Annual Report
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THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THF. liaptist itttsstonarjj £>ocit% Addressed to the General Meeting, held at S P A FIELDS CHAPEL, On Thursday, June 19, 1828. BEING A CONTINUATION OF THE PERIODICAL ACCOUNTS Relative to the Society. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE GENERAL MEETING. LONDON: PRINTED BY J. HADDON, CASTLE STREET, FINSBURY. RESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL MEETING, HELD On Thursday, June 19, 1828, at Spa Fields Chapel: W. B. GURNEY, E sq . IX THE CHAIR. Moved by the Rev. I s a i a h B i r t , of Hackney, seconded by the Rev. F. A. Cox, LL.D. I. That the Report now read be adopted, and circulated under the direction of the Committee ; and that while this Meeting grate fully acknowledges the Divine goodness, in the degree of success which has been granted to the efforts of the Society, from the period of its formation, it cherishes a humble confidence that events ap parently adverse, as well as those of a pleasing character, will, in the providence of God, concur to promote the cause of Christ in the world. Moved by the Rev. W. H. M u r c h , Theological Tutor of the Stepney Academical Institution, seconded by the Rev. E u s t a c e C a r e y , II. That this Meeting sincerely rejoices in all the tokens of his gracious approbation with which God has been pleased to honour the exertions of kindred Institutions, and desires ever to cherish unfeigned affection and regard for all who are engaged in an enter- prize at once so arduous and honourable. Moved by the Rev. E b e n e z e r H e n d e r s o n , D.D. President of the Missionary College, Hoxton, seconded by the Rev. W i l l i a m Y a t e s , from Calcutta, III. That the proceedings of the Gentlemen who have conducted the business of the Society for the past year are cordially approved; and that the following be the list of Officers and Committee for the next year, with power to fill up such vacancies as may occur. 4 C v e a e u w r, JOHN BROADLEY WILSON, E s q . ^ C r e ta n ), REV. JOHN DYER. &iUiit0t0, M e s s r s . J. DANFORD, W. BURLS, J u n . a n d P. MILLARD. (Sfitcral tfommittie, R ev. J. ACWORTH, Leeds. C. ANDERSON, Edinburgh. W. H. ANGAS. G. BARCLAY, Irvine. J. BIRT, Manchester. T. BLUNDELL, Camberwell. T. COLES, Bourton, E. CLARKE, Truro. T. S. CRISP, Bristol. M. FISHER, Liverpool. S. GREEN, Bluntisham. R. HALL, Bristol. C. HARDCASTLE, Wateriord. W. HAWKINS, Derby. J. HOBY, Weymouth. R. HOGG, Kirabolton. R. HORSEY, Wellington. T. HORTON, Devonport. W . INNES, Edinburgh. J. JARMAN, Nottingham. J. KERSH AW , Abingdon. S. KILPIN , Exeter. J. LISTER, Liverpool. J. MILLARD, Lymingtoi). T. MORGAN, Birmingham. W . H. M URCH, Stepney. J. MURSELL, Leicester. W . NICHOLLS, Collingham. S. NICHOLSON, Plymouth. I)R. NEWMAN, Bow. J. PAY N E , Ashford. R. PENGILLY, Newcastle. I J\. PRYCE, Coate. 5 P. J. SAFFERY, Salisbury. S. SAUNDERS, Liverpool DR. STEADMAN, Bradford. M. SAUNDERS, Howarth. M. THOMAS, Abergavenny. T. WATERS, Worcester. ‘ J. J. W ILKINSON, Saflrou Walden. T. W INTER, Bristol. M e s s r s . B. ANSTIE, Devizes. J. M. BUCKLAND, Hackney. W . BURLS, Edmonton. J. DEAKIN, Glasgow. J. DEAKIN, Birmingham. J. DENT, Milton. J. FLETCHER, Tottenham. J. HANSON, Hammersmith. C. HILL, Scarborough. T. KING, Birmingham. J. LOMAX, Nottingham. W. POLLARD, Ipswich. B. SHAW , Clapham. J. SHEPPARD, Frome. Central tfcmtmttfr. R e v . I. BIRT, Hackney. R e v . J. KINGHORN, Norwich. C. E. BIRT, Portsea. | I. MANN, London, J. CHIN, Walworth. j C. T. MILEHAM, Newington. W . COPLEY, Oxford. G. PRITCHARD, London, D r. COX, Hackney. j J. UPTON, London. R. DAVIS, Walworth. ! Messrs. W . BEDDOME, London. T. C. EDMONDS, Cambridge. | G. BLIGHT, London. W . GILES, Chatham. ! J. FOSTER, Biggleswade. T. GRIFFIN, London. W . B. GURNEY, London. W . GRAY, Northampton. J. GUTTERIDGE, Camberwell. W . GROSER, Maidstone. J. MARSHALL, London. J. H. HINTON, Reading. S. SALTER, London. J. IVIMEY, London. Moved by the Rev. J o h n B l a c k b u r n , one of the Secretaries of the London Christian Instruction Society, seconded by the Rev. T h o m a s M o r g a n , of Birmingham, IV . That the thanks of this Meeting are especially due to the Ministers who have travelled and advocated the cause of the Mission, as alstfto the Auxiliary Societies, Ladies’ Associations, and al! other a friends who have kindly aided the Society:—that they be requested to continue their exertions, and to connect with them fervent prayer that the supply of the Spirit of God may render them increasingly beneficial. Moved by the Rev. I saac M a n n , of London, seconded by the Rev. J ohn Ste ph e n so n , Wesleyan Missionary from Barbadoes, V. That the respectful acknowledgments of the Society be pre sented to the Trustees of this Chapel; to the Rev. Rowland Hill and the Trustees of Surrey Chapel; and to the Rev. J. H. Evans, for the obliging loan of their respective places of worship on the present occasion. Moved by the Rev. S a m u e l N i c h o l s o n , of Plymouth, se conded by the Rev. D a n i e l C l a k a b u t , of Tring, V I. That the next Annual Meeting of the Society be held in London, on Thursday, June 18, 1829. Moved by J o h n B r o a d l e y W i l s o n , Esq. Treasurer to the Society, seconded by the Rev. J o h n D y e r , Secretary, V II. That the Chairman, W. B. Gurney, Esq. be requested to accept our respectful thanks for his kindness in presiding over the proceedings of this day. l i l a n o f tW Society* I. The name by which the Society has been, and still is designated, is, “ The Particular Baptist Society for propagating the Gospel among the H eathenor, “ The Baptist Missionary Society.” II. The great object of this Society is the diffusion of the knowledge of the religion of Jesus Christ through the heathen world, by means of the preaching of the Gospel, the translation and publication of the Holy Scriptures, and the establishment of Schools. III. All persons subscribing 10s. 6d. per annum, donors of £10. or upwards, and Ministers making annual collections on behalf of the Society, are considered as Members thereof. IV. A General Meeting of the Society shall be annually held; at which the Committee and Officers shall be chosen for the year ensuing, the Auditors of Accounts appointed, and any other business pertaining to the Society transacted. V. A General Committee, consisting of eighty Members, shall be appointed for the purpose of circulating Missionary Intelligence, and promoting the Interests of the Society in their respective neighbourhoods; nine-tenths of whom shall be eligible for re-election for the ensuing year. VI. A Central Committee shall be formed out of the General Com mittee, more immediately to conduct the affairs of the Society : which Committee shall meet monthly, in London, on a fixed day, for the despatch of business. VII. Besides the Treasurer and Secretaries of the Society, who shall be considered Members, ex officio, the Central Committee shall consist of twenty-jive persons; of whom sixteen shall be resident in London, or its immediate vicinity, and nine in the country; five Members to be deemed a quorum- The Committee to be empowered to fill up, pro tempore, any vacancies from death or resignation. VIII. All Members of the General Committee shall be entitled to attend and vote at the meetings of the Central Committee; and whenever the attendance of any Member or Members shall be particularly desirable, the Central Committee shall be empowered to request such attendance ; in which case, the Member or Members so invited shall be considered as part of the quorum. IX. All monies received on behalf of the Society shall be lodged in the hands of the Treasurer; and when the amount shall exceed £300, it shall be invested in the public funds, in the names of four Trustees to be chosen by the Society, until required for the use of the Mission. potine of B luest. FOR THE GENERAL PURPOSES OF THE SOCIETY. I give out of my monies, or personal estate, unto the Treasurer, for the time being, o f the Baptist Missionary Society, the sum of . for the use of such Society. And I declare that the Receipt of such Treasurer shall be a sufficient discharge for the same. FOR PROMOTING THE TRANSLATION OF THE SCRIPTURES. I give out of my monies, or personal estate, unto the Treasurer, for the time being, of the Baptist Missionary Society, the sup of to be applied to the sole purpose of promoting the Translation and Printing the Scriptures. And I declare that the Receipt of such Treasurer shall be a sufficient dis charge for the same. *** Those friends who wish to promote the extension of Native Schools, may, by distinctly stating their desire, effectually secure the application of their contributions or bequests to that specific object. All persons who may have bequeathed to the Baptist Missionary Society, Legacies payable out of the late 5 per cent. Bank Annuities, are hereby respectfully requested to provide a substitute in their Wills, or by Codicils thereto, out of some other part of their Personal Estate.