OF THF. liaptist itttsstonarjj £>ocit%

Addressed to the General Meeting, held at


On Thursday, June 19,




Relative to the Society.








On Thursday, June 19, 1828, at Spa Fields Chapel:

W. B. GURNEY, E sq .


Moved by the Rev. I s a i a h B i r t , of Hackney, seconded by the Rev. F. A. Cox, LL.D. I. That the Report now read be adopted, and circulated under the direction of the Committee ; and that while this Meeting grate­ fully acknowledges the Divine goodness, in the degree of success which has been granted to the efforts of the Society, from the period of its formation, it cherishes a humble confidence that events ap­ parently adverse, as well as those of a pleasing character, will, in the providence of God, concur to promote the cause of Christ in the world.

Moved by the Rev. W. H. M u r c h , Theological Tutor of the Stepney Academical Institution, seconded by the Rev. E u s t a c e C a r e y , II. That this Meeting sincerely rejoices in all the tokens of his gracious approbation with which God has been pleased to honour the exertions of kindred Institutions, and desires ever to cherish unfeigned affection and regard for all who are engaged in an enter- prize at once so arduous and honourable.

Moved by the Rev. E b e n e z e r H e n d e r s o n , D.D. President of the Missionary College, Hoxton, seconded by the Rev.

W i l l i a m Y a t e s , from Calcutta, III. That the proceedings of the Gentlemen who have conducted the business of the Society for the past year are cordially approved; and that the following be the list of Officers and Committee for the next year, with power to fill up such vacancies as may occur. 4

C v e a e u w r,


^ C r e ta n ), REV. JOHN DYER.


M e s s r s . J. DANFORD, W. BURLS, J u n . a n d P. MILLARD.

(Sfitcral tfommittie,

R ev. J. ACWORTH, Leeds. C. ANDERSON, Edinburgh. W. H. ANGAS. G. BARCLAY, Irvine. J. BIRT, Manchester. T. BLUNDELL, Camberwell. T. COLES, Bourton, E. CLARKE, Truro. T. S. CRISP, Bristol. M. FISHER, Liverpool. S. GREEN, Bluntisham. R. HALL, Bristol. C. HARDCASTLE, Wateriord. W. HAWKINS, Derby. J. HOBY, Weymouth. R. HOGG, Kirabolton. R. HORSEY, Wellington. T. HORTON, Devonport. W . INNES, Edinburgh. J. JARMAN, Nottingham. J. KERSH AW , Abingdon. S. KILPIN , Exeter. J. LISTER, Liverpool. J. MILLARD, Lymingtoi). T. MORGAN, Birmingham. W . H. M URCH, Stepney. J. MURSELL, Leicester. W . NICHOLLS, Collingham. S. NICHOLSON, Plymouth. I)R. NEWMAN, Bow. J. PAY N E , Ashford. R. PENGILLY, Newcastle. I J\. PRYCE, Coate. 5

P. J. SAFFERY, Salisbury. S. SAUNDERS, Liverpool DR. STEADMAN, Bradford. M. SAUNDERS, Howarth. M. THOMAS, Abergavenny. T. WATERS, Worcester. ‘ J. J. W ILKINSON, Saflrou Walden. T. W INTER, Bristol.

M e s s r s . B. ANSTIE, Devizes. J. M. BUCKLAND, Hackney. W . BURLS, Edmonton. J. DEAKIN, Glasgow. J. DEAKIN, Birmingham. J. DENT, Milton. J. FLETCHER, Tottenham. J. HANSON, Hammersmith. C. HILL, Scarborough. T. KING, Birmingham. J. LOMAX, Nottingham. W. POLLARD, Ipswich. B. SHAW , Clapham. J. SHEPPARD, Frome.

Central tfcmtmttfr.

R e v . I. BIRT, Hackney. R e v . J. KINGHORN, Norwich. C. E. BIRT, Portsea. | I. MANN, London, J. CHIN, Walworth. j C. T. MILEHAM, Newington. W . COPLEY, Oxford. G. PRITCHARD, London, D r. COX, Hackney. j J. UPTON, London. R. DAVIS, Walworth. ! Messrs. W . BEDDOME, London. T. C. EDMONDS, Cambridge. | G. BLIGHT, London. W . GILES, Chatham. ! J. FOSTER, Biggleswade. T. GRIFFIN, London. W . B. GURNEY, London. W . GRAY, Northampton. J. GUTTERIDGE, Camberwell. W . GROSER, Maidstone. J. MARSHALL, London. J. H. HINTON, Reading. S. SALTER, London. J. IVIMEY, London.

Moved by the Rev. J o h n B l a c k b u r n , one of the Secretaries of the London Christian Instruction Society, seconded by the Rev. T h o m a s M o r g a n , of Birmingham,

IV . That the thanks of this Meeting are especially due to the Ministers who have travelled and advocated the cause of the Mission, as alstfto the Auxiliary Societies, Ladies’ Associations, and al! other a friends who have kindly aided the Society:—that they be requested to continue their exertions, and to connect with them fervent prayer that the supply of the Spirit of God may render them increasingly beneficial.

Moved by the Rev. I saac M a n n , of London, seconded by the Rev. J ohn Ste ph e n so n , Wesleyan Missionary from Barbadoes,

V. That the respectful acknowledgments of the Society be pre­ sented to the Trustees of this Chapel; to the Rev. Rowland Hill and the Trustees of Surrey Chapel; and to the Rev. J. H. Evans, for the obliging loan of their respective places of worship on the present occasion.

Moved by the Rev. S a m u e l N i c h o l s o n , of Plymouth, se­ conded by the Rev. D a n i e l C l a k a b u t , of Tring,

V I. That the next Annual Meeting of the Society be held in London, on Thursday, June 18, 1829.

Moved by J o h n B r o a d l e y W i l s o n , Esq. Treasurer to the Society, seconded by the Rev. J o h n D y e r , Secretary,

V II. That the Chairman, W. B. Gurney, Esq. be requested to accept our respectful thanks for his kindness in presiding over the proceedings of this day. l i l a n o f tW Society*

I. The name by which the Society has been, and still is designated, is, “ The Particular Baptist Society for propagating the Gospel among the H eathenor, “ The Baptist Missionary Society.” II. The great object of this Society is the diffusion of the knowledge of the religion of Jesus Christ through the heathen world, by means of the preaching of the Gospel, the translation and publication of the Holy Scriptures, and the establishment of Schools. III. All persons subscribing 10s. 6d. per annum, donors of £10. or upwards, and Ministers making annual collections on behalf of the Society, are considered as Members thereof. IV. A General Meeting of the Society shall be annually held; at which the Committee and Officers shall be chosen for the year ensuing, the Auditors of Accounts appointed, and any other business pertaining to the Society transacted. V. A General Committee, consisting of eighty Members, shall be appointed for the purpose of circulating Missionary Intelligence, and promoting the Interests of the Society in their respective neighbourhoods; nine-tenths of whom shall be eligible for re-election for the ensuing year. VI. A Central Committee shall be formed out of the General Com­ mittee, more immediately to conduct the affairs of the Society : which Committee shall meet monthly, in London, on a fixed day, for the despatch of business. VII. Besides the Treasurer and Secretaries of the Society, who shall be considered Members, ex officio, the Central Committee shall consist of twenty-jive persons; of whom sixteen shall be resident in London, or its immediate vicinity, and nine in the country; five Members to be deemed a quorum- The Committee to be empowered to fill up, pro tempore, any vacancies from death or resignation. VIII. All Members of the General Committee shall be entitled to attend and vote at the meetings of the Central Committee; and whenever the attendance of any Member or Members shall be particularly desirable, the Central Committee shall be empowered to request such attendance ; in which case, the Member or Members so invited shall be considered as part of the quorum. IX. All monies received on behalf of the Society shall be lodged in the hands of the Treasurer; and when the amount shall exceed £300, it shall be invested in the public funds, in the names of four Trustees to be chosen by the Society, until required for the use of the Mission. potine of B luest.


I give out of my monies, or personal estate, unto the Treasurer, for the time being, o f the Baptist Missionary Society, the sum of . for the use of such Society. And I declare that the Receipt of such Treasurer shall be a sufficient discharge for the same.


I give out of my monies, or personal estate, unto the Treasurer, for the time being, of the Baptist Missionary Society, the sup of to be applied to the sole purpose of promoting the Translation and Printing the Scriptures. And I declare that the Receipt of such Treasurer shall be a sufficient dis­ charge for the same.

*** Those friends who wish to promote the extension of Native Schools, may, by distinctly stating their desire, effectually secure the application of their contributions or bequests to that specific object.

All persons who may have bequeathed to the Baptist Missionary Society, Legacies payable out of the late 5 per cent. Bank Annuities, are hereby respectfully requested to provide a substitute in their Wills, or by Codicils thereto, out of some other part of their Personal Estate. And further, that in all bequests of Stock, there be superadded, that in case there shall not be any, or sufficient money in the Stock named in the W ill or Codicil to pay the said Legacy, that the same be paid out of the residue of the Testator’ s Personal Estate. RE PORT.

In presenting: their usual Report of proceedings for the past year, the Committee o f the Baptist Missionary So­ ciety did not intend to allude to the recent separation between the Society and the brethren at Serampore. After having stated, as clearly and dispassionately as they were able, the causes which led to that event, and the reasons on which their own conduct was founded, it was hoped that each party would pursue, without any unkind or rival feeling, the great object to which the attention of both is professedly directed. This hope however has not been fully realized. A pamphlet has lately appeared, containing such representations of the pro­ ceedings of the Committee, as render it necessary for them, in justice to themselves and their coadjutors, to furnish their constituents with the means of judging how far these state­ ments are correct. The pamphlet in question was published too recently to allow of the preparation of a reply previous to the Annual Meeting; but it will be put to press without any avoidable delay. In the mean while, the Committee desire to bear in mind themselves, and entreat their friends at large to remember, that ‘ the wrath o f man worketh not the righteousness of God; and that if, in this state of imper­ fection, the harmony of Christian brethren must sometimes be interrupted; it becomes them still most anxiously to guard against the indulgence of any dispositions at variance with the gospel of peace and love.

O f the foreign stations in connexion with the Society, those at Calcutta and in its immediate vicinity first claim our atten- B 10 tion; accounts from which, up to the close of the year 1827, have just been received. Mr. R o b in s o n , though far from having regained a firm state of health, has been enabled steadily to pursue his accus­ tomed labours at the Lai Bazar Chapel, and has been gra­ tified by the addition of seven persons to the church under his care. H e speaks of G o r a c h u n d and C h o d r o n , the native preachers, and of their itinerating services, with approbation. Our missionary strength in Calcutta, always very inadequate to the wants of so important and influential a station, has been diminished during the past year by the return of our esteemed brother Mr. Y a t e s to his native land, and .the departure of Mr. B oa RDM a n , a valuable missionary from our American brethren, for Burmah, the sphere to which he was originally destined. Sickness, also, has been permitted to interrupt in some degree the labours of Messrs. T h om as and G. P e a r c e , the former of whom supplies the church in the Circular Road during the absence of Mr. Y a t e s . “ Still,” remark our bre­ thren in the letter before alluded to, “ we are happy to say that, although the congregation has in some measure lessened, and although we do not witness that fervour in divine things which was last year experienced, peace and unanimity continue to reign in the church, and we have been favoured with a degree of prosperity, eight having joined the church by baptism dur­ ing the last year. The greater part of these are soldiers be­ longing to His Majesty’s fourteenth regiment of foot. There appears to be a great work going on among these pious men; they find their meetings together in the Fort refreshing to their own souls and effectual in the conversion of their careless comrades.” Mr. C a r a p ie t A r r a t o o n has been regularly engaged, in connexion with some young men belonging to the Juvenile Society, in ministering to the natives in the places of worship more especially devoted to their use. These are six in num­ ber, and by a detailed statement which has lately been fur­ nished us, it appears that in them considerably.more than 1000 persons may be reckoned as hearing the gospel, every month, from the lips of a single missionary— a fact which conveys a 11 cheering idea of the extent to which, by all the various means in operation, the truths of divine revelation are proclaimed in this great city. “ The Benevolent Institution,* superintended by Mr. and Mrs. P e n n e y , continues to afford pleasing indications of use­ fulness, by preparing many for suitable situations in life ; and from the religious character of the Institution, not a few have been called by divine grace to profess the name of Christ. Their walk and conduct are consistent with the gospel, and having imbibed a share of Missionary zeal, they delight to make known the glad tidings to others. W e have favourable hopes of six of the monitors now in the school, who appear to be the subjects of serious impressions, three of whom are Hindoos of respectable connexions. The heart of man, how­ ever, is deceitful, the great adversary is watchful, and the world, especially in these parts, is full of vanity. Hence we rejoice with trembling, and earnestly pray that wherever the Lord has begun a work of grace, he will carry it on with power, and enable us to say of many, ‘ Are not these brands plucked from the burningV and to Him shall be the glory. “ The pecuniary assistance which we have received from our friends in India calls for our gratitude. Amongst these, the ladies of the Circular Hoad Chapel have formed an Aux­ iliary Female Society, which realized in the first half year about 1000 rupees. W e doubt not you will feel your exer­ tions the more animated by seeing those of your fellow- Christians in this heathen country. * This valuable seminary, commenced by the Serampore brethren in the year 1809, and still under their direction, is maintained by voluntary contributions from the Indian jjublic, in addition to which some pecu­ niary aid has lately been granted by government. Mr. and Mrs.

P e n n e y , by whom it has been long and efficiently superintended, were sent out by the Society, and are in full connexion with it, and accounts o f their labours have been regularly transmitted in connexion with other operations o f the junior Missionaries in Calcutta with whom they are associated. Hence the Committee have embodied this information in their Report; but, certainly, not with the remotest wish of dero­ gating from the value and importance of the labours of the Serampore Missionaries; or with the least suspicion that their doing so would be disapproved by them. 12 “ The members o f the Juvenile Society continue to prose­ cute their labours with some degree of success. W e are happy to perceive that although several of their (original) number have removed to different parts of India, others are raised up to occupy their places. The prayer meetings con­ ducted in private houses are well attended, and have proved a blessing to several. W e expect one of their number will soon join the church. In the printing office much business is carried on, which promises materially to advance the pecu­ niary interests of the mission, as well as more decidedly to promote the salvation o f the heathen. Since we last wrote to you we have published two parts of a Commentary on the gospel of St. Mark in Bengalee by Mr. M u n dy of Chin- surak, and are printing a Bengalee translation of his work on the Evidences of Christianity; the former designed for the higher classes in schools, and the latter for the perusal of better-informed natives. W e also continue to print at our own expense (paper being furnished by the Tract Society) 500 copies monthly o f a sheet tract in Bengalee, and are com­ mencing a séries of neatly printed Tracts in English, designed for the benefit of our countrymen in this city. W e have also printed a useful little tract in Hinduwee by Mr. Adam of Benares ; and have in the press by the same author a Christian Catechism for the use of schools; twelve Discourses in Bengalee, by Mr. P e a r s o n , designed to assist Native preachers in the composition of their sermons; and a Cate­ chism in Oorya, by Mr. S u tto n of Balasore. All these tracts are printed partly or wholly at the expense of the Tract Sooiety. Besides these we have printed large editions of School Books in Bengalee, Hiuduwee, Hindosthanee, Per­ sian, Arabic and Sanscrit, for the Calcutta School Book Society, to which brother W . H . P e a r c e acts as Secretary during the absence of brother Y a t e s . In addition to what have been mentioned, several large works are in hand, either for Government, various Societies, or individuals. The edi­ torship, in whole, or in part, of most o f these publications falling on brother J ?ea rce, so fully occupies his time during the week, that he can do nothing more in native work thap 13 carry on the services of the Lord’s day alternately with bro­ ther C a r a p ie t , at Calcutta and Doorgapore. The printing office, having now attained considerable extent, and it being important to the interests of the Mission, that it should not be entirely dependent for its continuance on the uncertain life and health of one individual, it has been thought desirable, that another of the brethren should become so well acquainted with its management, as to be able, in case of necessity, to conduct it at least for a time. With this view, brother P e n n e y now devotes his leisure time to the office.” Particulars respecting the progress of Female Education, by which there is reason to hope a most beneficial change in the social character of the Hindoos will ultimately be produced, have already appeared in the Missionary Herald. Growing experience in this department has led our friends to contemplate an alteration in the mode of conducting it, respecting which we are daily expecting more ample informa­ tion. One feature of the plan, we already know, is the institution of a Native Female Asylum, in which the pupils may receive support, education, and clothing, for such a period as to ensure, with some degree of certainty, their permanent advantage. A little girl of five years of age was received as the first pupil on this new plan, in the month of July; and the annual expence for each pupil, it is stated, will not exceed the sum of £5. Circumstances have occurred in the last year, affecting the moral character of the native preacher PAUNCHOO, which rendered it necessary, in order to maintain the honour of the gospel, to separate him from the communion of the church; but we are rejoiced to find that, for several months past, the symptoms of genuine penitence have been so marked and decisive, as to satisfy our brethren of the propriety of his restoration to the privileges of Christian fellowship. Mr. K i r k p a t r ic k , of whose useful services mention has been made in former Reports, was solemnly designated to the work of a Missionary in the month of February last year, on which occasion Dr. C a r e y and Mr. S w a n , from 14 Serampore, kindly assisted; the former giving the charge, the latter delivering the introductory address. Mr. K ir k ­ p a t r ic k has since been chiefly employed at Howrah, in supplying the vacancy occasioned by the absence of Mr. S t a t h a m , who has been constrained by circumstances of a private nature, to give up the expectation of returning to India. Mr. F e n w ic k , another assistant labourer, raised up in the country, has been removed in the course of provi­ dence to Sylhel, near the North-East frontier of the Company’'« dominions, where he is encouraged by the local authorities in his attempts to make the gospel known to the surrounding natives. Before we close our account of this station, it may be remarked that a patient perseverance in Missionary efforts discloses new obstacles to the progress of divine truth. One of a very serious description exists in the present state of the Hindoo law of inheritance. This code, established in remote times, ratified by the Mussulmans, and still in force, enacts, that all who forfeit their caste, lose, at the same time, all patrimonial rights; so that no man of respectable station in society can profess himself a Christian, without being plunged at once into utter destitution. There is reason to suppose, that several Bengalees of property and influence are convinced of the truth and excellence of the Christian faith, but fear to avow their sentiments, because of the inevitable consequence. While we know that he who cordially receives the gospel, and lives under the vital in­ fluence of its power, will count all things but loss, for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ, it is most earnestly to be desired that the day may speedily arrive, when such obstacles as these to its fair and unprejudiced examination shall for ever disappear. A t Doorgapore, notwithstauding his exertions have been considerably impeded by ill health, Mr. G e o r g e P e a r c e has succeeded in raising a school for boys on the Missionary premises, which already contains about sixty pupils. By giving instruction in the English language as well as in Ben­ galee, he secures the attendance of children of a higher order 15 than usual in such schools, and thus another channel is opened for the admission of divine truth among the influential classes o f society. Great opposition was made at first to the in­ troduction of the Holy Scriptures, and for several days nearly all the pupils absented themselves on this account; but finding this expedient unavailing, they returned, and no farther objections have since been made. In addition to his engagements at Doorgapore,, Mr. P e a r c e shares with Mr. K ir k p a t r ic k the labour of the station at Howrah; but as this, on account of the distance, is attended with much inconvenience, he earnestly solicits that a Missionary may be sent from , to supply the place of Mr. S t a - t h a m ,— a measure which the Committee are anxious to execute with the least possible delay. The communications which have lately reached us from the station at Cutwa, though brief, are satisfactory. The Female Schools, which had been broken up for want of a suitable teacher, bave been resumed, and bid fair to be of great benefit to the pupils and their connexions. With respect to the more general aspect of affairs, we are happy to quote the testimony of our Missionary brother Mr. L e s l ie , who called at Cutwa on his return from a visit to Calcutta and Serampore, in November last, and remarks, “ My expectations were fully realized in the steady progress of the Mission there.” The native church at Sewry, in the district of Beer- bhoorn, is now under the pastoral superintendence of Mr. W il l ia m s o n , who expresses his hope that the members are attaining, by degrees, an enlarged acquaintance with the gospel, and exhibiting a greater practical conformity to its spirit and precepts. Four native preachers are con­ stantly employed in visiting the numerous villages around, and, it is hoped, not without effect, though nothing very decisive can at present be reported. Here also, though with great difficulty, Female Schools have recently been established, containing at the last accounts, thirty-three pupils. From Digah intelligence has been received, extending to 16 the close o f 1827, which is o f a very gratifying nature. Amidst the sorrows of bereavement, Mr. B u r t o n has been cheered by evident indications of a divine blessing od his labours. Twenty-nine individuals have been baptized and added to the church, among whom was one whole household, nominally professors o f the Roman Catholic faith. Am ong the native itinerants associated with Mr. B u r t o n in Missionary work, one called H u r r y D a s , was baptized eleven years ago by Mr. C h a m b e r l a in , and continues to this day to adorn the gospel he has so long professed. There are eight B oy’s Schools at this station, containing about 250 children ; but those for Native Females have, since the death of Mrs. B u r t o n , been of necessity discontinued. Some English gentlemen in the neighbourhood have kindly subscribed to­ wards the expense o f the schools. Though it does not appear that any considerable accession has been made of late to the church at Monghyr, and not a few of the European members have been removed by the fluc­ tuations to which Indian Society is so subject, yet the pros­ pect is so encouraging, as to lead Mr. L e s l ie gratefully to remark, that “ things never looked so well as at present.” The steady and persevering exertions of our Missionary brethren L e s l ie and M o o r e , and of the native assistants under their direction, seem to have produced a very powerful excitement among Hindoos and Mussulmen, in various classes o f society, both in Monghyr itself, and to a considerable dis­ tance around it. One incident which may be quoted in illus­ tration of this statement will prove that the conscience may some­ times be powerfully affected with alarm and disquietude, even after a long life has been spent under the hardening and debasing influence of heathen idolatry. “ A very old man,” says Mr. L e s l ie , “ seeing one of our native Christians, called to him to come to his door and speak with him. The Christian went. The old man began by saying, * I am very poor, and have no money in my house; I am anxious to ask you some questions, but I cannot pay you.’ The Christian said, ‘ I wish for no money ; please propose your questions.’ The old man then said, ‘ I have seen with my own eyes my son’s son’s son’s sons, and 17 they are all dead. Now I wish to know whether I shall see them all again in another world.’ The Christian having an­ swered this question, the old man further said— ‘ Now T wish to know whether they will receive as much punishment for their sins as I shall, who have lived longer than they all.’ This question being also answered, the old man said, ‘ I, from my great age, and from my many sins, perceive that I am carrying to the grave a very heavy burden, and I know not how to be delivered from it.’ Jesus then being made known to him as the bearer of his burden, he was very much af­ fected—if I mistake not, even to weeping. I have told the native Christians to be sure that they return to the old man. W ho can tell but he may be one of those in whom God will glorify himself by calling him at the eleventh hour ?”


Ceylon.— Mr. Ch a t k r , assisted by Mr. S ie r s , continues to supply the three distinct congregations in Colombo and its vicinity, and also regularly visits four villages at some distance. The churches at Colombo and Hanwell contain about forty members, five of whom were baptized in November last, and several others were expected soon to make a profession of their faith in Christ. O f the Missionary operations in this inter­ esting quarter, the schools form a hopeful feature; and Mr. C h a t e r assures us, that with an increase of agency and funds, they might be extended much more widely. The number of pupils in ten Boy’s Schools is 479, of whom 420 are constant in attendance. O f these 170 read the Cinghalese New Testament, and Mr. C h a t e r mentions that three youths, who have thus been educated, have already given decided evidence of conversion to God, one of whom was about to proceed to the college at Serampore, with an ultimate view to the Christian ministry among his countrymen. In addition to the schools we have enumerated, there are three females, under the superintendence of Mrs. C h a t e r which contain 115 girls. c 18

Towards the end of the year, the health of Mr. C h a t e r was so much impaired, that he undertook, at the recom­ mendation of his medical friends, a voyage to Bombay. W e have been happy to learn that this measure has been attended with considerable benefit, and the very kind and brotherly attentions received from Missionaries and other Christian friends at Bombay, and elsewhere, have greatly refreshed the spirits of our esteemed brother, while they exhibit a new and delightful proof of the union existing between all who are truly engaged in the Redeemer’s cause. Java.— It was stated in our last Report that Mr. B r u c k n er had been instructed to remove to the neighbouring island of Sumatra, as the unsettled state of affairs in Java afforded scarcely any prospect of maintaining the Mission there with the hope of success. A late letter from Mr. B r u c k n e r , however, in connexion with the steps which have become necessary with regard to Sumatra, has led the Committee to desire Mr. B. to remain where he is, at least till he has been enabled to print his translation of the New Testament, which has for some time been ready for the press. Sumatra.— Notwithstanding the return of Mr. E v a n s and his family to this island was deemed inexpedient, it was hoped that Mr. W a r d would be able to maintain the station at Padang, and that Mr. B r u c k n e r might, with advantage, have been associated with him there. Under this impression Mr. W a r d removed from Bencoolen thither, and in the full expectation of Mr. E v a n s ’s return, purchased, on behalf of the Society, premises for his own residence. But later ac­ counts afford no rational ground to expect that, while the poli­ tical state of thè island remains as it is, any thing can effec­ tually be done, for the propagation of the gospel there. It has been resolved, therefore, to instruct Mr. W a r d to remove to Bengal, as soon as ever suitable arrangements can be made for the disposal o f the Society’s premises at Padang; and it is not improbable that his footsteps may be ultimately directed to Ceylon, where he would doubtless prove a valuable coadjutor to our respected brother C h a t e r , who has so long borne, almost singly, the burden of that important station. 19 To be compelled thus to suspend our efforts for the advan­ tage of a numerous body of ignorant heathen, who appear not unwilling to receive instruction, and for whom it is actually prepared, is undoubtedly very painful. But these are among the mysteries of his conduct whose path is iti the great waters, and whose footsteps are not known. Still we may dente encouragement from the assurance that the populous and fèrtile islands of the Malayan Archipelago axe included in the grant made to the Redeemer, and shall ultimately be taken possession of as his inheritance. The Lord hasten it in his time ; and may his people never forget to pray that an ef­ fectual door may speedily be opened among them for the en­ trance of the everlasting gospel!


T?he Committee have great pleasure in reporting the fulfil­ ment of the hopes they ventured to express, at your last Annual Meeting, in reference to the consolidated slave act of Jamaica. His Majesty in Council has been graciously pleased to disallow the act in question, and the official announcement of this fact was atteuded by a distinct avowal on the part of government, o f their fixed determination to allow no unnecessary infringe­ ment on the religious liberty of any class of His Majesty’s subjects. When this intelligence reached Kingston, it occa­ sioned a considerable fermentation in the colonial legislature, who seem to have been entirely unprepared for such a decision : and soon after several of our Missionary brethren were sum­ moned before the House of Assembly, and examined by a Select Committee on a variety of particulars connected with their public station and proceedings. W e are not aware that any steps have as yet been taken, in consequence of these examinations; but would rather indulge the hope, that our colonial fellow subjects mayat length lay aside their groundless jealousies in reference to Christian Missionaries, and interpose no further obstacles to the free circulation of the gospel among those who are subject to their authority, “ lest haply they should be found even to fight against God.” 20 While we gratefully acknowledge the interposing hand of Divine Providence in the instance already mentioned, it must be remembered that the result of the enactment, now happily repealed, has been largely to augment the claims of our Ja­ maica Mission for pecuniary assistance. In the confidence that they should be sanctioned by the generous approval of the Society at large, the Committee have listened to these claims ; and the continued and eminent success which God has condescended to grant to our exertions there, will lead to earnest desires that the scale of operations may be greatly en­ larged, rather than^that it should be contracted within narrower limits. After having been absent for several months from the people of his charge, on account of the indisposition of his valuable partner, Mr. C o u l t a r t returned to Kingston in the month of September last : and his long experience rendered his pre­ sence particularly seasonable in the subsequent period of agitation already referred to. The church under his pastoral care has been favoured with new manifestations of divine goodness since his return; and the last letter which arrived mentioned that about eighty persons had been baptized on the first Sabbath in A.pril. Since the return of Mr. T in son and his friends into their new Chapel, the number of hearers has increased, and twenty- five have united with them in church fellowship ; others were expected to follow. Mr. T in s o n , however, has been exercised with domestic affliction ; and as his own health begins to prove inadequate to the various labours in which he is constantly en­ gaged, he has been meditating a visit to the United States of America, with a view to its restoration ; and it is probable that ere now his design has been put in execution. Twenty members have been added to the newly formed church at Port Royal, under the care of Mr. K n ib b , three of whom had been previously pupils in the Sunday School. Another examination has been held of the large Institution for children of both sexes, conducted by Mr. K n ib b , on the British System, at Kingston, the result of which was highly satisfactory


In reviewing the whole field of the Society’s operations during the year now closed, we discern especial cause for thankfulness in the fact that death has not been permitted, either in the East or in the West, to make any diminution in the number of our missionary band. The Committee would have felt still greater satisfaction had it been in their power to announce a consider­ able augmentation to its strength; but they have not been able to send forth any other additional labourer than Mr. J o­ s e p h B u r t o n , whose departure for Jamaica has already been noticed. Mr. Y a t e s , whose visit to this country has had a very beneficial influence on his health, hopes shortly to return to the sphere of his labours at Calcutta; and the Com­ mittee are very anxious to reinforce their stations in the East, as well as to occupy those so urgently pressed upon them in the West. The applications from candidates for missionary service have, of late, been uniformly directed towards the latter portion of the great field; but it would gratify the Com­ mittee to hear of some well-qualified brethren, disposed to bend their footsteps towards India also. The prospect, it is true, may not on all accounts be so immediately inviting; but the final result of our efforts, under the divine blessing, is equally certain and glorious: and when it is considered that the city of Calcutta, and its environs, alone contain a far greater number of heathen than the whole associated popu­ lation of all our W est India islands, it is exceedingly desirable that attempts for their conversion should be made on a much more extensive scale than has yet been adopted. Though the extraordinary demands which have occurred in the past year have obliged the Committee to have re­ course to a loan to meet them, there has been no defalcation in the ordinary receipts of the Society. On the contrary, the amount received for the general fund of the Mission exceeds by more than £1000 that of the year preceding; although the amount of legacies, always most uncertain, has been less than before. This proof of divine goodness (for such they desire to es­ 25 teem it) the Committee would most gratefully acknowledge; and regard it as a pledge, that while the Society perseveres, with a single eye to the glory of God, steadily to prosecute His work according to the best of their judgment and ability, He will incline the hearts of his people to supply whatever pecuniary means are requisite. Among the more considerable donations by which the Society has been aided, we have gratefully to specify a re­ newed contribution of £200 from the Netherlands Mis­ sionary Society ; and the sum of £300 towards the expenses of several of our Jamaica stations, paid, on the spot, by the kind directions of the gentlemen who manage the concerns o f the New England Society. W e have had much pleasure, also, in receiving the sura of ¿f?14, as the first fruits of a small Auxiliary Society formed among the Baptist Churches in New Brunswick. At Belize, too, some friends have testified their willingness to aid the Society, which has now for several years maintained the worship of God among them, and £27. 18s. 6d. has lately been forwarded, the amount of their free-will offering. A t home, the widely extended visits of our much respected friend Mr. C a r e y , have been eminently useful in exciting a Missionary spirit, and quickening the impulse of Christian liberality. To the many friends by whom Mr. C. and other esteemed advocates of the Society, have been so cordially re­ ceived, and so liberally assisted, the Committee would pre­ sent their sincere acknowledgments; combined with the earnest hope that favourable impressions will also be p er­ manent, so that the treasury of the Mission may not depend for its supplies on the irregular movements of transient feeling, but derive them from the perennial springs of charity and faith, fed by the constant sense of gratitude for divine mercies, and cheerful hope in the divine promise. The Society is under obligations to the British and Foreign Bible Society, for a grant of Bibles and Testaments for Jamaica, and to the Religious Tract Society, for supplies of printing paper, forwarded to Calcutta and Padang. In the class of individual donors, we have again to insert the D 26 names o f onr generous and persevering benefactors, T h o m as K e y , Esq. of Water Fulford, and Mr. D e a k in , of B ir­ mingham ; the former of whom, besides his customary bene­ faction of £200, has presented £50 to the West India fund. More recently, the Secretary has been directed to insert the names of J. B . W il s o n , Esq. our munificent Treasurer, and J ohn M o r t l o c k , Esq. as Contributors to the same fund, of £200 each; donations which have been made in the con­ fidence that the example will be promptly and generally fol­ lowed, so that the Society may be relieved from the incum­ brance under which it now labours.

In conclusion, the Committee once more commend the work in which they are engaged to the prayers, the affection, and the liberality of the friends of Christ. Conscious, as they are, of much deficiency in faith, in wisdom, and in all the graces needful for sustaining so high an enterprize, they trust it is no presumption in them to say, that they have endeavoured to maintain a conscience void of offence, both towards God and man: and they derive grateful satisfaction from the thought, that proofs of the divine acceptance of their humble labours were never more evident than at the present moment. Never had we to report, from year to year, such numbers of immortal souls, rescued from the power of sin and Satan, by the agency of the Society; never was it so evident, that upon India, the fortress and citadel of idolatry, the lever has begun to operate, which, pressed by more than mortal hand, shall upturn from the very foundation its infernal system of guilfe'and delusion. But while the heart thrills with ecstasy at the prospect of an emancipation so glorious and sublime, let us remember that every effort which the Prince of Darkness can employ, will be put into full requisition, in order, if possible, to im­ pede our progress, and defeat our hopes. From without, he will rouse the spirit of bitter and malignant opposition ; within, he will labour to enkindle the unhallowed fires of strife and contention, and by alienating from each other the hearts of Christian brethren, to paralyze their exertions in the cause for which their common Saviour bled and died. But shall he succeed? Your hearts, beloved Christian friends, unitedly respond, God forbid. Nor will he, if the trials through which our Society is called to pass, become the means of increasing our humility, purifying our motives, recalling us from an undue reliance on human instruments, and fixing our devout and cheerful expectations more entirely on His faithfulness who cannot lie— on His power who is able to subdue all things to Himself. To Him be glory and honour for ever and ever ! LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS


JUNE 1827 t o JUNE 1828.

This List is made up to the 30th June, and hence the contributions of two years, from severa places and individuals, will be found in this number. The Accounts for the year are balanced on the 31st May. In the column between the names and the sums, the letter M, denotes Mission, T, Translations, S, Schools, and F, Female Education; where no letter appears, it will be understood that the contributions belong to the head last specified.

BEDFORDSHIRE.E. £ *• d. £ s. d. Waller, Mr. R...... M 0 10 0 Baptist Asso. by Mr. Saunders. M 2 0 7 Market Street. Penny Society... 3 7 6 Bedford. Association by Rev. S. Maulden and A mpthUl. Moiety Hillyard...... 15 0 0 of Coll. at Annual Meeting.... 8 16 0 Collection at Rev. Mr. King’s... 3 3 8 Hall, Rev. J. K ...... Don. 1 0 0 Gamby, Mr...... 0 JO 0 Sliarnbrook. Collection...... 4 3 6 Kilpin, Mr. Joseph...... 0 10 6 Steventon. Collection...... 2 6 2 King, Rev. T ...... 1 1 0 Three Friends...... 0 15 0 Missionary Box by Mrs. King.. 0 19 1 Stoughton. Barker, Mr...... 0 10 0 Biggleswade. Blott, Mr...... 0 14 0 Collection at Annual Meeting... 4 3 0 Friends, and small Sums...... 1 2 6 Foster, John, Esq...... 3 3 0 Goodliffe, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Foster, Mr. Blyth...... 1 1 0 Howkins, Mr. John...... 0 10 0 Geard, Mr. L. B ...... 0 10 6 Knight, Rev. J...... 2 yrs. 1 1 0 Penny Society...... 15 0 0 Knight, Mrs. J...... 0 10 0 Peck, Miss...... 2 yrs. 1 1 0 Jamaica...... 0 17 6 Topham, Mr...... 0 10 0 Carlton. Abrahams, Miss E., 0 5 0 Williamson, Mr...... 2 yrs. 1 1 0 Collection...... 2 16 10 Woolston, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Dunstable. Chambers, Mr... 0 10 6 Toddington. Ramsey, Rev. T .... 0 16 6 Collection...... 23 14 0 Cook, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Cook, Mr. Michael...... 0 10 6 BERKSHIRE Earaes, Mr...... 1 1 0 Flowers, Mr...... 0 10 0 Newbury. Bance, Mr...... 0 10 6 Freeman, Mr...... 0 10 6 Barfield, J. Esq...... 1 1 0 Gutteridge, Mr...... 2 2 0 B. F...... 0 10 0 Gutteridee, Mr. jon...... 1 1 0 Bicheno, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 0 10 6 Brinton, Miss...... 1 0 0 Ì Brown, Mr ;...... 1 1 0 11 7 6 Bull, Mr...... 1 0 0 Leighton Buzzard. Champion, Mr. A ...... 1 1 0 Penny Society...... 7 0 5 Collection...... 6 1 2 Saunders, Richard, Mr.. 1 1 0 Deane, Mr. T...... 0 10 6 Luton. Bolton, Mr...... 0 10 6 Dryland, Rev. W ...... 1 0 0 Bolton, Mr. B ...... 0 10 6 Elkins, Mr...... 1 1 0 0 10 6 Elkins, Mr. J...... 0 10 6 27 3 9 Elkins, Mr. S...... 0 10 0 Ewer, Mr...... 1 1 0 Friend...... 0 10 0 Friend...... 0 10 6 Gale, Mr. E. E. W ...... 5 0 0 G atte ridge, Mr., 0 16 0 Graham, Mr...... 1 1 0 Marriott, M rs... 0 10 0 Graham, Mr. F ...... 1 1 0 1 1 0 Harbert, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Penny Society... 36 3 11 Hedges, Mr...... 2 0 0 Spencer, Mr...... 0 10 6 Hibel, Mr...... 0 10 6 Waller, E. Esq. 1 1 0 Hughes, Mr...... 1 1 0 29

£ *.

£ s. d. CORN W ALL. Chesham. Collection by Rev. E. Carey.,.. 12 14 9 Co r n w a l l A u x il ia r y S o c iety. Do. by Mr. Elliott, jun...... 3 7 0 Falmouth Branch. Do. by Mrs. Bates...... 5 5 6 Do. by a friend ...... 5 16 1 £ s. d. Mead, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Alport, Mr. W .¡..i...... M 1 1 0 Penny Society at Mrs. Hall’s Bond, Mr. W . H ..,.;...... 0 10 6 Seminary...... 1 0 0 Carne, John, Esq...... 1 0 0 Tomlin, Rev. W ...... 1 1 0 Collections at Falmouth and Two Friends...... 1 10 6 Flushing, after Sermons by Williams, Miss...... 1 0 0 Dr. Steadman, Mr. Griffin, &c, 14 12 10 Crendon. Collection at Independent Chap. Collected by Miss Dodwell.. 0 18 0 Penryn...... 2 6 0 Do. by Mr. Hopcraft...... 0 9 8 Downing, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Emberton. Johnson, Mr...... 1 1 0 Fox, C. G. Esq...;...... F 1 0 0 Fenny Stratford. Fox, Mrs. C...... 1 0 0 Collected by Mr. W . D. Harris 5 0 0 Fox, Mr. E ...... S 1 0 0 Golihill. Coll. by Mr. Ives...... 0 14 2 Fox, Alfred, Esq...... 0 10 0 Haddenham. Collected by Mrs. Gay, Mr...... M 0 10 0 Stranks and. Misses Franklin Gay, Mrs...... 0 10 0 and Yeary...... 4 4 0 Jordan, Mr...... 0 10 6 Missenden. Missionary Associa­ Kinsman, R. J. Esq....:...... 0 10 0 tion, by Rev. T. Price..... 19 16 0 Missionary Boxes ;...... 2 13 0 Newport. Ward, Mr...... 1 1 0 Do. Bag, by Mrs. Thomas . 0 14 3 Olney. Andrews, W . Esq...... 2 2 0 Mogg, Mr...... 0 10 0 Collections by Messrs.. Yates Read, Mr. E ...... 1 1 0 and Carey...... 22 9 3 Spasshatt, Mr...... 1 1 0 Cox, J. B. Esq...... 1 1 0 Sunday School ...... 1 8 1 Cox, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Symons, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Davison, M«-- S...... 0 10 6 Trestrail, Mr...... 0 10 fi Osborn, Mr. John ...... 0 5 0 Trevosso, J. D. Esq. M .D...... I 1 1 0 Simmons, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 Watkins, Captain...... ! 1 1 0 Smith, Miss A . and M,...... 2 0 0 i 1 Do...... Don. 5 0 0 by Mrs. Watkins and others, Wilson, Mr. W ...... M| 1 1 0 and sums under 10s...... 8 18 '2 Princes Risborough. Moiety of Contributions...... 3 16 8 Ilelston Branch. Quainton. Collected by Mr. D. Walker.... 0 9 Collection after Sermon by Mr. Coombs...... Swanbourne. Collection...... 0 7 1 17 7 Waddesdon H ill Collection.. Do. after Public Meeting..... 2 16 7 Hawkey, Joseph, Esq . Wingrave and Aston Abbott#. 1 1 0 0 10 0 Cox, Mr...... 1 1 Osier, Mr. S...... Rogers, Mr. T ...... C Moiety of Collection...... 2 9 0 10 Sandys, Colonel...... 2 0 0 Thomas, Mr. R, N ...... 1 0 0 Weekly Subscriptions collected CAMBRIDGESHIRE. by Miss N. Rogers and others 3 1 G Williams, Mrs. S...... 0 12 G North-East Cambridgeshire So­ ciety, Moiety of a Collection Penzance Branch. at the formation...... 3 8 6 Barham, Mrs...... Cambridge. 1 0 0 Auxiliary, by Mr. E. Randall... 63 Barham, Dr...... 1 I 0 Collections..»....)...... - ...... 105 Browp, Mr...... ] 0 0 For Native Girls’ School, by Came, Joseph, E sq...... 1 1 0 Clapham, John, Esq...... Mrs. Foster (half-year) 12 10 0 10 0 Isleham. Contributions by Rev. Collection afteT Sermon at Jor­ J. Reynolds...... M 3 12 6 dan Chap. by Dr. Steadman... 5 10 0 Sohvm. Do. at Queen-street, by do... 4 13 3 5 5 7 Contributions of Baptist Friends 6 14 10 Do. at Public Meeting...... Collected by Mr. Allen...... 1 1 0 Do. by Miss Rowlyns . 0 8 3 Dennis, Miss;...... 1 1 0 Morgan, Mrs...... 1 0 0 CHESHIRE. Peck, Mr. John...... 1 0 0 Chester. Subscriptions by Mrs.j Pidwell, S. Esq...... 1 1 0 London ...... j Weekly Subscriptions and small Mission. Box and Sunday School] sums at Jordan Chapel...., 2 15 4 31

£ s. d. DEVONSHIRE. Redruth Branch. £ s. d. Andrew, Mr. Joseph...... M 0 10 0 Boveytracey. Coll. by Dr. Stead­ M 4 0 6 Boase, Miss...... 0 10 6 man ...... Cock, Mr...... 0 10 0 Savery, Mr...... 1 0 0 Collection after .Sermon by Mr. Dartmouth. Contributions. 5 17 0 Griffin and Public Meeting... 7 3 Devonport. Batten, Mr..... 1 1 0 Eade, Mr. M ...... 0 10 Collections at Pembroke St..... 8 13 0 Friends, by Mr.Provis and others 0 19 Ditto at Millbrook...... 1 10 9 Heynes, Mr...... 0 10 Ditto at Public Meeting, Pem­ Jenkin, Mr. Alfred...... S 0 10 broke Street...... 6 & 0 Juvenile Society...... 1 6 4 Magor, R. Esq...... M 1 0 Ditto by Mr. Horton...... Magor, Miss...... 0 10 8 10 0 1 1 0 Magor, John, P. Esq...... 1 0 Foster, Mr...... Michell, R . Esq. Rovier, 1 0 Ditto...... 5 0 0 Molesworth, Rev. H ...... 0 10 Miall, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Pinsent, Mr...... 1 1 0 Morcom, Mr. Elisha...... 0 1 Rudd and Fegan, Messrs...... Sums under 10s...... 2 9 0 10 0 Exeter. Coll. by Rev. S. Kilpin 7 18 0 Willyams, John, Esq. Scorrier Ditto...... 4 6 6 ' House...... 1 0 Contributions by Rev. S. Kilpin Willyams, John, jun. Esq...... 3 5 6 0 0 Sub. by Rev. John Mason...... 6 4 0 Chacewater. Collection after Ser­ Collection ...... 12 15 0 mon, by Dr. Steadman 1 19 3 Moiety of Sub. abd Don., by Francis, Capt. W ...... 0 10 0 Mr. Bury...... Morcom, Capt...... 2 0 0 10 10 10 Morcom, Mr. Joseph...., 0 10 4 Collected at the Anniversary Weekly Subs, by Miss Morcom Meetings...... 16 2 11 0 15 8 Kingsbridge. Collected at the An­ nual Meeting...... 7 6 3 Truro Branch. Juvenile Society...... 1 0 2 Bastian, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Hingston, Mr. J. jnn...... 0 10 0 Butcher, Mr. St. Austle 0 10 0 Nicholson, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 Clarke, Mr...... ■2 2 0 Snow, Mrs. C...... 0 10 0 Clark, Mr. T ...... 0 10 6 Torring, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Collection after Sermons, by Dr. Weekly Sub...... 5 6 2 Steadman...... 4 7 2 Ditto by Misses Lavers & Sin- Do. by Mr. Griffin..... 2 12 8 kins...... 1 5 0 Do. at Public Meeting 3 12 8 Ditto by Miss E. Ltiscombe. 0 19 0 Edgcome, Miss...... 1 I 0 Ditto by Miss M. Prettejohn 1 17 8 Ilarpur, Mr...... 0 ]0 c Wilcocks, Mr. T ...... 0 5 0 Hoblyn, Thomas, Esq. 1 0 0 Modbury. One-third of Coll 1 7 8 Knight, Mr...... 0 10 6 Plyinouth. Derry, Mr...... 2 0 0 Missionary Boxes...... 1 1 8 Derry, Mr. D ...... 1 1 0 Peter, W .Esq. C/iiverton. Don. 10 0 Gandy, Mr. H ...... 010 6 Sunday School...... 4 months 1 0 9 Gibson, Mr. J...... Tilly, C. Esq ...... 2 yrs. 1 0 0 How Street Society in aid of WeeklySubscriptions,and other Missions ...... 15 9 I small sums, collected by Miss Prance, Mr ...... I 1 0 Hornblower, Mrs. Isbell, and Moiety of Contributions.., 13 2 2 others...... 21 1 7 Williams, Mr. S.;.....-..... 0 10 6 Grampound. Collection after Sermon by Dr. Steadman...... 2 0 9 Croggon, Mr. T ...... 0 10 0 Moiety of Weekly Subs, by Misses Croggon and others.... 1 17 6 DORSETSHIRE. Searle, Mr...... 2 0 0 Small sums...... 1 4 0 Dorchester. Yeatman, — Esq.... 1 1 0 Kingston. Pitt, W . M. Esq...... 1 1 0 Loughwood. Collection by the Rev. R. Gill.. M 2 0 0 Lyme. Association moiety of funds, by Mr. Edwards...... 2 15 10 School, half-year’s Sub. by Mrs DERBYSHIRE. Flight, for Digah....;...... S 4 0 0 Sherborne. Chandler, B. Esq.... IV] 2 2 0 Chesterfield. Collection...... I | 9 9 G Coleman, B. F. Esq...... 1 1 0 Derby. D o...... 42 II 0 Vowell, Mr. B...... 1 1 e Swinburn, Mrs...... ' ! 5 0 0 Wliitty, S. Esq...... 1 1 0 Su'imwick. Collection...... I ! IS Jf> 3 Weymouth. Altier, Mr...... 1 1 0 32

£ s. d. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Beddome, Mr...... M 1 1 0 Drayton, Mrs...... 1 1 0 £ s. d. Flint, Mr. T ...... 0 10 0 Chalford. Bath, Jacob, Esq...... M 0 10 0 Gibson, Mr...... 0 10 6 .Bath, Miss...... 0 10 0 Hall, Mr...... 0 10 6 Collections by Mr. J. Deane..... 2 17 0 Harding, Mr...... 0 10 6 Coleford. Subs, by Rev. J. Fry.. 10 0 0 Harvey, Mrs . 1 0 0 Trotter, Mr. G ...... Don. 10 0 0 Hoby, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 Easlcombes. Colls, by Mr. Pro- Hoby, Mrs...... 1 1 0 bert...... 2 13 0 Loader, Mr...... 1 1 0 Gloucester. Coll. by Miss Rees.. 2 8 0 Movie, Mrs...... 0 8 0 Ditto...... Ditto...... 4 0 0 Rolls, Mr...... 0 10 6 King Stanley. Cousins, Rev. Jas. 0 10 6 Thomas, Mr...... 1 1 0 King, Mrs...... 0 8 0 Welsford, G. Esq... 1 1 0 King, Mr. P...... 1 1 0 Wyatt, Mr...... 0 10 6 King, Miss...... 1 1 0 Various small sums 1 6 1 Smaller Subscriptions...... 4 9 6 Minchinhampton. Neale, Mrs... 1 1 0 Nailsworth. For Sliorticood School, by Miss Bliss...... 15 0 0 Ryeford. Friends by Rev. Mr. ESSEX. Williams...... 1 5 0 Jones, Mr. B...... 0 15 0 Stroud. Clutterbuck, Mrs...... 0 10 Braintree. Contributions...... 12 5 6 0 Ditto Friends at Rev. J. Car- Hawkins, Rev. H ...... 1 1 0 Hawkins, Mr. H ...... ter’s ...... 2 11 6 0 10 6 Ditto Young Ladies at Mrs. Par­ Hobson, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Nash, Miss H...... 1 1 ker's ...... 1 0 0 0 Colchester. Auxiliary Society by Smaller Subscriptions...... 2 15 6 Mr. Patmore...... 12 19 4 Wilson, W . S. Esq...... Don. 1 1 0 Francis, W . W . Esq...... 1 1 0 Tetbury. Estconrt, Rev. E. New­ ton...... Friend...... 1 0 0 1 1 0 Penny Society by Miss M. Over- Nice, Mr...... 2 yrs. 42 0 0 |)Ufy...... 2 6 0 Earls Colne. Contributions...... 6 8 6 38 12 JIalstead. Ditto...... 5 7 10 Tewkesbury. Contributions...... 0 Collected after a Sermon by Mr. Ditto...... ' r 5 3 0 Statham...... 2 0 6 Ditto...... p 17 17 6 Friends at Mr. Bentall’s...... 1 10 0 Ilford. Angas, G. F. Esq...... 1 1 0 Missionary Association by Rev. HAMPSHIRE. Jas. Smith...... 22 ]3 0 Andover. Friends, by Mrs. Davis M 5 0 Hall, W . Esq...... Don. 5 0 0 Ashley. Collection...... 0 14 Welsted, C. Esq...... 1 1 0 Beaulieu. Ditto...... 2 0 Ipswich. Carter, Mr...... 0 10 0 Lymington. Auxiliary Society... Francis, Mr. J. O...... 0 10 6 Collection..;...... Hatch, Rev. S...... 0 10 0 Drawbridge, G. Esq...... Juvenile Society by Mrs. Hatch 0 18 6 Hollis, Mr...... Kealy, Mr...... half-year 0 5 0 Macdonnell, Mrs...... Leverett, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Millard, Rev. J...... Limmer, Mr...... 0 10 0 West, J. Esq...... Page, Mr. E ...... 0 10 0 Wickenden, M'ss...... Penny Subscriptions...... 1 8 7 Milford. Collection...... Subscriptions under 10s. each.. 0 19 11 P ortsea, P ortsmouth, and Langhum. Contributions...... 15 14 0 Gosport A uxiliary. Loughton. Collection by Rev. E . Carey.... 12 0 0 Absalom, Mr...... 1 1 0 Missionary Association, by Rev. Anonymous by Rev. C Birt..... 10 0 S. Brown...... 10 3 0 Beasley, Mr...... 0 10 6 Potter Street. Contributions..... 3 0 0 Birt, Rev. C...... 1 1 0 Saffron Walden. Collection..... 13 16 8 Buhb, Mrs ...... 0 10 6 Day, Mr. R ...... r 0 10 0 Collection atMeetinghouse Alley 17 7 11 Gibson, Mr...... 1 1 0 Do. at White’s Row...... 7 10 0 Gibson, Mr. G...... 1 1 0 Do. at Dock R ow ...... 3 10 0 Gibson, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Do. at Forton...... 3 1 2 Martin, T. Esq...... M 1 1 0 Do. at Ebenezer...... 2 11 0 Thorp. Missionary Box...... [ 0 12 0 Do. at Lake Lane Chapel...... 2 7 8 Waltham Abbey. | Do. at Marie-la-Bonne Chapel.. 1 0 0 Auxiliary Soc. by Rev. R. Davis 3 0 o 1 Do. at the Anniversary Meeting 13 0 7 £ *. d. ‘ Cooper, W . Esq...... M 0 10 0 Stcny. Collection...... \1 .7 0 0 Crassweller, Mr...... 0 10 0 Mursell, Rev. W ...... o •J 0 Dock Row Juvenile Society..... 6 0 5 Whitchurch. Dunn, Miss...... 1 1 0 Bevan, Silvanus, Esq r 5 0 ft Ellis, Mr. W . jun ..... 1 1 0 Ditto...... S 5 0 0 Ellyett, Mr...... 1 1 0 Collection...... M 2 17 a Forton Branch Weekly »Sub­ Davies, Mr. P ...... 1 1 0 scriptions...... (2 thirds) 3 0 0 Freeman, Mr. .J...... 1 1 0 George, Mr...... 1 1 0 Nethercliff, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Goodeve, Joseph, Esq...... 0 10 0 Wristbridge, Mr. J... 0 10 0 Goodeve, Beryamin, Esq..... 0 10 0 Srey, Sir George...... 2 2 0 3-rey, Lady...... 1 1 0 HEREFORDSHIRE. Griffin, Rev. J...... 0 10 6 Helby, Mr ...... J 0 0 Bromyard. Coll. by Miss Hopkins 1 3 o Hinton, Rev. B. H ...... 0 10 6 Kington. Missionary Assoc, by Holland, Miss...... 1 1 0 Rev. S. Blackmore...... 10 0 0 Horsey, Mr. S...... 0 10 6 Leominster. Missionary Box by Horsey, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Rev. T. Waters...... 2 4 0 Horsey, Mr. Joseph...... 0 7 6 Ross. Coll. by Mr. W . Hill...... T 1 7 I) Howard, D. Esq...... 1 1 0 Do. by Mrs, Lewis...... F 3 ti () Kemp, Mr...... 1 1 0 Do. by Mrs. Wall...... 7 (1 0 Lake Lane Sabbath School, by Jaynes, Mr. C...... M 1 1 0 Rev. T. Tilly...... 10 0 0 Do. Branch Society (two-thirds weekly subs.) ...... 2 5 6 HERTFORDSHIRE. Lower, Mr...... 1 1 0 Marie-1 a-Bonne Sabbath School Box Moor. b* Mr. Ralfs...... 4 16 6 Collected'by Mrs. Pearce...... Mason, Capt JR.N...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions by Mrs. Carey..... M'Gregor, Mr...... 1 I 0 Uemel Hempstead. Meetinghouse Alley Branch(two- Association by Mr. Howard..... thirds) ...... 6 3 11 Hitchin. Collections by Mr. Miall, Rev. D ...... 0 10 6 Carey, Baptist Chapel...... Morris, Rev. T ;...... 0 10 0 Do. Independent Chapel...... Phillips, Mr...... 0 10 6 Subscriptions by Miss Brndley.. Ralfs, Mr...... 1 1 0 New Ulill. Auisden, Mr. T ...... Ring, J. Esq...... 0 10 6 Blaine, Mrs...... Robinson, Mr...... 0 10 6 Butcher, Mr. Thomas...... Rouse,Mrs. and sums under 10s. Collection at Aston Clinton..... each...... 1 2 6 Elliott, Mr. Thomas..;...... Salem Chapel Branch (two- Female Auxiliary by Mrs. Elliott thirds)...... 0 7 5 Grover, Mr. W ...... Ditto Sunday School...... 1 9 1 Kingham, Mr...... Shoveller, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 Kingsley, Mrs. W !_____ Some Friends at Ebenezer Cha­ Lake, Mr...... pel by Mrs. Headden...... 2 14 0 Meacher, G. Esq...... Spicer, D. Esq...... 0 10 0 Olney, Mr. D ...... Tilly, R e v .T ...... 0 10 6 Small Sums by Rev. D. Clarabuf W ebb, John, Esq .2 yrs. 1 1 0 Sutton, Mrs ...... White’s RoW Branch (two- Weekly Subscription by Misses thirds). ....:...... 5 6 9 Ginger and W ells.,...... Young, M r...... 0 10 6 Rot/ston. Beldam, Mr. John.. Young Ladies at Miss Holland’s 0 16 6 Beldam, Mr. Joseph...... Romsey. Coll. by Rev. E. Carey 8 8 6 Butler, Mr. John ...... Southampton. Bullax, J. Esq..... 1 1 0 Butler, Mr. W . F ...... Collection ...... 14 0 0 Fordham, Mrs. John...... Cuitis, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Fordham, Mr. E...... Draper, Rev. B. H...... 0 10 6 Lucas, Mr. W ...... Ellyett, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Nash, W . W . Esq...... Giles, Mrs...... 0 & 0 Piggot, Mr. James . Lindoe, Dr. and Mrs...... 2 0 0 Pendered, Mr. John...... Maurice, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Quarterly Subscriptions...... Missionary Box by Miss M. A. Wedd, Mr. Joseph..;.^...... Maurice...... 4 12 6 St. Albant. Collection, Public... Oakley, Mr. P ...... 1 0 0 Harris, Mr. W ...... Scorey, Mr. G ...... 0 10 6 Gomme, Mr...... Williams, T. Esq...... 1 0 0 Weekly and montlilv Subs.., E 34

! A‘ $.

£ s. d. £ s. d“ Greenwich. Penny Subscriptions and Miss. . Friends, by Mr. Toss will...... 10 6 1 Boxes...... M 0 15 4 Maidstone. Beeching, Mr...... 0 10 0 Ran well. Mr...... 1 1 0 Beeching, M iss„...... 0 10 0 Rogers, Mrs...... 2 yrs. 1 0 0 Bentlif, Mr. and Mrs. G ...... 0 18 0 Schillings, Miss...... 0 10 6 Bentlif, Mr. and Mrs. J . 0 14 0 Strang, Mr...... 1 1 0 Bentlif, Mrs. and Mr. James.... 1 0 0 Wates, Mr...... n lo 0 Dodson, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Groser, Rev. W ...... 0 10 6 Groser, Mr. J...... , ...... 0 10 0 Hugman, Mr...... 0 10 0 LANCASHIRE. Laker, Mr. and Mrs...... 1 5 4 Bacup, Hamilton, Mrs...... i 1 1 .0 Marchant, Mr...... 0 10 0 Ho worth, Mrs...... F 0 10 0 Prance, Miss...... 1 1 0 Hudson, M r....,...... M 1 1 0 Stanger, Mr. and Mrs...... 0 18 0 Hudson, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Steer, Mr. and Mrs...... 0 16 0 Lord, Mr...... 1 1 0 Stephens, Mr. and Mrs . 1 0 0 Lord, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Sums under 10s. each...... 12 6 9 Mareton, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Mailing. Collins,Mr. Miss. Card 1 16 0 Ormerod, George, Esq...... 1 0 0 Marden. Osborne, Mr. S.(2 yrs.) 2 2 0 Ormerod, Mrs^ G ...... F 0 10 6 Margate. Carthew, Mr. Thomas 0 10 6 Ormerod, Miss...... 0 10 6 <3obb, Francis, Esq...... 2 2 0 Do...... M 1 1 0 Cobb,T. W . Esq ...... 1 1 0 Ormerod, Miss B...... 1 1 0 €rotts, Mrs...... 0 8 8 D o...... F 0 10 6 Payne, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Sums under 10s. each, and Payne, Mrs. W ...... 0 10 6 omission...... 1 2 0 Ryhot, Mr...... 0 10 6 Do...... M 0 18 8 •Stevens, Mr. Ramsgate...... 1 1 0 Broad Clough. Whitaker, Mrs.. 0 10 6 Subscriptions for 1827...... 6 19 8 Colne. Collection...... 25 10 0 North End. Smith, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Contribution from Inghamites... 3 5 6 St. Peter's. Collection..., , 3 4 7 Penny Society...... 11 4 ,6 Cramp, Rev. T ...... 1 1 0 Latchford. Cramp, Rev. J. M ...... 1 1 0 Hart, Mrs. Martha, Hill Top.... 6 0 0 Missionary Boxes...... 0 15 10 Liverpool. Smaller Subscriptions...... 6 0 5 A Friend, by Rev. E. Carey.... 20 0 0 Sevenoaks. Allwork, Mr : 0 10 0 Contributions...... 34 8 6 Arnold, Mr. T ...... 1 1 0 D o...... F 21 18 0 Arnold, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 D o...... T 18 3 6 Bare ha in, Mr. A ...... 1 1 0 Do. for the Liverpool School.... S 15 0 0 Comfort, Mr...... 1 1 0 Do...... „... 8 8 0 Green, Mr. S...... 1 1 0 Do. Serampore Mission.,.,...... 2 2 0 Harrison, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Aspinall, Mrs. Kent Street...... 1 1 0 Harrison, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Do...... F I 1 0 Ladies’ Association...... 7 2 0 Aspinall, Miss...... , ...... 2 2 0 Parker, Mr. T ...... 1 1 0 Do...... m ! 2 2 0 Read, Mr...... Don. ] 0 0 D o...... T 2 2 0 Shirley, Rev. T ...... 1 1 0 Aspinall, Mr. William...... M 3 3 0 Skinner, Mrs...... ,..... , ...... 1 1 0 Do...... F 1 1 0 Southern, Mr...... 0 10 0 Blackburn, Mr. Surgeon...... M 1 1 0 Wearing, Mr. S...... 0 10 6 i Benson,, Mr. R. Lodge Lane..... ;s 1 1 0 Shnoter’s Hill. Bateman, Mrs...... M 0 10 6 Friends, by Mr. Williams...... 1 0 0 Bateman, late Mrs. Donation by Tenterden. Subs, by Miss Exall. 2 s 4 Mr. J. Jones...... 10 1 0 Subscriptions, by Miss Boorman 3 6 6 Cooke, Mr. Isaac, Mill Bank.... 1 1 0 Westerham. Female Society..... 7 13 0 Cearnes, Mr. Edward...... 1 1 0 Wootwich. Broad, Mr...... 0 10 Cearnes, Mr. Edward, jiui...... T 1 1 0 Collection after Sermon at Enon ° Crtmper, Mr. James, Toxteth Chapel...... 4 11 2 Park...... 1 1 Q Do. Mr. Freeman’s Chapel...... 5 6 6 D o...... S 1 i 9 Do. after Public Meeting...... 6 12 6 | Cropper, Mr. John, Do...... T 1 1 0 Dixon, — Esq...... 2 2 oj D o...... S 1 I 0 Freeman, Rev. A ...... 0 10 6 Cropper, Mr. Edward...... T 1 1 0 Gardiner, Mr...... 1 1 0 D o...... S i I 0 Griffiths, M r...... 1 0 0- Coward, Mr. John...... M 1 I 0 James, Mr...... 0 10 6 Freme, Thomas, Esq...... Don. 0 0 James, Rev. Thomas...... 0 10 0 Do. do...... Sub. 1 1 0 Jones, Lieut. R.N ...... 1 1 0 Freme, Mr. James, jnn...... 0 10 « Meredith, Mr...... 1 1 0 Ferry, Miss...... 0 10 Q 30

£ 8. i. £ s. d. Frnncnm, Mr. Jonathan...... M 0 11 6 Sedgwick, Mrs...... M 2 2 0 ray, Mr. Bookseller...... 1 1 0 ochdale. Ainsworth, Miss...... 1 1 0 gOpe, Mrs. Hope Street...... 5 0 0 Ainsworth, Miss Sarah...... 1 1 0 Hóimes, Mr. H. and Sons...... 2 2 0 Ainsworth, Miss Ellen...... 1 1 0 Houghton, Mr. R ...... 1 11 6 Barbie more, Mr...... 1 0 0 Harrison, Mr. Isaac...... T 1 1 0 Holt, Mr. O...... 1 0 0 Do...... F 1 1 0 Kelsall, M r...... 2 2 0 Do...... S 1 1 0 Kelsall, Mrs...... 1 1 0 liaigh, Mr. Bartin...... T 1 1 0 Littlewood, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 I iolden, Mr. R ...... M 0 10 6 Sums under 105. each...... 6 9 3 Do ...... ::...... T 1 10 6 Taylor, Mr...... 0 10 0 Do ...... S 0 10 6 Wilson, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Hodgson, Miss A ...... M Sabden, Collection...... 3 5 8 Johnson, Messrs. J. and Son..... 2 2 0 Wigan. Female Association, by Jones, Mr. John, Everton...... 1 1 0 Mrs. Brown. 6 0 0 Jones, Messrs. R. and Sons...... 3 3 0 Tíaye, Mr. Thomas, Castle St.... r 1 1 0 Lyon, Air. John, Great Hall St. M 1 1 0 Lister, Rev. James...... 0 10 6 LEICESTERSHIRE. Maynard, Mr. Thomas.... 0 10 6 Meiling Mr. Peter, Low Hill.... T 0 10 6 i Arnsby. Contributions...... M 19 2 0 Marples, Mr. D ...... 1 1 0 Collection...... 15 8 6 Paton, Mr. David, Seel Street;.. 1 1 0 Blaby. Penny Society ...... 2 1 0 7 Preston, Mr. Robert, Derby.... M 1 1 0 Bosworth. Weekly Collection... 6 0 0 Pritchard, Mr. Everton.. 0 10 6 D o...... 3 0 0 Rathbone, Mrs. Green B F 1 1 0 i'oxton. Contributions, by Rev. Do...... S 1 1 0 J. Burton ...... 5 0 0 M 1 1 0 Leicester. Collections...... 52 1 0 Children of the Sabbath School 1 10 0 Square...... 5 5 0 Cort, James, Esq...... 1 1 0 lïiishton, Mrs. Do. 1 1 0 For the Harvey Lane Female liushton, Miss Do. 1 1 0 School in India, Miss Cort.... 15 0 0 1 1 0 Mursell, Rev. J. P ...... 1 I 0 Slater, Miss, Russel Street., 1 1 0 Penny Society...... 5- yr. 10 0 0 Shingleton, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Robinson, C. B. Esq...... 1 1 0 Saunders, Rev. Samuel...... 0 10 6 Loughborough. Vaughan, Mr. Hay-market. 1 1 0 Annual Collection...... 5 7 0 Vaundries, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Babington, Rev. Mr...... 10 0 1 1 0 Barrow, Sir ...... 1 0 0 Yates, Mr. J...... T 1 1 0 Coil. by the Rev. W . Yates..... 1811 6 Yates, JVir. R. U. 1 1 0 Peach, T. M .D ...... 1 1 0 M 77 3 1 Penny Subscriptions...... 2 11 0 50 0 0 Phillips, Rev. Mr . 1 10 Do. at Cockspur Street..... 5 6 9 Lutterworth. Do. by Rev. D. Jones Independent Friends...... 7 0 0 2 5 Do...... ,...... 5 0 0 Slttepshead. 2 15 O Collection, by Mr. Yates . 7 0 0 Penny Subscriptions...... 3 7 3 30 0 0 T 3 0 0 Manchester. M •200 0 0 LINCOLNSHIRE 1 0 Blackburn, Mr...... 1 0 Boston. Coll. by Miss Wright Bruiuhall, M r...... 1 0 and others...... 6 16 6 Burv, Mr. J...... 1 0 Suhs. &c. collected _ by Mrs. Callender, Mr. W . R. 1 0 Leigh and Miss Wright, . 3 1 4 Culverwell, Mr. J....'.. ] 0 D o,.... Do....Mrs. S. Veall, jun. 3 10 11 Davenport, Mr...... 2 0 Westland, Mr...... 1 1 0 Davenport, Mr. jun... 0 0 Carlton le Moreland. Contribu­ Hadfiel«!, Mr. G...... 1 0 tions, by Rev. W . H. Newman 15 0 0 1 0 Do...... 17 0 0 Hudson, Mr. Isaac... 1 0 Grimsby. Collection...... 3 S 6 I.eese, Mr. J...... 2 0 Lincoln.» Allenby, Mr. E ...... 1 1 0 Pope, Mr. S .... 1 0 Braton, M r,...... 1 P 0 Pop«, Mr, l i ...... 1 i) Collected after St t mow & Public .Pope, Mr. H. ¿un:..:. 1 0’ Meeting ...... 13 « 3 1 37

£ s. d. £ s, d. Craps, Rev. J...... M 1 1 0 Burls, Mr. Charles . 1 1 0 Coupland, Mrs. R ...... Ö 10 0 Burford, Mr. D ...... 1 1 0 Ditto ...... S 0 10 0 Buttenshaw, Mr. E...... 1 1 0 Cropper, Mr J...... M 1 1 0 Butterworth, J. H. Esq 2 2 0 Haywood, Mr. J ....2 yrs. 1 0 0 Button, Mr. J. S...... 1 I 0 Hickson, Miss...... 1 0 0 Cadby, Mr. C. Devizes.. 1 1 0 Hickson, Miss S...... 1 0 0 Cadby, Mr. Stephen...... 1 1 0 Hickson, Miss E ...... 1 0 0 Carroll, Mrs...... 5 0 0 Keep, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Cartwright, Mr...... 1 1 0 Keep, Miss, Collected hy..... 1 10 8 Chamberlain, Mr. P ...... 0 10 6 Sunday School Collection..... 0 15 0 Chandler, Mr. J...... 2 2 0 Wriggle, Mr...... 1 0 0 Clarke, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Clayton, Rev. John...... 1 1 0 Clayton, Rev. John, jun. 1 1 0 LONDON AND ITS VICINITY. Collection at the Aunual Meetings, 1827: Allen, — Ei!>sq...... 1 1 0 Queen-street...... Angas, Rev. W . H .... 1 1 0 158 16 0 Anga«, G. F. Esq...... Wild-street...... 10 13 6 1 1 0 Surrey Chapel...... 80 8 6 Ashwell, Samuel, Esq. 2 2 r >0 Eagle- street...... 4 0 0 Annual Meeting...... 107 4 9 A u x il ia r y S o c ie t ie s. Do. 1828: Baptist Free School, Took’s-court, Eagle-street....,...... 5 1 0 Chancery-lane, Free Contribu­ John-street...... 63 8 9 tions of the Children, by Mr. Surrey Chapel...... 83 9 7 Kendrick...... 8 18 8 Spa-fields Do...... 96 0 2 Eliin Chapel, Fetler-lane, by Mrs. Cook, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Ehfiy...... 24 0 0 Cook, Mr. Joseph...... 1 1 0 Devonskire-sq. by Mr. — ...... Copling, J. Esq...... 1 1 0 Little Ailie-st. Chapel, by Rev. Creed, Mrs...... 1 1 0 W . Shenston. Cuniming, Mr...... 0 10 0 Female Auxiliary...... 10 10 0 Danford, Mr. John..... 1 1 0 Sabbath School ...... 1 7 6 Davies, Robert, Esq.., 1 1 0 Prescot-st. Chapel, by G. Morris, Davis, Mr. Will iam.... 1 1 0 Esq. (two-thirds)...... 50 0 0 Dyer, Rev. John . 1 1 0 Spcncer-place Chapel, by R. Cox, Dyer, Miss...... 1 1 0 Esq. (two-thirds). Dyer, Mr. William..... 0 10 6 Male Branch ...... 17 17 3 Dyer, Mr. John...... 0 10 6 Female Ditto...... 5 12 8 East, Mrs. sen...... 1 1 0 Collection...... 4 8 0 East, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Sabbath School...... 1 2 4 Edmeston, Mr. James, 1 1 0 Young Gentlemen at Mr. Box’s Exeter, Mr 1 1 0 Academy...... 2 2 0 Fernie, E. Esq...... 1 1 0 Gale, Samuel, Esq.,...... 1 1 0 Bagster, Samuel, Esq...... I 1 0 Gamble, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Barber, C. C. Esq... . 1 1 0 Gamble, M r.H ...... 1 1 0 Bartlett, W. P. Esq ...... 1 1 0 Gibbs, Mr. S...... 1 1 0 Barker, Mr. J .J ...... 1 1 0 Gillman, J. Esq ...... 1 1 0 Baynes, Mr. Richard...... 1 1 0 Gillman, William, Esq . 1 1 0 Beddonle, Mr. William ..... 1 1 0 Godwin, Mr. Bath...... 1 1 0 Beilis, Jonathan, Esq...... 1 1 0 Godwin, Mr. C...... 1 1 0 Bemveli, Joseph, Esq...... 4 4 0 Godwin, Mr. H...... 1 1 o Biclieno, J. E. Esq...... 1 1 0 Goodings, Mr. William.,...... 1 1 0 Bickersteth, Rev. E...... 1 1 0 Green, Mr. Stephen...... 1 1 0 Bickhann, Thomas, Esq...... 1 1 0 iiaddon, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Bickhat^i, Mr. William...... 1 1 Ó Hammond, George, Esq...... 1 1 0 Bickham, Miss...... 0 10 6 Hamilton, Mr. T ...... 0 10 6 Birt, Mr. William...... 0 10 • 6 Harrison, J. R. Esq. 1 1 0 Blackett, Mrs. J...... 1 1 0, Harvey, William, Esq., 1 1 0 Blight, Mr. Gilbert...... 1 1 Ö Heath, Mr. William., I 1 o BJight, Mrs...... 1 ! 0 Henderson, Mr...... 1 1 0 Booai, Mr. Abraham...... 1 1 0 Herbert, Mr. John . 1 1 0 Booth, Mr. Samuel...... 1 1 0 Heriott, Miss...... 1 1 0 Bosworth, Mr. N ...... 1 1 0 Hill, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Bousiield, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Hine, Mr. D ...... 1 1 0 Bousfield, Mr. William...... 1 ] 0 Hoare, Samuel, Esq... 5 5 0 Burls, William, Esq...... 1 1 0 Hobson, Mr. Jesse...... I I 0 Burls, Mr. William...... 1 1 0 Holdswoith. Mr. B. J. 1 1 0 «8

£ s. d. £ «. d. Houston, Samuel, Esq...... M 1 1 0 Tucker; R. Es M 1 1 0 Jackson, Abraham, Esq...... 1 1 0 Vonderheyde, 1 1 0 Jameson, William, Esq...... 1 1 0 Vonderheyde, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Jessop, Mr. J ...... 1 1 0 Walkden, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Johnson, Messrs. W . & G ...... 1 1 0 Warmington, J. Esq...... 1 1 0 Jones, Mr. M. G ...... I 1 0 Warmington, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Jones, Mr. J. D ...... 1 1 0 Wnymputh, H. Esq...... 2 2 0 Keeble, Mrs. by S. R ...... 1 1 0 Westley and Davis, Messrs., 2 2 0 Lainson, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 White, Mr. William...... 1 1 0 Langford, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Williamson, Mr. R ...... 1 1 0 Lea, Richard, Esq...... 1 1 0 Williamson, Mr. J...... 0 10 6 Lemare, Mr. J...... ] 1 0 Wilson, John, Esq...... 1 1 0 Low, Mr. James...... 1 1 0 Wilson, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Low, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Yallewley, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Low, Mr. John, jun...... 1 1 0 Lush in" ton, S. Esq. L L D . M.P. 3 3 0 M'Farlane, Mr. James...... 1 1 0 Mann, Rev. I...... I 1 0 WESTMINSTER AND VICI Marten, R. H. Esq...... 1 1 0 NITY. Marten, R . G. Esq...... 1 1 0 Adams, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Medlev, Samuel, Esq...... 1 1 0 Amedroy, Mr...... 1 1 Millard, Mr. Paul...... 1 1 0 0 Millard, Mrs...... 1 1 0 A uxiliary Societies. Muggeridge, N. Esq...... 1 1 0 Mnston, Mr. James...... 1 1 0 Burton-st. Chapel...... 5 17 4 Napier, Mr. William...... 1 1 0 Eagle-st. Chapel, by Rev. Joseph Newberry, Mr. S...... 1 1 0 Ivimey (one third)...... 16 0 0 Nichols, Mr. R ...... 1 1 0 Keppel-st. Chapel...... Overbury, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Hcnrietta-st. Chapel, by Rev. E. Palmer, George, Esq...... 1 1 0 Carey...... 13 13 0 Parnell, Mr. William...... 1 1 0 Sabbath School...... 2 0 0 Peek, Brothers, and Co...... 1 1 0 Bagster, George, Esq...... 1 1 0 Perram, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Bainbridge, T. Esq...... 2 2 0 Pewtress, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Bayley, Mr. William...... 1 1 0 Phillips, E. Esq...... 2 2 0 Benham, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Poncall, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Bowyer, Robert, Esq...... 1 1 0 Pratt, Rev. J. B.D ...... 1 1 0 Bowyer. Mrs...... 1 1 0 Prosser, Mr. E ...... 1 1 0 Bradford, Major...... 1 1 0 Rawlinsnn, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Broad, Mr. C...... 1 1 0 Reid, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Brooks, J. S. Esq...... 1 1 0 Reid, Mr. William...... 1 1 0 Chapman, Miss, by Mr. Flight. 2 2 0 Ridley, Mr. Samuel...... 1 1 0 Collins, Mr. William...... 1 1 0 Robinson, Samuel, Esq...... 1 1 0 Cooper, Mr. William...... 1 1 0 Robson, Mr. Isaac...... 1 0 0 Crowther, Mr...... 1 1 0 Rose, Mr. Joseph...... 1 1 0 Dawson, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Rost, Mr. E ...... 1 1 0 Desbois, Mr. D ...... 1 1 0 Rntt, George, Esq...... 1 1 0 Dunt, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Rntt, Miss...... 1 1 0 Dyer, John, Esq...... 1 1 0 Salter, D. Esq...... 1 1 0 Edwards, Rev. John...... 1 1 0 Salter, Samuel, Esq...... 1 1 0 Fell, Mr. John I 1 0 Samboarn, Mr. R...... 1 0 0 Flight, Joseph, Esq...... 1 1 0 Saunders, J. E. Esq...... 1 1 0 Freeman, Messrs. J. and W.. 2 2 0 Shenston, Rev. J. B...... 1 1 0 George, John, Esq...... 1 1 0 Shrubsole, William, Esq...... 1 1 0 George, Mr. Thomas...... 0 10 6 Simpson, Mr. D...... 2 yrs. 2 2 0 Gordon, J. E. Esq...... 1 1 0 Skerritt, Mr...... 1 1 0 Grove,\Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Sleap, Mr. J. F ...... 1 1 0 Gurney, John, Esq...... 3 3 0 Smith, Mr. Sargeant...... 1 1 0 Gurney, W . B. Esq...... 6 5 0 Smith, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Gurney, Mr. Joseph...... 2 2 0 Sparrow, Lady Olivia...... 5 0 0 Hay, Mr. Alexander...... 0 10 6 Stennett, Misses,...... 1 1 0 Henson, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Stephenson, G. Esq...... 1 1 0 Hoby, George, Esq...... 1 1 0 Stone, Mr. Nicholas...... 1 1 0 Ivimey, Rev. Joseph...... 1 1 0 Storks, Mr. R. L ...... 1 1 0 Jones, C. Esq...... 1 1 0 Stroud, fl. S. Esq ...... 5 0 0 Kinsey, Mr. Matthew...... 1 1 0 Suttaby, Mr, William.;...... 1 1 0 Kipps, Mr. T. G...... 1 1 V Taylor, Rev. J ...... 1 1 0 Knight, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Teape, Mr. H ...... 1 1 0 Lonsdale, Mr. R ...... 1 1 0 39

£ s. d. / ». d. Lowther, Mr. R...... M 1 1 0 Ramsden, R. jun. Esq...... M 1 0 0 Maliphant, Mr. G...... j 0 10 6 Salome, a ring sold...... 0 10 0 Marshal], John, Esq...... ; 1 1 0 Seafaring Friend, by the Secretar} 1 0 0 Marshall, Mr. S...... 1 1 0 Do. by S. Stanger, Fen rourt...... 1 7 6 Mason, Mr. T ...... 1 1 0 Small Sums...... 0 7 Í) Mills, Samuel, Esq...... 2 2 0 Young Ladies, at Miss Shepherd’« 0 10 0 Mitton, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Murray, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Nicholson, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Palmer, Mr. T ...... 0 10 <) SOUTH WARK a n d VICIN IT Y Parken, J. P. Esq...... 1 1 0 Penny, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Arpthorpe, Mr...... 1 1 0 Perkins, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Aikin, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Philips, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Arnold, ¿Mrs...... 1 1 0 Pitt, W . M. Esq...... 1 1 0 Collected by do...... 10 4 6 Pontifex, Mr. R ...... 1 0 0 Poole, Moses, Esq...... 1 1 0 A uxiliary Societies. Ratnsden, R. jun. Esq...... 1 1 0 Carter-lane Chapel, by Mrs. R. Rayner, Mrs...... 0 10 6 G. Marten...... M20 8 3 Rixon, Mr. Benjamin...... 1 1 0 Church-st. do. by Mr. R. Pontile* 23 3 4 Robarts, N. Esq...... 2 2 0 Maze-jtond do. by Mr. Luntley : Saunders, William, Esq...... 1 1 0 Alexander, Mr. D ...... 1 1 0 Shaw, Mrs. sen ...... 1 1 0 Annual Meeting...... 11 II 9 Smith, Mr. W . L ...... 1 1 0 Beddome, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Smith, Mrs. W . L ...... 1 1 0 Bell, Mr...... 0 10 6 Stennett, Mr. E ...... 0 10 € Benham, Mr. A ...... 0 10 0 Summers, Mr. Samuel...... 1 1 0 Butterworth, Mr. B...... 0.10 0 Summers, Mr. William...... 1 1 0 Cowell, Mr. B...... 1 1 0 Tathara, Mr. H ...... 1 1 0 Gurney, Mr. W . B ...... 1 1 0 Thickbroom, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Haighton, Mr...... 0 10 0 Thompson, Mr. H...... 1 1 0 Heath, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Thompson, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Heath, Mr. E ...... 1 0 0 Turner, Sharon, Esq 2 yrs. 4 4 0 Heath, Misses...... 1 0 0 Walker, Thomas, Esq...... 1 1 0 Jacobson, Miss...... 0 10 0 Wilberforce, William, Esq..... 5 5 0 Knott, Mr...... 0 10 0 Williams, Thomas, Esq...... 1 1 0 Longsden, D. Mr...... 1 1 0 Williams, Mr. B ...... 1 1 0 Luntley, Mr. J. J...... 1 1 0 Williams, Miss...... 0 10 6 Orange, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Phillipson, Mr...... 0 10 6 Phillipson, Mr. T ...... 0 10 0 Picton, Mr...... 0 10 0 Russell, Mr...... I 0 0 D onations. Russell, Mr. Joshua...... 1 0 0 A Friend, by the Secretary...... 25 0 0 Russell, Mr. Jacob...... 0 10 0 Do...... do...... 1 0 0 Spencer. Mrs...... 0 12 0 Do. by Mrs. Freeman...... 20 0 0 Sargent, Mrs...... 0 10 6 A Lady at Thetford...... 0 14 0 Spratley, Mr...... 1 0 0 Anonymous, Matthew vi. 3 ,4 ...... 3 0 0 Sums under 10s...... 0 15 3 An Old Friend of the Society...... 0 10 0 Sunday School Children...... 1 17 9 Adderley, Thomas, Esq...... 1 0 0 Turner, Mr...... 0 10 6 Biddle, Mr. by Rev. J. Upton...... 4 0 0 White, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Deedy, Miss, by do...... 0 10 0 D. L ...... by do...... 1 0 0 Benham, Mr. William..... 1 0 E. Y ...... 10 0 0 Evans, Mr. Thomas...... 1 0 Friend, by Rev. E. Carey...... 5 0 0 Fairey, Mr. John...... 1 0 Do. by Mr. Chandlen...... 1 1 0 Frid, Mr. Thomas...... 1 0 Do. by Rev. T . Griffin...... 2 0 0 Glass, Mr. Thomas...... 1 0 Do. to the Mission...... 2 2 0 Heath, Mr. Job...... 1 0 Friends, by Mrs. Langford and Heath, Mr. Ebenezer...... 1 0 Mrs. Wilmot...... 1 11 8 Hepburn, John, Esq...... 1 0 I. S...... 10 10 0 Mann,'Rev. Isaac...... 1 1 0 I. S. by Mr. E. Smith...... 5 0 0 Olney, Messrs. D. and T., 1 1 0 Jethro, M . H...... 1 1 0 Phillips, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 J. G ...... 10 10 0 Upton, Rev. James...... 1 1 0 Miss. Boxes, by a Female Servant 3 17 0 Westley, Mr. Robert...... 1 1 0 Do. by Mrs. Snackell...... 0 18 6 Priestley, Mrs. by W . B. Gur­ ney, Esq...... r> 0 0 40

£ s. £ s. d. Ba,tt£ rsea. Gurney, Mrs. E...... M 1 1 0 Rogers, Mr...... 2 yrs. I-Iughes, Rev. Joseph ...... M 2 2 0 2 0 0 Tritton, H. Esq...... 1 1 0 Watson, Samuel, Esq...... 1 1 0

W a n d s w o r t h . Brixton. Fanntleroy, Robert, Esq.. Giles, Thomas, Esq...... 1 1 0 2 2 0 Willott, Mr...... 1 1 0 Camberwell. Auxiliary Female Society, bv Miss Gutteridge...... 54 I 6 MIDDLESEX. Cowell, J. Esq. W are...... 1 1 0 Bow, &c. Cowell. J. jun. Esq...... 1 1 0 Ellis, Peter, Esq...... 1 1 0 Freeman, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Favell, Samnel, Esq...... 1 1 0 Collected by Miss'Maywood., 6 4 9 Giles, William, Esq...... 1 1 0 Do. by Mrs. French...... 0 7 0 Kentish, J. Esq...... 1 1 0 Do. by Miss Hughes...... 2 13 4 Russel, Miss...... 1 1 0 Huntley, Miss...... 1 1 « Sloper, Rev. N. E...... 1 1 0 Newman, Rev. Dr...... 1 1 0 Sloper, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Ponlson, Mr. Jabez...... 1 1 0 Smith, Miss Rebecca...... 1 1 0 Robins, Mr. J...... 0 10 f> Stansfield, J. E sq...... 1 1 0 C h e l s e a . Clatham. Jones, S. M. Esq. l i f t Giles, Edward, Esq...... *...... 1 1 ft Murray, Mr. D __ 1 1 0 Han sou, Joseph, Esq...... 1 1 0 Jackson, Samuel, Esq...... 1 1 0 C l a p t o n . Maitland, Ebenezer, Esq...... 2 2 0 Wilkinson, Mrs ...... Deane, George, Esq...... 1 1 0 1 1 0 Hunt, Rev. T ...... Wilson, J. B. Esq...... 5 6 1 I 0 0 Moreland, Miss ...... 3 yrs. Wilson, Joseph, Esq...... 3 3 0 6 G O

E d m o n to n . D enmark Hill. Gregory, Mr. James...... Bliss, Thomas, Esq...... 1 1 1 1 0 0 Do ...... Gutteridge, Joseph, Esq...... 2 2 0 1 0 0 Pike, Mr. W ...... Gutteridge, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 1 1 0 Gutteridge, Miss ...... 1 1 ft E n f ie l d . Steele, Mr. James...... 1 1 0 Stringer, Mr...... 1 1 0 Barber, Mrs. Ann. 1 1 0 Wilsotf, Mrs. by J. Gutteridge, Esq. 2 2 0 Weare, Mr...... 2 2 0

N ewington. Hackney. Cabell, T . S. Esq...... 1 1 0 Aux. Society by J. M. Dunn, Esq. 25 10 0 Cabell, William, Esq...... 1 1 0 Allen, Mr. John...... ;...... 1 I 0 Holland, Miss...... 1 1 0 Booth, Isaac, Esq...... 2 2 0 Nokes, Mrs...... 1 1 ft Burford, Mr. J. P ...... 1 1 0 Rippon, Rev. Dr...... 1 1 ft Cox, Rev. Dr...... 110 Rippon, Mrs» T ...... 1 1 0 Cozens, Mr. J...... 110 Flight, Mrs...... 1 1 0 P bckham. Gouldamith, Jesse, Esq...... 1 1 0 Gouldsraith, Mrs...... Spencer, M rs...... 1 1 ft 1 1 O Gouldsmith, Miss ...... Vines, Misses...... 1 1 0 10 6 0 Gouldsmith, Mr. J...... 1 10 Harris, Mrs. W . G . *...... W alworth. 10 0 Lillie, Mrs ...... o l i e A uxiliary Societies. Kemp, Mr. Francis ...... 0 10 6 Eiist-street, Female Missionary Pupils at Madras House ..... 2 2 0 Roberts, Mrs...... \ Society, by Mrs. Steward .. 13 4 6 0 10 6 Rolls, Mrs...... Do...... do...... 13 12 ft 0 10 6 Townley, Rev. H ...... Lifln-street, by Mrs. Chin...... 60 0 0 110 York-strcet Chapel, by Rev. G. Walley, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Clayton (one-third)...... 46 4 6 Wardell, Mr. H ......

Benham, Mr. Avery . 1 1 0 Hampstead. Dore, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Prince, R. Esq...... Don, 5 0. 0 4L

I I £ s. d. £ * . d. HAMMERSMITH. j j ! Griffin, Rev. Thomas...... |m Murch, Rev. W . H...... Penny Society, by Mr. Mandy M j 4 0 0 j Shenston, Rev. W ...... i 1Tomkins, Rev. Samuel...... HlGIIBCRT. i I j Young, Mr. T ...... 2 yrs 2 2 0 óoiildsmith, E. Esq...... 1 1 0 Wilson, Joseph, Esq...... 2 2 0 S toke N e w in g t o n . Drayton, G. B. Esq...... 1 1 0 H om erton. Milelmm, Rev. T. C...... 1 (J Hale, William, Esq...... Saubergue, Mrs...... 1 0 Moore, Mrs...... Pearson, William, Esq., T o tte n h a m . Smith, Rev. Dr...... Chaplin, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Smith, Mrs !...... Fletcher, Joseph, Esq.... 2 2 0 Hague, Mrs...... 1 1 0 H q x t o x . Howard, Luke, Esq...... 2 2 0 Wilson, Mrs., 1 1 T o tte r id g e . I sl in g t o n . Thorogood, Mr...... 1 1 0 Brown, Mr. George__ 1 1 0 Tucker, Benjamin, Esq...... 2 2 0 Goode, Rev. John...... 1 1 0 Wood, Mr...... 110 Keep, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Powell, George, Esq.... J 1 0 Priestley, Mrs...... 1 1 0 D o...... 1 0 0 MIDDLESEX. Satchel], Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Tam, Mr. Joseph ...... j 1 1 0 W e st M id d l e s e x U nion. Townsend, W . Esq...... 2 yrsJ 2 ‘2 0 Wilson, Thomas, Esq...... 1 2 2 0 Chelsea. Collections...... 4 11 6 Wright, Mr...... 1 1 0 Collected by Miss Wood..... 0 6 6 Young, Mr. Charles...... 1 1 0 Leigh, Mr. T ...... 0 10 0 School Subscriptions...... 4 5 7 K e n sin g to n . j Datchet. Collected by Mrs. Bailey...... Collection, by Rev. E. Carey...... 2 0 0 8 0 0 Do. by Mr. Hoy...... 1 0 0 Southwood, Rev. W ...... 1 1 0 Do. by Miss Stirling...... Small Subscriptions...... 1 4 8 2 6 8 Sunday School...... 0 10 0 Campden Hill. Missionary Box, P a d d in g to n . 'by Miss Williams...... 1 1 0 Mann, Mr. Joel...... 1 1 0 Clapton. Hunt, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 Palmer, Mr. Thomas. 0 10 6 Hackney. Sharpe, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Auxiliary, by Mr. J. Id. Dunn- 25 10 0 Snell, R. Esq...... 1 1 0 Child, at Sunday School, by Woodd, Rev. Basil... 1 1 0 Mr. Smith ...... 0 3 0 Madras House Pupils, by Dr. P e n t o n v ill e . j Cox...... 2 2 Missionary Box at Mr. Arnold’s Jay, Mr. William...... j 1 1 0 Paper Manufactory...... 0 16 Le Richeux, Miss...... 2 yrs.j 1 1 0 Young Gentlemen at Madras House...... 2 0 P o n d e r ’ s E n d . j Muswell Hill. Missionary Box, Baylis, John, E sq ...... | 5 5 0 by Miss Gurney...... 3 5 j Stamford Hill. Small Contribu­ S o u th g ate . ! tions, by Miss Wilson...... 1 13 6 Uxbridge. Hull, Samuel, Esq.... 10 0 0 Acott, Mr...... : 1 1 a

S tam fo r d H il l . ! Collins, James, Esq...... | NORFOLK. Dermer, Miss...... i Flight, B. Esq...... ! DLss. Wilsons, Miss...... Collection, &c. by Miss Ward.. M 5 12 East Dereham. S t e p n e y . Collected by Rev. J. Williams. 8 14 Collected by Miss Marks...... 2 11 Fakenham. Baptist Congregation 3 2 College Chapel, by Mrs. Marks ... 2 14 Collection...... 2 14 F 42

£ I- d. £ s. d. fi$rrod, Mt. Creak...... 1 1 O Assistant Society...... 15 14 11 Sabbath School...... 0 4 7 Bartram, Mr. R ...... i.... 0 10 6 Ingham. Collection...... 2 15 0 Bumpns, Mr. T ...... 1 0 Cooke, Mr. H ...... 1 1 0 Collection at the Public Meeting 34 1 Cooke, Mr. S ,...... 1 1 0 Cook, Mr. George...... 1 1 Cooke, Mrs ...... *...... 0 10 6 Dickens, Mr...... 0 10 Cubit, Mr. B...... 1 0 0 Dickens, Mr. W ...... 0 10 Holmes, Mr. W ...... •0 10 0 Eden-, Mr...... 0 10 Missionary Box...... 0 6 0 Female Association...... 16 10 Penny Society, by Mrs. Cooke.. 4 4 0 Friend, by Mrs. Smith...... 0 10 Silcock, Mr. O...... 1 1 0 Gray, Rev. W ...... 1 1 Silcock, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Harris, Mr...... 0 10 Lynn. Collected by Miss Keed.. 2 0 0 Hobson, Mr...... 0 10 Silcock, Mr. B. S...... 0 10 0 Juvenile Branch...... 10 3 Torr, Mr. T ...... 1 1 0 Lampson, John, Es

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE.IE. Braunston. Coll. by Rev. T. Miller 4 5 0 NORTHUMBERLAND. Clipston. Contribations, by Rev. J. Mack...... 22 13 0 Berwick. Juvenile Society...... 2 10 0 Penny Soc. by Mr. N. Busweil. 3 0 0 Berwick and Tweedmouth Asso­ Sims, Mr. John ...... 2 2 0 ciation...... 8 0 Ecton. Collection at...... 2 13 1 Broomley. Subscriptions...... 3 17 Guilsborough. Broughton. Subscriptions...... 14 12 Collection, by Rev. W . Gray... 7 12 0 Houghton le Spring. Harpole. Collection...... 2 8 7 Subscriptions...... for 1826 6 7 Kingsthorpe. Maryport. Subscriptions »... 11 3 Weekly Contributions...... I 0 ß Newcastle. Subscriptions...... 10 10 Kislingbury. Subscriptions, by Miss Angas... 11 0 Collection, by Rev. E. Carey.... 9 8 6 North Shields. Subscriptions.... Harris, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Rawley* Subscriptions...... Weekly Subscriptions, by Mrsi Sunderland. Watts and Harris...... 6 4 10 Subscriptions...... 2 yrs. 26 % 4 Long Buckby. West Glendale. Society for Pro­ Collection, by Mr. Carey...... 4 6 6 pagating Christianity, by Mr. Morton Pinktiey. Smith...... 3 0 0 Contributions, by Miss Williams 3 17 0 Naseby. Burditt, Mr. Richard... 1 1 0 Penny Society,.by Mr. J. Burditt 3 3 6 Northampton. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. A Friend, by Rev. W . Gray.... 5 0 0 Do. by Rev. J. Dyer...... 0 7 6 Collingham. Associated Ministers...... 7 0 0 Coll. after Sermon and Public Association of Independent Meeting.,...... 17 8 5 Ministers, by Messrs. Goddard 3 0 0 Nichols, Rev, W ...... 2 2 0 ■13

£ s. d. £ s. d. ■Sunduy School Children jMM 0 8 4 Oxford. Aidei), Mr...... I.M 1 0 0 Tinley, Mr. M...... 1 1 1 0 Alden, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Sutton Ashfield. Ball, W. Esq...... 1 1 0 Collected by Mr. Statham...... i 8 0 Ü Bartlett, Mr. T ...... 0 10 6 Sutton on Trent. Bowler, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Collection by Mr. Statham...... 3 0 0 Bridgewater, A. Esq...... T 2 2 0 Newark. Deeping, W . Esq...... 2 •) 0 Chilling-worth, Mr...... A1 0 10 0 Hebb, M r...!...... ?...... 1 1 0 Colls, of Atix. Annual Meeting.. 40 18 0 Lady’s Society...... 16 5 6 Collingwood, S. Esq 1 1 0 Perkins, Rev. W ...... 1 1 0 Copley, Rev. W ....„ 1 I 0 Robinson, Mr...... Don, 1 1 0 Cousins, Mr. \\ 0 10 6 'Davenport, G. Esq. 1 1 0 Female Society, by S. Colling- wood, Esq...... 17 10 0 Fiske, Mr...... 0 10 0 OXFORDSHIRE. Goring, H. Esq...... 2 2 0 Do...... Don. 20 0 0 Oxfordshire Auxiliary Society. Gould, Mr...... 0 5 0 Hicks, Mr. P...... 1 1 0 Abingdon. Annual Subs...... 19 12 0 Hill, Mr. B...... 0 10 6 Collection...... 15 1 0 Paxon, Mr...... 0 10 0 Subs, for Female Education in Fletcher, Rev. R. Bicester...... 0 10 6 India, by Mrs. Kershaw...... 9 1 3 Shackleford, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Alcester. Collection...... 10 0 0 Steane, Mr. S...... 1 1 0 Banbury. Studdart, Mr. J . 1 1 0 Symonds, Mr...... 0 10 6 Blockley. Underhill, Mr. M...... 1 1 0 Coll. by a Female Servant . 0 16 8 Wright, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Smith, Mr. C...... 1 1 0 Witney. Taylor, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Smith, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Woodstock. Subscriptions...... 3 10 0 Sunday School Children...... 2 1 6 Taplin, Miss...... 1 0 0 Penny a-week Soc. by Do...... 1 14 10 Produce of a Child’s Miss. Box, 0 5 0 RUTLANDSHIRE. Wilkes, Mr. G ...... 1 1 0 Bourton on the Water. Oakham. Penny Society j I 8 3 0 Ashwin, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Coles, Rev. T .„ ...... 1 1 0 Coles, Mr. R. Winson...... 1 1 0 Collections...... 10 6 0 SHROPSHIRE. Cox, Mrs. Overn...... Don. 5 0 0 Hall, Mr. B. S. Clapton...... 1 1 0 Bndgenorth. Coll. after Ser­ Hanks, Mr. T. Risington...... 1 1 0 mons by Rev. T. Morgan. 7 7 8 Juvenile Association...... 5 0 0 Grierson, Mr. W ...... 2 yrs. 2 0 0 Kendall, Mr...... 1 0 0 Penny Society, by Miss M. A. Missionary Boxes...... 0 12 0 Macmichael...... 5 13 0 Stenson, iff. M.D...... 2 2 0 Sunday School...... 0 19 Wilkins, J. N. Esq...... 1 1 0 Sing, Mrs. W . Contributions at Campden. Collection...... 5 13 1 Quatford...... 3 8 7 Chipping Norton. Sing, Mr. Joshua...... 2 vrs. 2 0 0 Collection and Subscriptions..... 18 3 8 Sing, Mr. W ...... Do. 2 0 0 •Ladies’ Association, by Misses Sing, Mr. John...... Do. 2 0 0 Purdy and Cecil...... 8 10 4 Lawley Bank. Cirencester. Penpy Society, by Mrs. Jones... 3 0 0 Collection and Subscription...... 12 0 0 Oswestry. Coate and Bampton. Auxiliary Soc. by Mr. Jones.... 5 0 0 Collections and Subscription..... 22 13 5 Coll. by Mr. Statham...... 2 0 0 Ensliam. Dobuey, Rev. J. T ...... 2 2 0 Shrewsbury. Pupils of Do ...... 1 0 0 Auxiliary Soc. by Rev. M. Kent 5 0 0 Miss Nutts’ Pupils ...... 0 12 0 Coll. after Sermons...... 15 10 0 Monthly Collections...... 1 4 6 Snailbeach. Swann, J. Esq...... 2 2 0 Collected by Mr. Statham.... 4 3 0 Smaller Sums...... 1 4 6 Wellington. Fairford. Collection...... 5 7 6 Coll. &c. by Rev. J. Statham.... 17 0 0 Henley. Society in aid of Mis­ Whitchurch. Bayley, Mr. J. 1827 0 10 6 sions, by Rev. R. Bolton.. 10 0 0 Bayley, Mrs. sen...... 1827 1 1 0 Hooknorton. Contributions from Coll. by Mr. Statham...... 3 10 0 Auxiliary Society ..... 3 5 0 Missionary Box...... :...... 0 8 6 Naunton. Association...... 16 13 4 Wrexham, Coll. by Mr. Statham 5 0 0 44

SOMERSETSHIRE. £ s. d. Do. by Miss Scammel...... 3 7 0 £ i. d. Bath. Do. byMiss Sims . 4 8 4 Coombs, Mr. H,...... 0 5 0 Contributions by Miss Smith..... 15 0 0 Godwin, Mr. Sen...... 1 1 0 Cooper, Mr...... 0 10 6 Godwin, Mr. H...... 1 1 0 Daniell, Rev. E ...... 1 I 0 Godwin, Mr. C...... 1 1 0 Ledyard, Miss, Road 2 yrs. 2 2 0 Bristol and Bath. Auxiliary Soc 301 3 0 Mansford, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Do...... 11 3 6 Newman, Rev. T. F ...... 1 1 0 D o...... : 15 14 7 Porter, Miss, Friend by . 0 6 0 Rawlings, Mr. D ...... 1 1 O Sheppard, John, Esq...... 2 2 0 W estern District. Sheppard, H. Esq. Compton Beckittf'ton. Coll. at...... 2 2 0 House...... 1 1 0 Bishop’s Hull. Solus in tecto passerrdus... 1 0 0 Stephenson, Mrs ... Don 2 0 0 Tuck, Miss, Friends by...... 1 1 4 Bradninch. Walters, Mr...... 0 10 6 Collected by Miss Bowden..... 6 8 6 Hatch. Bridgewater. Public Coll. by Rev. R. Horsey 3 9 1 Collected at the Half-Yearlj Weekly Sub. by Mrs. Hallet..... 1 1 0 Meeting...... 9 11 3 Honiton. Coll. by Mrs. Thomas.. 1 10 0 Cox, Rev. J. B...... 1 0 0 Isle Abbots. Nichols, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Moiety of Funds collected by Penny Sub. by Miss Cridle...... 1 19 0 Misses Baker and Huijiphreys 1 6 0 Chard. Brown, Mr. S...... 1 0 0 Keyvsham. Ayres, Mr. T ...... 0 10 6 Brown, Mr. S. jun...... 1 0 0 Boulter, Miss...... 1 0 0 Brown, Mr. John...... 1 0 0 Derrick, Mr...... 0 io a Butler, Miss...... ,,...... 0 5 0 ; Edwards, Mr...... 1 1 o Collection and Weekly Sub­ Harris, Mrs...... 0 10 o scriptions ...... A Moietj 3 3 G Morrish, Air ...... 0 10 0 Coll. at Rev. Mr. Toms’ and Score, Mr...... 1 0 0 Rev. Mr. Gun’s...... 11 7 0 Small Sums...... 2 18 6 James, Mrs...... -.. 1 0 0 Laverton. Oram, Mr. B...... 0 10 6 Collection & Missionary Box.... 7 ]4 2 Toms, Mr. J. jun ...... 0 10 6 Lovghtvood. Bull, Mr. R...... 1 0 0 D o...... 0 10 6 Public Collection by Rev. R. ' Tucker, Mr. C ...... 0 10 6 Horsey...... 2 8 0 D o...... 0 10 6 Montacute. Collections at Public Walker,Mr. W ....„ ...... 3 0 0 Meeting...... 5 5 0 Collumpton. Coll. by Rev. E. Collected by various Members Carey...... 4 3 0 of the Branch Society...... 3 15 0 Humphreys, Rev. Mr...... 1 1 0 Philips Norton. Contributions... 6 2 6 Weekly Subscriptions...... 1 17 11 Prescott. Crewherne. Collection, by Rev. Coll. bv Rev. R. Horsey...... 1 2 4 E. Crook ...... 2 5 0 Saint Hill. Ditto...... ;...... 1 8 4 Taylor, Miss, by Ditto Don. 1 0 0 Taunton. Ash, Mrs Don. 1 0 0 Fromq. Allen, Mr. F ...... 1 1 0 Association Sub...... A Moiety 3 15 4 Brittain, Mr...... 1 1 0 Clatworthy, Mr...... 0 10 6 D o...... 0 15 0 Penny a Week Subscriptions by Bunn, Mrs...... 0 10 6 several young friends...... 10 6 3 Bunn, Miss...... 0 10 8 Collection, by llev. E. Carey.... 12 12 7 Butcher, Mr. R ...... 1 1 0 Cook, Mr...... 0 10 6 Chasty, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Creech and Bathpool...... 0 17 6 Clift, Mr...... 1 1 0 Horsey, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Children of the Sunday School, Stevenson, G. Esq...... 1 1 0 Badcox-lane...... 1 13 9 Tiverton, Coll. and Don...... 9 0 0 Coll. at Annual Meeting- . 20 15 0 Penny Soc. by Rev. Mr. Single­ D o. by Miss Abraham...... 1 16 5 ton...... ;...... 5 0 0 Do. by Miss Allen...... 0 4 8 Uffculm. Coll. by Rev. Mr. Wood 2 13 1 Do. by Mrs. Brown;...... 0 14 5 Upottery. Do. by Miss Button...... 2 18 0 Do. by Rev. R. Horsey...... 0 10 2 Do. by Miss Cooper...... 2 15 0 Rowe, Mr! J...... 1 0 0 Do. by Miss George...... 0 11 3 Watchet. JOo. by Miss Heale!...... 1 19 4 Penny Society, by Rev. S. Sut­ Do. by Miss Hiskett...... 0 16 9 ton...... 2 0 0 Do. by Miss Lydford...... 5 5 11 Wellington. A Friend, by Rev. Do. bv Misses Nayle and Reed. 5 16 5 J. Baynes...... 1 0 0 Do. by Miss Newport...... 0 15 11 Association...... 16 0 0 J)». by Miss Payue...... 0 2 0 Do...... 2 3 6 45

£ s. d. / a. J. Cadbury, YY. Esq M 2 0 0 Mitcham. Cadbary, Miss...... 2 0 0 Collected by Mrs. Pratt...... 2 8 0 Coll. by Rev. E. Carey...... 2 16 6 Peckham. Vines, Miss...... 1 1 0 Female Friend in Humble Lii'c..( 3 0 0 Tooting. For a Female School, Fox, Mr. Samuel...... :F 1 0 0 by Mrs. Thomas...... 20 0 n Gay, Mr ...... M 1 0 0 Horsey, Rev. R..... 1 1 0 Horsey, Mr. W . D 0 15 0 SUSSEX. Middleton, Miss H...... F 0 10 0 Battle. Mules, Rev. Mr...... M 0 2 6 Collection, by Rev. E. Carey..... 3 0 0 Were, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Siunock, Mr. R. by Rev. J. Yeovil. Collection after Sermon Ivimey...... 20 0 0 by Rev. E-Carey...... 8 0 0 Brighton. Eason, Mr. G...... 1 0 0 Auxiliary Society, by Mr. Bailey 11 5 0 Penny Subscriptions...... 4 0 0 Collection, by Rev. E. Carey.... 20 0 0 Porter, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Sabbath School, Boud-street..... 0 15 0 Whitby, Mr. E ...... 0 IQ 6 Wigney, R. Esq...... 1 0 0 Hailsham. Collected by John Akehurst...... 1 14 8 Do. by W . Beartup™...... 3 7 4 STAFFORDSHIRE. Do. by Louisa Goldsmith...... 3 9 8 Burton-on-Trent. Collection. | 8 6 9 Do. by Mary Hyde...... 2 12 9 Do. by Henry Smith...... 3 4 9 Do. by James Smith...... 3 6 4 Do. by Mercy Standen...... 10 14 G SUFFOLK. Do. by Ruth Thompson...... 2 6 4 Collection at the Anniversary.... 6 0 2 Auxiliary Society, by Rev. Messrs. Davies, Mr...... 0 10 6 Rirt, Elven, and Cowell...... 143 5 4 Gurnett, Mr. C...... 0 10 6 Additional, Mr. O'. Christopherson 0 10 6 D o...... Don. 1 0 0 Barton Mills. 2 5 0 Collected by Mr. Seeker...... Missionary Boxes, &c...... | Dennis, Mr. Charles...... 0 10 6 Woodhams, Mr...... | 0 10 6 Lewes. Button, Mr. W I 1 1 0 Ellington, Mr. S...... 0 10 6 Collection and Subs, (two-thirds)j Gittins, Mr. James...... 0 10 6 16 0 0 0 17 Hammand, Mr. N ...... I 1 1 0 Penny Subscriptions...... 4 j Lower, Mr. R .W ...... j 1 1 0 0 10 Saunders, Mr. R ...... 6 ! Rye. Collection by Rev. E. Carey' 0 10 5 0 0 Seeker, Mr. W ...... 6 ; Female Auxiliary, by Mrs. Sums under 10s. each...... 2 14 0 Jarrett...... 6 0 0 Tubbs, Mr. James...... 0 10 (? 0 10 6 Shover’s Green. Wing, Mr. W ...... Contributions, by Mr. Mileham. 3 3 0 Biiderston. Con. by Mr. Osborn 2 0 0 T Uckfield. Ipswich, Assoc, by Mr. S. Ray. 2 10 6 Foster, Rev. Mr. and Friends... 3 13 6 Otley. Contributions from the Church and Congregation...... M 4 6 8 Children at Winston Green, by Miss L. Sheppard ...... 1 7 4 WARWICKSHIRE. Stowmavket. Association from Arley Hall. Rev. W . Ward’s...... f 6 11 0 Subscriptions, by Mr. Mowbray.. 4 15 0 Do. Do...... M 0 10 0 Attleborough. Freer, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Sudbury. Subscriptions, by Rev. Leicester, Mr. T ...... 0 5 0 J. M. Ray...... T 3 13 0 Berkeswell. Floyd, Mr...... 1 1 0 Woodbridge. Quay Meeting, Bilston. Penny a Week Society, Collection, by Mr. Birt...... M 8 5 0 by Mr. Barber...... 9 16 4 Birmingham. Archer, Mr. Samuel...... 0 10 6 Auxiliary Society, Cannon-street 35 16 7 SURRY. Auxiliary Society, Bond-street, t'ambenvell. Auxiliary Society, (including £ 7 . 12s. from the by Miss Gutteridge ...... 54 1 6 Sunday School Children...... 51 9 Clapham. Giles, — Esq...... 1 1 0 Auxiliary Society, Newhall-st. Society in aid of Missions, by (including the Rev. J. Poole’s Rev. G. Browne...... 20 0 0 Sub. of ¿£1.)...... 14 0 10 Croydon. Beilby, Mr. Thomas, jun, 2 2 0 Collections, by Mr. Statham...... 5 1 3 Boys’ School...... 0 9 8 Mileham, Miss...... 1 1 0 Bower, Mr. George...... 110 Dormans Land. Contributions, Brinton, Mr. R ...... 1 1 0 by Rev. G. Chapman...... 7 10 0 Brinton, Mr. Walter...... 1 1 0 46

X *. d. ,£ s. d. M 1 1 0 Butterworth, Mr. B. S. for M Cave, Rev. B. 0 10 6 Widows and Orphans...... 0 10 6 50 1 6 Collected by Weekly Subs...... 22 18 4 Collection at Missionary Meeting 31 14 2 8 1 0 Cubitt, Mr...... (I 10 6 27 4 0 Durrard, M rs...... 1 1 0 Franklin, Rev. F. for Widows Carey. 20 13 6 and Orphans...... 0 10 6 40 5 0 Franklin, Miss, for do...... 0 10 6 Franklin, Miss R. for do..... 0 10 6 22 0 10 Franklin, Mr. W . for do...... 0 10 6 Harris, Mr...... 0 10 6 IF 15 10 0 Hayward, Mr...... 0 10 6 Coward, Mr. John...... ¡VI 1 1 0 Hedger, Mr...... 0 10 6 Deakin, Mr. John...... 40 0 0 Hemiel, Mr...... 0 10 6 D o...... s 30 0 0 Hine, Mr. T...... 0 10 6 Do...... F 15 0 0 Hine, Mr. J...... 0 10 6 D o...... Su . M 5 5 0 Kirk, Mr...... 0 10 6 Elliot, Mr. William...... 1 1 0 Leeson, Mr...... 0 10 0 Guest, Mr. Joseph...... 1 1 0 Matterson, Mr...... 0 10 6 Haines, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Mayo, Mr...... 1 1 0 Hale, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Missionary Box, by Mrs. Booth. 0 15 8 Harwood, Mrs. Ann...... 1 1 0 Do. by Mrs. Franklin...... 0 13 4 Harwood, Mr. James . 1 1 0 Do. by Sunday School Boys...... 0 10 6 Johnson, Mr. Owen...... 2 2 0 Do. by Sunday School Girls..... 0 12 2 James, Rev. J. A ...... 1 1 0 Newsome, Mr. H ...... 0 10 6 King, Mr. Thomas...... 5 5 0 Oswin, Mr...... 1 0 0 Knott, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Paris, Rev. S. jun...... 1 1 0 Xiawrence, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Pears, Mr...... 1 0 0 Lepard, Mr. Benjamin . 1 1 0 Pears, Mr. A . H...... 1 1 0 Lowe, Mr. William .’. 1 1 0 Seijeant, Mr...... 0 5 0 Mackenzie, Mr. William . 1 1 0 Shaw, Mr...... 0 10 6 Mason, Mr. William...... 0 10 6 I Smith, Mr. J. Well-street...... 0 10 6 Missionary Box, Anonymous. 2 3 9 Smith, Mr. J. Spon-street...... 0 10 6 0 9 8 Treen, Mr ...... 1 1 0 0 14 3 Cradley. Collection...... 9 0 0 Mole, Mr. William. 1 1 0 Penny a Week Society...... 8 1 2 1 1 0 Missionary Box...... 2 9 0 Dudley. Collection, including a Morgan...... 18 15 4 donation of £1 from Dr. Bad- Perry, Mr. James...... 1 1 0 deley...... 5 2 6 Potts, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Penny a Week Society, by Mr. Portlock. Mr. John...... 1 1 0 John W ood...... 2 13 6 Room, Messrs. J. and J— 1 1 0 Do. by Misses M. and E. Smith Room, Messrs. W . and F.. 1 1 0 and C. Wright...... 3 17 4 1 1 0 Young Ladies at Mrs.Hutchings’ Sprigg, Mr. Samuel...... 1 1 0 School ...... 0 16 10 Stepnenson, Mr. William..... 1 1 0 Missionary B ox...... 0 10 4 Sunday School Children...... 3 3 1 Exhall. Auxiliary Society...... 0 12 0 Brettle-lane, by T. Morgan. 4 0 0 Harbro’ Magna. Scott, Rev. B.. 0 10 6 . Collection...... 11 4 6 Henley-in-Arden. Penny a Week 9 0 0 Society, by Miss C. Arnold... 0 18 6 k Kenilworth. Penny a Week Soc. 2 6 0 4 11 6 Weston, Mr...... 1 0 0 . Colls, and Subs. 12 14 7 by Mr. Hatton...... 21 0 0 Leamington. Abbot, Mr...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 9 14 10 Beesley, Mr...... 0 5 0 Coventry. A Christmas Box. 1 0 0 Clarke, M r...... 0 10 0 A Friend...... 1 0 0 Netherton. Collections and Sub­ A Friend...... 0 5 0 scriptions (includingMr.Elay’s Do. for Montego Bay...... 0 6 0 subscription of ¿£1)...... 14 16 3 Anonymous ...... 1 1 0 Rugby. Female Society...... 4 9 6 Booth, Mr...... 2 2 0 Southam. Auxiliary Society...... 1 0 0 Booth, Mr. R ...... 1 1 0 Tamworth. Friends...... 1 0 0 Buckley, Mr. N ...... 0 10 6 Warwick. Butterworth, H. Esq...... 2 2 0 A Friend o f the Establishment. 0 15 0 Bntterworth, Mrs. T ...... 1 1 0 Davies, Mr...... 0 10 6 Butterworth, Mr. Joseph...... 0 10 6 Evans, Mr...... 0 10 0 47

£ s. d. £ s. i . Hansford, Mr...... M 0 10 6 Ludgershtdl. Contributions byM Wiitenhall. Penny a W eek So­ Rev. Mr. Walcot.. 1 1 6 ciety, by Mr. "Forster...... 8 13 0 Walcot, Rev. Mr..... 0 10 6 Wyken. Auxiliary Society...... 1 2 8 Melksham. Collection 3 2 6 Moon, Mr...... 1 0 0 Phillips, E. Esq...... 1 0 0 Phillips, John, Esq . 0 10 0 Powell, Mrs...... Don. 0 10 6 Trowbridge. WILTSHIRE. Collection at Bethesda Chapel.. 11 17 2 Do. at a Public Meeting, 11 13 7 Beckington. Collection...... i 3 12 6 Harris, Mrs. J...... 1 1 0 Bradford. Colls, and Subs...... 21 19 6 Ladies’ Society...... 5 5 0 Head, Mrs...... ' 1 0 0 Long, Mr. C...... M 1 1 0 Head, Miss...... 1 1 0 0 Salter, Mr. S...... 5 0 0 D o...... T 1 0 0 Walton, Rev. W. 0 10 6 Do...... S 1 0 0 Wearing, Mr. R... 0 10 (i Bratton. Blatch, Mr. J. G...... M 1 0 0 Wicks, Mr. Jacob 0 10 6 Blatch, Miss...... 1 1 0 Warminster. Brent, Mr...... 1 0 0 Contributions per Miss Judson., 2 17 6 Caswell, Mr...... 1 1 0 Collection...... 2 16 6 Contributions per Mr. Anstie... 12 13 9 . Flower, Mr...... 0 10 0 Jarvis, Mr...... 1 1 0 . Contributions...... 4 0 0 Scammell, Mr. C...... *...... 1 1 0 Brnmsgrove. Scammell, Mrs. Southdown..... 0 10 0 Collected by Mrs. Trampleasure 7 3 7 Weekly Subscriptions, by Mr. J. Do. by Mr. J. H. Scroxton...... 3 1 3 Whitaker...... 2 10 2 Do. by Miss P. Harrison...... 2 16 2 Do. by Mr. S. Brent...... 0 18 0 Do. by Miss S. Scroxton...... 1 12 6 Whitaker, Mr. P ...... ' 2 2 0 Harrison, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Whitaker, Mr. J...... ! 1 1 o! Harvey, Mr. S...... 0 10 6 Whitaker, Mr. T ...... j 1 1 ol Buckridge Bank. Contributions.. 0 6 0 Whitaker, Miss...... 1 1 1 0 jjI . Burlingham, Mr...... S 0 10 0 White, Mr. H ...... ! 0 10 6 j Cheek, Mr...... T 1 0 0 Chippenham. Collection after a Collected by Misses Mann...... M 6 0 0 Public Meeting...... 11 1 10 Smith, Mr. T ...... 1 0 0 Dean, Mr...... 1 0 0 Worcester. Contributions...... 38 2 9 Tanner, Mr...... 0 10 0 Lake, Rev. E...... 1 1 0 Tanner, Miss...... 0 10 0 Weekly Contributions...... 8 12 6 Corsham. Collection...... 3 0 0 YORKSHIRE. Fowler, Mrs...... S 1 0 0 Fowler, Mr...... 1 0 0. Barnoldswick. Collection...... 6 13 Devizes. Anstie, Mr. B...... M 1 1 0 Beverley. Anstie, Mr. P ...... 1 1 0 Collection at the Methodist Ch. 7 5 4 Anstie, Mr. G. W ...... 1 1 0 Do. at the Scotch Baptist d o.... 5 5 8 Austie, Mr. J. O...... 1 1 0 Do. at Lair Gate do...... 3 14 5 Biggs, Rev. J...... 1 0 0 Colttnan, Rev. Mr...... 1 1 0 Biggs, Mr. R ...... 1 0 0 Missionary Box, by Miss Sher­ Collection at the Baptist Chapel, T 5 14 6 wood...... 0 15 9 Do. at the Rev. J. Biggs’s, by! Richards, Rev. Mr...... 0 10 0 Mr. Carey...... M 11 1 9 Sanvidge, Mr...... 0 10 6 Knight, Mr...... 0 10 6 Sherwood, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Leach, Mr...... 0 10 6 Bishop’s Burton. Collection..... 5 0 1 Rutt, Mrs. L ...... 1 1 0 Fawsett, Mr. J...... 0 0 D o...... T 1 ] 0 Missionary Box...... 5 6 D o...... F 1 1 n Sample, Mr. T ...... 1 0 Slade, Mrs...... M 0 10 0 Weekly Subscriptions...... 6 0 Small Contributions...... 0 13 0 Bradford. Aked, Mr. T ...... 1 0 Sutton, Miss Sarah...... 0 11 0 Aked, Mrs...... 1 Waylen, R. Esq...... 2 2 0 Anderton, Mr. J...... 1 Weekly Contributions, by Mrs. Bacon, Mrs...... 0 0 P. Anstie...... 9 7 4 Balme, Miss...... 0 0 0 10 5 Collected by Misses Tetley and Whitchurch, Mr. S...... 0 10 0 Keighley, 1826...... 3 2 4 4 14 7 Do. by Miss Keighley, 1827..... 2 7 5 . ¿Sunday -School.i...... 1 15 5 Coll. at Dr. Steadman’s Chap... 12 H 3 4B

£ s. H. r £ s. d. Do. at Mr. Godwin’s Chapel... ‘M 12 2 7 Greenwood, Mf. W .jn n Mi 1 1 0 Hill, Mr. John...... 1 1 .0 Hartley, Mr. John...... 1 0 0 Hill, Mr. T ...... 1 1 0 Hartley, Mr. James...... 0 7 0 Illingworth, Mr. M ...... 1 1 0 Holmes, Mr. Jeremiah...... 0 15 0 Marshall, Mr. B...... I 1 1 0 Judson, Mr...... 0 4 0 Milligan, Mrs. R ...... I 1 1 0 Missionary Boxes...... 3 8 6 Murgatroyd, Mr. W ...... j 1 1 0 Oddy, Rev. Miles...... 4 10 0 Steadman, Rev. Dr...... j 1 1 0 Oddy, Mrs...... j 2 2 0 Steadman, Mrs...... j 1 ,1 0 Saunders, Rev. M ...... 1 1 0 Bramley. Penny Society...... j 1 5 0 Saunders, Mrs...... j 1 1 0 1 15 0 Sugden, Mr. A ...... 0 4 0 Bridlington. Bodlev, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Townsend, Mrs. Heber Un::se..\ 0 10 0 Booth, Miss...... 1 1 0 Walker, Mrs. Sarah...... j ft 5 0 Catley, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Wright, Mr. John...... 0 15 0 Collection at Union and Baptist Wright, Mrs...... 1 10 0 Chapels...... ! 20 8 .8 Ilebden Bridge.* Collection after Do. at Methodist Chapel...... | 7 4 2 a Sermon by Mr. Carey...... 6 15 0 Do. by Misses S. Harness nndj Cockcrofts, Mr...... 1 1 0 W . Winteringhain...... | 2 12 2 Female Penny Society (one • Coverlev, Mr. S...... ! 1 1 0 quarter’s subscription) '... 2 2 7 Pease, Mrs...... :...! 0 10 0 Foster, W . Esq...... 2 0 0 Ramsden, R. Esq...... j I 0 0 Penny Society, by Mrs. Foster.. 6 6 6 Sums under 10s. each...... ! 2 12 0 Young Ladies at Mrs. Jackson’s Cottingham. . ! Sciiool, and a Friend...... 0 14 6 Collection at Zion Chapel...... 1 3 10 7 Horsforth. Collection ..... 11 1 0 Cowling Hill. Collection...... 5 0 0 Hull. Bowden, Mr. J...... Driffield. Coll. at Baptist Chap < 5 11 0 Briggs, Mr. W ...... 1 7 0 Parsley. Collection at the Bap ; Casson, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 tist Chapel...... 10 5 0 Collection at Public Meeting.... 14 9 4 Grimsby. Do...... | 3 8 6 Do. at George-street...... 15 18 1 Halifax. Contributions by Rev. Do. at Salthouse-lane...... 5 6 0 C. Thompson: Do. at Fish-street...... 15 2 9 Brown, J. W . Esq...... 3 3 0 Do. at Waltham-street...... 6 4 6 Browne, G. B. Esq...... 3 3 0 Dikes, Rev. T. L L .B ...... Collection...... 5 14 0 Dykes, Mr. W . II...... 1 1 0 Hodgson, J. Esq...... 1 1 0 Goodwill & Consitt ...... 0 6 6 Hodgson, S. Esq...... 1 1 0 Green, Mrs...... 1 1 •0 Lister, Mr...... 1 1 0 Greenwood, Mr. G...... 1 1 0 Collected by Mrs. Ackroyd...... 0 11 3 Henwood, Mr. Janies...... 1 0 0 Do. by Miss Ackroyd...... 4 7 9 Hopper, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Do. by Mr. Haigh...... 0 11 6 Howard, Miss...... 1 0 0 Do. by Mr. Naylor...... 0 13 0 Jackson, Mr. John...... 1 0 0 Do. by Mr. W . Sunderland...... 0 11 9 Juvenile Society...... 16 6 9 Do. by Mr. W . Walker...... 0 10 4 Purdon, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Do. by Miss M. Walker...... 2 19 0 Rhodes, Mr. F ...... 1 1 0 Do. by Mr. W alker...... 2 10 0 Rutherford, Mr. A ...... 1 1 0 D o. by Miss W alker...... 0 18 2 Scott, Rev. John, M. A ...... Do. by Messrs. Wilson and Sykes, Mr. Thomas...... 0 10 6 Thornton...... 0 19 6 Hunmanby. Collection...... 1 13 4 Do. by Missionary Boxes . 1 2 0 Keighley. D o...... 6 10 8 Do. at Public Services...... 18 1 9 Leeds. Acworth, Rev. J...... 1 I 0 Haworth. Aspen, Mr...... 0 10 6 Clapham, Mrs. Low Mill...... 2 0 0 Chadwick, C. Esq...... 1 1 0 Collection ...... 2 9 6 Chadwick, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Coll. at first Baptist Chapel...... 10 10 0 Chadwick, Mr...... 1 1 0 Do; at second do...... 18 6 6 Clapham, John, jun. Esq...... 1 1 0 Do. after Sermon, by Mr. Carey 6 11 0 Clapham, Mr. S...... 1 1 0 Craven, Mr. John. ;...... 0 15 0 Clapham, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Craven, Mr. John, jun...... 0 15 0 Collections after Sermons by Eccles, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 Rev.E. Carey and J. Edwards 50 0 0 Friend...... ■...... 3 3 0 Ladies’ Contributions...... F 32 1 10 Greenwood, Mr. W...... 4 4 0 Goodman, B. Esq...... M 2 2 0 Greenwood, Miss...... 2 2 0 D o ...... Don. 10 0 0 'Greenwood, Mrs...... 2 0 0 Headley, Mrs...... 0 12 0 Greenwood, Miss...... 2 0 0 Jackson, Mr...... 1 1 0 Greenwood, John, Esq...... 2 0 0 Rawson, G. Esq...... 2 2 0 Greenwood, James, Esq...... 2 0 0 Thackery, John, Esq...... -. 2 2 0 Greenwood, Joseph, Esq...... 2 0 0 Do ...... Don. 6 17 0 49

: £ s. d. £ s. d. Thackery, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Water Futford. 'Thackery, Mr. G ...... 2 2 0 Key, Thomas, Esq Don. 1200 0 0 Thackery, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Wincobank. Thackery, Miss...... 1 1 0 Association by Miss Reads...... 8 0 0 Webster, Mr...... 1 1 0 Wylde, Mr...... 1 0 0 Salendine Nook. Collection...... 9 0 0 WALES. Preston. Collection by Mr. Ed Western Association of Sonth 5 0 0 W ales...... 15 0 0 Female Auxiliary Society.... 19 0 0 Do. Collections, Subscriptions, Scarborough. &c. by Rev. D. D. Evans. 110 0 0 Collection at Baptist Chapel. 26 5 6 Do. for Jamaica Schools..... 7 5 0 Do. at Independent Chapel.. 13 0 0 Cornwall, Mr. F ...... 0 10 6 South-east Association, bv Rev. Evans, Rev. R ...... 1 1 0 D. Phillips, viz. 0 10 0 Abergavenny. Thomas, Rev. M. 1 1 0 Fowler, Mr.H... 0 10 6 Argoed. Collection...... 0 10 0 Hague, Rev. W . 1 0 0 Blaenaugwent. Do...... 1 3 9 0 10 0 Cadixton. Do ...... 0 9 0 Hill, Mr. C...... 2 2 0 Caerphilly. Do...... 1 0 0 Ibbotson, Miss., 0 10 6 Cardiff. Do. at Tabernacle, 2 0 0 Ladies’ Razaar.. 11 3 0 Do. by Rev. W . Jones...... 2 18 2 Mennel, Mr. I... s 0 10 6 Contributions for Cardiff School 15 0 0 •M 1 0 0 Edy, Mr. John...... 1 10 0 Do. by Miss Megginson. 0 12 0 Evans, Capt. George, and others Richardson, Mr. J...... 0 10 6 under 10s...... 1 7 6 Richmond, Miss...... 0 10 0 Gower, Mr. John...... 0 10 6 Roberts, Master...... 0 10 6 Hopkins, Mr. T ...... 2 2 0 Rowntree, Mr. J...... S 1 0 0 Jones, Rev. W ...... 0 10 6 Sums under 10s...... M 1 6 0 Leysbon, Mr. Evan...... 0 10 6 Smith, W . Esq...... 1 1 0 Thomas, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Smith, Mr. G...... 1 1 0 Williams, Mr. Lewis...... 1 1 0 Stickney, Mr. Isaac...... S 0 10 6 Carmel. Collection...... 0 10 0 Taylor, Mrs. M...... M 1 1 0 Castletown. D o...... 1 0 0 Taylor, Mr. John . 0 10 6 Williams, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 Terry, Mrs. L ...... 0 10 6 Williams, Mr. E ...... 0 5 0 Thirk, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Columston. Collection..... 0 6 2 Tindall, R. Esq...... 1 0 0 Cowbridge. Do. by Rev. J. Ro­ D o...... S 1 0 0 berts...... 2 2 6 Tindall, J. Esq...... 1 0 0 Missionary Rox and Small Sub­ Tindall, Mrs...... 1 0 0 scriptions...... 1 4 0 Woodall & Co...... M 1 11 6 Llangyrieda. Collection.... 0 10 0 Sheffield. Llanwenarth. Hiley, Mrs. sen... 1 1 0 Atkinson, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Lewis, Mr. Walter...... 1 0 0 Auxiliary Society...... 17 8 11 Phillips, Mr. B ...... 1 1 0 Bennett, G. Esq...... 0 10 6 Merthyr. Collection...... 30 8 1 Collected at the English Church 2 8 3 Hodgson, R. Esq...... 0 10 6 Dowlais...... 2 1 0 Larom, Rev. C...... 0 10 6 Ebenezer...... 1 1 0 Rawson, Miss...... 1 1 0 Harris, Rev. T ...... 0 10 6 Shipley. Sion Chapel...... 5 12 2 Brogden, J. Esq . 1 1 0 Small sums...... 0 13 0 18 0 0 Vickery, Mr. M...... 0 10 6 Cockshott, Mr. T ...... 1 1 0 Monmouthshire Female Society, Dibb, Mr. C. Idle...... 0 10 0 by Mrs. Conway...... 30 0 0 Edwards, Rev. James . 1 1 0 Newport. Collection at the An­ nual Meeting, &c...... 32 12 0 Hall...... 2 6 3 Pentline. Collection...... 0 4 8 Hepper, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Petivai. Do...... 0 10 6 Lambert, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Pontnewydd. Conway, Mr. W .. 1 1 0 Pulían, Messrs. J. and W.. 0 11 0 Pontrhydyrm. Penny Society... 2 2 0 Rhodes, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Pontheer. Sion Chapel...... Rhodes, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Jenkins, Mrs. C...... 1 1 0 Spurr, Mr. R ...... 1 1 0 Jenkins, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Smith, Mrs. Wilsden...... 0 10 0 Jenkins, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Wilcock, Mrs. I...... 0 10 6 Penny Society...... 2 2 0 Wilcock, Mrs...... 0 10 6 St. Mary's Church. Collection.. 0 13 0 G 50

£ s. d. £ s. d. I$f. Hilary. Collection . M 0 4 4 Greenock. Tredegar. Morgan, Mr. Herbert 0 5 0 Amt. Miss. Sac. by R. D. Kfcr,1 Treves. Collection.-...... 0 11 6 Esq...... M 5 fl 0 Ystruddyvodog. Collection... 0 5 0 Haddington. Begbie, the late Miss Catherine, Xjaifrndinnis...... 0 10 6 Begbie, Mr. Patrick, Do.. a io 6 East Lothian Society, by Mr. GUERNSEY a n d JERSEY. Hunter...... Guernsey. Brock, Dr...... 1 0 0 Gifford, Mr. Porteous...... , F 0 10 6 Carey, Dr...... 1 0 0 Gifford, Rev. D. Wilkie...... M 0 10 6 Colborne, His Excellency, Sir Girls of the Sabbath School J. Lieutenant-Governor...... 1 t) 0 Garleton...... T 1 17 0 Collectionatthe Methodist Chap. 3 18 8 Howden, Mr. John, Do...... 1 1 0 Do. at the Independent Do...... 2 11 4 Howden, Miss, D o...... 0 10 6 - Do. at the Catel...... 0 17 5 Howden, Mr. John...... M 1 1 0 Do. at St. Martin’s ...... 0 5 3 Hunter, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Dobree, Misses...... 1 1 0 Juvenile Bible and Missionary Greet, P. Esq...... 0 14 0 Society, Preston Pans., T 2 2 0 Penny Society...... 3 3 10 Ladies’ Association...... 5 10 0 Pottinger, Rev. Mr...... 0 10 0 Stark, Rev. W . Dirleton M 1 1 0 Saumarez, Adm. Sir J. Bart. 2 0 0 Todrick, Mr. A ...... 1 1 0 Small Sams under 10s...... 2 7 5 Irvine. Miller, Mr. John.., 0 10 6 Jersey. Bertram, Mr...... 0 10 0 Roxburgh, Mr ...... 0 6 0 Bond, Lieutenant, R .N ...... 1 0 0 Nairnshire. Collections at Albion Chapel.... 3 0 7 Society for the Prop, of the Do. at the Methodist Chapel..... 0 17 10 Gospel, by Rev. W. Barclay.. 5 0 0 Do. Monthly Prayer Meeting.... 0 12 4 Paisley. Do. at a Public Meeting...... 3 4 Youth’s Society for Religious Grey, Mr...... 0 10 Purposes, by Mr. D. Brotigh., T1 10 0 0 Hatch, Mr...... 0 10 Middle Parish Female Bible Jarvis, Rev. T...... 1 0 Association...... 7 0 0 Ladies’ Working Society..... 1 0 Selkirk. Church Miss. Society... 5 3 9 Le Couteur, General...... 1 0 Troon. Macredie, Miss...... 1 1 0 Niehol, Mrs...... 1 0 Wick and Pulteney. Oxenham, Mr...... 0 10 7 10 0 Pequin, Mr...... 0 10 Sorel, Mrs ...... 0 10 Sums various, under 10s..... 1 11

IRELAND. SCOTLAND. Dublin. Âdamton. Reid, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Female Society, by Mrs. Sprigg 3 13 Banff. . . Vesey, Rev. W . by Miss H. K. 1 0 Contributions by Rev. J. Gibbs. S 6 0 0 York-street Missionary Fund, M Berwick. Balmer, Mr Don. 0 10 0 by Thomas Figgis, Esq...... 7 10 Broughton Ferry ¿p Moneyfirth. Sligo. Female Association, by Missionary Society...... S 5 0 0 Rev. Joseph Wilson...... 2 10 Dundee. Baptist Church, Seagate T 5 0 0 Waterford. Association, by Rev. Chapel Shade Association, by C.Bardcastle...... 3 11 Mr. Eason...... M 2 0 0 D o...... F 3 5 0 West Port Penny Society, by Mr. Eason,...... M 5 5 0 Edinburgh. Meggritt, Mr. by'the Rev. W . Innes 2 2 0 Elgin and. Morayshi FOREIGN. Miss. Sdc. by Mr. M'Neil...... 5 15 6 Falkirk. Society for Diffusing Belize. Auxiliary Society, by Rev. Religious Knowledge, by’Rev, J. Bourn...... 27 18 ;D. B. M'Kenzie...... 5 0 0 Netherlands. Auxiliary Society. 200 0 Glasgow. New Brunswick. Contributions of the Auxiliary... T 297 19 6 Collected by J. D. Wilmott, Esq. 14 0 Ditto.. Si 32 6 3 New England Society for Ja­ Ditto., M 16 16 8 maica...... 300 0 51

LEGACIES. £ s. d. Browning, Mrs. late o f WaHap..,.^ ...... 27 0 0 Bull, Rev. S. late of Bas&ingbourn...... 10 0 0 Cox, Mr. Henry, late of Waddesdon...... 45 0 0 Fletcher, H. Esq. late of Shadwell...... 317 4 7 Gregory, Mr. Richard, late of Edmonton...... -...... 30 7 6 Lister, D. Esq. late of Hackney...... 100 0 0 North, Rev. G. R. late of Ware ...... 37 0 0 Ostle, Mrs. Mary, late of Tall Square, Hoftli Shields. ,...... 19 19 0 Pauli, Miss Jane, late of Braunston ...... 90 0 0 Sadler, Mr. Frances, late of Wallingford...... 100 0 0 Tomkins, Mrs. R. late of Finsbury Square, London...... 233 9 6 Wilson, Matthew, Esq. late of Kettering...... 100 0 0


Glasgow. Contributions of the Auxiliary...... 4 3 0


Gurney, W . B. Esq. MusweU Hill...... 25 0 0 Coventry, Subscriptions...... 2 12 d 52

Contributions fo r Chapels and Schools in Jamaica.

S ch o o ls, S p a n is h T o w n . £ s. d. £ s. d. Parsons, Mr. Robert...... 0 10 0 Arnett, Mr...... 0 10 0 Parsons, Mr. Thomas, jun...... 1 0 0 Atkins, Mr. Joseph...... 0 10 0 Parker, Mrs. Ann...... 0 13 0 Atkins, Mrs. Esther . 0 10 0 Pratt, Mr. Sampson...... 0 5 0 Atkins, Miss Esther...... 0 2 6 Rolls, Mr. Thomas...... 0 10 0 Bartlett, Mr...... 0 10 0 Rose, Mr. T ...... 0 5 0 Beuzeville, Miss...... 0 10 0 Steadman, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Betterton, Miss...... 1 0 0 Steadman, Miss J...... 1 0 0 Bliss, Mr. W ...... 1 0 0 Smaller Sums...... 4 10 0 Carter, Mr...... 0 10 0 Smith, Mr. G. M ...... 1 0 0 Clarke, Mrs. Ann...... 1 0 0 Wheeler, W . Esq. Hook Norton. ... 1 0 0 Coles, Mr. W ...... 1 0 0 Collingwood, Samuel, E sq. 5 0 0 F emale School, K ingston. ■Copley, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Goring, H. Esq...... 5 0 0 Abergavenny...... 10 0 0 Parsons, Mr. Robert...... 0 2 6 Brecon ...... 4 0 9 Pike, Mr...... 0 10 0 Bristol...... 190 7 0 Small Sams...... 4 14 0 Caermarthen...... 8 0 0 Steane, Mr...... 1 0 0 Fishguard ...... 2 6 6 Winstanley, Rev. E ...... 0 5 0 Haverfordwest...... 1 10 0 Wyatt, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Fletcher, Joseph, Esq. and Mrs. Fletcher, Bruce Grove ...... 10 10 0 C h a p e l , S p a n is h T o w n . Ladies Society for the Instruction of Negro Children, by Miss E. F. Mait ­ A Friend...... 0 12 6 land, Secretary...... 25 0 0 Aked, Mr...... 1 0 0 Middle Mill...... 2 1 0 Anderton, Mrs. John...... 1 0 0 Milford Haven...... 1 5 6 Anderton, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Coleman, Miss, Tenby (additional) 5 0 0 Bacon, Mrs...... 10 0 Herbert, Miss, Abergavenny...... 5 0 0 Bahne, Miss...... 1 0 0 Smith, Miss, Olney...... 20 0 0 Baker, Mr. John r...... 1 0 0 Whitchurch, Miss, and Friend, Salis­ Betterton, Miss— :...... 5 0 0 bury...... 10 0 0 Bliss, Misses...... 0 10 0 Wildman, Miss, Clifton...... 10 0 0 Catton, Mr. W ...... 0 5 0 Wild man, Miss, —, Do...... 5 0 0 Coling, Mr. R ...... 10 0 Stennett, Mr. and Misses. London... 2 12 6 Croft, Mr. Robert...... 1 0 0 Narbeth...... 1 17 0 Evans, Mr. John...... 1 0 0 Newport, Pembroke...... 1 5 0 Fowler, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 Nailsworth...... 14 0 0 Hill, Mr. John...... 1 0 0 Pembroke Dock...... 1 10 0 Hill, Mr. Thomas...... 1 0 0 Tenby...... 16 0 0 Hodgkins, Mr. T ...... 1 0 0 Huckvale, Mr. W ...... 2 0 0 Montego Ray. Huckvale, Mr. W ...... 0 5 0 Huckvale, Mr. Samuel...... 1 1 0 Birmingham...... 62 0 0 Huckvale, Mrs. Ann....— 0 5 0 Do. for Sale of Pincushions, &c 0 11 6 Murgatroyd, Mr. William. 1 0 0 Kidderminster...... 2 8 6

WEST INDIA FUND. £ s. d. Friends, by Mrs. T. Rippon, viz. Dixon, Mr...... 1 0 0 Dixon, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Law, Miss...... 1 0 0 Nokes, Mrs...... 2 2 0 Rippon, Mrs...... 1 1 0 JLaverton. Friends...... 1 2 6 Water Fulford. Key, Thomas, Esq...... 50 0 0 Watford. A Friend...... 1 0 0 03

U t e t Qt Htfe ^uli^rrii)t'r0



By the Payment of Ten Pounds or upwards at one time.


IN THE FOLLOWING LIST, 1. Those Persons to whose names no place of abode is attached, reside in or near London. 2. The donations are inserted without specifying the particular object fo r which they were given. 3. O f the Contributions made fo r the liquidation of the debt, those only presented by individuals are included. 4. Where several donations have been given by the same individual, the dates are given o f the first and the last year, thus: 1793, 1827. 5. The names o f anonymous contributors, and of persons known to be deceased, are not inserted.

£ s. d. £ s. d. Abercrombie, Dr. Edinburgh, Bolton, Mrs. Liverpool...... 1818 15 0 0 1813—1825 21 0 0 Booth, Mr. R. Coventry 1826 10 0 0 Acland, Sir T. D. M,P.. 1825—1826 20 0 0 Bosworth, Rev. W . Stafford... 1824 10 0 0 Adkins, Mr. AliddletonCheney,ISÌ2 10 0 0 Bousfield, Messrs...... 1813, 1823 40 0 0 Adams, Mr. Cambridge 1823 10 0 0 Boyce, Mr...... 1819 10 10 0 Alexander, D. Esq...... 1811 10 10 0 Brightwell, T. Esq. Norwich... 1813 15 0 0 Allen, Francis, Esq. From« 1823 10 0 0 Bristol, Very Rev. Dean of. 1819 10 0 0 Andrews, W . Esq. Olney 1813 10 0 0 Brogden, Mr. T. Norwich 1803 10 10 0 Angas, Captain, London 1813 20 0 0 Brown, Messrs. James and Son, Angas, Caleb,Esq. Newcastle-upon- Leeds...... 1813 20 0 0 Tyne...... 1823 10 0 0 Burls, Messrs. W . C. and J ...... 1823 15 0 0 Antil, Mr. B. Nailsworth 1820 10 0 0 Burls, William, Esq...... 1813, 1823 35 0 0 Ariel, Mr. Bristol...... 1813 10 0 0 Burls, Mrs...... 1813, 1823 20 0 0 Arnold, Mr. T. Sevenoaks 1824 50 0 0 Burn, Mr. Camberwell..1801-1822 272 7 6 Ash, Mrs. Eliz. Bristol 1819 10 0 0 Burnell and Dyer, Messrs. Ply­ Ash win, Mr. James, Bour ton... 1826 10 0 0 mouth ...... 1806 15 0 0 Aspinall, Mrs. Liverpool 1817 10 0 0 Burnett, J.Esq. Kemnay 1809,1813 150 0 0 Barfield. Mr. John...... 1823 10 0 0 Butcher, Mr. R. Frome...1820,1823 30 0 0 Barclay, Et. Esq. Bury Hill 1822 65 0 0 Cabell, Messrs. W.T.&S 1823 10 0 0 Baring, Sir T. Bart. M.P 1821 20 0 0 Cadby, Mr. Charles...... 1823 10 0 0 Barnes, Miss, Liverpool 1818 10 0 0 Cadbury, Miss, Rumhill 1823 10 0 0 Bartlett, Mr. W . P ...... 1823 10 0 . 0 Campbell, Rev. H. Salop 1805 10 10 0 Bay lis, Mr. J...... 1823 10 0 0 Campbell, Rev. H. A.M. Nails­ Beasly, Mrs...... 1823 10 0 0 worth...... 1820 10 10 0 Benwell, Joseph, Esq...... 1813 10 0 0 Carnegie, Miss E. Edinburgh. . 10 10 0 Berkley, Mr. R. Leicesiei' 1823 10 0 0 Carroll, Mrs...... 1820-1825 50 0 0 Bevan, S. Esq. Fosbury House, Caslon 8c Catherwood, Messrs..1813 10 10 0 1820, 1823 30 0 0 Cave, S. Esq. B ristol...1813—1819 60 0 0 Bevan, Charles, Esq...... 1816 10 10 0 Chadwick, Mr. Leeds...... 1813 10 0 0 Bexley, Right Hon. Lord 1823 10 10 0 Chandler, Mr. John...... 1823 10 0 0 Bickersteth, Rev. Edward.. 1822 10 10 0 Cheney, Miss C. Braunston.... 1823 20 0 0 Bignold, Thomas, Esq. junior, Nor­ Churchill, Mr. R. Sheepshead, wich...... 1816, 1823 40 0 0 1805,1807 20 0 0 Blackett, John, Esq...... 1821 10 10 0 Clark and Collins, Messrs 1823 10 0 0 Blakeley, Mr. J. R. 10 10 0 Clapham, John, Esq. Leeds 1813 10 0 0 Blatherwick, Mr. Nottingham. 1823 10 0 0 Claris, Mr. J...... 1820 10 10 0 Blytb, Daniel, Esq. Langham, Cobb, Francis, Esq. Margate... 1818 10 10 0 1798,1813 30 0 0 Colliugwood, S. Esq. Oxford...1823 10 0 0 Blyth, Mrs. Langham...... 1798 10 0 0 Colyer, Mr. W . H...... 1813 10 10 0 54

£ s. d. £ s. d. Cooper, E. Esq. Dereham 1813 10 10 0 Flight, Banister, Esq...... 1823 10 10 0 Cooper, Mr. R. Bourton ....1819 10 10 0 Flndyer, Miss...... 1822 10 0 0 Cooper, Miss...... 1813 10 0 0 Foote, Miss, Bristol...... 1819 10 0 0 Cooke, I. Esq. Bristol...1812, 1813 60 10 0 Forbes, Sir W . Bart. Pitsligo.1%13 10 0 0 Collingwood, S. Esq. Oxford, Foster, J. Esq. Biggleswade.. .1821 81 10 0 1826,1827 21 0 0 Foster, R. Esq. Cambridge 1823 10 0 0 Corrie, Adam, Esq. Welling­ Foster, R. jun. Esq. do 1823 25 0 0 borough...... 1813 50 0 0 Foster, E. Esq. do...... 1823 30 0 0 Cort, Mr. James, Leicester 1823 10 0 0 lroulks, Arthur, Esq. Bristol, Cottle, Robert, Esq...... 1823 10 0 0 1817,1819 30 0 0 Courtney, H. Esq. Dublin 1822 10 0 0 Freme, Mr. T . Liverpool 1813 10 0 0 Cowell, Mr. John... 1813,1823 30 10 0 Freme, Mr. William...... 1813 20 0 0 Cox, Mr. Ovem...... 1813 10 10 0 Fripp, James, Esq. Bristol 1811 10 0 0 Cox, Rev. F. A. LL. D 1823 10 0 0 Frearson, Messrs. J. & Co. Notting­ Cozens, Mr. James, Norwich, ham...... 1823 10 0 0 1818.1823 20 0 0 Fry and Steel, Messrs...... 1813 52 10 0 Cozens, Mr. John, do 1813,1823 30 0 0 Gardiner, Samuel, Esq. Coombe Cramp, Rev. T. St. Peters 1823 10 10 0 Lodge...... 1817 30 0 0 Culley, Mr. J. Norwich...... 1818 30 0 0 Gaviller, George, Esq...... 1823 10 10 0 Culley, Mr. J. jan. do...... 1818 20 0 0 Gee, Mrs. Mary, Hull...... 1813 10 10 0 Culley, Mr. H...... 1823 10 0 0 Gillespie, W . Esq. Gtas£-oic....l800 10 10 0 Culley, Mr. R. do...... 1818 20 0 0 Giliman, William, Esq...... 1823 25 0 0 Culley, Mr. S. do...... 1818 25 0 0 Gillman, Mrs...... 1823 10 0 0 Cuninghame, William, Esq. Lain- Goffe, Miss S. Uooknorton 1813 21 0 0 shaw...... 1822,1825 31 0 0 Goodman, B.Esq. Leeds.1826,1827 30 0 Q Curling, Mr...... 1810,1811 21 0 0 Gordon, Alexander, Esq. 1813,1826 35 10 0 Dalton, John, Esq...... 1823 10 10 0 Goring, H. Esq. Oxford..1823,1827 50 0 0 Davey, Mrs. Norwich...... 1818 20 0 0 Gorst, James, Esq 1821,1827 90 0 0 Davey, Miss, do...... 1818 10 0 0 Gotch, J. C. Esq. Kettering, 1811 Davidson, Rev. Dr. Edinburgh, 1808 10 0 0 1820 71 10 0 Daries, R. Esq. Walthamstow, Gotch, Mrs. sen. do...... 1813 10 0 0 1813,1826 470 0 0 Gould, N. Esq. Salford 1813 10 0 0 Davies, Miss...... 1825 10 10 0 Gouldsmith, Jesse, Esq 1805 10 10 0 Davis, Henry, Esq. Bristol 1813 10 10 0 Gouldsmith, Mrs...... 1823 31 0 0 Davis, Rev. R. Middleton Cheney, Gray, Mr. William...... 1812 10 0 0 1812 10 0 0 Gray, R. Esq. Edinburgh 1818 10 10 0 Dawson, Roger/Esq...... 1822 10 10 0 Green, P. Esq...... 1800 10 0 0 Deacon, John, Esq...... 1821, 1826 81 10 0 Greenwood, John, Esq. Bridge Deakin, John, Esq. Birmingham, House...... 1810,1823 81 0 0 1812,1826 1212 10 0 Greenwood, J. Esq. Oxenhope, Dent, Mr. J. Northampton 1813 10 0 0 1811.1823 43 10 0 Dermer, Miss...... 1821,1820 30 0 0 Grey, Hon. Lady, Portsea 1823 10 0 0 Dicey, T. E. Esq. Claybrook Hall, Guinness, Arthur, Esq. Dublin, 1822.1823 20 0 0 1813.1823 25 0 0 Digby, Mrs. Edinburgh 1821 10 0 0 Gurney, John, Esq 1821, 1823 30 10 0 Dixon, William, Esq 1817,1820 30 0 0 Gumey, Joseph, Esq. Norwich, Doqglas, John, Esq. Cavers 1825 20 0 0 1813, 1818 50 0 0 Drummond, H. Esq...... 1821, 1823 30 0 0 Gumey, J. J. Esq. do...... 1813 10 0 0 Dunn, Mr. John...... 1823 10 0 0 Gumey, John, Esq. do...... 1813 10 0 0 Dunn, Mr. W ...... 1823 10 0 0 Gurney, R . H. Esq. M.P. do. Dyer, Rev, John...... 1823 10 0 0 1813, 1823 124 10 0 Eaden, Mr. Cambridge 1823 10 0 0 Gumey, W . B. Esq 1823,1826 75 0 0 Easthope, John, Esq .....1817 10 0 0 Gutteridge, Joseph, Esq. 1813, 1823 40 0 0 Edminson, Rev. R ...... 1826 10 0 0 Gutteridge, Mrs...... 1823 10 0 0 Edwards, T. Esq. Cacrleon 1823 10 0 0 Gutteridge, Miss...... 1822 10 0 0 Edwards, Mrs...... 1824 10 10 0 Gutteridge, R. Esq. Dunstable..1823 10 0 0 Ellis, T. Esq. Sandhurst 1823,1825 21 10 0 Haldane, R. Esq. Edinburgh, Ellis, Mrs...... 1825 10 10 0 1799, 1823 600 0 0 Erskine, T. Esq. Dundee, 1823,1825 20 10 0 Haldane, James A. Esq. do. Etherington, Sir H. Hüll 1813 10 10 0 1798,1821 54 0 0 Evans, Mr. Thomas...... 1823 10 0 0 Hale, William, Esq...... 1823 10 0 0 Favell, Mrs ...... 1823 10 0 0 Hall, Mrs. Cheltenham...1806, 1815 160 0 0 Fenn, Mr. Sudbury...... 1807 10 0 0 Hammond, Mr. Bonham 1805 10 0 ,0 Ferrier, & Co. Du Win....1813,1822 31 7 6 Hammond, George, Esq 1823 10 0 0 Finlay, K. Esq. Glasgow.. 1813 10 10 0 Hanbury, —, Esq...... 1813 10 0 0 Fleming, R. Esq. do.'...... 1807 20 0 0 Hankey, W . A. Esq...... 1820 10 10 0 Fletcher, Messrs. H. and Son, Hanson, Joseph, Esq...... 1825 60 0. 0 1813.1823 55 0 0 Harford, J. Esq. Bristol, 1818, 1820 20 0 it £ s. d. £ s. d. Hardcastle, A. Esq...... 1817 10 10 0 Macleod, Mrs...... 1823 10 0 0 Hardcastle. Revner and Co....1795, Maitland, Eben, Esq 1813, 1826 30 0 0 1802 94 0 0 Marlborough, Mr...... 1833 10 0 U Hargraves, Rev. J. Ogden 1816 10 10 0 Marsh, Rev. W . A.M. Colchester, Hartley, T. Esq. Roscrow...... 1824 10 It) 0 1822 10 It) 0 Harvey and Napier, Messrs.....1813 10 10 0 Marshall, John, Esq...... 1823 20 0 0 Haynes, R. Esq. Westbury 1823 20 0 0 Marston, W .E sq...... 1814 10 0 0 Hawkins, Mr. Norwich 1818 10 0 0 Martin, Mr. Chilton...... 1821 10 0 0 Hayes, P. L. Esq...... 1818 21 0 0 Matthews, Miss, Bristol 1813 10 0 0 Haydon Messrs. Guildford....Ì82H 15 0 0 M'Dowell, Lt. Gen.,Stranraer, 1825 10 10 0 Head, Mrs. Bradford...... 1823 10 0 0 M'Niel, Mr. P. Crieff. 1813 10 0 0 Heard, Messrs. & Co. Nottingham, Meacher, G. Esq. Ivinghoe 1807 10 0 0 1823 10 0 0 Meyer, G. Esq...... 1809,1823 51 0 0 Hird, Mrs. S. Liverpool 1813 10 10 0 Millard, Mr. P ...... 1823 10 0 0 Hird, Miss A. do...... 1810 10 10 0 Millar, Mr. A. Edinburgh 1813 21 0 0 Hemming. J. Esq...... 1801 10 0 0 Mills, Samuel, Esq 1813, 1823 20 0 0 Hepburn, Mr. John...... 1823 10 0 0 Milligan, Mr. Hinkley .....1804 10 10 0 Hepburn, Mrs...... 1823 10 0 0 Moncrieff, W . S. Esq. Edinburgh, Heskins,Barnard,&Co. Nailsworth, 1815,1825 130 0 0 1823 10 0 0 Moncrieff, R. S. Esq 1810,1815 90 0 0 Hey worth, L. Esq. Liverpool...1826 10 0 0 Morris, R. Esq. Craig...... 1815 10 0 0 'Hdby, Rev. James...... 1823 10 10 0 Mortlock, John, Esq 1821,1826 81 0 0 Hodges, Mrs. jBmioZ....,1816, 1823 100 0 0 Moreton, Mr. sen. Amersham...l823 10 0 0 Hogg,Rev. R. Kimbolton, 1810,1823 80 0 0 Nash, W . W . Esq. Royston....mS 10 10 « Hogan, W . C. Esq. Dublin 1813 10 0 0 Neale, Mr. John...... 1827 10 10 0 Holland, Mrs. Bristol 1819,1823 60 0 0 Newman, Rev. Dr...... 1823 10 0 0 Hollingsworth, S. N. Esq 1826 10 0 0 Nice, Mr. B. Coichester, 1823,1825 83 0 0 Hope, Mr. W . jnn. Liverpool..1817 20 0 0 Nichols, Rev. W . Collingham, 1823 10 0 0 Hope, Samuel, Esq. do...1813, 1823 110 0 0 Nicholson,Rev.J. Kingsbridge, 1811 10 0 0 Hughes, Mr...... 1810 10 0 0 Nicholson, Mr. J. Leeds 1813 10 0 0 Hughes, Rev. Joseph...... 1823 10 0 0 Noel, Hon. C .N ...... 1820 10 0 0 Hull, Mr. S. Uxbridge 1819 10 0 0 Noel, Hon. and Rev. G...... 1818 10 0 « Hall, Mr. J. do...... 1815 10 10 0 Norton, Mr. Norwich 1818,1823 20 0 0 Halme, -Rev. Geo...... 1828 10 10 0 Nutter, James, Esq. Cambridge, Inglis, Sir R. H...... 1819, 1823 41 10 0 1811,1823 20 0 Ö Ivimey, Rev. Joseph...... 1823 10 0 0 Nntter, James, jnn. do...... 1811 10 0 0 Jeffs, Mr. Diss...... 1807,1813 210 0 0 O’Brien, Lady, Dublin 1813-14 20 0 Í Jßnkins, E. Esq. Pontnewydd..l81& 20 0 0 Oddy, Rev. Miles, Haworth... 1824 10 0 0 Jenkins, S. Esq. do...... 1815 20 0 0 Oldfield, T. B. Esq...... 1824 10 10 0 Johnson, Mr. O. Birmingham, Page, Rev. H. Worcester 1823 10 0 •O 1813, 1823 30 10 0 Parken, J. P. Esq...... 1826 10'10 0 Johnson, Messrs. & Son, Liverpool, Patterson, John, Esq. Glasgow, 1813 10 10 0 1798,1802 30 0 0 Keck, T. A. Esq. Leeds 1822 10 0 0 Patterson, Mrs. do...... 1802 10 10 0 Kelly, Rev. Mr. Dublin..,. 1805 21 0 0 Patterson, Samuel, Esq. Dalkeith, Kelsall, Mr. Rochdale.*.; 1825 10 0 0 1822 25 0 0 Kèmble, Henry, Esq...... 1823 10 0 0 Paynter, Francis, Esq...... 1822 10 10 0 Kennard, J. Esq.;...... 1823 10 0 0 Percival, Dr. Dublin ...... 1813 25 0 0 Kennaway, Sir John, Escot 1820 10 10 0 Pewtress, Mr. John 1807, 1813 20 0 6 Kennedy, Mr. J...... 1826, 1827 20 0 0 Phillips, T. M. Esq. Garrington King, Mr. Bivmmgham, 1813, 1823 30 10 0 Hall ...... 1813,1819 30 0 0 King, Mrs. do...... 1823, 1824 40 0 0 Phillips, Richard, Esq. Swansea, Kinghorn, fiev. J. Norwich 1823 10 0 0 1819.1822 20 0 0 Key, Thomas,Esq. Water Fulfórd, Phillips, Edward, Esq. Melksham, 1 1814,1827...2155 0 0 1822.1823 20 0 0 Lang, Mr. John, Liverpool 1813 10 10 0 Phillips, Mr. Leicester 1820 10 0 0 Leigh, Mr. T. Earith...... 1823 10 0 0 Pirie, John, Esq...... 1823 20 0 0 Lidgould, Miss...... 1826 21 0 0 Pittam, Mr. Buckingham 1815 10 10 0 Lindeman, Mr...... 1813 10 0 0 Platt, Thomas, Esq...... 1823 10 0 0 Little, Benjamin, Esq. Bristol..1815 20 0 0 Ponton, R. Esq. Edinburgh 1818 10 0 0 Lloyd, Mr. W . F ...... 1818 10 10 0 Pope, H. Esq. Manchester 1814 10 0 0 Lomax, Mr. J. Nottingham....l%23 10 0 0 Potts, Mr. T. Birmingham 1813 10 10 0 Loraine, Mr. Edinburgh 1813 10 0 0 Prance, R.Esq...... 1825 10 0 0 Lorimer, Mrs. do...... 1813 10 0 0 Pritt, Mr. James, Nottingham.. 1813 10 0 0 Ludlow, Mr. R. S. Bristol 1819 10 10 0 Protheroe, J. Esq. Bristol 1816 105 0 0 Lunell, Mr. do...... 1813 31 0 0 Protheroe, P. Esq. do 1803,1808 41 0 0 Manfield, W . Esq...... 1821, 1827 80 10 0 Radford, Mr. Leeds...... 1813 20 0 0 Mackenzie,Mr. Birmingham... 1823 10 0 0 Ransford,T. Esq. Bristol. 1803,1814 40 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. Rawson, G. Esq. £eeds....lS13,1818 31 0 0 Thompson, J. Esq...... 1814 21 0 0 Reade, T. S. fl. Esq. do 1813 20 0 0 Thompson, T. Esq...... 1822 10 10 0 Rippon, Rev. Dr...... 1813,1823 20 10 0 Thompson, M. Esq. Hull, 1811,1824 21 10 0 Risdon, R. Esq. Burlingham. .1825 30 0 0 Thompson, Mr. T. Newcastle-under- Rixon, Mr...... 1812 20 0 0 line...... 1823,1825 20 0 0 Robarts, N. Esq...... 1813,1823 40 0 0 Theobald, Mr. T. Norwich 1818 Robinson, S. Esq...... 1813,1823 30 0 0 1823 23 0 0 Robinson, Mrs...... 1819 10 0 0 Thorbum, W . Esq. Leith 1821 10 0 0 Rushton, Mr. W . Liverpool 1813 10 0 0 Townsend, W . Esq...... 1822 10 0 0 Russell, Messrs. A.C. and Son, 1822 10 10 0 Trevelvan, W . R. Esq. Leeds.,1813 20 0 0 Salter, Mr. S...... 1823,1826 75 0 0 Tritton, Henry, Esq...... 1823 10 0 0 Salter, Mr. S. Trowbridge 1823 10 10 0 Trotter, Mr. G. Coleford 1827 10 0 0 Salter, Mr. jun...... 1826 10 0 0 Trueman, Joseph, Esq...... 1823 10 0 0 Saunders, Mr. A ...... 1827 10 10 0 Tucker, Renjamin, Esq...... 1823 10 0 0 Scott, John, Esq...... 1815 10 10 0 Turner, Mr. Cambridge 1823 10 0 0 Sevier, James, Esq...... 1823 20 0 0 Vansittart, Right Hon. N. ( now Sharp, Mr. A. Leeds...... 1813 10 0 0 Lord Bexley) ...... 1815,1821 61 0 0 Sharp, Mr. W . do...... 1813 10 0 0 Vansittart, Miss...... 1815,1819 6l 0 0 Shepherd, H. Esq. Maidstone..1820 10 10 0 Vansittart, Mrs...... 1815,1819 41 0 0 Sheppard, J. Esq. Frome 1820 35 0 0 Ware, Mrs...... 1821,1826 31 0 0 Sherring, Messrs. J. & R . Bristol... 10 0 0 Ware, Miss ...... 1825 10 IQ 0 Shewell, J. Esq...... 1819 10 0 0 Ware, John, Esq...... 1824 10 0 0 Shipman, T. Esq...... 1819 10 10 0 Walkden; Mr. John...... 1823 10 0 0 Shaw, Renjamin, Esq 1821,1825 125 0 0 Waldren, Mrs. Leicester 1814 20 0 0 Simpson, Mr. Diss...... v1813 10 0 0 Walker, T. Esq...... 1822,1823 20 10 0 Sing, Messrs. Bridgnorth 1823 10 0 0 Walker, Miss, Dairy...... 1825 10 0 0 Sinnock, Mr. R. Battle ..... 1827 20 0 0 Waller, Mr. Edmund, Luton...1823 10 10 0 Skinner, William, Esq. Bristol, Warmington, Mr. Joseph 1823 10 0 0 1804,1823 282 10 0Warner, Mr. T. Leicester 1823 10 0 0 Sloper, Rev. N. E ...... 1823 20 0 0 Wavmouth, H. Esq 1813,1820 50 0 0 Smith, Miss, Bradford...... 1805 52 10 0 Weàre, Mrs. Bristol 1816,1823 355 0 0 Smith, Opie, Esq. Bath 1812 10 0 0 Whitchurch, Messrs. S. & W...1823 10 0 0 Smith, Mrs. Bristol 1813,1814 10 0 0 Whitchurch, Misses...... 1823 10 0 0 Smith, Mr. Northampton 1813 10 0 0 Whittuck,J. Esq. Bristol, 1807,1815 20 0 0 Smith, Messrs. T. J. and S 1823 10 0 0 Wignev, W . Esq. Brighton, Smith, Mr. W . L ...... 1823 10 0 0 1818,1823 20 0 0 Smith, Mr. Crayford...... 1823 10 0 0 Wilberforce, W . Esq. M.P 1813 10 0 0 Smith, Miss M. W . CUipham..m6 10 0 0 Wildman, Miss, Clifton 1827 10 0 9 Smith, Miss, Olney...... 1827 20 0 0 Wilkin, Mr. S. 2Vondc/»..1812,1813 100 0 0 Southampton, Lady...... 1819 10 0 0 Wilks, Rev. Matthew... 1822 10 0 0 Spencer, Right Honorable Earl, Wilks, J. Esq...... 1822,1823 21 0 0 1 1802,1821 130 0 0 Williams, Mr. by Dr. R 1812 10 0 0 Sperling, H. P. Esq. Henley....1822 20 0 0 Williams, Thomas, Esq....l823,1826 30 0 0 Spragg, Mr...... 1818 50 0 0 Williams, William, Esq. M.P..1823 10 0 0 Sprot, Mrs. Edinburgh 1813 10 0 0 Wilson, J. R. Esq 1817,1826 570 0 0 Stancomb, Mr. J. Trowbridge, 1818 10 10 0 Wilson, Mrs...... 1821,1826 25 10 0 Stancomb, Mr. W . do...... 1818 10 10 0 Wilson, Joseph, Esq...... 1822 20 0 0 Steven, Mrs. S...... 1808 10 0 0 Windsor, Hon. T ...... 1820 10 10 0 Stock, Dr. Bristol 1817,1818 20 0 0 Winterbotham, Rev.W.Nailsworlh, Swinburne, Mrs. Derby 1823 20 0 0 1823 10 0 0 Sykes, J. Esq. Hull...... 1808 10 10 0 Winterbotham, R. L. & L 1823 10 0 0 Tall, Rev. J. Swavesey 1822 10 0 0 Wontner, Joseph, Esq ..1824 10 10 0 Taylor, James, Esq...... 1826 10 0 0 Wontner, Thomas, jun. Esq 1824 10 10 0 Thackrey, G. Esq. Leeds 1818 10 10 0 Woodhill, Mr. Birmingham....1823 10 0 0 Thackrey, M. Esq 1813,1826 60 0 0 Wylie, Miss, Broadway, 1818,1825 20 0 0 Thomas, Mr. Thomas...... 1823 10 0 0 Yates, Rev. W . Stroud 1827 10 0 0 LEGACIES. N.B. The sum stated is that actually received by the Society.

„ 1796 £ s. d. £ s. d. Trinder, Mr. Northampton...... 400 0 0 Phillips, Rev. W . Leicestershire.... 20 0 0 1803 \Valrnsley, W . Esq. London 180 0 0 Poole, M. Esq. Woodford...... 47 0 0 Williams, Mrs. Hitchin...... 45 0 0 Trinder,Mr. Northampton—Balance 88 14 3 1820 1805 Anonymous, London...... 100 0 0 Etheridge, Mr. London...... 94 0 0 Manns, Mrs. do...... 5 0 0 1806 White, Miss, do...... 10 0 0 Douglas, Miss C. Bristol...... 35 7 5 Williams, Mrs. Bristol...... 18 0 0 Douglas, Miss S. do...... 73 11 0 1821 1808 A dd, Mr. J. Dairy...... 5 0 0 Ludlow, Dr. Bristol...... 100 0 0 Dawson, Mrs. V. Dublin...... 13 17 5 Robertson, W . ^sq.Maybole, N. B. 44 18 0 Fletcher, Miss, Bessel’s Green 5 0 0 Wren, Mr. C. Rochdale...... 45 0 0 • Palmer, Miss Ann, Huclcney 203 5 0 1809 Rogers, Mr. W . Barby.-...... 45 0 0 Dodkin, Mrs. Basingbourne 89 13 4 Smith, J. J. Esq. Watford...... 90 0 0 Harford, Miss M. Blaize Castle 360 0 0 Young, Mrs. Edinburgh...... 25 0 0 M‘L. Mrs. Edinburgh...... 21 0 0 18-22 Scott, Mrs. Matlock...... 269 10 0 Davis, Mrs. Lucy, London...... 5 0 0 1810 Elston, Mr. John, do...... 210 0 0 Chandler, Mr. B. London...... 45 0 0 Morrison, Mr. J. St. Ninians 5 0 0 Coles, Rev'. W . Kettering...... 10 0 0 Puplatt, Mr. M. Ramsgate...... 40 0 0 Greenwood, Mrs. Ann, York 200 0 0 Roper, F. Esq. Herne Hill 225 0 0 Stringer, Mrs. Walliwcton...... 450 0 0 Salter, W . Esq. Norwood...... 270 0 0 1811 Sawkins, Mrs. M. London...... 10 0 O Bundy, Mrs. Bristol...... 90 0 0 Thornton, Mrs. M. Hull...... 71 13 4 Gillespie, Mr. Down, N. B 17 4 0 Tomkins, Mrs. R. London...... 524 9 7 Hankinson, John, Esq. London 90 0 0 1823 Lamb, Mrs. Clapton...... 45 0 0 Cattel, Mrs. Elspet, Elgin...... 5 0 0 1812 Cockburn, Mr. T. Edinburgh 266 8 9 Gordon, Mrs. Liverpool ...... 90 0 0 Erskine, Miss H .d o...... 92 6 2 Taylor, W . Esq. London...... 90 0 0 Etheridge, Mr. Hackney...... 101 14 0 1813 Mann, Mr. Thomas, London 71 6 0 Douglas, Mrs. S. J. Bristol 31 7 9 Oldham, James O. Esq. do...... 401 5 0 King, Mrs. do...... 19 19 0 Trigg, John, Esq. Melbonrn Bury... 90 0 0 Holmes, J. Esq. Stanhury...... 90 0 0 Woolston, Mr. John, Banbury 37 16 0 1814 1824 Fauntleroy, T. Esq. London...... 100 0 0 Bult, Mr. John, London...... 90 0 0 Mauter, Mrs. Ann, Sunderland 45 0 0 Sharp, Mrs. Jane, Mary port 8 17 “2 Pain, Miss Mary, Thame...... 10 0 0 Sutclifi; Mr. D. Hebden-bridge 257 17 0 1815 Wallis, Mrs. B. Kettering...... 35 0 0 Dares, Mr. London...... 27 0 .0 1825 Donne, Rev. J. Trologod, Radnor.. 90 0 0 Bennet, Mr. William, Birmingham. 90 0 0 Goff, Mr. E. London...... 100 0 0 Berridge, Mr. T. Northampton 643 5 5 Renard/ J. Esq. Hull...... 20 0 0 Calwell, Mrs. Bath...... 1000 0 0 Wallis, Mrs. B. Kettering...... 355 0 0 Child, Miss, London...... 45 0 0 1816 Clift, Mrs. W . Westbury Leigh 5 0 0 Pasco, Mrs. Frome...... 20 0 0 Colman, Mr. J. M. Norwich 1614 6 Turland, Miss, Bugbrook...... 30 0 0 Cooper, Mrs. A. M. Dublin 18 5 5 Ward, Mr. J. Liverpool...... 19 19 0 Creighton, Mr. W . Kilwinning 50 0 0 Wigg, Mr. E. Norwich...... 10 0 0 Cuninghame, Mrs. Kilmarnock 43 15 II Wrights, M rs...... 41 10 0 Harris, Mr. Robert, Trowbridge.... ISO 0 0 1817 Harris, Mr. J. M. do...... 180 0 0 Adams, Mr. Napton...... 41 0 0 Hayes, Mrs. London...... 58 14 0 Fuller, Rev. Andrew, Kettering 27 0 0 Moore, Mr. R. Alcombe...... 45 0 0 Green, Miss Lydia, Bath...... 20 0 0 Palmer, Rev. John, Shrewsbury 9 9 6 Thrupp, Mr. J. London...... 45 0 0 Smith, Rev. W . do...... 101 11 6 1818 1826 Gleanes, Mr. J. Stockport...... 266 9 0 Amold, Rev. T. Reading...... 25 0 0 Hall, Mrs. Amsby...... 40 0 0 Follett, Rev. T. Tiverton...... 15 0 0 Law, Mr. Birmingham...... 20 0 0 Poole, Mr. Bristol...... 45 0 0 Lind, Mr. J. Dewsbury...... 10 0 0 1827 Morgan, Rev. B. Bridgewater 10 0 0 Bonville, Thomas, Esq. Bristol 45 0 0 Urry, Mr. J. London...... 10 0 0 Broadley, Samuel, Esq. Bradford... 800 0 0 1819 Coade, Mrs. Eleanor, Camberwell.. 261 12 9 Hill, Miss Rupertia, London 100 0 0 Howlett, Rev. Mr. Long Crendon.. 142 0 0 Maddocks, Mrs. Natittcich...... 180 0 0 Mottershaw, Thomas, Esq. Stafford 89 0 0 H JUNE 1, 1827,

£ s. d.

T o F o r eig n E x p e n d it u r e :

Serampore, on account of Translations, &c. (other sums paid in Calcutta.)...... 612 16 2

C alcutta, and other stations in India : Remittances to Alexander & Co ...... 2000 0 0 Shipments on account, to be repaid...... 1329 2 4 ------3329 2 4 C e y lo n ...... 621 14 0

J a va...... 475 1G 0 Sumatra (including purchase of Premises)...... 1100 12 C Jam aica...... 3319 9 7 H on d u ra s...... !00 1 6

T o H ome E x p e n d it u r e :

Widows and Orphans of Missionaries...... 305 2 4 Expenses of Returned Missionaries...... 172 6 6 Board and Education of Missionary Students...... 245 13 7 Books for Missionaries and Students...... 20 19 5 Printing and Stationery...... 423 18 11 Carriage, Porterage, and Postage...... 82 18 9 Freight and Shipping Expenses...... 22 8 0 Salaries and Poundage...... 416 10 0 Rent, Taxes, and House Expenses,...... 241 10 6 Journeying, and other Incidental Expenses...... 478 10 2 Expenses of Auxiliary Societies...... 221 7 11 Interest o f Money...... 66 8 3 Investment of Receipts for Widow and Orphans’ Fund 27 12 6

£12284 18 11

N. B. Besides the loan above mentioned, the Society is under engagements to the amount of more than £3000, t o MAY 31, 1828.

per Contra. Cr.

1* *. d. By Balance from Last Year...... 179 0 3

By Contributions as under: General Purposes of the Mission...... 10475 10 3 Translations...... 440 ,8 G Schools...... -•...... 115 8 4 Female Education...... 389 15 9 Female School at Kingston...... 314 2 3 West India Fund...... 58 5 6 Widow and Orphans’ Fund...... 27 12 6 ------11821 3 1

By Borrowed on Interest...... 1800 0 0 Deduct, floating Balance, May 31...... 1515 4 5 ------284 15 7

£12284 18 11

June 14,1828.

Examined and found the above Balance o f two hundred and eighty-four pounds, fifteen shillings, and seven pence against ¿he Society correct. WILLIAM BURLS, J cn. PAUL MILLARD. ADDENDA.

DEVONSHIRE. Escot. Kennaway, Sir John...... M 5 0 0 HAMPSHIRE. Broughton and Wallop. Collection, by Rev. H. Russell...... 13 0 4 Weekly Subscriptions, by Miss E. Saunders 3 0 0 Ditto, by Miss Barton...... 2 19 S LANCASHIRE. Manchester. York Street Sunday School Youth’s Society...... S 5 0 0 Do. for West India School...... 4 0 0