ANRV386-GG10-22 ARI 7 August 2009 8:22 The Toxicogenomic Multiverse: Convergent Recruitment of Proteins Into Animal Venoms Bryan G. Fry,1 Kim Roelants,2,∗,∗∗ Donald E. Champagne,3 Holger Scheib,4 Joel D.A. Tyndall,5 Glenn F. King,6 Timo J. Nevalainen,7 Janette A. Norman,8,∗∗ Richard J. Lewis,6 Raymond S. Norton,9,∗∗ Camila Renjifo,10 and Ricardo C. Rodrıguez´ de la Vega11 1Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Bio21 Institute, University of Melbourne, Melbourne 3010 Australia; email:
[email protected] Annu. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet. 2009. Key Words 10:483–511 toxin, phylogeny, evolution, convergence First published online as a Review in Advance on July 16, 2009 Abstract The Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics Throughout evolution, numerous proteins have been convergently is online at recruited into the venoms of various animals, including centipedes, This article’s doi: cephalopods, cone snails, fish, insects (several independent venom sys- 10.1146/annurev.genom.9.081307.164356 tems), platypus, scorpions, shrews, spiders, toxicoferan reptiles (lizards Copyright c 2009 by Annual Reviews. and snakes), and sea anemones. The protein scaffolds utilized con- by UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE on 10/08/09. For personal use only. All rights reserved vergently have included AVIT/colipase/prokineticin, CAP, chitinase, 1527-8204/09/0922-0483$20.00 cystatin, defensins, hyaluronidase, Kunitz, lectin, lipocalin, natriuretic ∗ See page 511 for coauthor affiliations. peptide, peptidase S1, phospholipase A2, sphingomyelinase D, and Annu. Rev. Genom. Human Genet. 2009.10:483-511. Downloaded from SPRY. Many of these same venom protein types have also been con- vergently recruited for use in the hematophagous gland secretions of invertebrates (e.g., fleas, leeches, kissing bugs, mosquitoes, and ticks) and vertebrates (e.g., vampire bats).