The Geology and Mineral Resources of the John Day Region by Arthur J
VOLUME I NUMBER 3 MARCH, 1914 THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON Published Monthly By The Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology Small'? Ranch and Field's Mountain on John Day River. CONTENTS. The Geology and Mineral Resources of the John Day Region by Arthur J. Collier Entered aa second clam matter at Corvallis, Ore. on Feb 10, 1914, according to the Act of Aug. 24, 1912. OREGON BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY COMMISSION Omci or THE COMMISSION tit YEON BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON Omci or THE DlHECTOB CORVALLI8. OREGON OSWALD WEST, Governor STAFF COMMISSION HENBT M. PARES, Director ARTHUR M. SWABTLET, Mining Eng'r H. N. LAWBIE, Portland IRA A. WILLIAMS, Ceramist W. C. Fraxows, VVhitney SIDNEY W. FRENCH, Metallurgist I. ¥ RSDDT, Medford C. T. PBALL, Ontario FIELD PARTY CHIEFS T. 8. MANN, Portland P. L. CAMPBELL, Eugene A. N. WlNCHBLL W. J. KERB, Corvallis U. 8. GBAHT A J. COLLIEB SOLON SHEDD GSOBOB D. LOUDBBBACE VOLUME I NUMBER 3 MARCH, 1914 THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON A Periodical Devoted to the Development of all her Minerals PUBLISHED MONTHLY AT CORVALLIS BY THE OREGON BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY H. M. PARKS, Director *THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE JOHN DAY REGION. By Arthur J. Collier. The John Day river basin in the north central part of Oregon has been for many years a favorite place for geologic exploration, on account of the occurrence there of vertebrate fossils. In recent years, however, attention has been further directed to this region from time to time by reports of the discovery of coal, oil, gas and other mineral resources.
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