Irrigation and Streamflow Depletion in Columbia River Basin Above the Dalles, Oregon

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Irrigation and Streamflow Depletion in Columbia River Basin Above the Dalles, Oregon Irrigation and Streamflow Depletion in Columbia River Basin above The Dalles, Oregon Bv W. D. SIMONS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 1220 An evaluation of the consumptive use of water based on the amount of irrigation UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1953 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Douglas McKay, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. E. Wrather, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. - Price 50 cents (paper cover) CONTENTS Page Abstract................................................................................................................................. 1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 2 Purpose and scope....................................................................................................... 2 Acknowledgments......................................................................................................... 3 Irrigation in the basin......................................................................................................... 3 Historical summary...................................................................................................... 3 Legislation................................................................................................................... 6 Records and sources for data..................................................................................... 8 Stream depletion due to irrigation...................................................................................... 10 Consumptive use by crops.......................................................................................... 11 Methods of measurement..................................................................................... 12 Experiments with soil tanks....................................................................... 12 Lysimeter experiments................................................................................ 13 Experiments with field plots...................................................................... 13 Determinations of soil moisture................................................................ 14 Fluctuations of the water table.................................................................. 14 Studies of inflow and outflow..................................................................... 15 Estimates of average consumptive use............................................................ 15 Irrigated areas and estimated streamflow depletion........................................................ 18 Columbia River above the international boundary................................................... 23 Kootenai River basin........................................................................................... 23 Pend Oreille River basin.................................................................................... 25 Clark Fork above Missoula, Mont.............................................................. 26 Clark Fork below Missoula, Mont.............................................................. 27 Clark Fork at St. Regis, Mont.................................................................... 29 Flathead River.............................................................................................. 31 Pend Oreille River below Z Canyon near Metaline Falls;, Wash.......... 32 Columbia River at international boundary........................................................ 35 Columbia River, international boundary to Grand Coulee Dam.............................. 36 Kettle River.......................................................................................................... 36 Colville River....................................................................................................... 37 Spokane River....................................................................................................... 38 Columbia River at Grand Coulee Dam, Wash.................................................... 39 Columbia River, Grand Coulee Dam to Snake River................................................ 40 Okanogan River.................................................................................................... 40 Methow River........................................................................................................ 42 Chelan River......................................................................................................... 45 Entiat River.......................................................................................................... 46 Wenatchee River................................................................................................... 47 Columbia River at Trinidad................................................................................ 49 Crab Creek............................................................................................................ 50 Yakima River........................................................................................................ 52 Columbia River, between Yakima River and Snake River.............................. 57 Snake River basin........................................................................................................ 58 Snake River above Heise.................................................................................... 58 Snake River, Heise to King Hill........................................................................ 60 Henrys Fork.................................................................................................. 61 Portneuf River.............................................................................................. 63 Minor tributaries, Neeley to King Hill...................................................... 64 Mud Lake area............................................................................................. 66 Little Lost River.......................................................................................... 66 Big Lost River.............................................................................................. 67 Big Wood River............................................................................................. 67 III IV CONTENTS Page Irrigated areas and estimated streamflow depletion Continued Snake River basin Continued Snake River, Heise to King Hill Continued Snake River at King Hill, Idaho............................................................ 69 Snake River, King Hill to mouth.................................................................... 70 Bruneau River......................................................................................... 70 Snake River, King Hill to Murphy.......................................................... 72 Owyhee River........................................................................................... 73 Boise River............................................................................................. 78 Malheur River........................................................................................... 81 Payette River........................................................................................... 84 Weiser River............................................................................................. 88 Snake River, Murphy to Weiser.............................................................. 90 Burnt River............................................................................................... 91 Powder River........................................................................................... 93 Snake River, Weiser to Oxbow............................................................... 95 Pine Creek............................................................................................... 96 Imnaha River.................................................................................. ......... 97 Salmon River............................................................................................ 99 Grande Ronde River................................................................................ 102 Clearwater River..................................................................................... 104 Snake River, Oxbow to Clarkston......................................................... 106 Columbia River, Snake River to The Dalles....................................................... 108 Walla Walla River............................................................................................ 108 Umatilla River................................................................................................. 110 Willow Creek.................................................................................................... 112 John Day River................................................................................................ 113 Deschutes River.............................................................................................. 116 Columbia River near The Dalles, Oreg........................................................ 121 References cited............................................................................................................ 123 Index................................................................................................................................ 125
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