuild damaged cartilage as well as produce new pressure cartilage. This may help to temporarily reduce joint pain and swelling and improve joint function and mobility associated with mild osteoarthritis. Steps per day Health benefits of glucosamine: • Temporary relief of knee pain, joint tenderness, swelling and pain of mild Mins spent osteoarthritis exercising • Assist with reducing inflammation of mild osteoarthritis Daily fruit • Assist with reducing damage and loss of cartilage intake • Support athletes by maintaining joint cartilage health Daily vegies • Increased mobility and function. intake

There are no major food sources of glucosamine, so taking a supplement is the Glasses most popular option. of water per day Calcium plays an important role in a number of functions in the body including muscle contraction, transmitting messages through the nerves, and the release Naughty of hormones. The body can not produce calcium naturally so it must be absorbed foods through food or supplements. Natural sources of calcium are dark leafy greens, No dairy products and almonds. If you are not getting enough calcium in your diet, smoking the body takes calcium from the bones, which can lead to weakened bones. days Keeping our bones and joints healthy Glasses of alcohol There is a lot we can do to put the bounce back into our step. per day

Vit D Maintain a good diet that is rich in vitamin D and calcium (see page 31) Quality of sleep

Exercise regularly to reduce stiffness and maintain a good weight. Medication Every extra kilo can add pressure to our bones and joints adherence

The sun is a great source of vitamin D that helps us absorb calcium, so take a walk in the park or by the beach.

25 Every extra kilo around the waist can 26 add pressure to our bones and joints Back to Managing pain naturally contents

Pain is the messages our body delivers when all is not well. Pain can affect any part Hot or cold packs of our body and should never be ignored. Hot or cold packs or sometimes a combination of the two can provide relief for There are a number of drug free pain management alternatives available. Talk to sore muscles and joints. your Slade Pharmacist about what treatment might be best for you. Cold numbs sore areas. It is especially helpful for the pain and swelling of an arthritis flare or joint injury, such as a sprained ankle. Cold may reduce TENS machine inflammation by constricting blood flow to the injured area. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a method of pain relief involving the use of a mild You can apply cold using a commercial cold pack or with a water bottle filled with electrical current. ice and cold water.

A TENS machine is a small, battery-operated device Heat packs relax your muscles. Heat dilates blood vessels, sending more oxygen that has leads connected to sticky pads called electrodes. and blood to the area. Heat also decreases the sensation of pain.

You attach the pads directly to your skin. When the You can apply heat with commercial heat packs, heating pads, or hot water bottles. machine is switched on, small electrical impulses are delivered to the affected area of your body, which you feel as a tingling sensation. Creams, Gels, Ointments Topical pain killers or analgesics – those you apply to the skin – are sprayed on or rubbed into the skin over painful muscles or joints. Spiky balls Although designed to relieve pain, different products use different ingredients and Spiky massage balls can be used for self-massage you should speak to your Doctor or Pharmacist before using. exercises to reduce muscle tension and stimulate the effects of remedial massage and clinical myotherapy. They are also effective tools in sensory therapy and therapeutic massage.

Spiky balls are made from flexible, strong material and will not deflate.

27 28 Build your own Back to TRAVEL WELL Back to first aid kit contents contents

A smartly-stocked first aid kit is important to have on hand the case of an emergency. W hat’s in my carry on luggage?

Here are some tips on maintaining your first aid kit: Here are a few suggestions on what to put in your carry on luggage to keep you feeling good during a long flight. Include any personal items such as medications and emergency phone numbers Lip balm Hand sanitiser Neck Pillow

Be sure you understand what each item is used for C ompression ? Socks Moisturiser

Create a checklist and regularly review your kit to ensure nothing is missing

Microfibre Noise Towel Get into the habit of replenishing anything that has been removed cancelling head phones Ear plugs

Include a torch and be sure the batteries work Personal Chewing medication gum

USE BY: Check expiry dates and replace any used or out-of-date contents. Pain relief Travel sickness tablets Eye drops Tissues Travel Toothbrush Did you know 50% of items in a first aid kit go out of date before they are used. If you are on any medication when you travel: • check with your Pharmacist to make sure you have sufficient supplies for your time away • take a copy of your prescriptions and a letter from your Doctor outlining you medical condition

29 Be prepared in the case 30 of an emergency Why Vitamins are Back to important to your health contents

There are thirteen essential vitamins that help your body grow and function efficiently. Practitioner Only supplements Practitioner Only supplements in Australia are prescribed by Doctors, Naturopaths Without adequate vitamin intake you feel lethargic and be vulnerable to infection and Pharmacists, and usually have higher potency or efficacy, based on the latest and health complications. A diet rich in fresh vegetables, dairy, whole grains, dried in research and development. beans, lentils, lean meat and fish can deliver all the vitamins you need. Practitioner Only supplements provide many benefits, including: Each vitamin has its own benefits and together in the right amounts they help deliver optimum health. • high-strength formulas with flexible dosing • high quality ingredients, sourced from the world’s leading suppliers Some heavily processed foods lack essential vitamins, so without a balanced diet it is often a good idea to take vitamin supplements to help keep your body • new or advanced ingredients in balance. • sustainable raw materials

Speak to your Slade Pharmacist for expertise you can rely on regarding the right supplement program for your needs.

A B C D E K There are 8 B Vitamins Good for Healthy eyes, teeth Concentration, energy Strengthening blood Strong healthy bones and Blood circulation and Blood coagulation – that is, and skin, general metabolism, immune vessels and giving enhances immunity. protecting cells from damage. the process by which your growth and function, iron absorption, skin its elasticity, blood clots. development, skin health, nervous system anti-oxidant function immunity and and digestive system. as well as calcium reproduction. and iron absorption.

Found in Cantaloupe, pink Bananas, mushrooms, spinach, Broccoli, citrus fruits, Fish oils, fatty fish, Almonds, almond milk, Cauliflower, broccoli, grapefruit, broccoli, seaweeds, green beans, peas, tomatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, beef liver, sunflower seeds, almond Brussels sprouts, spinach, spinach, sweet broccoli, avocado, coconut red bell pepper, cheese, and egg yolks. butter, olives, spinach, cabbage, kale and other potato, carrots, yogurt, sunflower seeds, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, leafy green dark leafy greens. mango. squash, sweet potato, yam, papaya, strawberries, vegetables, olive oil (use nuts (except peanuts!) leafy green moderate amounts). B12: Probiotic & Enzyme Salad, vegetables. nutritional yeast, sea vegetables, blue-green algae.

31 Taking too much of a single vitamin 32 can result in toxicity Natural ways to maintain Back to a strong immune system contents

Your immune system is designed to fight off minor infections we encounter and is A dd kiwifruit to your fruit salad. Kiwifruit is very rich in a fat free form especially important in helping avoid colds and the flu. of vitamin E and a high dose of vitamin C (twice that of an orange). Both vitamins boosts the immune system and help with stress and The best way to maintain a strong immune system is naturally, with the right foods aging. Also present in kiwifruit is serotonin which can benefit learning and nutritional supplements that are proven to boost your immune system memory and mood. Here are some natural ideas to consider: Eat some yoghurt. This highly nutritious fermented food has the ability Eat more garlic. Garlic is rich in vitamins and minerals that boost the to improve digestion and boost our immune health. The live bacteria immune system especially against colds and flu. Simply add to pastas, in yogurt promote the health and growth of friendly bowel bacteria sauces, salad dressings and dips. that promotes good health and strong immunity. Easy to eat anytime of the day. Slip in a superfood. Seaweed is a great source of zinc and antioxidants that are important for immune health. Add strips of kelp, nori or akrame Think zinc. Zinc is needed for the production of white blood cells, which to soups, salads and stir-fry. Zn protect against colds and infections. Zinc has antioxidant activity, helping to fight free-radical damage, and is found in meats, dairy and wholegrains, Get some sun. Vitamin D protects us against illness. The easiest and but it's often lost in processing. If supplementing with tablets, take about healthiest way to get vitamin D is sunlight. 10 to 15 minutes a day on the 40 milligrams a day. face arms and hands is all you need to keep your immunity charged with this powerful vitamin. Ref:

Citrus fruits are a powerful antioxidant and a good source of vitamin C, one of the best immune boosting nutrients for preventing illness and chronic disease. Other citrus rich foods include parsley, berries, red capsicum and kiwi fruit.

Consider getting an annual flu shot every March / April

33 34 How can I get more active? Back to Stretching Program Back to contents contents

Exercise is a key component of good health. Regular but not strenuous exercise Have you noticed when animals awake from their is good for the heart. Exercise helps us to maintain a good weight and when we slumber the first thing they do is have a good stretch. exercise our body releases endorphins that keep the mind alert and optimistic. Stretching like an animal will help you get your blood And the good news is that you don’t have to join a gym because you are flowing and work out stiffness in your muscles that surrounded by exercise opportunities at home and at work. may have developed while sleeping, leaving you ready and primed for activity. So when you wake up, At home stretch out for the new day. Do the housework. Choose a hilly route. Wherever you are, you can get great benefit from stretching exercises. It's great exercise. Create a simple stretching program that you can use at work, in your home, while Working in the garden or mow travelling or even with friends. Remote – throw it away. the grass. Head rolls Go for a short walk before Pets – they love to be 1 K eeping your chin tucked in, gently lower ear to shoulder and hold for breakfast and after dinner. taken for a walk. 10 seconds on either side. Repeat several times and be careful not to extend your neck back too far.1 Walk or use a bike for Park further away at the short trips. shopping centre, enjoy Neck roll the walk. 2 With shoulders relaxed, drop ear to shoulder and gently roll neck forward and back, holding each position about five seconds.R epeat five times.2 At work A nkle circles Brainstorm projects Get off the bus or train one 3 Lift feet off the floor. Draw a circle with the toes, simultaneously moving while walking. stop earlier. one foot clockwise and the other foot counterclockwise. Reverse circles. Rotate in each direction for 15 seconds. Repeat.2 Schedule exercise on Walk during business calls. your business calendar. B ack arching 4 Stand up. Support lower back with hands and gently arch back. Gently Use stairs rather than Consider a stand arch back and hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat as often as is needed.1 the lift. up desk.

1Reference: 2 Join a fitness centre Use a stress ball at your Reference: near the office. desk when thinking.

35 36 Back to Mother and baby Tips for packing your nappy bag contents First aid kit – bandaids, antibacterial cream, pain reliever for you and baby, paw paw ointment Nappy bag packing checklist A well-stocked nappy bag can save the day when you are out and about. But what Prevent leaks by packing medicines, snacks and liquids in resealable plastic bags do you really need when you can only carry so much? Here are some ideas on what you should include: If you're a frequent user of public transport or a keen walker, consider a backpack-style baby bag so you can keep your hands free

Consider having two nappy bags – one for quick trips and one for longer outings.

Expressing milk There may be times when you need to be away from your baby, whether for a few hours, or because you have gone back to work. Expressing milk means that your baby can carry on enjoying the benefits of breast milk while someone else is caring for them.

Deliver maximum milk with minimum fuss by using a breast pump. Nipple care Breastfeeding babies is the best and most natural way of feeding during the first months of a new baby’s life. Even with proper care the impact of breastfeeding on the nipple can result in cracks of the tissue and may lead to infection.

Highly recommended by hospital midwives, soothing nipple compresses prevent and treat discomforts before and during breastfeeding. Stretch marks Stretch marks are caused by rapid gain in weight or girth that is common during pregnancy.

At first, the skin becomes pink and slightly itchy. It then increases in length and deepens to a dark purple. Over time stretch marks fade, but rarely completely disappear.

Speak to your Slade Pharmacist about some simple ways to decrease the visual appearance of stretch marks that may have appeared as a result of your pregnancy.

37 38 Compression Back to We wish you Back to therapy contents a speedy recovery contents

The purpose of compression stockings is to improve the circulation from legs and Recovering from surgery can be a painful and frustrating experience as you feet and back to the heart. The pressure of compression stockings on insteps and struggle to accomplish tasks that were once a simple part of life. calves means that the circulation is improved, which helps to reducing swelling in legs and feet. There are a number of recovery appliances that can help you with daily activities such as reaching, twisting, bending, stretching, lifting, turning and Compression socks and stockings are prescribed post surgery to prevent and washing, including: treat swelling, vein inflammation and blood clotting in blood vessels in the legs. Reachers To help pick things up without needing to twist or bend awkwardly Compression stockings are elastic garments worn around the foot or more / grabbers commonly the whole leg. They are like a pantyhose and are thick and fit very tightly Vehicle support around your leg. The purpose of the specialised hosiery is to compress the limb Helps you enter and exit cars more conveniently and safely. handle with graduated compression - strongest at the ankle and decreasing going up the leg. Swivel cushion Helps prevent hip and back strain during weight transfer

The compression stocking decreases venous pressure, prevents venous stasis Helps you put on your socks, including compression stockings, Sock aid and deterioration of venous walls, and efficiently relieves heavy and aching and when bending is difficult heavy legs. Shoe horn Enables you to put shoes on and off without bending and stretching Getting the correct fit A safe alternative to crutches is, commonly used when Selecting a compression stocking that is appropriate for an individual's needs is vital. Knee walker recovering from foot or ankle surgery Some patients will not fit into the ‘off-the-shelf’ ranges due to irregularities in the size or shape of their limb(s). In these cases the use of made-to-measure solutions, Hand bed rails Provides support to help you lift yourself in and out of bed that fit to the size of your legs and feet, provide the exact compression therapy in Provide additional support around the house such as in the right places. Grab bars the bathroom, in the bedroom or in the living room besides the couch or favourite chair Your Slade Pharmacist can measure and order your compression stockings as well as advise you about how to care for your socks / stockings. Quad cane Provides extra stability and the confidence to go for a short walk

Bath bench / Helps you get in / out of the bath and sit under the shower shower chair

Toilet seat raiser Elevates the toilet to make it easier for you to lift yourself up

Toilet wipe aid Assists when reaching is difficult

39 40 Primer Back to Preparing your skin A face primer is a beautician’s best kept Did you know contents secret. It acts as a protective barrier Did you know your fragrance BEFORE makeup will last much longer if your preventing your moisturiser and skin's skin is well hydrated? natural oils from mixing with your makeup. Beautiful, healthy skin is something most people crave. Knowing how to prepare your skin before makeup is one of the best things you can do to achieve a great look. Look for a primer with silicone as a main ingredient. This will fill in any unwanted Cleaning your skin crevices, leaving your skin smooth setting Use a cleanser that is gentle on your skin. If your skin is dry, look for a product the stage for flawless makeup application. that has low pH numbers (4 or 5), and if your skin is oily or acne-prone, choose a cleanser that has a high pH number (6 or 7). Fragrance layering Fragrance layering involves the combining of Wash your face and neck gently using a small circular motion, start at your neck, products from your favourite fragrance and and rotate toward your nose or counter clockwise. Remember your forehead and body care ranges to create a more intense, the areas in front of your ears. longer lasting, top to toe scent.

Exfoliating your face and neck Some of the products available to compliment Exfoliating removes dead skin cells and prepares your skin for a makeup application. your favourite scent can include soap, shower When exfoliating use gentle circular motions and be sure to rinse face and neck gel, bath milk, body mist, body lotion, body completely with warm water. Pat dry with a clean towel. Do not rub your face, as crème and hair mist. this can cause damage to the skin. By incorporating your favourite scent into all aspects of your beauty routine you Using a facial serum will be complimenting the scent while extending its longevity. A facial serum will add moisture to your skin all-day long, and give it a natural glow. Apply the serum to dry skin just after exfoliating. Use small dots and dab it on to Your Slade Pharmacy beauty specialists are here to help you learn more about your face with the tip of your index or ring finger. Gently blot it in to the skin with layering your fragrances and assist you to select the products that will combine one finger so you don’t apply too much pressure to sensitive skin areas. well with one another. Moisturise For your daily makeup routine use an all-day moisturising lotion that matches your skin type.* Press the moisturiser onto your face rather than rubbing it. Eye cream The area around the eye is one of the first places to show signs of aging so it is very important to care for this area.

For darkness and puffiness try a cooling eye gel or serum. For fine lines and dryness combine both an eye serum and eye cream for optimum results.

*Some contain SPF15.

41 42 Back to challenge YOURSELF contents Our own brand VOUCHERS

TO GOOD HEALTH Tear off vouchers and hand to cashier at time of purchase. There are a number of ways we can challenge ourselves through the year to keep ourselves feeling good, while raising money for those in need.

Here are a few ideas. How will you challenge yourself? Febfast 30% off 30% off Held in February each year, Febfast is a personal health a Cough and Cold a Skin Care challenge and fundraiser to support young people product in the product in the experiencing serious disadvantage. You can take on Pharmacy Choice Pharmacy Choice the challenge as an individual or as part of a team. range range Fun runs Fun runs are a great social event where you can enjoy the outdoors. Run or walk as an individual, with the family or as part of an office or social team. 30% off 30% off a Sun Care a Pain Relief Charity walks product in the product in the Walking is more leisurely way of stepping out for Pharmacy Choice Pharmacy Choice a good cause. range range Bike Rides Cycling is a great form of exercise and getting more popular every year. Bike rides are a great day out for all the family. 30% off 30% off Social events a Digestive Health a Sports Therapy Social events with friends or at work are another way product in the / Pain Relief product in to raise money for charities and feel good about Pharmacy Choice the Pharmacy Choice your achievements. range range

Your choice

My FUNDRAISING GOAL 30% off 30% off $ a Sinus and Allergy a product in the product in the Faulding vitamin Pharmacy Choice range 43 range * Valid to 31/12/2016. Present at cashier. *Valid to 31/12/2016. Present at cashier. One voucher per customer. One voucher per customer.

*Valid to 31/12/2016. Present at cashier. *Valid to 31/12/2016. Present at cashier. One voucher per customer. One voucher per customer.

*Valid to 31/12/2016. Present at cashier. *Valid to 31/12/2016. Present at cashier. One voucher per customer. One voucher per customer.

*Valid to 31/12/2016. Present at cashier. *Valid to 31/12/2016. Present at cashier. One voucher per customer. One voucher per customer.