LIST OF MEMBERS FOR 1854 O1 gum PROVINCIAL NEDICAL AND SURGICAL ASSOCIATION. [The talnmbr, cormced to OAt Ist of &pamer, ie 22W0.]

ENGAAND , ISLE OF MAN...... 3 ...... 1. 57 WALES ...... 130 SCOTLAND...... CHANNEL ISLANDS IRELAND . FOREIGN COUNTRIES ...... 11 The Names of Members of the Gener Council ur printed in CxrrrLs. c Is prefixed to the Names of Members of Branch Counec Godden, Joseph, Esq ...... Oxton, Birkenhhl . Number of Members , 23 Gorst, Robert E., Esq..... Rock Ferry, Birkenheid Members of Council . 6 Kenderdine, T. B., Esq ...... Macclesield RRDIOIkDSHRR. Admsitted before Ist January, 1853-22. Maund, Henry, Esq...... Chester Number of Mlembers ...... 12 ENOLAND, Willian, Fsq. .... Wisbeach 1 Adlmitted durint 18$47. Member of Council ...... FAIECLOTH, Richard, Esq. . . Newmarket Alcock, Thomas, Esq...... Hyde,neaMaiWeY Admitted before lst farnary, 1853-8 FISHER, W. W., M.D., Down- Brigham, William, Esq.Lymm,nr.W..gtoB BURST, Isaac, Esq., Surgeon ing Professor of Medicine. .Canbridge Dixon, J., Esq., Consulting to the Infirmary ...... Bedford Humpeay, G. M, Esq., Surg. .Birkenhead to Addenbrooke's Hospital, Surgeon to the Hospital . Lesh, T. C., Fsq...... Hyde, nr. Manchester Barker,T. Herbert,M.D ....Bedford SEC. FOR CAXB5MDEHIIIEH Renshaw, Jeremiah, Esq.....Altrincham EIamilton, Andrew, Esq.....Ampthill AND HUNrTINGDONsrRh ..Cambridge .... near Warrington ...... Woburn Esq. ly Simpson, Henry, Esq Lymun, Parker, Thomas, Esq MURIEL, JOhnI, ...... E.. Wilson, Edwin, Esq...... Hyde, near Manchest. Paxon, George K., lEsq....Ca...Crnfeld,Wobum WALEs, Robert, Esq...... Wisbeach Stedman, Rt. Sfvignac, Esq.. . Sharnbrook CORJWALL. Teasey, H., Esq ...... Woburm Adams, Dennis, Esq...... Cambridge Williams, James, M.D...... Aspley Guise, Woburn Bond, H1. J. H., M.D., Regius Nuumber of Members ...... 20 Professor of Physic...... Cambridge Members of Council .... 0. Admitted during 1854-4. Calver, Henry, Esq...... March Admitted before Iet January, 1853-20. Bailey, William, Esq...... Bedford Carter, James, Esq ...... Cambridge Andrew, Henry, Esq...... Truro Conchman, Robert, Esq .... Bedford Deante, J., Esq ...... Chateris Arthur, Samuel Pellew, Esr. St. Day, Trro Matthews, Benjamin F., Esq, Fawalitt, F., Esq ...... Wisbeach Barham, C., M.D., Physician Resident Medic-I Officer to Jenkins, Joseph, Esq...... Bassingbourne to the Cornwall Infirmary..Truro the Couuty Asylum ...... Bedford Johnson. George, Esq...... Cambridge Boase, W. M., M.D.,Consulting Swayne, Herbert W., Esq..... Markyate Street Jones, Thomas Stead, Esq. . .Ely Physician to Dispensar . .Falmouth O'Connor, Thomas, Esq ... March Boisragou,T., M.D., Medical Peck, Ffloyd M., Esq ...... Newmarket Superintendent of the Pinchard, Benjamin, Esq.....Cottenham CornwallAsylum ...... Bodmin Number of Members ...... 30 Congdon, William D., Esq. . .larazion ...... 3 Ramsay, J. Allent, Esq...... Great Shelford Members of Council Wallace, Robert Q., Esq...... Wisbeach Fox, Joseph, Esq...... a..Flmouth *Adisted before lst January, 1853-15. John, ....Callington Webster, J. II., M.D ...... Cambridge Kempthornie, REsq BUmmEY, Joseph, M.D...... Newbury Robert, ...... SL Germain's COWAN, Charles, M.D., Physi. Wright, Henry, Esq. March Kerswill, Esq. King, D. II., Esq...... Stratton eln to the Hospital ...... Reading Admitted during 1864-1. Lanyoni, Edward, Esq ...... Cambome MAy, George. Esq., Surgeon Lawrence, J. Hodge, esq.....Liskeard to the ...... Reading Carver, Edmund, Esq., House Hospital Surgeon to Addenbrzoke's McLeod. Alexander, Esq ....Penryn .Cambridge Mitchell, George A., Esq.....Gwennap Harrinson, I., Eaq...... Reading Hospital Mlontgomery.,las., M.l)., Phy- Kidgell, S. W., Esq..... Pangbourne siciant to the Dispensary ..Penzance Marshall, Johni H, Esq...... Wallingford Quick, Jas. Richard, Esq. St. Just, Penzanec Palmer, Silas, M.D ...... Speeibamlaud Niumber of Members ...... 50 Rtichards, William, Esq...... Red(rth Payne, Edwardl Henry, Esq. .Wailingford Members of Council ...... 6 Maidenhd. Tickell, T. S., Esq...... Wadebridge Powis, Henry Samuel, M.D . . Cookham, Admitted before 1st January, 183-35. Ward, John, Esq ...... Bodmin Smith, Rtobert, Esq...... Whitchurch ASHTON, James, M.D., Physi- Wright,John, M.D...... Launceston Waldron, Henry, Esq...... Theale, Reading cian to the lirinary ...... Stockport Walford, T. L., Esq ...... Reading BROADDENT, Richard, Esq... Altrincham Admitted during 1853-6. Wells, Edward, M.D., Physi- DAVIES, Thomas, M.D.Cheater Esq..... Falmouth cian to the Hoe ital ...:..Reading FLINT, Richard, Esq.,Surgeon Brougham, Stephen, Gaye, Henry S., IEsq ... Camborne Woodhouse, R., 'I.D., Pbysi. to the Infirmary ...... Stockport Littletou, Tbomas, X.B. ....Saltaah cian to the Hospil ...... Reading TuRNER, George, M.D., Phy- M. P., Esq ...... t lelston Workman, John W., Esq. ... .Reading sician to the Infirmary ... .Stockport Moyle, WATSON, George C., M.D ....Chester Rogers, H. J., Esq ...... Callington Admitted during 1838-14. Admitted during 1854-1. Barker, W. R. H., Esq ..W.... Wantage Beecroft, Samuel, Esq ...... Hyde Row. William, Esq...... LArrin, Lostwithiel Bellis, Benjamin, Fsq...... Maidenhead Bircheniall, John, lEsq ...... MRcclesfield Blomfield, T. A., Esq...... Reading lih-ckshaw, Joseph, Esq ....Stockport Resident Altrinjcham CUXD.BLAND. Brown. G. D., Esq., Blease, Thomas, Esq.-...... of ...... 7 Surgeon to the Dispensary Reading Brooke, Isaac, Esq...... Stockport Number Members Lambourne Mlember of Council ...... I Kennard, David, Esq...... 13rooke, John, Esq...... tockport Admitted before Ist Janary, 185-3. Luce, J., Esq...... Swallowfield ...... Congleton Bullock, Josepb. Esq BARNES, T'., M.D., Phlysician Martini, John, Esq...... Abingdon Carruthers, William, Esq- ....llalton,PrestouBrook etc Maurice, T. B., Esq., Surgeon Cheetham, T., Eaq...... Stockport to the Dispensary, ....Carlisle to the ...... Malps Hospitl Readinig Cumming, Robert, sq...... Arnison, Charles. .Re...... sq Alston Xoxhay, William W., Esq.... Reading Downies, (;., Esq...... -Stockport W. to . . Page, B., REsq., Surgeou Royston, Christopher, Esq Newbury Dunstan, Alfred D., Esq..... Holmes Chapel the Cumberland Infirmary Carlisle Vines, Charles, Eaq...... Reading Harrison, John, Esq., Surgeon Weight, Edward, Esq .....Wokingham to the Infizmar ...... Chester Admitted utring 185-S-. M.D. . . Newbury . Wiglesworth, Henry, Howe, John, Esq ...... Marple, Stockport Graham, John, M.D...... Brampton William B., ....Reading ...... Young, esq Lowe, Edward W., Fasq Congleton irving, William. sq...... Penrith Massey, Thomas, Esq ...... Stockport Admited during 1854-1. Newbold, Edward, Esq., Sur- Nixon, Robert, Esq...... Wigton Alexander, J., Esq...... Newbury geon to the Dispensary....Macclesfield Admitted during 1054-1. Paterson, Alexander H., Esq..Altrinebam Cburchill,John, Esq...... Gosforth Pigot, Richard M., Esq ...... Chester Number of Memabers ...... 9 Pownall, J., Esq ...... Altrincbam 5 Rayner, John, Esq., Surgeon DERBYS . Members of (Council ...... 42 to the Infirmary ...... Stockport Numberof Members. Anritted bwfore lst January, 1853-8. of Council. . 7 Rtbert, F-sq., Surgeon Scott, W, M.D-...... Congleton Members C(RELY, Consult- Admitted before Ist Jantuary, 1853-36. to the lIifirmary ...... Aylesbury Stevenison, W., Esq., Samuel ...... Pagnell ingSiurgeonitothe Hospital ..Birkenhead [dead] EVANS, H., Esq ....Derby COLLIsmN. R., Esq Newport Chester cFEARN, S. W., Rsq., JOINT ...... S., M.D...... COWLEY, George, Esq. Winslow [d. Aug. 28] Stolterfortb, FOR DERBYSnBEE ....Derby DANIELL, Edward. Esq...... Newport Pagnell T'inker, Frederick, Fsq...... Hlyde SEc. WHErrToN, Corbett,M.1. ....Stony Stratford Vale, J. T., Esq., Surgeon to Fox, D., Esq., Surgeon to the the Hospil.0- Birkenbead Derbyahire Gen. Infirmary Derby . Valdrey, WilliamC., Eaq.... Bredbury, Stocport GisnoRNs,lI. F., Esq.,Surgeon Heygate. Tbomas N., Esq. . Handslop, Newport to the General ...... WycAnmbe cWaters, Edward, M.D...... Chester Derbyshire Rose, William, Esq High Infirmary ...... Derby Wilson, Henry, Esq . -...... Runcomn Turner, John, Esq...... High Wycombe HEYGATE, J., M.D., F.R.S., AdAiUed dring 1353-6. Physician to the Derbyshire Admitted during 154-1. Gen. Infirmay, VICE-PRE- Bunny, Joha, Seq. ....Cranfield, Newport Pagnell Bury, J., Esq...... Chester GleesoO,Edward, Esq...... Knutdord SMENT ...... Derby 8I4LIST OF NIMBUS. dd Ceditw l,Jc. ,Joehn,YD.,SsPt8 Deas WWim, Z . the Derbsh=r cD Is GaA, P.CIEq, wa _laedeat of Wm to te Deon andEX- ¢ornwall spital...... r .Miskisov sy Haptikl and to e We of REgfid Eye. is A Esq...... Boover,CbesWA8 fi ....a..... Exetr Consult. D, J, Eoq...... aTo Number of Membes . 18 jag Physieian to the In. e, Augustus, MLB., Phy- Member of Council 1. 1 ¶...... Derby siian to the Dispensay . .BteW Adsied 1Je& let Jasiy, 1858-l16. sOaSobertW,q.%..b.... Smalley Edwards, Joh, Eaq...... Bampton SALm, Thomas, sq...... POOIO Borough, Chauls...... E tDerby Elliot, John, E .q. Kingbddge Canrlti, Willam, Esq...... Wirlcworib Elliot, W. H., M.D. Physician AMie, Peter, M ...... D BrldPOrt Z51asm, J, Eoq...... Sandioare, Derby to the Exeter Dispensary. Mt. Radford, Exedo cANon, Henry A., Esq., SiC. Belper ...... Crediton Dorchete Evans, David, d Empson, Edwin, Esq tr or DoRaTraIRE BRaNcH Featenk, Thoma, ...... d.. E . ym Evans, G., Eaq ...... 8eaon, Aa. Bennett, eenry, Esq...... 8batesbury *Goode, Henry, Physi. Forman, G. C., Esq ...... Teigf mouth Clpcott, John, Esq...... Evesbot dam to the Infirmary,JOU'T Gabriel, William, Es .....Collumpton Coles, Win F, Rsq. Ceom. Abbas Sac. ros DRBs IEST R ....Derby GilleCt, George, Esq...... Colyton Cory, Samuel Skinner Esq... .Bridport Goodwln Robet D., Esq.....Asbbourne Goodridge, Johif J., Esq. Paigtoto Cowdell, C., ILD., PLysiclan ...... Youlgrare ] 3s...... Wi6d Boa. Gregory, John, Eaq Haley, P. F., Ex to the Dorst County Harwood, Chaes, M.D...... Derby Hall, Stephen, f...... at.dlrd, pital.D ...... He il Arthur, MD...... Repton Hallett, Charles, Esq .A.x.Amlduaw Curme, G., Esq., Surgpon t Williaem, Eq. Alvaston, Derby Harris, J. W., Esq., Surgen the County Hospit ... Dorehst Rewrd, William W., Eq. . .Glossop to the Dispensa ...... Exeter Emson, Alhed, Esq...... Dorhester- Johnaon, John, ILD., Phys Kane, William, MD...... mEnouth Fox, John, Esq...... Weymouth cian to the InfirmrY . Derby Kendall, Walter, Esq...... Budleigh Salterton Good, John F .Sturminster,Blauld. lIdkkrste, W., Esq., late of Clay Cros: new Kerswill, Samuel, sq...... Devonport Hall, Wiim dKeur, N.D.. .Warhem_ address not received Kuighton, J. F eq...... Dawish Highmore, Nthaniel, Esq. ..Sherborne Jobnan, W., Esq., Surgeon to Lake, W. C., Esq...... Tedgnmouth Nott, Thomas, Req...... Bers Begis the General lnrmary .... Derby Land, W., M.D...... Exeter Ws John Wieens, M.D. ..Poole Lee, John, rnue Langworthy Richard, Esq. ..Plympton Esq. Belper ...... Newton Abbot AdiWd dinin 18583.- LOAsE, Thomas, Leslie, Andw, Esq Molton Norman. George, Esq. . lkeston Ley, Richard, Esq...... o8uth Wiflismn, Wn Henry, q.. .Sherborne Poyser, Thomas, Esq. Wirksworth cLillies, G. W., M.D. Chudleigh Robrtson W. H., M.D., Phy- Mackenzie, Frederick, Esq.. .Tiverton Admittd durIng 1884-1.- sieian to the Bath Charity. .Buxton Madden, J. M., Esq ...... Heavitree Wlioox, Charles,Esq.S.anage Skevingion, John, Esq. Ashbourne cNankivell, C. B., M.D...... Torqy William, Esq. Chesterfield Esq.....MoretouHanpsead Smith, Melbourne Nosworthy, J.L., D:RHA Tasker, Richard Thos., Esq... Nott, J. S Esq...... Uffelme Number of Members ...... 10 Walker, Charles, Esq. Wirksworth F.q ...... SagDolton,Crediton 1 Chesterfield Owen, George, member of Council ...... Walker, Huh Eccles, Esq. . . Paterson, George, M.D...... Tiverton Adriutted before lst JTanxc, 1853-6. Esq. Belper to the Willis, Charles, Paul, A., Esq., Surgeoni rDead] BROWN, Joseph, M.D., Physi- Torbay Incvarary...... Torquay cian to the InftrmaT ...... Sunderland Aditted durisg 1853-. Price, R. C., Esq ...... Lympstone Blak, Cornelius, M.D. Chesterfield Pridham, Thomas, Esq...... Bideford Keenlyside, R. H., M.D., Phy- Dix, John, Esq, House Sur- Roe, E. Thomas, M.D...... Plymouth sician to the Dispensar . .Stockton-on-Tees geonlotheInfirnary ....Derby Rutter, Thomas, Esq...... Devwonport Mackie, James, Esq. ....Helghington, Driingtb Webb, "1lliam, M.D. Wir}sWorth cSquare, W. J., Esq., Surgeon Strother, Arthur, R-sq...... Darlington to the South Devon and Thwaites, Thomas B., Es....Bishop Aucklant East Cornwall Hospital, and Stockton.on-Teft Admitd dring 18"4-S. Royal Rye Trotter, Charles, Esq ...... Balker, John W., Esq. Derby to the Plymouth Crstairs, Thomas, M.D. Buxton Infirmary, PRESIDENT OF Adwitted duting 1853S. William Henry, Esq. ..winster, Matlook SOUTH-WB5TZRN BRANCH. .Plymouth Clark, M.D ...... Fer Hill Snis, cSwain, Paul William, Esq. .. Devonport Hlugh,Robert, M.D..... Bishop Aucklani Consulting Macfarlane, cTetley, J., M.D., Scott, William, Esq...... Thorneley DRYONSHIKlE. to the Torbay 111 Physician Ilumber of Members . Iar .T...... Torquay Admitted dwlag 185&-1. Members of Council . 14 Tracey, Harry, Esq...... Dartmouth Shaw, George, Esq., Surgeon Admtd before lt JTanuary, 1853-80. Vidal, Horawe, Esq...... Ilfracombe to the Infirmary ...... Dutham BA zss, Samuel, Esq-, Con- Walker, D. Grant, Esq...... Budleigh Salterton sultlugSurgeontothe Devon Walker, E. D., M.D., Consult. .SM . Exeter and Exeter Hospital Phys. to the Dispensry ..Teignmouth Number of Members ...... 78? eBLacKLT.J.,M.D.,Physici&n Waters, Allen, Esq...... REmouth 4 to the Devon and Exeter cWebb, Chs. K., Esq., Surgeon Members of Council ...... Exeter r Admitted before lst Jcac, 1858-28 Hospital ...... to the Dispensar ....Eer....Es MILLER, Samuel, Esq., Physi- COLLYNU, William, Eq. Drewsteigalt Wright, Francis, M.D ...... Plymouth . ...-helnsftrdb CCOOKWORTY,,Jos. C, M.D., cian to the Dispensary to theDipensary Plymout AdmuUed during 1853-8. NUNx, RI S., ESq., Surgeon to Physician the ...... Colchester GILLLD, William, Esq. Totnes Balman, Thomas, M.D...... Torquay Hospital .Torquay Sur- TOxKIN, T., Esq...... Withsm HaLL, Chas Radelyffe, M.D. Bencraft, Henry, Esq., WAYLEN, W, Esq., Surgeon to cHuirTEa, Thomas, Esq. Torquay geon to Barstaple Diep-.Swlmbridge, B aple Colchester JAIEs, J. H., Esq., Surgeon Bradshaw, Wiliam, M.D..... Torquay Hospital ...... to the tDevoft and Exeter Evans, James, Esq...... Torquay G. B., Esq ...... Coichester Horspital,VCE-PRZrIDENT..Exeter Pollard, W., jun., Esq., Sur. Clarke, ChelmOsbrd KiHeDON, W.Daashwood,M.D., geou to Torbay Infirmary-. .Torqnay Cromer, IL, REq ...... of St Tho- C.H., REq., SECRTARY Duncan, P. Martin, KD., Phy- Superintendent cRoper, sician to the Hospitl...... Colcheste mss.sHospitalforl,unAties..Exeter O SOUTH-WESTERN BBRNCH..Exeter Frederick N., Esq ....Sible-Hedinghan CMIILLER, P., M.D., Physician Stewart, William, Eq ...... Torquay Fitch, August 23&] Devon and Exeter M.D .....W...... idey, PlymoUt [Died to the Toms, P., Gilson, Benjamin, Esq...... Halstead Hospil ...... Exeter Brentwood ...... Cheriton Bishop 1854-23. Growse, Robert,D...... PENNELL, R L, M.D. Admitted during . .Wivenhoe cPmrDHAm, Edward, Esq. Exeter Baker, Albert, M.D...... Dawlish Havens, Philip, junr., Esq. CSArTzRv,T, M.D., Physician Biggs, J. S., M.D., House-Sur' Hilliard, Geo. Richard, Evq ...Rayleigh ...... R ochfbrd to the Devon aund Exeter geon to the Devon and Hodges, Riebard,Esq Rochfbrd Hospital .Eetef Exeter Hospital .Ex.. ..Exeter Lecb, Robert, Esq...... B., Esq., Surgeon to Walter, Esq-...... Newton Buahel MeNsb, Daniel, Eq... Epping ToooOoD, Bond, Ezeter. Manthorp, ManrceX, Esq.'..TSer the Torbay Infirmy ...... Torquay Clapp, William, Esq ...... M.D. .M.sldos Deakin, ...... Torquay May, Geor Psrker, Appleton, Hesrv,. Esq...... Maryeburcb, Torquay -,M.D the N icholson,John A, eq. SiralA8rd Green J. Blckord, Esq....'Teigumouth Edye, John, Surgeon to S u A., Req. . .Coklh er Batett, Devon and Exeter H tait Philbrick, HOS d Blgnell,J. B., M.D., Physieian West of Englad Rodiek, S., Req...... HeI and to the B...... Bte St. Mary to the Dispensary.Barnataple Eye Infirmay ...... Eeter Simmons, F., Esq eBlak, Olass, M.D...... Torquay ....louthS MoIton- Sinclair, Duncan, Req ...... Haitead ...... Totness Gardner, Frederick, Esq InlDtese Bowden, William, Esq ...... Newton Abbott Smith, James H., ERq...... oodbury,W Exeter Gaye, Charles, Esq Req ...... TolishuutD'Ar5y Breont, Robert, 1LDM. Francis J., Esq...... Nton Abbott myth, William, Brooking, Chals H., Esq. ..Brixham Gillard, Pymouth SPurgha, Thomas, Eeq...Ssfikon Walden MD., Physician to Greenway, Henry, Esq...... Varene, Ezekiel G. Req...1evedon cBndd, S., Harper, Thomas, Esq...... Plymout Wal_de the Devon and Exeter Hos- ...... I...... V ge Welsh, F. F., E8q. 1. 8a1 pital .Exeter Hartley, E., Esq BovTr. Whiper, G., Req.Tlfl1ngm BIurrough Richard F., ...Drtmouth cHaydon, Nathaniel, Esq...... Eeterx Hick4, James, Eq+.Plyuta..ot 18684 Caird, Wlliam, Esq. W. Esq.E...... toeho AJ.USWrdW9 Cann, Thomas, Esq ...... Seaon, Axmlnstd& Isbell, J., W. J., Ilford John C., Eqt ...... Hoton Allison, Cnn, w. moors, Eq...... Dswlish Jerrard, Thomas, ...... 8a5...Walden .Tegnwmoth lempe,K Arthur, Esq., u Brow, Woodford Cartwrlght. William A,EZq.. to the Ezetr D zis sy .. Exter Cary W§i;U;J& ;HE sQ- ...... TOb _ . - W 18" W. E, Esq.. R Chilcote, ...... BroRdshemp-tone, Shortand, F,dsy,)l) .- Plymuth Col nEs..., J mes, Craoer, J. ., M.D...... ov....;.eyTresoe . D_ Jos, 4 T Thorneto Thompson, Jobil, eq. Bldarefo ...... eHolmew Crnas, Thoma Aq Tuckr, Jobsa, ...... MoUt lafod Usaw *.Ch U,- ..#... to the Dienary.WSdmoutfi Ward, Thoma Eq., Re. Exou. Ll OF MBER. a8

T _ea. R1uls C., X.D. . .CIlt.nm TJXN:x, Chales, MLD, Sur- Tborp, Disny L., D....D.Preatbury, C m goo to the 1ntkmuy ....Haerld Ware, John, aq...... ClifPon Lys, J. Bleeck, M.D., Physi- ...... Herford Harrison, ...... Deoing Bsin*rs Willis, John, E ...... sq Duraley cian to the Infimary JolXa,hq M&saaaLL, G. H., Esq ...... Kinglon AtZULUed during 18t3-10. Mon-li, Edward, M.s ...... Hereford William, ...... 88 AUard, Egq wy...... Te}ebu Number of Member Charles, .... .Bristol Foote, Gustavus, ...... Rington Members of aoucil ...... so Greig, Esq. Esq Leominster 18US-09. Harrmso,,John, Esq., Surgeon George, JOhn, q...... Pembridge, Adsstad b4w lt Jeawg, .... Bristol H Muzy,M.D., Surgeou ... Cheltenham to the Royal Infirmary Budge, ALLARDYCE, James, M.D. Hawkius, Thoimas, EIsq ...... B3ristol to the DpeUary ...... Leomineter Baootss, W. Phipok M.D., Horpath, W. Bird, M.D., Str. Wood, M.A, Esq., Surgeon to Surgeou to the Dispensary..Cheltebnha* geonto St.Peter's Hospital..Bristol the Dispensary ...... Ledbury 4BUDD, W., M.D., Physiciau to Lawrence, Thoms, Esq ....Bristol the Royal Jutirmar, and ...... Tewkesbury Lecturer on Practice of Prior, F., Esq School. .Bristol Smith, Nathaniel, Esq., Coni- Number of Members ...... 9 Physic inMedical sultiig Surgeon to Bristol Memnbers of Council .....0... CANNON, &neas, MID...... Cheltenham Surgeou Iloyal Infirmary ...... Clifton Admnitted We/ore Ist Jatnuary. 1853-2. CCL.uu, Henry, Esq., Stanton,J., M.D., Physician to Evans, W. H., Es . t. Alban's to the Royal Almary, aud Hospital, Lecturer on Surgery in the theBristolGeneral M'Nab, William, E&q ...... are Bistol Lecturer on the Practice of Medical School ...... Physicin the liristol Medical Admitted during 1853-5. CCOLT5URST, John, Esq., Sur- School ...... CUfton geon to the Clifton Disp. .. Cliftou Davies,John, MI.D., Physician Williams, W. W., M.D., Super- to the Iifirmary ...... Hertfoid COOKE, C. T., Esq...... Cheltenham of the County .Hatfield cESTLIN, J. B., Esq., Surgeon intetndent Drage, Charles, Easq...... Gloucester . ltickhansworth to the Eye .... Bristol Lunatic Asylrum Garlike,'1'.TW., Esq ...... Dispensary Godson, Charles, asq...... Baret EvE9, A., M.D.,Surgeou to the Aduitted dutring 185-9. John, Esq., Sur- General tlospial ...... Cheltenham Woodhouse, to - Brittan, Frederick, M.D., Lec. geou to the Infirmary ....Hertfotd FOWLER, C., Esq., Surgeon turer on General Anatomiy the General Hospital ...... Cheltenham Bris- 1854-2. X;Y, W., M.D., Physioian to anti Physiology in the Adlmitted during Clifton tul Medical Sclhool ...... Clifton Linnecar, E. H., Esq...... Sheinley the Clifton Dispensay .... Burtler, George F, M.D., Phy- Lipscomb, Johni T. N., M.D...SL Alban's KELSOx, Joseph J., E'sq ....Bristol siciau to St. Peter's HospitalClIfton CMOROA.N, W. F., Esq.,Consult. F Su;geoni to the Royal In Cornwall, Johu, Esq..a..i...irford HUITITGDONSH . lies, AUbert, Esq ...... Cirencester ...... 13 finnary ...... Bristol Esq.,Surgeon Number of Members SM1Tn, Thomas, M.D . Cheltenham Martin, Thomas, Member of Council . CSURRAGE, T. I.., esq. Clifton to the Dispensary ...... 13ristol Admitted before 1st January, 1853-12. Martyn, Samuel, M.D., Physi- John J., ...... SL eotCs CSWAYNE, J. (;.,M.D.,Lecturer cian to the General HospitalBlistol Ev;.us, :sq on Midwifery in the Bristol Metford, Joseph S., Esq.....Clifton Medical School ...... Clifton Stroud Bates, C. P., Esq ...... Ramsey Con- Paine, W. H., M1.1...... Few, W^illianm, Esq ...... lamsey CSsMoNDs, J. A., N.l)., ...... Stroud suiting Physician to the Wethered, Charles, Esq Foster,31ichacl, hsq., Surgeon Bristol General Hospital'.. Clifton to the Itnfi-mary ...... Huntingdon eTROTT.MAN, W. C., M.D., Physi- HAPSHR. Gitling, George I., Esq ....St. Ives cian to the Dispensary .... Clifton kNumber of Members ...... 44 Isaaeson, Wotton, asq.... Huntingdon WILSON, John Grant, Esq. ..Bristol Members of Council ...... 4 Newtoni, Lancelot, saq.....Alconbury WILTON, J. W., Esq., Surgeon Admitted before 1st January, 1853-32. Rix, Joseph, Esq ...... St. Neot's to the Infinnary ...... Gloucester J., MI.D., Physician Sole, William, Esq ...... St. Neot's BrLTtAU, Clharles, saq...... Kimbolton Dean to the Sth. Hauts Infirmary. Southampton Spra,gue, Abel, Joseph, Esq...... Mitchel CRAWFORD, Andrew, M.D. ..Winchester Ward, AV., MNI.D., Pbysiciall to Alford, Richard, Esq ...... Tewkesbu-y OwE, W. S., M.D., PIYsician to the Intirmary ...... Huntingtlon Anderson, Franicis, Esq ....Westbury-ou-Trym the South Ifants Tnfirmary..Southampton Woods, Charles John, Esq. ..Godaunchester Beadle, William V., M.D...... Tewkesbury SILTEnn, T. Bell, M.%...... hyRde, Isle of Wight Bleeck, Alfred, Esq...... 3ristol -Admitted during 1853-1. Brown, C. F., Rsq ...... Clifton Hemminjg, J. H., Esq...... Kimbolton Bistol Andrews, Edward, Esq...... lTitchfield Bryant, Samuel, Esq...... Br Bates, Robert, Esq...... Blotley, Southlampton Burroughs, J. B., kEsq...... Clifton of Wight KEN. to Beckingsale, John E., Esq. . .Newport, 1. Coe, It. W., Esq., Surgeon J. MD...... itomsey Numnber of Mtembers ...... 9 the General ...... Bristol Beddoiime, R, Hospital Berry, Charles, Esq ...... Liphook 'Members of Council ...... 8. Colledge, Tlhomas IL, M.D. .. Chelteuham 1st January, 1853-02. sq .... Clifton Bloxam, John C., Esq ...... Newport, I. of Wight Adnmitted bejore Cross, Wvilliam, ...... Fawley ADDISON, W., M.1), F.R.S...Maidstone James G.,M.D...... Northwoods, Bristol Budd, Robert, Esq Davey, Butler, Frederick J., Esq.... .Winchester CdllAD, A. W., M.D., Physician Fox. W. C.. M.D. Northwoods, Bristol Dover Chelteniham Covey, John, Esq...... Alresford to the Hlospital ...... Cabb, Alfred W., :sq.E ...... retersfield Surgeon to the Surgeon to Cross, Robert S., Esq CREID, J., E'sq., Godfrey, J., M.D., Davids, J., Esq...... Cowes, Isle of Wight Hospital ...... Canterbury the Genieral Hospital ...... Bristol Daymnn, Heniry, Esq...... M5ilbrook, Soutbpton. Goodeve, W.J., Esq., Surgeon Hemsted, 1'. R., Esq...... WhiLchurch Baller, Toseph IT., Esq . .. Pensburst,runbridge to the Dispensary ...... Clifton W. '[.D. Cowes, Isle of Wi-ht Beet, Joht, ...... q.Ashford Green, Jaimes Lardner, Esq..Bristol Hoffmeister, C., sq Sur- Mainwarilog, E;., MI.V ...... Bouriieinouth Boddiugton,oWn.I..,Esq..lateBiddetdeUi,Cranbrook; cGreen, Thomas, M.D., M.D ...... Ventior, I. of Wight new address not received. geon to the Royal Iufirmary Bristol lartin, G., Martin, J. B., Esq ...... Ventuor, I. of Wight Colebrook, Henrv, M.D ...... Southborough lTamilton, D. Edward, Esq.. .Clifton Surgeon to thle Cooke, William ESq. lTunbridge Wells ...... Hambrook, Bristol Mayo, C., l'sq., Haenry, Hay, John, Esq ...... Winehester Cottiugbam, Edwin, E.sq.....Ilexley Esq...... Feb.1] Hospital Hiron, William, CaInpden[Died Nunn, George, Esq...... Lyndhurst l)ulvey, James, Esq Brompton, Chatham ...... - Cheltenhau Hitch, Samuel, M.D ...... Isle of Wight Duncan, Robert, I.D4.) Tunbridge Wells H. A., Ebsq., House Sur- Phene, Henry, Esq Ryde, Hore, M.D...... Portsea Silvester, Esq ...... Folkstone to Royal .-.Bristol Porter, John, Eastes, geon Infirmary l'ouutl, George, Easq...... Odiham Ely, George Elbenezer, M.D ..Rochester Jarman, Joblh, Esq...... Cheltenhaam W. H.. .)...... Fareham Everest, He Chatham Lancaster, Joseph, Esq...... Clifon Powell, Esq, Lcctu. Smithi, John, Easq...... e...'ebill French, Heu3-Y, E-s ...... ' Tunbridge L,eonmard, Crosby,REsq., ...... Southampton Frederick, FSq., Surgeon on Anatomy in the Bristol Ward, Thomas, Easq Fry, rer Weston, Philip K., Esq...... Sirley,h Southampton to tite Il1tirmary ...... [aidstone Medical School, SEC. FOR M.D ...... Sandgate ...... Bristol Whichler, James, Esq ...... I'eteratield Gidley, Gustavus, BRISTOL Woodman, James, M.D...... East Leigh, Havant cGiraud, Fr-crick FE.,Esq..Faversham Logan, David Duncan, M.D.. Chelteuham Godfrey., Esq...... Herne Bay Mayor, E. S., Esq.2...... lBristol Admitted dwing 1t53-10. Gouiltd, Ienry Mlartin, Easq. Wateringbury ...... Moreton-in-the-1arsh Moore, George, Esq Ball, Richard D., Fsq...... Heckfield Greani, hlobeit Ii., E'sq. Tu11bridge WVells O'Bryen. .T., M.D., Physician Bentham, Samuel, Es . outhsea cHargraves, I., 1 sq...... Tun,rsdge Wells to St. Peters Hlospital .... Clifton Redlands Green, Bristol Bishop, John, Esq.. .Monk Sherborne, Basingstoke Hoar, Willitm, kasq., Surgeon eOgilvie, G. S., Esq ...... Maidstone address Ilurnett, C. M., M..D...... Alton to the Iifirmary Orton, John. Esq., late of Berkeley: new Harvey, Alexander, .D.....D. Southamipton Iloare, William Parker, Esq.q -aversham not received. S., Esq...... BasiDgstokse Hunt. Frederick Bell, I.D...FarninghamD M.D ...... Cheltenham Hill, Itobert Porter, J. H., ..... Woodchurch,Tenterden Lecturer Jackson, Alfred, MI.B...... Portsea Jenikinr3s JQhn A., 1sq ePrichard. A., Esq., M-4-1)...... Odiham Kelsonl, Lsq...... Sevenoals on and Surgeon to McIntyre, John, George, Surgery, J. Osmond, .... 3Basingstoke Keint, John Cozens, Esq. .. .1Wroth:m the luIfrmary ...... Clifton Nicholls, saq Royal Webb, Charles, Es(.Fa...... Basingstoke eLong, Edvward, F'sq...... Barham, Canterbury ltu(lIlock, Richard, esq.... Bristol Martin, Adam, [D...... R1lochester Rumsey, 1H. W., Esq...... Cheltenham Adm{iUed duaing 1i54-2. Moore, George, Ml.I)...... Tunbridge Wells Sawer, Thomas, Fsq...... Clifton Ringawoodl Charles, ...... lBromley W. Surgeon Dyer, S. S., ESl...... Morgan, Fa9q Sheldoni, T.,IA.D., Welch, James Kemp, Esq.... Christchurch Newijigtani, Samuel W., Esq.. (Gonsdiurst,Craubrook to the Dispenary ...... Che1tenham Park-er. James, Easq...... Tunbridge Esq. . Bristol Shieppard, Wf. Yeoman, HEREEO-DSHERE. Penkivil, Joln, Fsq...... Staplehurst leerman, P. Rowley, Esq.....Bristol Pittocke, Frank, Esq . Selliiige eSmerdon, Charles, REq ....Clifton Nuimber of Members ...... 9 Council ...... Plomley, F., Id D., l'bysician Smith, Thomas Wade, Esq. .. Stroudwater Mlembers of ...... Maidstone Admitted before lst Janaary, 1853-0. to the Infirmatry Speer, Stanhope T., M.D..... Chelteaham Pout, Henry, Esq ...... Yalding Swan, Samuel H1., Faq- ...... Prlstol BcLT, If. G., M.D., Surgeon Prauce, James Conuell, Esq. . Maidatous Talbot, George, Esq - ...... Bnistol to the Dispensar...... Hereford ~ I r{-oF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.u ~~i ~~4~~ cRoblnsm,.Y.13 _ Yii WEIT3mgD,J.,J LD,8 P- Ot mlsa B LaU, K tX, ...... uq.q Weebam Inspeor -, eEldn George, Esq, 8ur tO the IVinX HOIPI..ah Jroat BOLTON WTLKMOI, X. A. [,be.r So0ts, R W., M., PhYSkic to the Infirma nhe r . .Livrpodl physician Surgon to the Northen Hositl te the D suFokstone CWILLSON, W. J., Esq., Scott, Walter, MLD ...... Clithe ...... to the Royal Infirmary Scholfield, James, Esq .. Manhesteht c y, F. a y,Esq.....Wingbam ...... Manchester BOchdal Maidstone (PRESIDENT-ELECT) Seller, W. B . eq. Sankey, William, Eq.. .Sutton Yalenoe, WooD, Abrham, Eq...... RoChdale Manehe... Sa,key, William, Esq...... Dover Sharp, Henry, Esq .Tenterdef Spencer, Lawence, ESq . Preston d-yEdw l EDaWesEsq. .... nhelsh,Man0bter ... Anderton, Charles, Eaq...... e. Blackburn Bog@bg, J. Collier, Esq. Greenhithe ...... Preston Stocks, George,Esq ...... CanterbUrY Ashton, Henry, Esq UWalton-le-dale, Thomas, John, Esq...... Bumag, Stoekport _Ieaad, Amelius. Eaq Bridge, Barker, Daniel, Esq ...... Staleybridge Livpool Skinner, David, Esq...... Headcorn Manchester Townsotl, B. W. E...... Thomas Hextall, Esq. St. Mary Cray Barton, S., Eaq..... Higher Broughton, Turnbull, James, M.D., Pby. cSMith, M.D...... BBleadale, Gartaug OW:zI, Frederick, Esq... Ightbam Bell, Rev. Daivid, sician totheRoYIIfir ry.1AverPool Beut, James, Esq. Manchester ...... Rochdale Spu Fl-A, man, Fsq. ..:. Bexley Heath Green, Mhnchester Turner, Herod, Esq ...... Hadlow Bevas, William, Eq...Ardwick John, Esq ...... Manchester Starling, IL J., Esq ...... SL Helen's Walsh, .Westerham Blundell, John, Esq I., Esq...... Blackburn Thompson, Charles ., Esq. Bott, Thomas, Esq. Bury Wilding, .Manchester Tippeta, Richardi,Esq...... Drtord Cnnsulting Wilkinson, Thomas J., Esq.. Trustram, Charles, Esq ..... Tunbridge. Wells Bower, t, Esq., Williamson, H. M., Esq.....Manchester Wells Surgeon to the l)ispensary Rochdale Windsor, John. Esq., Surgeon Turner, Richrd, Esq...... Tunbridge William, Esc ...... Preston Manchester Wyais, William, Esq...... Hartield, ditto Bradley, Liverpool to the Eye 1iospital .... Henry, Esq ...... A3hbord Bunrows, John, Esq...... Winn, William, Esq...... Malchestsr Whitfeld, John, M.D. Bury ...... Bolton John, M ...... Tunbrldge Wels Chadwick, Wolsteuholme, G.,Esq Whiting, Chalmers, D., Fsq., Surgeon Cons. Phys. Wilkes, George F., Esq ...... Ashford . . Everton, Liverpool Wood, P., M.D., ...... Hawkburst to the Northern Hospital to Manuchester Infirmary . .Southport loung, F. A., Esq ...... Ashton-under-Lyno Cooke, Frederick, asq Wood, Robert, Esq...... Ashton-under-Lyw Admirttd during 1853-11. Cort, John, E8sq .Blackb Woodward, J., Esq ...... Manchester Cliarles, asq...... Rufford, Ormakirk M.1...... Tunbridge Wells Dandy, Bird, Golding, l)eane, Robert, Esq . . Clitheros during 1853-62. Blackwell, Thomas, Esq. .... Craubrook Esq., Admitted Browu, Frederick J., M.D. . .Chuatham Desmoud, Lorenzo E., BARDsLKY,SirJameSL,M.l., Gilbert, George B, Esq. Sydeuham Surgeon to North Disp. LiverpoolManchester Consulting Physician to the Esq. ....::::Tunbridge Dumville, Arthur W., Esq. . .Ardwick, Royal Infirmary . Manchester Gorhun,Johu, cDundes, 11., M.D., Physician W. W.,Esq., Surgeon Grayling, George, M.D...... Sydenham Hospital . .Liverpool BEETVER Manchester Ray, Oeorge, Esq ...... Mlilton, Sittingbourne to the Northern 15) to the Ioyalinfirmary .... [Died August 13, 18&4J Dunkerley, E., Esq...... Oldham [Died May LyoN, E., M.D., Consulting M.D. . .Tunbridge WVells Feclestoni, T.. Esq. Liverpool Physician to the Royal In. Richardson, William, ...... Liverpool W. C., Esq...... Tunbridge Wells E'den, Thomas, Esq rmary ...... Manchester Satchell, Chatham. Edge, Peter Hulme, Esq.....Salford Turuer, A. F., Esq ...... Fort Pitt, Surgeon Livpool Wilkinson, -, Esq...... Sydelillham Elliott, James, Esq., Ackerley, Richard Y., Esq..... to the Blue-coat Hospital . .Lees, Manchester Allen, Richard, Esq. Fishergate, reston during 1854-5. Ellison, King, Esq...... Liverpool James, Esq ...... Morecbe, Lancaster Admitted W. H., Esq. ....KnottyAsh,Lierpool Baines, Preston Armstrong, John, M.D...... Graveseud Fitzpatrick, Manchester Barnes, Edward, Esq...... LLyland, Franklin, Isaac A., Esq. Amos, Esq ...... Ulverstone Barr, J. Miilner, M-.D., Physi- George, Esq., Sur- Beardsley, cian to the Infirmary ...... Tunbridge Wells Gardlom, Bennett,T. W., Esq ... Manchester ...... Wells geon to the Dispensary....Salford E. . Liverpool Bilaxlaud, Jobn, Esq Tunbridge B., Eaq... Preston Bickersteth, R., Esq Gregory, Charles, Esq ...... L,eigh, Toubridge Gilbertson, Joseph Btilling, John H, Esq;. ongaight, Manohr...... Ulverstone Sopwith, Henry S., Esq...... Tunbridgo Wells Gil pin, Bernard, Esq. Bindloss, James B., Esq. Prestwich God frey, Joseph J., Esq. Liverpool Browne, Henry, M.D., Physi. John, M.l ...... Newton-le-WilIows LINCASHE. Green, ...... Blackburn cian to Royal Infirmary ..Manchester Number of Members ...... 264 Grime, Henrty A., Esq Callon, Williaim T., .Eq. Liverpool Halkyard, lHenry, Esl ...... Oldham M.D . Bolton-le-Moors Members of Council ...... 38 . Lancaster Chadwick, S. T., Addmitted before let.Januarg, 1853-139. Hall, William, Esl ...... Chapman, William, Esq . Garstang Ilanicock, J., Esq., Surgeon to M.D. Liverpool BxmnmasGE, W. iH. Esq., Sur- for Children. 'Manchester Collins, James, Manchester the Northern Hos- the Dispens. Crightoii, Joseph, M.D. Salford, geon to Harland, T.,?M.D., Cons. Phys. M., Surgeon pital ...... Liverpool ..Salford Davis, G. Esq., M.D...... Widfes,Warrington to the Royal Dispensary to the Northern Hospital..Liverpool BANNING, T. H., hlarrison, John G.. M.D. ....Manchester Edward L., Esq. Everton, Liverpool BELL, C. W., MI.D., Plhysician Harrison, James B., Esq. ....Higher Broughton Falloon, to the Royal Infir-mary ....Manchester Fletcher, F . D., Esq, Lecturer Manchester on Medical Jurisprudence BfvaN, Johni, Esq...... Ai-burth, Liverpool Harrison, George M., Esq. .3.Manchester cBrCKER8TETU, IL, Esq.. Con- Stretford,Manclhester in the Roval lifirmary suiting Surgeon to the Royal Hepworth, J., Esq. Medical School .Lverpool Liverpool Holroyd, E.,Esq...... 'Manchester Fletcher, J. S., Esq., Lecturer Infirmar ...... Houghton, WNilliam, Fsq..... Lytham Chatham CBLACK, Jas., M.D., Physician M.D.. Warrington [Died March 1854] oni Anatomy in the ...... Dolton-le-Moors Hunt,Wm., Street School of Mledicine. .Manchester to the Intirmary 5I.1 ...... Blackburn e BotUrrLOWER, John, Esq.. .Strajgweys, Manchester Irving, William, Clitheroe Galt, John, Esq. Ashton-under-L Preston Jackson, Thomas D., Esq. Sladburn, Gaskell, Richard A., Esq. St. Helen's BROUGHTON, tH. H., I eJones, E'llis, Fsq., Surgeon .Liverpool BROWN;, Itobert, Esq...... Preston Hospilal, Gill, George, Esq CCIOMPTON, Samuel, Esq. . . lanchester to the Northern Glazebrook, N. S., Esq.. est Derby, Liverpl. . SEC. FOR LITERPOOL ...... I.iverpool John, M.D., Con. eDAoLIsH, George, Esq.W...Wigau ...... Liverpool Grindrod, I.D., F.L.S., Kay, Richard, Esq sulting Physician to the cDIcxxNSON, J., Kenworthy, John, Esq. Cheetham, Manchester Liver. Physician to the Royal In. MD. o...yton Southern Hospital, ...... Liverpool Kershaw, William, Manchester pool .Seaforth firmary Kirkman, J. M., Esq...... Ardwick, James, Esq Liverpool DuXCAN, William H., M.D. .. Liverpool Latham, Jolin, Esq...... Wigan Hnakes, Preston GAnSTANG, James, Esq...... Clitheroe 3 Haldan, Bernard,Esq. Surgeoni Lavery, Thomas, Esq...... lanchester cHalliday, John, Eaq . . Seacombe (Died Feb.18l4X1 HARDY, 0. W., Esq., ...... llochdale Lawton, John, Esq. sq. Liverpool to the Infirmary ...... Warrington William, Esq., Surgeon Hodgson, Thomas, clUTTON, J., Esql., Consulting Lax, Ormskirk Hodson, George, Esq. Egremont. Surgeon to the Chorlton-on. to the Dispensary ...... Hopwood, R., E s Staleybridge Samuel I)., M.D...... Ashton-under-Lyne Mledlock Dispensary, SEC. Lees, Hulme, Henry, Req . Liverpool CIUE- Lund, Edward, M.D, Demon- Imlach, Henry, M.D., Surgeon TO LANCASHIRE AND strator of Aiiatomy at the . .Liverpool sHIRE BRiANCii...H..OXford Street, Manchester of Medicine. .Manchester to the Lying-in Hospital R., M1.D....WhIalleY Luied Jau. 1851] 1Royal School Inman, T., M.D., Physician to HITDLE, Lupton, Bew, Esq...... Cheadle Hospital .L.. Liverpool HUNCT, B. T., Eq., Cons. Suurg. D., Esq., Surgeon to the Northern to the Lyinlg-in Hospital .Manchestcr I.ynch, Johnson, James, Esq.. irkcfale, Liverpool tlle Lying-in Iospital ... .Manchester . Manchester ENIeUT, Sir AAmold J., M.D., late of Liverpool: D Liverpool Juckes, Charles, Esq not received Macintyre, l'eter, ...... Leach, Abraham, Esq. Waterhead,lIanchest- now address Mallett, G., Esq...: ...... Bolton-le-MoOrs Esq., Sur- MAcnoRtE, David, Mr.D...... Liverpool Esq. .. Liverpool Leather Peter W., McKzAnD, Robert H., Es...... anchIester Manuifold, W. Wright, Manchester geon to the Workhouse .... Liverpool PBlackburn Manley, W. E., Esq...... Tildesley, Leete, A. O., Esq . Newton-le-Willow5 MARTLIND, 1., I.D...... Mann, R. lId., Esq., Surgeon to to MELLOR, Thomas, Eaq...... Greeeulys, Manchtr. .Manchester Lister, C., Esq., Surgeon the Lying-ill hlospitalt ... Hospital . Low Hill, Liverpool NEILL, H., Esq., Surgeon to ..... Liverpool the Fever the Ophthalmic Inflrmanry -..l.rerpool Marshall, John, Easq l asfen, G. B., Es ManIchester MI*ther, Johl, Esq...... Ashton-le-Willows Thomas, Req . Ashton- in-Maclerfield CNOBLz, Daniel,M.D.,Medical .. Salford Mather, to the Clifton Hall Middleton, Tiomas, Eaq. Murray, James, M.D. Oldham Offlcer Milne, F., Fsq., Surgeon to Esq. ..Littleborougb, Rochdale 13treat ...... Manchester Newcombe, Henry, II.D., Con- the Chorlton Dispensary ..Manchester Ogdeni, James, M.D. Manchester CRIADFORD, Thos., Pairke, Edward, Es .. West Derby Bolton suldtg Surgeont to Ihe Riclard, ReJsq .RIbohester, Blackbur Pendlebury, James, Req ...... 3Tanhester. Pathett, Ramns#y, fobert A., M.D. Fleetwood Lying-iu Hospital Paterson, David, Esq ...... Livorpool .Bootle RoDsETox, John, Eq ...... Matachester Esq ....Much-Woolton, Liverpool Reid, B. B., Esq cSUAnP,John, Esq.,Consulting ePearson, J. A., Rix, Charles James, Esq.e Mnchester Pennington, J. F., Esq. .... Ashton .ln.Mackerfield J. M., Esq..... Mosley, Ashtoander.LyIe Surgeon to the Lifirmary, ...... Blackburn Seville, Pickop, Eli, Esq E ...... iverpool liC. R WARRINGTON .... arrington Prescott, W., Esq...... Cheetham Hill, Manehester Sllck, Henry W., SMITH, W., REq., Surgeon to ...... Fairfield, Liverpool SpWks, C. N., I:sqL...... Warrington E;ypl Infirmary ...... Manobester Pritchard, Henr,sq Stele, Arthur B.,aSq...... LlvIrpoolt '$be Ransay, P., M. ) . Liverpool Esq ....Lierpool I esn Thomas G., Esq. Manchester Stwokes, Alexander, Chi cro1a'rM M&`.l Richmond, Liverpool Heury, Esq...... I Lierpool .Q d, Manchester Rigge, Robert, lirq.. . .Much-Woolton, Swift, . Bochdale c~tRT;V. Roberta PNN., . ' .;; .ManCheater Talor, James E" Esq. , Wb.,.twQIrh --- _ LIST OF MEBERS. 807

Bowmar, C., Esq., to Sbwrps, Willia, Eq...... Honose Surgeon Esq., Burgeon 41dmto the Roy l n O. m the Dispenar ...... Lelcester eSnow, James, _,EM p- ...... Livepool Brown, B. W., Esq.....Wymeswold, Loughborough to the Hospital, PRGEIDZKT M.D Liverpool Or TZIE MIDLAND BRuNcH InUCOIl So", TAowo Brown, Thomas, Ei .. Castle Donington '...... Busard, h ...Lutterworth.. Marstou,n Harborough .LD.. AAhtou-.uder.Lyue Francis, John, Es . Market 'Wod , George, Franks, William, F., Ei;.... Billesdon Admited dwing 184-28 James, MI.D ...... Holbech 1864-OS. Heygae, Thomas, Esq...... Market Harborough Black, Juitod darixg Wood, C. Eaves, Loughborough Boot, Johu Hopkinson, LD-..Sleaford Allen, fidrd, E q...... Didsby,cheter W.,Eaq.,Woodhouse Bloughton, John H.,rq .... Louth Aspland, Aled, Esq...Dukinfield, Ashton-u.-Lyne M.D.... Grantham during 1853-30. Brown, Joseph J. A., Baneroft, S. S, Esq...... Bolto OOr Adnitd Cammack, Robert, Fsq lIAncoln 'lIkerton, Thol s, Esq. ....Liverpool Benfield, T. W., Esq., Surgeon Chawner, Darwin, 11.1) lhy. Blackburn, W1illiam, Esq..... Saddleworth to the Infirmar . Leicester aician to County Hospital.. Lincoln Braid, James, E M. anchester Bradshaw, J. B., Esq...... Quoi-ndon Clegg, Walter, Eaq...... Boston Brewster, Robert, Esqu...... Ashton.under-Lyne Buck, John, Esq., Superiiitdt. Cumupstone, John, aq...... Market Rasen Brideoake, James, Esq ...... Leigh, Manchester of County Luuatic Asylum.-Leicester Elmhirst, Richard. M.D., Plhy- Srown, J. H., Esq...... Gorton, near Manchester Buckby,A.G. H., Esq. Smeetou,Market Harborough sician to County Hospital.. Lincoln Butterworth, Benjamin, Esq..Rochdale Cooper, A., Esq., Surgeon to Fawssett, Willians, Esq... Binbrooke, Market Rasca Cameron, John, M.D., Physi- the Dispensary ...... Leicester Hladwen,Samuel,lE'sq.,Surgeoli cian to the Southern aud Denngton, William, Esq.....T.eioester to the County Hospital .... Lincoln Toxteth Hospital ...... Liverpool Eddowes, T. H., M%.D...... Loughborougl Little, John Carruthers, Esq..Boston dChilds, Archibald P., Esq., Fewkes, John M., Esq...... Great Glenu Lomax,WilliamJ., Esq., House Lecturer on Mlateris Medica Gill, John, Esq...... Syston Sturgeon to the Disa)enosary..Lincoln at the Royal School of Me- Hudson, Henry, Esq.. .Somerby Mackintosh, Johnl J., MI.D.... Caistor dicine and Surgery.... Ma..Mnchester Hunt, Jobn, Esq...... Thuruby Otlling, E. C., Esq ...... Alford Denton, George B., Esq ...Everton, Liverpool lIunt, Satmuel, Esq...... Loughborough Palmer, Edward, D.D., Medi- Dill, John, M.D...... Whalley Range, Manchester Irwin, W. C., M.D ...... Leicester cal Superintendent of the Eames, Thomas B., Esq..Kearsley, Bolton-le-Moors Keal, John, Esq ...... elton bMowbray Lincoln County Lunatic Ferguson, Fergus, Esq...... Bolton-le-Moors Ludlow, T. S., l.sq...... Sapcote, Hinckley Asylum ...... Bracebridge, Lincoln .i'letcher, Adam, Esq...... Bury Macaulay, T., Esq., Surgeon Paterson, W. Noble, Esq ....Doninigton-on-B Fletcher, James, Esq...... Oldham to the Infirmary ...... LLeicester liedman, Meredith, Esq. .... Lincoln Glilibrand, William, Esq ....Blackburn Mcllree, Edward. Esq...... Claybrook Shipmanu, Robert, asq,G.(rathain Golland, Walker, Esq...... Manchester May, William, Esq...... Leicester Smith, John, Esq...... Bn....11rgh.le-Marsh ...... Manchester Greaves, George, Esq Nuttall, I., M.D ...... syston Sutton, Charles F.i:sq...... Wragby Haawett, Thomas, Esq ...W..'igan Ody, John, M)...... Market Harborough Torry, J. C., M.D., Physician Heath, Asbton M.,* Esq., Orton, William. E:sq ...... Narborouglh to the County Hospital....Lincoln turer on Medicine at the Palmer, John, Esq...... Loughborougli Trenid, H. G., lasq...... Crowland Royal School of Medicine. .Manchester Paterson, T. W., Esq...... lbstock Tronsdale, Alfred, Esq...... Epworth, nr. Bawtry Xensman, Thomas, Esq..... Liverpool Robinson, J. C., Esq. ------t;Sstony Walsh, F. D., Eaq., House Sur- Hilton, John, Esq...... Croston,near Chorley Shaw, G.. M.D., Physician to geoi to Lunatic Asylum . . Lincoln Howard, James F., Esq.....Shaw, near Oldhm the Infirmary ...... Leicester Waterland, Henry Jobh, Esq..Kirton Lindsey Mutchinson, Joseph, Esq.. Manchester Spencer, J. H, Esq...... Hallaton Webster, Thomas, Esq. . .Binbrook, Market Basen Kerr, H. W., Esq. Manchester Spencer, T., Esq...... Earl Shilton, Ilinckley Wraugham, John D.. Eaq... .Wragby Knott Thomas, Misq. Middleton, Manchester Stallard, J. H., Esq., Surgeoni Lancashire, James, Esq. . .Staud, near Manchester to the Dispensary ...... Leicester Leach, Robert, H., Esq...... Shaw, near Oldham. Whitchurch, Nathaniel, Esq. .Mclton Mowbray MIDDLESEX. Livy, Jobn, M.D., House-Sur- Wright, Samuel, Esq...... Mount Sorrel Number of Members ...... 1..17 geon to the Infirmary....Bolton4le-Moors Memubers of Council ...... 7.. Lowudes, Henry, Es., Sur- Adtitted during 18M-14. Admittetl befo-e 1st Jantiary, 18'3-56. geon to tbe South Dispen. Bullock,H., Esq.,Resident Me- CCARTEP, Charles 3'homas, lsq., Hadley ary ...... Liverpool dical Officer to Infirmary . .Leicester CONOL.LY, Johnl, MI.D., D.C.L., 1finwell Lumb, William B., Esq...... Rochdale Burke, Miles, Esq...... Countesthorpe ceFogns, Sir John, M.I)., D.C.L., F1t.S., Physician Lynch, T., Esq ...... Garstaug Cooper, P., Esq_.. .Appleby,Atherstoue[ Died July 6J to lIer Majesty's Houselold, and to H.i.H.Prince McCheane, Wm., Esq., Sur- Esq...... Wigston Muagna Street Lock Hospital. .Everton, Liverpool Fry, Augustini, Albert, Old Burlington geon to the Gimson, W., Esq...... Walton, L.utterworth HIODGKI , Thomas, M.D., Bedford Square Edward, Esq...... Manchester Manley, Manchester Greaves, T. L., Esq...GL...GL Easton, Bockinglium IHODGSON, JosepIh, Esq., F.B.S., Exanminer in Sur. Mft.hews, W. C., Esq.. .Longsight, nr. Jackson, P. A., Esq ...... Leicester gery in Uniiversity of I.ondon, Westbourne Terr. Xerei, A. Schbepf, M.D., Lec- Kirkland, Thomas, MN...... Ashby de In Zouch WAKE, Xobert, M.D., 10, Wimpole Street turer on Diseases of Chil- Lankester, lI, Esq...... Leicester cWAan, T. Ogier,M.D., Surgeon to the Kensington dren in the Chatham Street Lilley, J. H., M.D...... Leicester Dispensary, 9, Leonard P'lace, Kensingtou, Szc. School of Medicine...... Manchester Paget, E. H., Esq...... Leicester TO METROPOLITAN COUNTIES BauAzciE Midwood, W. B.,Esq, Surgeon Smith, John, Esq...... Castle Donington to the Manchester anid Sal- Stretton, W. H., Esq...... Leicester Begley, Willianm C., M.D., Hanwell ford Lying-in Hos ital ....Manchester Wood, J. A., Esq...... Sheepshed, Loughborough cBowling, John, Esq., Hamnmeramith -Linshull, John L., Req., Sur. Brown, lsauc B., Esq., ge0ii-Accouebeur to St. V on to the Southemr and Mary's Hospital, Conn1a-Snliguti;Square oxteth tiospital...... Liverpool UNCOLNS. Burrows, George, M.D., Phyvsiciank to St. Bartholoo Mlitchell, T. 1, M.D...... Liverpool Number of Members ...... 56 mew's Hospital, IS, Caveudish Square Moore, T. A., Esq . ..Preston Blackburn Members of Council ...... 5 Bury, G., Wsq.,Whetstone .Morley, Jonathan, Esq... Admitted lefore 1st January. l8.53-20. Catnc, William H., Fsq., Uxbridge Murphy,Joseph, Esq-.. .Manchester BAnToN;, Zephaniali, Esq.. IMarket Basen Chowne, W. D., M.D., Physieian to the Charing -Newton. Samuel, Esq ...... Astley,nr.Manchester CAMMACK, T., M.D., Physician Cross Hlospital, 8, Connasught PI. West, Hyde Pk...... Oldham Bowntree, John, Esq ...... Clark, Sir .Janes, Bi3irt., MI.D., F.1l.S., Physician to Esq...... Warrington to the Dispensary Spaldinig BSaler, Peter, INGRAM, Edward, Esq...... Boston the Queeni, 22, Lower Brook Street . Liverpool Smyth, James, Esq...... - M.D., Surgeon to Cooper, George, Fsq., BreuiLford * Taylor, William, M.D ...... Liverpool Mo01uRIS, E., Hlanwell Thomas, Evan, se - :Manchester the Dispensary ...... Spalding Denne, William, Esa., Asyluui, WEST, R. Uvedale,Elsq...... Alford Grabham, Jolhn, M.D., Loaksdale Square, Islington *Todd, Armstrong, -sq -..Ardwick, Manchester hlackniey, Johl, Fasq., , Albioi Place, King's Cross Walker, George, Esq...... Manchester Street House- Bell, John, Esq...... Grimsby Hiall, Marshall, M.).,, 38, Grosvenor Waters, A. H., Esq., ...... Lincolni Beaumonit St., Beaumont Sq. Surgeon to the Royal In- Broadbenit, E. F., Elsq Hanks, Henry, Fsq., Liverpool Eddie, W. H., Esq...... BDatouupon-Ifumber Hare, Samnuel, Esq., Langhsni Place firmar ...... Ellis, H. W. T., Eusq ...... Crowle Hall, liawtry Harvey, Willism, Esq., Surgeon to the Royal Dis- Watson, Henry, M.D ...... Oldhaz Esq..... bioulton, Spalding pensary for Diseases ofthe Ear, 2, Soho -Square Waus,ThomasHlodgson,M.D., Elsdale, Robinson, Sq. In- Ewen, Henry, Esq...... Long Sutton Henry, Alexander, M.l)., Alfred Street, Bedford Physician to the Royal Grantham, T. P. J., Fsq.. . Burgh-le-Marsb, Spilsby Hewlett, Thomas, Esq., Iarrow-on-the-Hill fi-mary ...... Manchester bletealfe, Robert I., Esq.....Tydd St. Mary's 1lolberton,.thomas H., Esil., leamlton, 'Welby, Joseph, Esq ...... Prescot J., Esq ....Bourne Howard, Edwin, M.D., Harley Street, Cavendish Sq. Whitehead, R. Trafford, Esq. . Ardwick, Manchester Nicholls, George Manchester Stiles, Thomas, ES(l ...... Pinchbeck Hunt, T., Esq., Surgeotn to thie Western Dispensary Whitlow, Samuel, E sq Hulme, near cSynupson, T., Esq., Surgeon for Diseases of the Skin, Alfred PlI., Bedford Sq. Whittaker, Edward, MB .... Bacup Suinbury Winterbottom, Henry, Esq-Strangways,Manchester to the County Hospital, SEC. Kingsforel, Edward, Esq., Oldhin FOR LIsCOLNSHIRE ...... inCOIn cLee, Henry, Eaq., Assistant-Surgeon to King's Col. Wilkinson, J. H., Esq.-...... Greenacre, Surgeon lege Hospital, 13, Dover Street W. J., ...... Ancoats, Manchester Vise, Charles, Esq., Williams, Esq to the Dispensary ...... Spnlding Little, W. J., M.D., Physiciall to the london Hospi. Vise, E. B., Esq ...... Holbeaeh tal, lBrook Street Walker, John Wes, Esq. .... Spilsby cLord, Charles F. J., Fsq., Hampstead LRICBSTZE5fflRE. W. Sur- Mlilsoni, R. 0,I:sq., Clifton Place, SL John's Wood Number of Members ...... 67 Wilkinson, C., Esq., geon to the Dispensary .. .Spalding Ogle, William, Esq., 17, Cbester 'l'er., Eaton Square Members of Council ...... 4 North Street, Meck. 1st 1853-1i. Paul, Andrew, MB., 29, Vpper Admitted before January, Admintted during 1853-8. lenburgh Square ,cBIRcLkY, J., M.D., Physician to Pettigrew, W. V., M.D., Chester SL, Grosvenor P1, to the Infirmary, SE*. FOR Barber, E., Esq., Surgeon OF METROPOLITAN the ...... Stamfordl cPropert,Johbt, Esq.,PRESIDEN1 LzICESTERSITLRee ...... LCesters Infirmary COUNTIES B}RANzct, New Caveudish Street -GA&Tr, Henry, Esq-...... arket Harborough Hewitt, John, Esq...... ,Spaldinxg to the J. W., Esq...... Grantliam Quain, Richard, M.D., Assistant-Physician MAnncorT , J., Esq ...... Kibworth Jeans, for Consumption, 23, Harley to Leppington, H. M-, Esq...... -Great Grimsby Brompton Hospital PAGET, T., Esq, Surgeon House Street, Cavendish Sqltare the ...... Leicester Mitchinson, G., Faq., Di. Infirmy to the Inirmar . . Lincoln Salmon, F., Esq., Surgeon to the Infirmary for Sutrgeon of the Rectum, Lower Berkeley Street Snd-, C., D...... DLutterwarth Sadler, Joeph, Esq ...... Winterton eases u p q _--_SLUM__ _ _ Sq Sieon, Fraud., M.LD., FIL., Pyslcian, to St. Parks, Edmund A, M.D, P i to Uuivey Squib Gee. J., 35. eaaaPLbymIu Hospital, HarteyStret, Caveadab Sq. Tulloeh, J. B., xi., Ps May Hos t l 40, Lower Brook Stret CoUlge Thomas, Esq., Bdrd 8O k t Saw. John, M.D., 18, Sakvfble Street0, Piocadilly Pileher, George, Esq., Consulting Surgonu to the Wakley, e Stilwl Jam Esq., axbridge Surrey Dispnsary, Hiley St., Cavendish Sq. Walleo, Rt, Esq. Tafaga Pf. Bas Stokes, Henry J.,M.D., 23, Portland P1., laBigton Pollock, Robert J., Esq., 7, Bath Place, Kensington Walton, H E r to the Ce - Suttou, John, Esq., Shaftesbury Terrace, Pimlico Powell, P. H., M.D., Aberdeu P1., Maid Hill don Ophthalmic itl,rook St., Hsaovwfq. TaI Thojas, Esq, East India United Service quain, R, Esq., F.RS., Profesor of Clinical Sur- Waters, John, M.D., Bedtford Sequae St. James's 8Seare gery in Universy College, and Surgeon to uni- Winn, Jame M., M.D., Phyaciau to the Metropo. Topon,Tlb HOHenry, .B., Honorwy Surgeon to the versity College Hospital, Cavendish Rquare litan Dispensay, Finsbur Squar St. Lrylebone Infirary, Wimpole Street Reynolds, J. Russll. M.D., 38, Grosvenor Street Woohouse, G.1L, Esq., Slogne stret Thompson, Thephilus, M.D, F.R. S., Physician to Ridsdale, George, Esq., 1, luston Square the Mospial for Consumption, 3, Bedford Square Ringroe, John, Esq., Potter's Bar cToynbee, Joseph, Esq., F.R.S., Aural Surgeon to Rtouth, C. H. F., M.D., Physician to the St. Pancras Number of Member ...... a St. Mary's Hepital, 18, 3SavIle Row Dispensary, Montague Square Members of Council ...... a Tucker, John HoAges, Esq., 38, Beruers Street Scott, John, M.D., Examining Pbyician to the Adultted before Ist J_anuV, 183-17i. Tuke, Harrington, M.D., Chiswick H.E.I.C., Stratton Street F. C., ...... to the Chelsea, cBatt" Esq Abpyenny Wddington,E ,Esq., 2, Guildford Pl.. Russell Sq. Seaton, Edward C., M.D., Surgeon Bevan , G. P., M.D ... Beaufort Work, Newa W-lkin, Hew, Esq., 39, Connaught Ter., Hyde Pk. Brompton, and Belgrave IDispensary, Sloane St. Bradford, B. M., Esq. Cheptow Wlliams, C. J. B., I.D.. F.1.S., Consulting Physi- Seaton, Joseph, M.D., Sunbury eBrewer, J., Esq.. . Newport clan to the Hospital for Consumption, 49, Upper cSemple, Robert Hunter, MD.,8, Torrington Square Brewer, A., Esq ....Victoria Iron Weeks, Newport Brook Street Sheppard, Edgar, Esq., Enfield Coats, Nathaniel, Esq...... Sinrbwy Winslow, Forbes, N.D., D.C.L., Hammersmith Smith, E., M.)., Norfolk Ter., Westhourne Grove Davies, A., Esq. ..Pentwyn ron Works, PontypooL Workman, Thos., Esq., 31, Iiivermss Rd., Bayswater Smith, H. Spenicer, Esq., Assistant-Surgeon to St. cEssex, James, Esq...... Pontypool Yearaley, James, Esq., Savile Roir lary's Hrospital, 4$, Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park liluton, J., Esq ...... Blaina Iron Works, Newport. Smith, Tyler, M.D., Physician-Accoucheur to St. cMorris, Trevor, MM.,...... Chepstow Admitted durtig 1853-89. Mary's Hospital, 7, Upper Grosveuor Street Owen, D., Esq ...... Monmouth Atkin, Charles, Esq., Southwick Street, Hyde Park Solly,Sauel, Esq., F.R.S., Surgeon to St. Thomas's Stak, IL, M.).....:...... Newport Allan, James B., M.D., Kensington Hospital, St. Helen's Place, iHishopsgate Steels, E. Y., Esq., Surgeon cAneell, Henry, Esq., Lecturer on Medical Juris. Squire, William, Esq., Orchard Street, Portman to the Dispensary ...... Abergavenny prudenee at St. Mary's Hospital,3, Norfolk Cres., Square cSteele, IL J. P., EaB. .. . Blaeuavou, Abergavenuj de Park Stewart, Alex., Esq., Duncan TergLce, Isllngton Steele, Samuel H., Nl.. Abergavenny. Anderson. W. J., Esq., Welbeck Street, London eStewart, A. P., M.D.,Assistant-8ifgeon to the Mid- Williams, John, Esq ...... Pontypool Ashley, W. H., M.D., Surgeon to Kensington Die. dlesex Hospital, 74, Grosvenor Street Woollett, I. F., Esq., Sureon pensary, 8, Boyiie Terrace, Nottini Hill Taylor, Robert, Esq., Surgeon tothe Central London to the Dispensary ...... N*Tewport Bartlett, W., Esq., Surgeon to Kensiugton Dispen- Ophthalmic Hospital, Guildford St., Russell Sq. SAry, Ladbroke Lodge, Ladbroke Sq., Notting Hill Tilt, E. J., M.D., 11, York Place, Portman Square Admitled srin.g 1.83.1l. Beck, T. Snow, M.D, F.R.S., Physician to the Far- Traoluair, T. G., M.D., Eccleston Square, Ptmlico Anthony, T. E., Esq.s depr ringdon General Dispensary, Lauzgham Place Ure, Alexander, Esq., Surgeon to St. Mary's Hos- Audlant% John, Esq. Te, CbChepatom Bell, William, M.D., 33, George Street, Hanover Sq. pital, Upper Seymour Street, Portnan Square Cherry, George, Esq . Carleon,.Newpork. Bennet, Henry, M.D., 60, Grosvenor Street Vinen, E.lH., M.D., Chepstow Villas, Bayswater James, Willia, Esq. Newport eBennett,J. Risdon,M.D., Physician to St.Thoms 's Walshe, W. H., IL.D., Professor of Medicine in Uni- eKing, Thomas, Esq. Chepotow Hospital, 15, Finsbury Square versity College,40, Queen Anne St. Cavendish Sq. Lawrence David, REsq. Pontypool Bird, James, M.D., Lecturer on Military Surgery at Warder, A. W., Esq.. 1. Sydney Street, Brompton Morgan, Wiliam, Esq. Newport St Mary's Hospital, 27, Hyde Park Square Williams, Joseph, M.D., 8, Tavistock Square Robathan, Edward, Esq. ....Ries, MonmoutL. Bowmau, E. B., M.D., Dalston Winchester. W. H., Esq., Westbourne Terrace Road Scott, B. I., Esq . .Newport Bowman, William, Esq., F.RS., Professor of Physi. Wing, Charles, Esq., North End, Fulham Sloper, C. B., Esq. Tredegar Iron Works. ology in King's College, 5, Clifford St., Bond St Wood, William, M.D., Kensington Watkins, George, Esq. Chepetow Bright, J. R, M.D., 12, Cambridge Sq., Hyde Park Bryant, W. J., Esq., Bathurst Street, Sussex Square Admitted during 1854-52. Admitted deriag 1854-2. Butler, William, Esq., 10, Lower Islington Terrace, Adams, William, Esq., Stirgeon to the Orthopadic Hawkins, James, Esq. Newport Park Road, Pentonville Hospital, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square Willis, George, M.D . MonmoutErl Chippendale,John, Fsq., late of 10, New Cavendish Adams, Wm., Esq., M1orniiagton Road, Regent's Pk Street, Portland Place: new address not known Alford, Stephen S., Esq., Powis P1., Haverstock Hill NORYOLK. cClfton, Nathaniel, Esl., 38, Cross Street, Isliington Babingtom, B. G., M.D., F.RS., Physician to Guy's Number of Members ...... 2S Cogswell, Charles, M.D., 5, Bernard SL, Russell Sq. Hospital aud President of the Epidemiological of Council ...... 6 Cooper, White, Esq., Ophthalmic Suirgeon to St. Society, George Street, Ilanover Square Members Town Admitted before let .asWary, 1853-21. Mar's Hospital, 19, Berkeley Square Bermingham, George, Esq., Rentish H. Esq...... Thetford Cotton, R Payne, M.D., Assistant-l'hysician to the Camps, William, M.D., Parlk Street, Grosvenor Sq. BAILEY, W., W. Kilburn COPEXAN, Edward, M.D., Phy. Hospital for Consumption, Clarges St., Piccadilly Carter, G., Esq., clan to the Hospital ...... Norweoh Cousins, Edward, Esq., Camden Town Childs, G. Borlase, Esq., Surgeon to the Metropolli cPIrT, J. Ballard, M.D., Sur- CoW, W. I., Esq., Kensal Town tan Free Hospital, Finsbury Place South geon to the City Dispensary, Curling, T. B., Esq., Surgeotn to the London Hoe. Clarke, James F., Esq., Gerrard Street, Soho SECRETARY FOB NORrOLK Norwich pital, 37, New Broad Street Clendon, J. Chitty, Esq., Dental Surgeon to the WALES, T. Garneys, Esq.....Downham Market- Darling, George, M.D., 5, Russell Square Westminster Hospital, Albemarle Street M.D...... Wells Davidson, John, M.D., 8, Wilton PI., Knightsbridge Cleveland, W. F., Esq., Besuloy Terrace, Maida Hill YouNG, James, Davies, Benjamin, M.D., Brewer St., Regent Street Cooke, W. H., Esq, Cambridge Street, Pimlico .Little Dixon, James, Esq., Surgeon to the Ophithalmic Cop]and, James, M.D., F.R.S., President ofthe Royal Adcock, John Fleming, Esq. Walsighanm & Burlington St. Amyott, Thomas E., Esq.....Diss Hospital, Moorfields, Green St., Grosvenor Sq. Medical Chirurgical Society,01d Archer, George, Esq...... Feltwell Douglas, Archibald, M.D., 8, Clifton PI., Hyde Pk. Croft, Robert C. Esq., Melville Ter., Torriano Rd. Thetford Ericbsen, John E., Esq.. Professor of Siurgery in De Morgan, Campbell, E sq.JSurgeon to the Middle- Best, Henry, Esq ...... University College, Welbeck Street, Seymour Street Clouting, Johnr Revell, Fsq... Shipdham Lonidon sex Hospital, Upper Cooper, James, Esq ...... Great Yamouth cFraser, P., M.D., K.T.S., Assistant.l'bysician to I)ruitt, Robert, M.D., Curzon Street Norwich. Russell llobert, Esq., Norfolk Street, Strad Evans, Thomas IL, Esq ....Coltisball, London Hospital, 62, Guildford St., Sq. Dunn, Gillett, George, Esq ...... Brooke, Norwich Fuller, H. W., M.D., Assistant-Phvsician to SL Evans, John, Esq., Queen Street, Golden Square Thetford Oakley Hargraves, John, Esq...... Watton, .George's Hospital, 13, Manchester Square Fraser, Donald, M.D., Squar Harrisoi, P. L., Esq ...... Dias Grainver Rd. Esq., Lecturer oni Physiology at Gay, John, Eaq., Fi.isbury Place South DT., Russell Morton, Riehard K., Esq. Aylsham St. ihomas's Hospital, Highgate Gibb, George D., M.D., Guildford St., Sq. Priest, Frederick, Esq...... Burnham Greenhalgh, R, M.D., Up. Woburn P1., Russell Sq. Glover, R.M., M.D., Great Coram St, lussell Sq. Fakenham. Street Rump, Hugb, Esq...... Wells, Halley, Alex., D.D., Queeni ADnne St., Cavendish Sq. Hogig, Jabez, Esq., G, Gower Smith, Frederick, Esq...... Aylshaw Henry, 1.l)., Sackville Street, London Holland, R. C. B., F-sq., 29, AlontagueSt, Russell Sq. Hardinge, and Steele, Henry Brown, Esq. .. Stoke Ferry Haswell, W., Esq., llessborough Gardens. Pimlico Holthouse, Carsten, Esq., Assistant-Surgeon to, Whitby, George, Esq...... Swaffha Hewett, Prescott G., F'sq., Assistant-Surgeon to St Lecturer on Surgical Anatomy at, the Westmin- George's Hlospital, Hertford Street, Alawy Fair ster hlospital, Old Burlingtorn Street Admitted during I&8r- Hewitt, W. Al. G., M.B., Radnor P1., Gloucester Sq. Horton, Fitzwilliam, Esq., North End, Fulham CoTroN, Chas., M.D., Surgeon Hinton, James, Fsq., 6O, Bartholomew Close James, John, Esq., Princes St., Leicester Square to the ...... Lynn Regis Hood, Peter, Esq., L.r. Seymour St., Portlanud Sq. Joues, Walter, Esq., Fetter Lane Hospital to St. IHurman, William, EA:., Ttrulham Greeni Lane, J. R., EFsq, Assistant-Surgeon Mary's G. W., Esq...... Thetfed Jacobs, Henry, Esq., Asvlum, Coliney Hatch Hospital, Park Lane, Piccadilly Mackenzie, Jenuer, W., M.D., Professor of Pathology in Uni- Lank-ester, Edwini, M.D., F.R.S., Lecturer on Botany St. Hos- Admitted deri" 1854-t. versity, College, 8, Albany Street, Regenjt's I'ark at the Medical School adjoining George's Hawkins, Vincent, M.D...... Lynn Regis Jones, C. Hanidtield, M.D., Assistant-Physiciani to pital, Old Burlington Street . Norwich SL Mry's Hospital, Southwick Place, Hyde Park Laurence, J. Zachariah, Esq., Haverstock Hill Webber, William, Esq ...... Jones, J. D., M.D., Dalstou Merrimau, S. W. J., M.D., Physician to the Royal Kesteven, W. B., Esq., Upper Holloway Inifirmary forChildreni,CharlesSt.,Westbounreler. NORTHAXPTONSHERU. Mawkenzie, Fredlerick W., M.D., 11, Clhester Place Newton, Edward, Esq., Howland StL, Fitzroy Sq. Number of Members ...... 32 Macnamara, G. F., Esq., Uxbridge Part,.Tames, Esq., Camden Town Members of Counedi ...... 13 Mhall, Johnl, EIsq., Assistant-Surgeon to Univer. Powell, Henry, M.D., Finsbu-y Square Adsitted before lIst Januar, 1853-30. sity College Hospital, George St., HanIover Sq. Pretty, John B., M.l;., Iaylam Ter., Camden Town BIRDSALL, William, Esq..... Northamptou Marlin, James Raniald, Esq., F.R.S., Groavenor StL Protheroe,John Edward, Esq., Foxley Terrace, Ken- BRYAN, J. M., M.D...... Northampton Merriman, J. J., Esq., 44, Kensington Square singonl Dix, William, M.D...... Long luckby Zilroy, Gavin, M.D, Victoria Street, Westminster Ridg, Joseph, M.D., Dorset Square FAILCLOTYI, J. M. C., M.D., Moore, T., faq., Cambridge St., Ilvde Park Square Robinis, George, Esq., Bedford St., Covent Garden Surgeon tuhe Dispensry...NortbJmptoI& tMurphy, Edward W., M.D., l'rofe;worof Midwifiry, Roots, Henry S., M.D., Consutintig-Phydoin to StX GIaBoN, William, Esq...... etteriug University College, Henrietta St, Cavendish Sq. Thomas's Hospital, ltussell Square KERzs, W. C., M.D., Physician Normnan, H. Bujrford, I:sq., Surgeon to the North Ross, George. Esq., Farringdon Street to the Iunfrmary ...... Xonrhmptot, London Infirmary for Diseses of the Eye, 3,. Rowdon, Henry Mortimer, Req., Nottingham Ten-. LzZTY, John Griiths, Eaq..Thrapatone Duchess Street, Portland PlAce Sborthouse, J. H., M.D., Hig MAsH, J., Esq., Surgeon to O'Conor,W., M.D., Up.Montegue St.,Montegue Sq. Shute, B. 0., M.D., M teckISqh Square th Inesr...... ortbspt in; ,CU?i U 899

PW1WA Jso .. __tr" ORLESA,I M...... Oxford eBARTzvm, John 8., Eaq, Sze. Usa 4om a..,KI, FB.~ Bureu ToJ.J. , Es., woa BATH ...... B8h geoa to LheBodf Oxord BIUDogS, Stephe E'., Esq...... ,U 1 NAouthDamorapto MxnTw, 3. F., -Eeq...... Oxford BUMUDO, IL, M1.D., nyi BoVeuxoxw W E.. . .. Ketersing OOLS, J. Adey, M.D. B us cian to the Tauton and Tax, Ed, ]eq.,S.rgeon to Profesorofelein, VIcE- Somerset Hospital ...... Taunton tGeseal lnfmiary .... Norlhbpbo PRESIDENT ...... Oxford cCsHUaCI, William J., Esq. . . Bath WuAxs, Hugh,la ...... Thapatone SyTonDs, F., Esq...... Oxford cCANO, James, Esq...... Timabury, Bath Barrett, Henry, Watlington cDATvIS, W, M.D., Physician Thoma. Feq ...... Welingborogl Eaq...... to the United Hospital .... Bath Cooller, Thoims, REq...... Towojtro Cooke, William Robert, Esq.. . Burford W. R . . Freeborn, R. F. Jun, Esq..... Oxford cFL>WExs, Farnbam, Esq. .. Chilcompton Elton, A., Bugbrook cHansard, R. J., Esq., Surgeon CGbOsoR, R. F., Esq., Surgeon Hines, WDIa REq Thrapetone to the General Hospital . . Bath Knott, Japge P., Esq...... Bliaworih to the Radeliffe Infirmary, SEC. FOR OXFORDSKIRE . . Oxford cGILLETT, W. E., Esq...... a.Firwator, Taunton Marshall, F. BIi ...... Moulton cGODFRET, Race, Resq...... Bath Marin, Joseph C., asq...... Oundle Jeston, T. W., Esq en...... enley-on-Thames Nesbitt, P.R., M., Superin- Lever, J. G., Esq...... Culworth, Baubury CKELLY, W. Marwood, M...... Taunton tendent of Lnatio Asylum.Northanspton Leapingwrell, Wiliam, M.D... Oxford CNoRSo ;N, G., Esq., Surgeoni to Qiv, Gore, Northampton Lnp(on, H., Esq ...... Thame the United Hospita, VICE- esq...... Bye, Arthur Brialey, Esq.....Banbury PRESIDENT ...... Bath Peeval, William, E q...... Normpon CORMOND, John, ...... Bath Staling, Thomas J., Esq..... Higham Ferrers Wise, Robert S., MLD...... Danbury Esq. -Terr, Henry, u., Req.orhmn....Noh Wyatt, George IL, Esq...... Oxford CItANDOLPH, Honry W., Esq. Milverton Thompson, Ewssi, REsq.- late ofDaventr CSODEN, John, Esq., surgeon Walker, T., M.D., Surgeon to .Admitted drig 1 . to the General lospital ..Bath Holmes, Charles, ...... Norton eSos)zz, John Smiith, Esq., the Dispensar. Pterboroueg Esq Chipping rRESID)ENT OF THE BATH Watkins, Robert W., .Towoseter RULAD. AND BRISTOL Baa.Cuc ....Bath Williams, W., Esq ...... Guilsborough Tuarvon, William, Esq...... Dulverton Wyman, W. S., Esq...... Kettering Number of Members ...... 1 TUNSTALL, James, M.D., Pby- Members of Council ...... 0 sicin to the Eastern Disp..Bath Adcitted durixg 1853-1. Aditted befre lt Januy, 1853-1. WATsoN, T. S., M.D., Physi- Terry, George, eAq...... Brigtook Lodge, John, Esq...... Uppingham cian to the Geueral Hospl..Bath Adittddawia 1854-1. CWOODFORDE,Fr&cisaH.,M.D., i Physician to the Taunton & -Cox, Frederick, Req ...... Welford Numberof Members ...... 48 Somerset Hospital, SEC. OF Members ofCouncil ...... 8 WEST SOMERSET Admitted before lot Jamsary, 1853-39. Number of Members ...... 8 AuRowsxIT,J. Y., Esq., Sur- Allen, George, Esq...... St. George's Member of Council ..... 1... geonto theSalop Intlrmary..Shrewsbunry Bally, William Ford, Esq... .Bath Admttd before lt J ary, 1 CARTWRIOHT, Peploe, kaq. .:.Oswestry Barratt, G., M.D.....Bath UCRMALTON, E., MJD, Leturer CLEMENT, William J.` q.. . Sbrewsbury Bsrrett, JoseOhJ., Lsq.. Stirgeott to onthe PractieofMedieine.-Newcastle-on-Tyne CnAWFORD, David, Esq...... Shrewsbury the Westeru Dispeusary . . Bath Arnison, W. C.,,Esq...... Annandale Town, DicxN, John, Esq., Surgeon Bernard, C. Edward, M.D. ..Bath Heydon Bridge totheSaloplnfirmary ...... Shrewsbury Boodle, Rlobert, Esq...... Chilcompton .De Mey, William F., N.D. ... Newteme-on-Tyno cDauRT,T. J.,M.D., Physician Brace, W. H., Esq...... Bath .Greendow, T. M., Esq., Stur to the Salop Infirmary, JNT. Buncombe, Jolhn, Esq...... Welington geon to the Infirmary . .. .Newcastle-on-Tyne SEC. OF SHROPSHIRE BiL...Shrewsbury Burne, Johni, M.D., Physician Robert, Esq ...... Morpeth HIcMxAN, Joseph, Esq...... Brockton to the Getneral Hospital . . Bath Hawdon, WzBB, Matthew, sq...... Welliugton [DiedJune 0] Burt, Giles Richard, Esq.....ilminster Aditted during 1853-2. Bennion, E. D., Esq...... Oswestry Bush, W., Esq., Surgeoni to the .Nicholson, John, Esq...... Hexham Birch, Scholes B., M.D...... Munslow Eastern Dispeusary ...... Bath W. M.D...... eid, John, C., M.D...... e..webiggin, Morpeth eBratton, James, Esq...... Shrewsbury Bush, M., Weston-super.Mare Brook, H., Esq...... B...ishop's Castle Coatee, William, .D...... D.Wrington Admed during 1854-1. Brookes, W. P., Esq...... Much Wenlock Cockey, Edmund, Esq...... Frome Montgomery, W., Eeq..WestAnnandale,Heydonbr. Broughtoi), Robert, Fasq...... Ruyton Collins, C. Howell, Esq...... Chwe Magna Clarke, C. T. H., Esq...... Slhrewsbnry eCollyns, C. Palk, Esq...... Dulverton XOTI3A @ Downes, T. R. C., Esq...... Mtunislow, Ludlow Cornwall, Johln, Esq...... Asbcott, Glastonbury Number of Members ...... 26 cEddowees, W.. Esq. Pontesbury Cowan, Samuel Brice, Esq. .. Bath Member of Council ...... 1. Fuller, W., M.D...... Oswestry Cruag, Findlater, q...... Hallatrow, Bristol Admitted before lItJanuary, 1853-20. Gill, George P., Esq... .Shrewsbury tDied June 261 Davis, Theodore, Esq...... 'fickenhan -Hartshorn, F. H., Esq. Broseley Drew, Charles, Esq ...... Wiveliscombe IT-TmLau,JohnC.,M.D.,Visit- erton to the Lu. cHumphreys,J. I.,Esq., House Edkins, Clement, Esq...... omS lug Physician Edwards, Conway, Esq...... Batheaston, Bath natic ...... Nottingham Surgeon to the Salop Infir- Asylum mary, JOINT SECr.ETARY OF Evans, Evan, Esq...... Bath Allison, William, Esq...... Est Retford SnuorsHIRlE BRaxcu ....Shrewsbury Fox, Francis Kerr, M. ....Brislington Bosquet, Yelverton, Esq. Stapleford James, W. A., Esq...... Wenlodk Fox, Chiarles Joseph, MI.D. . .Brislington jDarby, Augustus, Egq. Nottingham Johnson,Il., M.D.,ScniorPby- Fox, Edwin Fydell, Esq .... BrisliDgton 1Dickinson, John, M.D. Ewitwistowe, Ollerton sician tothetalop Intirmary.Shrewsbury Goodridge,H. F.A.,M.D., Pby. 3Eddison, B., Esq., Surgeon to Joues, Robert. sq...... Strefford, Shrewsbury sician to the U iited Hospl..Bath the General Hospital ...... Nottingham Jones, W. W., Fsq...... Cleobury Mortitner Hav iltnd, Alfred, Il.sq...... Bridgewater Hase, Henry, Esq. ....Worksop Moore, Edward, EstI ...... Halesowen Hensley, Henry, Esq...... Bath Higginbottom, J., Esq., F.R.S.Nottingbam Pierce, Ilichard K., Esq ....-Madeley Jey, Clharles, Esq...... Queen Camel, llchester IHigginbotto, M. H., EeSq. .. Nottingham Plope, Thomas, Esq...... Cleobury Mortimer cliidgell, George, ESq., P'RaSL- -Hutchinson, t. S., M.D., Phy. R-owlantds, J. W., Eaq...... Iroubridge DENT OF WEST SOMERSET- slcian to the Gen. Hospital Nottingham. Suttoni, J. H., asq...... Longdon, rontesbury SHIREBRtAN ...... Wellington ...... Ollerton Lilly, John W., Esq. Thurstield, Riclard, s.sq .... Broseley Kilvert, Johni, Esq ...... Bath Marsh, John C. L., Neq.Nottingham Thursfield, William, asq.....Bridgnorth Kinig, George, Esq...... Bath Payne, Henry, juu., ....ottingham Watts, John, M.D...... Shrewsbtury Liing, Henry Foote, Esq ....Stogumber, Taunton Ransom, W. H., M.D...... Nottingham Webb, Fryer, Esq ...... Wellinigtoii Lucas, Budd, Esq...... LJot)g Ashton, Bristol Smyth, Luke D., M.D...... Bingbam,hNottUngham Whitcombe, E. B., Esq...... Cleobury Mortimer MlacDermot, E. D., M.D.....Bath Taylor, H., Esq, Surgeon to Wilding, Richard, Esq...... Churel Strettou bIncy, Henry Joseph, Esq. ..Westown the General Dispensary....Nottinghan Williams, G. II., MII)...... Oswestry c.Mareljant, Robert, Esq. ....North Curry Thompson, John N., Esq ....Nottingham Wilsoni, Joseph G., Fsq...... Wem Masoni, Frederick, Esq...... lath -cWhite, Jos., Esq., Resident Wood, Samuel, Eaq., Surgeon Miller, Charles, Esq...... astsle Cay Burg. of General Hospital, to the Salop Infirwary, Pr.E- Mlitclell, J. J., Esq., Stirgeon 8EC.OFrNOTTINGRASMH1BR Nottingham SIDEST OF SHtOPSHIRE to the Western i)ispensary..Bath Wright, Heury eq East Bridgeord BUANcH ...... Shrewsbury Muucktol, Will; -vvi W., Esq.. .Ctrry Rivel Wright, T., M.D., burgeon to Parsley, William ii., Esq..... Baunwell the General Hospital ...... Nottingham Admitted dafriang 18b3-7. Parsons, loshuna, Faq...... Beckington Bakewehl, S. G., M.)., All Stretton, Church.Stretton Plowmat,, Ihoinas, Y-sq...... North Curry Admitted during 185-5. Burd, E., MB.., Physician to Priug, Jaines I1., M1.D...... Weston-super-Mare .Burrows, T. Ash, F-q...... SneintonNottinga the Salop Infirmary .....Shrewsbury Pyne. W. C., iinn., Esq...... UWelli"nOnI GIll,W., M .D., Pbysiciaitothe Darlington, J. G., Esq...... Westbury Reynolds, Williami,,s ...... Wellington General Hospital ...... Noingham Godby, Augustus, M1)...... Newport Sewell, Robert R., M.D .....B.ridgewater Stanger, G. E., REq., Surg. to Gwynn), S. It., Fq ...... Wem Shorlhnd, William, Esq ...... Yeovil ...... Bath the Dispenary ...... Nottingham Rider, John Esq ...... Wellington Skeate, Edwini, Esq .Stevenson, F., Esq...... NotUgham Whitwell, Francis, asq...... Shrewsbury Stune, It. Nathaniri, RE.q...A}ath Thompson, J., Eeq., Surgon Stringfield, Josepit, Esq. ....Weston-super-Mare the Dispes ...... Notiugbam Admitted during 1854.-.2. Swete, Edward H., Esq. ....Wrington Heighway, B. C, M.D ...... Madeley Tayler, John Mlilton, Esq., AdmiStd dering 1864-1. Stephens, John, Esq...... Shrewsbury Surgeon to the Easterni Dis. Ward, John Dion, Esq... Ca...n1ton, Workeop pensary ...... Bath T-alor, James, IM1) ...... Castle Cary ...... Yeovil Number of Membrs ...... 94 Tomkit.s, Williant, M.D Number of Members ...... I8 Members of Council ...... 21 Toogood, JoIathaie, M.D.....Taunton Members of Council ...... 6 Valentine, John, Esq...... Somerton Admii4d befoe lt January, 183-3. C...... Castle Cary Admitted before let January, 1858-17. CALFORD, H., Esq.,Surgeon to Wallis, C., Esq ...... Crewkerne FEILD, J. J., .D, late of Oxford: new addrees not the Taunton and Somerset Wils, George F., Esq rec Ad Hvspital ...... Taunton IL ,I l XW-.k WI&

Griffth, ., .. da Esq~. Bh srr, c. a Eq ue to AeoeOito S.Toa'S,n... Udara Chie F., Esq. .Bedk the B uf wfiomp..Bwur8uE St.]:Edmauiix Has a.i~tl...... D.iehmoa Nahia,q...... s F}beLe Ebg Bat twoxRTHIM@SO W E9Zur- Gt",JObb, FA_q...... W Muds. Chales A,Ess. 8.. Bth Houm,' lUdSd, XJD...... MBk_id gpn the In . Logwetott Constantln, LD. .Relga-ifsta Lauren.., J., Eaq" Surgeon Hotmn. Ree to th Sothen iosnaryB M.D.... Gorlton JOne Joh, Es q. Wqndswesth. Lloyd, s.D. Bath Arnott, Charles D, Julius, Frederick G MD.. .R .onB J.August Barker, W. 8 Eaq...... Baow eader,J. ;.,EaS, Surgeon E ...... Needham Market Lever,J. C.W.,M.D.,PhysCii to thewestern, ispensaryBath Beck, Henry, qq Accouoheur to GU ...... So0hwwk Carley, Robert B, M.D. . .Lazeld, Fralainghcm of Canibewe Weaherley, Frederick, Esq.. .Portishewa J. G., ...... uq. ayland Lodge, Charles, M.D. lt Daniel, Esq Hwe Love, Gilbert, Esq...... Wimbledon .AdWUted durin 1854-2. Ebden, W. H., Esq ...... George E.,Esq. WaNdworth Edwards, G. C.,Esq ...... psic Nicholas, Esq. es.p. J...... Putney Jones, William, ofrsuperMar Fenn, Thomas H.,Esq...... y Piul, J.., KIagl&ke,HailtoDX,D.,Phy- ..... aund ge, BeDnmn, M.Da..PNw sicin to the Tamton and Freeman, Henry L, Esq Robinson, B, I, Esq. Camberwe liedMarch31 John Esq ...... Woodbridge Somerset Hospital . Taunton Gissing, S., Rogers-Harrison, C. H., Esq. Lansdowne BA,CI- Gorham, R. V, Esq...... Adorogh Esq.....Walton, Ipswich ham Road TAPFOBMDSm Grimwood, Thomas, Charles, Esq...... Putney Gross, Edward, Esq ...... Earl Sobam 8billito, .Chertsey Number of Members ...... 1.a ...... Bildestone Shtulock, Mainwaing, Esq... Growse, Robert, Esq M.D ...... -Peckham. Member ofCouncil...... I1 ...... Wrentham Sinclair, Donald, Harmer, Alfred, Esq Denham, Esq ...... Putney Admitted before lst January 1851-10...... Long Melford Smith,J. Jones, B., Esq Samuel, Esq...... Rotherhitbe EiDwwDs, G., Esq.. Surgeon Kilner, John, Esq ...... Bury S. Edmunds Tilley, to the General Hospital . .Wo1vsrbQmptofr Bury Ward, Joseph, Esq . ::::: Epsom King, George, Esq...... Hartest, Whiteman, K H.,Esq. Putney Edwar, Esq...... Debenbam Lock, M.D...... Brnes Browne, Robert Cave, Esq. ..Tamworth Mann, C. P., Esq ...... Boxford Wilisp, R., ...... Leek Cooper, Richard, Esq. Manning, F., Esq...... East Bergbolt 1854-18. Cope, Geo. Ambrose, Bsq...... -Etwall, Uttoxeter ...... Woodbridge Admitted during Marsbh,Chbales, Esq Barrack, -, Esq...... Peckham Dehane, E. P., M.D., Physician Miller, W. W., Esq ...... Eye to the Geueral Hospital . .Wolverbamptou Carpenter, Alfed, Esq...... Croydon Mudd, William, Req...... Hadleigh Robert B., Esq . Putney Edwards, Henry, Esq...... Tutbury Miuiel, William, Esq. Wickham Market Carter, is,o Henr T, Esq...... Stafford CIAre Chaldeoott, Charles . Esq. .Dorking Wolverhampton Nazer, I1. L., Esq...... Doubleday, E. Ftsq .. Blaoktan Roat Newunha, Chr. A., Easq .. Pennington, James, Esq..... Needham Market Peekham Bye Rowley, Thomas, M.D., Phy- William A., Esq.. .Wangford GriffIth, John Thomas, Esq... siolan to the Dispensary ..Lichfield Rackham, Harris, Wmntour, Esq...... Clapham Road Read, Charles, Esq...... Stradbrooke W...... Vauxhall S8ddon, Joshua, M.D...... Longdon, Rageley Williams, J., Esq., Surgeon to Harrison, IL, Esq ...... Southwold Haynes, John, Esq...... Bagshot Admitted daring 1853-6. the Dispensary Framlingham Hewar, Joseph, Esq...... Chobham Wilson, John, Esq ...... Esq...... CamberweU ...... Barton-under-Needwood King, Thomas K., Birch, W., Esq Wing, H., Esq ...... Bury SL Edmunds M.D. Gillam, 1. J., M.D., Assistant Rooke, Thomas M., ...... PutneY Thames MedicalOfficertothie Asylo.. Stafford Admitted dwring 1853-8. Roots, W. Sudlow, Esq. l tingaton on Esq. Stourbridge A. G., Eaq...... Croydon 'Holyoske, Thomas, ....Kinver, Adams, Edward B., Esq .... Bungav Roper, Kennington iasfen, William E.,M.B., Sur- jun., Eiq. ...lpswich sexton, George, M.D...... StLfford Bullen, George, John, Esq...... Guildford geon to the Infirmay Harling, B. A., Esq...... Stowmarket Stedman, Somerville, Charles, M.D. . . Bloxwich, Walal Edmunds Sutherland, William, Esq- .-..- Croydon M.D ....Burton-on-Trent Heane, William, Esq...... Bury St. Wilks,SRmuel,M.D.,Physici&n Thomson, Spencer, John M., Esq...... Saexnundham Ling, ..Clare to the Surrey Dispensay ..StThomas'sSt.,Boio' Admutted during 1854-15. Martin, F., Esq...... Simpson, E., EsqF...... long Melford, Sudbury Bal, Daniel, Esq...... Burslem Vertue, Francis Henry, Esq..Southwold Barker, Edward J., Esq...... Stoke-upon-Trent Number of Members...... 54 Blake, Robert H.. Esq...... Tamworth 1854-1. Members of Council ...... 8 . .Stoke upon Trent Admitted during Campbell, Samuel H., ..D. Meadows, Daniel, Esq ...... Lowestoft Admitted before Ist Jasuary, 1853-47. Hadduck, Edward, Esq...... Ridsgrove BURROWS, J. Cordy, Esq ....Brighton Head, Thomas, M.D...... Hauley Dr6MIEBRE, Albert, M.D ..... Leonard's.on-SOb Kendall, Vernon, Esq...... Tamworth BUllET. CGREEN3ILL, W. A., M.D.....Hastings M1ac , Alexander, Esq.... Hanley Number of Members ...... 7B CJENKS, G. S., MD, Physician Pitt, Esq ...... Walsall Hospital, Henry. Cheadle Members of Council ...... 6 to the Sussex Robinson, Thomas, Esq.....Alton, Admitted before Ist January, 18SS3-3 VICE-PRRSIDENr .. Brighton Ryan, Michael, M.D...... Newcastle-under-Lyne BOTTONLET, George, Esq....Croydon KiNO, W., M.D., Physician to Sharples, Thomas K., .... .Tamworth M.D., the Sussex County Hospital Brighton Troutbelk, James, E£sq...... Tunstall cCoitMAcK, John Rose, Joseph, M.D., Esq. Lecturer on the Principles CMCCAROGHEE, Walker, Joseph, ..Burlem and Practice of Medicine at Physician to the lufirmary, Wion, Edward, MD., Physi St. PRESIDENT OF SOUTH to the North Stafford- the School adjoining ...... Chichester Newcastle-unddr-Iyne George's Hospital, EDITOB EASTERN BRANCH silre Infirmary ...... OF TINE JOURNAL ...... rutney VALLANCE, B., Esq., Surgeon cMARTIN, Peter, Esq., SZCRE- to the Sussex Hospital ... Bnghton THE SOUTr-EAHT- WINTER, T. B., Esq...... Brighton TARY TO Regate Number of Members ...... CS ERN BRANCH ...... Adammon, J., ... 24 NzwmNm, William, Esq..... Fambl E8q. Bye Members of Council ...... Jsmes, Esq. ....Guildford Bayes, W., M.D,, Physician to Admitted bejfore lst January 1853-56. CSTEDXAN, the Dispensary...... Brighton BARTLErr, A. H., Esq., Sur- CWEBSTER, George, M.D.....Dulwich Blakiston, Pe3ton,M.D....StLeonard's-on-Sew East Suffolk ...... Lindfield geon to the . Guildford Bull, John Henr, Esq ...... Ipswich Bacon, Chas. Edward, M D...... Cuckfield Hospital Chaldecott, William, Esq..... Dorking Byass, Thomas S., .LD BEA"s, John, ESq...... Halesworth William, Esq...... Chichester Chapman. George. Esq...... Lingfield Cafin, new BEDINGOFLD, J.,M1D...... Needham Market Caudle, Rober, Esq., late of Brighton: ClaIk, REsq ... Sutton Bazz, C. R, Esq...... Stowmarket AWillingtou, York Town, Dagehot address notreceived G., Esq., Surgeon to Davies, W., Esq ...... M.D ...... Brigbton BULLaN, ...... Ripley Chalmers, W., East Suffolk Hospital ..,. Ipewich Gall, A. C., Esq Esq...... Worthing M.D...... Ricbmond Collet, Henry, CEISzALLizt, B., M.D .....:Ipswich Grant, George, ColemaD, W. T.,M.D...... :::Horsham ...... Reigate CaorFooT, W. E., Esq., Sur- Harris, Henry, Esq Cunningham, J. M., D .. Hailsham .Beccles Mason, W., Esq...... Southwark geon to the Dispensary...... Old Kent Road Davis, R. C., Feq...... WiUchOlsa DAVEY, H. W. R., Esq., Sur- Matthews, Arthur, Esq James, Esq...... Brighton Albert, Esq...... Guildford Dixon, geon to the Dispenaay....lBeccles Napper, Mortlake Drummond, (1E. ....Brighton [Died Sept S2J DUXELNT, C. M., .D., Phys. Palmer, Henry S., Esq...... Allen, Esq., Surgeon to M.D...... Kenuington Common Duke, to the East Suffolk Hosp.. .Ipswich Pursell, John, the Infirmary ...... Chichester Ray, Edward, Esq...... FRmuAN, Spencer, Esq ....Stowmarket Lec..Dulwieh Elliott, R., Esq., Surgeon tO Gaowsz Jon,Esq...... Had1eigh Richardson, B. W., M.D., ...... Chichester on Forenisic Medicine at the the Infirmary HAwE, T. G, M.D., Pbysician SchooladjoiningSt.George's Faithful, William, Esq ...... Brighton to the Bury and Suffolk Mortlake Fry, William H., Esq ...... Brighton General Hospital ...... Bury St. Edmonds Hospitl ...... Furner, Edmund J, Esq. Brighton HAMMOND, C. C., Esq., Surg. Silvester, T. Tr., M.D ...... Clapham Esq. Newick, Uckfleld ...... Reigate Gravely, Richard, to the East SuffolklHoop... Ipswich Sisson, Andrew, Esq Harris, William, Eq...... orthing to Sloman, Samuel G., Esq .. Farnham East Hoathley cIxAOE, W., Esq., Surgeoon B., Esq. .. Union Street, Southwark Holman, Henry, Eq ...... the B and Suffolk Gen. Stedman, John Holmani, Henry M., M.D... HurstpierrepoinL ...... taigate Bo ital, PLESIDENT OP Steele, John, Esq. Thomas B., Esq...... Brighton Esq...... :Epsom Horne, S80oLR Bzawcn ...... Bury St. Edmunds Stilwell, George, Norwood Ingram, W.,EMsq.idhurst Jzamtsox, William, Esq... Framlingham Street, W., Esq ...... George Bell, Esq .... Lamberhurst Woodbridge Westall, Edward, REsq...... Croydon IrviDg, Joxus, IL, ...... Lawrenice, J., Esq., Consulting cKzuxu&w, John, M.D., Phys. Yate, Frederick, Esq... o..Goalming surgeon to the Suse Hos- tothe Suffolk Lunatic Asym. Admitted during 1853-28. pita . - Brighton woR8roa oL ...... Melton Peter REsq. Pulborough...... 8sc. Holbrook Birkett, John, Eq., Surgeon Martin, John, XKaw, Robert, Esq. ichbard, Esq...... Brighton to Guy's Hospital .S..8outhwarlc IRg, NtAREW, Georsp, Eaq... ..Stradbrooke ingston on Thoams Smith, Thomas, Easq...... Crawley F. G., ILD., cCox, Abram, M.D...... Arundel PaoRkrr, Phkal. Robert, M.D ...... Denmark HIU Stedman, Sils, Esq clan to theBur and Suffolk Elliott, Taylor, Robert, Eaq...... Bright4n Hospitan...Bur St. Edmund' R}an., Edward, Req . 8~itoes'lnd,Bor'oUgh LIST OF - mn

8prestu,VW.H.,Eaq, Ycld~F. 0. F,erea.. .UrBlngbm ..c.SU TrevEI , ...... S.tqynlng ano,Alfd Eq..Handworbth, ar. Di8mlgh ab,z Brumn !yeo -9,,LD.,PbJsydlay .~...... toB Wllmhurai, Geore, Eaq. Birmingham Matha, Anthoy, Esq.Eve... m VWthe lamar .....hO.lobest Yates, George, Esq., Surgeon New, Oswald. E sq...... zesha Unidewood, John, Req . Battle to the Genel Dies ..B ghem Nlvec, David 0.lW:, ...... an, Frdrick, Esq ...... Bshill, Battle Pembwwn, John, Eaq...... Droitwich W Eaq.Hu,.,G . . rrepoInt.. H WinK ND. Ricketts, Matin, Esq...... DroitwiCh Whyte, Jo hn...... Eat:. u ted Number of Members ...... 3 Rusher, James G., Esq...... Pershore Members of Council ...... 0 Sharpe, A., M.D., Halford Bridge, Shipsoni-Staw Adsitted befome lot January, 1853-1. Smith, Thomas, Esq...... E,esham D,Richard, NI D. Brhton Moore, John, Esq. ....Keatswich Kirby Londale Stanton, Peter, Esq. BrierleyHill,8tourbr Lowdell, George, E aq...... Brigton Teamse, Theodore S,Esq.Worcester Prsanc, C. Leeon, E aq...... Uckledd Admitted dul.g 1853-1. Thursfield, Thos., Esq., Sur- Bywater, Robert T., Esq. Coniston, Ambleside geon the Infirmary...... idderminster Adlted darlg 185-4. Wadams, Edtd, Esq...... Grea Malvm J...... BrightoD West, William Ceqr* Esq. ..Malvern Branfoot, H, s.D Admitted durin 1854-1. William Todd, Esq. . .HKempse Drew, Samuel, Esq . Robabildge Leeming, E. T., Esq...... Kendal White, Grugen, Henry areh, MLD.Chichester William, John, Eq. Bewrd ey William, Esq...... Brighton WILTImE&N. Number of Members ...... 23 Admitted during 185-1. Members of Council ...... 4 Horton, George, Esq ...... WAWIC . Adanited lst January, 1853-18. Number of Members ...... 66 be.(ore . Bradford Members of Council ...... 9 CADYE, Arthur, Esq ...... Admitted during 18:4-8 Admitted before let 1853-BI. BAILEY, Charles, Esq...... Cliffe, Chippenham Clarke, Erlin, Eq ...... Worcester Jananry, CCOLsORNE, William, Esq. .. Chippenham Maxwell, C. C., tb...... Worcester BUCKNILL, Samuel, Esq. ....Rugby G. M.D...... DAVIEs, J. B., M.D.,Physician Dyxrx, W., Chippenham Nicholson, John ItL, M.D.....Reddltch to Queen's Hospital ...... Birmingham Bayliffe, Charles, Esq...... Chippenham EVANs, G. F., M.D., Pbysic Flower, Isac, Esq ...... Codford YORKHt. to the General Hospit....Birmingham Jennings, Jo e EhC. S., Raq.. .Malmesbwy Number of Members ...... 148 JOHNSTONE, J., M.D., Ph)s- . Es. cian to the Genoral Hospitl Birmingbam Jeston, A F t., ...M.lmesbury Members of Council ...... 38 Kenrick, George Esq ...... Melkaba Admitted before Ist January, 13-412. MIDDLEMORZ, R., Esq...... Birmingham Melkshm RYLAND, Fredarck, l'sq ....Birmingham King, George, Esq...... cALLLN,,Tjmes,Esq.,Lecturer SMITH, H. L, Esq., Surgeon to Nunn, George, Esq ...... Whiteparish on Midwifery ...... York EarInfirmy..Southam Plimmer, George, Esq...... Melksham CBELCOMBE,H. S.,M.D.,Physl- the yayeni Pothecary, Charles, Esq ... Shipton, Marlborough cian to the County HospitalTork THOusoN, T., M.D., Physician Thomas, Esq...... Cricklade Eq., Lec. to the Infirmary ...... Stratford-upon-Avon Taylor, BRAITHWAITE, W., . .Birmiugham Thuruam, J., M.D., Supern- turer on Midwifery ...... Leeds WICXZNDES, Joseph, Esq. tendent of Lunatic Asylum .Devizes cBRANSON, Ferguson, M.D., Esq...... Warminster Sheffield Barker, John, Esq ...... Coleshill cVicary, George, Physiciau to the Infirmary. in Vicary, George Thos., Esq. . .Warminster cC1nwIcaK,C.,M.D.,Physician Berry, f., Esq., Professor Washbourne, Thomas, Esq. ..Corsham to the House of Recovery ..Leedw Queen's College ...... Birningham COOPER, H., M.D., Physician Bicknell, E, Esq...... Coventry Admitted dueing 1853-2. ..Hull Bindley, S. A., Esq...... Birmingham to tbe General Infirmary Blount, John Hillier, X.B. ..Birmingham Gardner, John, Esq...... Marlborough cDr BARTOLOMe, M. Martin, Buan, Thomas F., Esq.....Stratford-upon-Avon Warwick, John, Esq...... Salisbury M.D., Phy. to Infirnsry . .Sheffiol& Duke, Abraham, MLD...... R.ugby CDODSWORTH,B.,Esq.,SurgeOn Elkngn, F., Esq.,Surgeonto Admitted during 1854. to the Dispensary ...... York the Lying-in Hospital. Birmingham Barett, S. B. C., Esq...... Pewsey cGARLICK,J. P.,Esq., Lecturer England, G. W., Esq...... WWellesboume Hind, Charles W., Esq...... Swindon on Surgery ...... Leeds Fletcher, T. B. E., M.D., Phy. Rumsey, Charles, Esq ...... Mere HEMTNGWAY, Henry, Esq.....Dewsbury sician to Gen. Dispensary. .Birmingham cHzy, Richard, Esq., Surgeon W Stratford OISMARI. to the Counity Hospital ....York Fosbroke, George H.. Esq. ..Bidford, Esq., Surgeon Hill. Alfred, Esq . ... Birmingham Number of Members .-...... 54 cHEY, William, Members of Council ...... 2..1 to the Infirmary ...... Leeds Jeaffreson, S. J., M., Physi. Physi- cian to the Hospital ...... Leamington Acidmitted before lst January, 185i3-50. HOrtNER, F. R., M.D., Knowles, G. B., Esq., Surgeon CARDEN, H. D., Esq., Surgeon cian to the Infirmary, YICE- to the ...... Worcester PRESM .HlT...... HuIl to the Queen's Hospital.... Birmingham 2Infirmary ...-York . W...... EvERETT, David, Esq ...... Worcester CHUSBAND, D., Esq Morris, Heury, Esq. Studley Esq.....MarketlWeighton' ...... FRYER, James, Esq. * JACKSON, Matthew, Mousloy, George, Esq. Atherston Lecturer Nason, Edward, Sq ...... Nuneaton HASTING;s,SirC.,M.D., D.C.IL, CJACKSON, W., Esq., Nelson, David, MD.M...... BirmlIgham Physiciani to the Infirmary, on Anatomy & Physiology Sheffield Parker, Langston, Esq., Sur- VICE . PRE8IDE1:"V PRE8s- KENNY, M. S., M.D., Consult. geon to the Queen's HospitalBirmingham DENT OF THE NUNCIL, Phys. to the Infirmary ....Halifax TREASURER, AND FOUNDER MARSDEN, W. Esq...... Skiptoa Paxton, James, M.D...... Rugby W., Sur- Pitt, Richard, Esq...... Weesbourne OF THE AssoCIATION ...... Worcester cMATTERSON, Esq., HILL, Richard, Esq...... Worcester geon to the Dispensary, Powell, H., M.D., Physician TO to the Hospital ...... Coventry MALDEN, Jonas, M.D., Physi- SECaETARY YOnKRSuUI Pritchard, Frederick, Esq. . .Stratford-upon-Avon cian to the Infirmary ...... Worcester BANCH ...... York Rice, D., Esq, Surgeon to the MARRIOTT, Peter, Esq...... Fair Lea, Malvern cNESS, J., Esq ...... Helmsley Infirmary ...... Stratford-upon-Avon NAs3,JaMes, M.D., Physician cNUNNELEY, T., Eq., Lecturer to the Infirmary ...... Wtorcester on Anatomy ...... Leds Russell, James, jun., M.D.....Birmingham PRICE,W., Esq, Demonstrator Smith, Thomas, Esq...... Alcester PIERPOINT, Matthew, Esq., Solomon, J. Vose, Esq., Sur- Surgeon to the Infirmar ..Worcester of Anatom ...... Leeds geon to the Eye Infirmary..Birmingham SHEPPARD,J. P., Esq., Surgeon PULLAN, Riclard,Esq...... Leeds S8inson, G. Newton, Esq ... Birminhan to the Infirmary, GENERAL SANDWITH,H., M.D.,Physician OF Asso- to the Infimary ...... HUll. Taylor, G., Esq...... Bimingham SECRETARY TRH CIATION ...... Worcester Feb. 20) CSANDWITn, Thomas, M.D. .. Beverley Torrance, David, Esq...... Rugby CDied SCHOLFIELD, E.,M.D.,Consult- Wiliam, T. W., Esq...... Birmingbam WALSH, J. 11., Esq., Surgeon Dis. George, Esq ...... Alcester to the EYe Infirmar . Worcester ing Physician to the Wyman, WILLIAMS, Philip H., M.D., penisary ...... Doncaster- .daited dunng 1858-2. Physician to the Dispensary, CSImpSoN, T., M.D., Physician Jerdan, John, Esq...... Birmingham GENERAL SECRETARY OF to the County Hospital ....Yorkl Pemberton, Oliver, Esq., Sur- TRE ASSOCIATION ...... Worcester CSKITI,Snamuel, Esq., Surgeon goon to General Hospital . .Birmingham to the Inhrmary ...... Leed ...... Dudley cT.ALz, T. P., Esq., Surgeon Badley, J., Esq...... Gt. to the Ger -ral Infirmary .Leeds Aditted dvrtsn 1854-23. Barnett, Samuel, Eq. Witley, Stourport on Baker, Robert I., Fsq. .... Bordesley, Birmingham Brown, Geo. Gwynne, Esq. ..Stourport WALLIS, F-, Eq., Lecturer Brown, Gerge James, Esq.. .Birmingham Busiguy, C. E., Esq...... Ombersley Anatomy ...... Hull Clarkson, Josiah, Esq. Birmingham Cartwright, Cornelius, sq.. . Dudley CWHYTEHEAD,Henry Y.,M.D. Crayke, York ...... Pershore cWILLumis, C. Esq., Lecturer Davis, Henry, Esq ... . Hockley Hill, Birmingham Claridge, John, Esq. York Elkngton, George, Esq., Lece Coates, Mervin, Esq...... Great Malvern on Materia ledica ...... turer on Anatomy in Syden- Cole, James, Esq...... Bewdley WILLIAMS, J., M.D., Physician ham College ...... Birmingham Cooksey, Walter, C., Esq.. ..Worcester to the Dispensary ...... Beverley Ellis, Frederick, Esq...... Birmingham Cooper, Thomas B., M.D... (Diod Aug.22) Malvern Allanson, James, Esq...... Castleton, Grosmont Field, Frederick, Esq...... Birmingham Darke,James, Esq...... John .Birmlngham Davies, Francis, Esq...... Pershore Anderson, Frans. Byiie, Esq. Hessle, Hull Hadley, Joseph, Esq...... Leeds Hill, Thomas 1., Esq...... Birmingham Gaunt, John Smith, Esq. .. .Alvechurch Bearpark, Geo. E., Esq Hoare, William, Esq...... Birmingham Greensill, John N., Esq.....Great Witley Beaumont, James, Esq...... Wetherby . Hull Horton, Joseph John, Esq. . . Birmingham Haynes, John, Esq...... Evesham Bell, Robert, M.D ...... Wyton, Hooskns, Abraham, Esq. Brinngha Hill, Hilary, Esq...... Worcester Bell, RobertJ., Esq...... Riccall, York Johnston, James, M.D...... Birmingm Hobbes, Jonathan L., Esq. . .Belbroughton Bennett, W., M.l)., Physician ...... Jeffery, John D., Es. Worcester to the Bath Hospital ...... Harogate Meeks, Charles S., Esq Birmingham to Onion, John, Esq...... Birmingham Jenner, Charles W., eq.. ..Tenbury Berry, G., Esq., Surgeon Prowee John, Ee ...... Nuneaton Jotbam, G. W., Esq., Surgeon the Hospital ...... Harrogate Riehar; W. M., sq...... Birmingham to the Dispensary ...... Kidderminstr Bird, George, Esq...... Tollerton,Easingwold Bon, Thoa C., Eaq...... Birmingam Llngen,Thomas, sq. Stourport Blr6wbistle, Willian, Eq. . . Skipton I.,I-

* __EM...... AwDM Mmbusf...... 4 BoshLD.., .0., .D. ..Beery Faq.,@*Cen @- Bywaa,~ WhUlm,Eq ...... ,F...... Mly,F - .Wrezham* ou Ash, Jobh, E...... q. Corwold Cm, W. RWm, Rae..... aq Huddersfteld Edar,M.D...D_ C ie, H. D...... '.' s Coventry, Joha, Kaq. ....S wslb8i , cWu.wz, Cauhloy, Hsury, Eq...... He doal, Hul Haigh, Thomas Alton, Xaq..Mhhms, Huddersfield Smk,Gearso, Eq.....York Hardwiohe, Jwnius, Esq. Retherbam t ., EsqJun... ..Hull Lk, Toma IL, Esq..... H_anwerk, Pontefat TO NoaTu WALS BXMCscU. WM Craven, Mainto,JoJ , lUndley,H d WILLu.s, IL lOd .D.. Esq. the W 0. ZLB12ectur ou Prance, R. R., Esq .Yor1 Consuling Phydsian to Xteria lMedica ..... HBull Piggott, George Wet, R.D..Bte North Wales Luneai AaymDesblh BD,to Jou,hn ...... Helperby, omhbig )entoa, S. B., . Shan, M ., Physi- Doble, Willian M., M.D. Grad=* 0ceso, Joses, Esl.Doq...... Hul George, . Debhg on, John, Eoq...... Henley,Huddersold cian to the Dispen41y and Hughes, John, FAq. A Lecturer on PatilwlogY....YoQk Jones, 0. T, EAq, 8Wurin- ItorAoSj., FAR Ifi...... d lfd Nor Wales .. Baruuky Stone, Erasmus, Esq.... Rotherham tendent et the EWKe., Edwi, Slkstons, LuntAC .. Denbigh Fvell, . Sheffield Swaine, Willam E, ID...York W., Es q ...... Scarborough Lodge, Uewelly, E eq1.Abergele Foster, Edwin, M.D. Leeds Taylor, William, Esq omaord Ga¶, Thomas, Esq. Howden Morris, Thoma1s ...... Lag.4 W. ... Hatfield, Doncaster Owen, Thona, aq...... Ab wooworth, Henry, Esq D_.b4... G}reenwood, George, t:sq. ...Ossett, Wakefield Pierce, Era, M.D Thorne Prytherd, Teaa, Rsq... .. Guy, Tom, M.D WALE S. A. MLD.,Sursm Haldenby, Walter, E . beedneas, Gook Tumour, ., ,J. C., Y.D., L trer on to the lnfrmary i...... lboU Anatomy ...... Sheeld.....Sbi 4d...d duciag 185-3 Hammerton, John, Esq. ....Elland ANGLErY. Hughes, Willi, Esq..... Llarwst Hardey, Robert, Esq. Lecturer Numberef Members ...... 6 Willias Henry, .g...... lUrwst on Obstetric Medicine ... Hiull Membes of Council ...... 2 Eaq Haxworth, John, Esq...... Sheffield Admitd Wonw lstJauw. 18S0-4. Heaey, Edward, Esq...... Hull oJoiSs, D. K1kt RAq., SEc. TO Davies, Bobo%, ANg. J.JssUn rm,Abiigele Heaton, J. D.,LD., Physiian NORTH WALEs BsIuca_.... .Llgea11iA Edmonds.Jobs, FAq ...... -Chl& to the House of Reovery. .Leeds CLLOYD, Jeba, Eq- ...... -..... Llangef Edwards, T. Francis, a.. Healegrave, Joeph, Esq. . .Maden, Hudderafid. Williams, John, zaq.. .:DebighAbergel Samuel, ...... Leeds . .Cronlech Hey, Esq Doncaster Redding, Fracis H, Esq. Wiiams, T. Wynne, MLD., Hindle, James, sq...... Norton, eWalthew, WUI, Esq. ....Holyhead Horuby, Thomas,Esq ....-Pocklington S tgon the ifiarmuary. .Deubigh(DieUax.51 Hutchinson, R. E., Esq. ....Xabam, Bedale Assid during 185S2. Hutton, John, M.D...... Thirnk Duncan, Henry A., Esq, lnto of llOlybd: new I. kdn,J.Inghz,n q.,ELecturer addres not received Number of Mmbers ...... 11 on Anatomy and Physiology, Evans, William, Esq. L...... ne.Lrchymedd Members of Council ...... 4 .urgeon to the Hospital for Aded for 1st J,ammr, 1888-3. Women and Children ...... Leeds HUowAs, Edward T.. M.D. ..Mold Thos. M., Esq.. .celesfield, Sheffield JONES, William P'., Esq. ....Rywell Illingworth, INumber ofMembers ...... 5 CBOBiar, Owen, M.D., PszL cJackson, Henry, Esq., Surgeon 1 to the Infirnary ...... Sheffield Member of Council ...... OF NORTH WALsBzAxcz. .-*L Ansph Jackson, Thomas, M.D.'...... Hull AdmiUted before lItJanuary, 18U3-4. WILLTAMs, P., M.D, urgeon Jefferson, Richard, Esq. .... Market-Weightun LYDE, J. W. P., E8q...... HAY to the Infirmary ...... Howll F., Esq. .. Doncaster Jenkinson, Henry . H.D). Davies, 8., Esq ...... Glasbury Jones, Price, Esq Rhyl Kennion, Geore, .rHarrog to Ap A, Esq.....Llanas Kirk, William, Eq...... rHedon, Hull North, John, Esq., Surgeon Parry, Henry Kitching, John, Eaq. Retreat, York the Infirmary ...... Breon Theed, Fredenh, Es...... Rhyl ...... Thomas, Eaq...... HolyweU Lambert, William, Esq. So,werby, Thirk Reese, Edward, Esq Hay Vickers, ld Lagdale, Henry, Esq. . .Green Hammerton, York Williams, William, .D. ...M ...... Adt dwing 185 . Locking, J. A., Esq. Hull 1l8-I. Lunn, W. J., M.D., Surgeon to Williams, James, Esq...... BreOon Aditkd during the eneral InfirmarY ... .Hull Moffat, Thomas, LD...... Bawarden8 ...... Thornbill, Dwsbury Miarden, William, eAq CAMIGSI ML 4~slt5 du. 1854-1. Mayne, R. G., M.D ...... Leeds Number of Members ...... 1 lmg W ...... Orei, ROWr bm edalf, Henry, Esq...... Howden Members of Council ...... Eyton, John, Eaq Esq...... Acomb House, York Xetcalf, John W., Thirak Admitted during 1854-L Xilthorp, John, E1sq...... TopCliffe, James, James, Esq...... Aberayron Morey, J. E., Esq ...... Doncaster Number of Mifembes ...... U Morley, George, Esq...... Leeds Members of Council ...... 3 Newton, Isae, Esq...... Knareaborough Adnitted bWfoe lit Januaty, 185-85. Paley, R., M.D., ConsWlting Number of Memben ...... 13 eBan, George Gwynne, M.D, Physiian to the DispenarRipon Members of Council ...... 0 Physician so the Infirmary, ...... EurOgaUe Admitted before lit Jamay, 1853-7. 83w51U55 Parry, Thomas, Esq. SClears PaSWUSNT ...... Radcliffe, Samuel, Esq...... Leeds Hamilton, Henry, Esq...... Laughne, HOWELL, E,, M-D., PhYsican cReedal, G., Esq ...... Sheffield Jones, J. Esq...... Amman Iron Works, uaenly to the Infimary ...... Swa Riahardson, C., Esq...... Skirlaugh, Hull cLawrence,H.,M.D.,'PhyaiciAn RowL&ND,,WEsq4,CoDniWtlng Robiuson, B., M.D., Surgeon to the Infirma ...... Carmarthen Surgeon to the nrmary . .Swanse to the Dispensary ...... Rotherham Protheroe, D., M.D..l...... Llandilo Robinson, John, Esq ...... Rippenden, Halifax cRowlands, J., Esq., Surgeon Buirch, Sampson 2L, Eag.. ... Oartlfa Russell, W. C., Esq...... Bawt.Bary to the Infirmary ...... C..armthen Cook, J, Eag...... iton, Sws Eyott, William Hall, M.D.. Think Thoma, J., Esq...... Llaneigwad,DTyslny, Davies, Edward, asq ...... Xerthyr Tydvil Shaife, Robert Thos., Esq ..Easlngwold Carmthneu cDyke, T. J, Eaq. Y. .Metr Tyddl :Shaw, John G., Esq...... Attercliffe, Sheffield William, J. L,, Esq...... Csrmartheu Edwards,W.T., MLD.,Surgeon :Smith, G. P., M.D., Lectuer to the ufirma ...... Cardiff on Medical Jurisprudence . .Leeds Admitted durixg 1853 -6. Essery, T. A., Esq., Surgeon Smith, J. G ory, Esq...... Harewood Cook, John K., Esq...... Lanelly to the IAfirma.y. Sykes, John,N.D., Physician Davies, David A., Easq...... ianeily cEvans, E., Elsq., Surgeon to to the Dispensary...... Doticaster Howell,T., L.,Esq ...... Llanelly the Infirmary ...... Card Leeds T. Feq..Ferry Side ...... Reath Teale, Joseph, Esq...... Howell, 8., Evans, F. G., Esq Glyn 1] Teasdale, William, Esq..E..Easingwold Jones, T. M., Esq...... Loughor Evans, W. P., Esq...... Swansea [Died Apri Thom, Alexander, Esq. Doberoa, Saddleworth Thomas, B., Esq ...... LInelly cFrench, James, ysq...... Neath Trongdale, W. M., Esq, . .West Butterwick, Bawtry Hall, J. G., Esq . B. ... SWDsea Tucker, Frederick H., Esq. .. Halifax Jones, W. G., ...... eaO Sur- Beq Cardiff Tutin, Septimus, Esq., Number of Members ...... 10 Leigh, John, Esqn ...... b.. to the Diapenaary .... Ripon Ea ...... Cardiff geon Penitone Member of Council ...... 1 Lewis, James, Ward, John, Eq...... Admited before Ist Januar, 1863-4. Lewis, James, MD...... Maa BdgA Watiaough, J., MLID...... Pocklngts Llewellyn, J., Esq...... C erphy Esq...... Cothngham, HUll RoBEzRs, J., M.D., Physician Wason, Samuel, to the Infimary ...... Bangor Long,W. Harris, Esq.,Surgeon Woddell, T., Esq., Surgeon to to the Infirmary ...... 8wanse Sea Bathing Infirmary. . Scarborough W. SEc. the eEdwards, James, M.D...... Benarth, Conway cMichael. B., Esq., I ...... Cawood, Selby AND W BJn.1sq ...... Bangor TO MxrnoUTsKISRE Heury, Esq ...... Boirham Hughes, David, Esq SOUTH WALS Swansa WcDlOÆ, cJones, Robet, Esq...... Crnaron Williams, H. L., M.D., Physi- cJoes, ob Esq...... Conway Payne, H. J, Eq...... Cadiff cian to the Disensa .... Beverley . . Baor Pric, WlllM,E5ql .- T sGlAnTwrdiSm Murrav, Esq.. .Horsforih, Leeds Roberts, Hamlton A, Esq. Brynmeurig, ...... Bridgend WIl., Wm. John, Esq...... Conwa Prichard Wlliam,q Wiaman, W. W., Esq...... Oaaetl, Wokeheld Salusbury, ...... L anal Cb cPricLdH. XL, a...... Tir Cudee,TA=h William4, Henry, eq Probert, James, Rag . Meribyrrydv- Adstt der6g 186-. 186-2. Roberts,J. I, g.. AberdMe,sY? Bell, John Peason, M.D .. Hull Admtbd dUiing Rog J., a.yadlmrs,wm Edward, Esq..... BradfOrd Griffith, Griith, Esq...... :PoruOadeO . ITbah Elsa, John A. M.D.... CararOn Rs, F. ., F .. , K.I X.D. Dmonstrtor Wiiams, Wynn., Rusel-, ...... Ueu@ irTu4sE ' 0~~il IM U. "S LANARKSEIE.M SCOTLAND. Nube of MYmbw 7 Admifte durig 187. ABREDEEN8HIRE. Andeawo, Andrew, M.D, Pro- Number ofMembes ...... 5' feor of Medicine in An- Admied during 1853-1. demou's UniveWt ity. Glrgw 6mw aLsBmw...... Dewid .D.....Aberdeen Bell, J., M.D., Profeor of U3 _bea,.D.....M wm Kilgour, Alexnder, Botany in Anderson's Uni. vsity . Glaso Admitted during 1854-4. King, Alexander, M.D I. lasgow AdmiussaW4g 1886--. Greig, A. F., Fq ...... Sunnyside, Fylie Lawrie, J. A., MI D., Professor sbo_ ..Ea, Oh.....lydach btackbe, J., 3LD...... lnsch, Old Rain of Surgery in the UniversityGlasgow 1_a ThmZEa . Cardff Pirnle, WilliUm, M.D., Profes- Magregor, R., M.D., Physi- e W,ZJ, Eq ...... Tygwn, Clydach sor of Surgery in Marischal cianto Royal nfirmary. ..Glasgow 06"w¶, John, sq ...... Cowbrldge College ...... Aberdeen Watson, Eben, M.D., Profes. M i)..1'1W'Swunse, WMiamson, Wiliam, XD. ..Aberdeen sor of Institutesof Medicine Mt, JILD...... Briton Ferr in Anderson's University . . Glasow WHI,.O. GQ,EsEs ...... Swansa AYRSHIRE. Wilson, James, M.D. Glasgow Number ofMembers ...... 2 Ad d .. Adwitted dwing 185-2. MORAYSHIRE. Nurber of Members . 3 A q, raes Eq...... Tydvil Cakie, Jame, Eaq...... Largs Bates, Edward, esq...... MeuthTrCowbridge Hla n, Fegus, M.D...... Maybole[Died 1854.] Admitted during 1853-1. Davies, David, Esq...... Aberdam Innes, John G., Esq. Forrs Jmee, John WiUllm, .Aq. ..Xeuhyr Tydvil BANFFSHIRE. JASby, Micha, MD ...... D.Bridgnd. Number of Members ...... 8 Admitted daring 1864-2. Paddoa, John, M.D...... Swansea Cameron,-, M.D. Elgin }ees., John ., Esq...... Cardiff AdLitkd during 1813-2. Surling, D. H., M.D., House- }11,lGeo ..,.Req..... Merhyr_Tydvi Manson, A. J., Esq...... Iuverkeithney Surgeou to Grey's Hospital.Elgin Wall,-,ZLD ...... ,Cardi£fr Turner, Robert, M.D...... Keith Admitd duwtg 1854.- NAIRN. Bidie, George, M.D...... Cullen Number of Memb ...... Carmichael, Duncan, M.D. ..Dufftown Number of Membe ...... r 5 Gardiner, James, M.D. Portsoy Admitted dating 1853-L . Nairn Memberof Council ...... 1 Gerrard, James, Esq...... Buckie Grigor, John, M.D Attd before 1. Jesse,, 185-. Macarthur, AleasnderJ.,M.D..Cullen- Bzonawws, Ow Esq, . Ba Smith, Charles, Esq...... Kinnairdie, Marnoch PERTHSHIRE. Number of Members ...... Edwards, Edwad, E Maentwros DUMFRIESBHIRE. Admitted durig 18 . Owen, J. Ap Rhydd=, R; Glenafon, amouth Gairduer, Matthew B., M.D.. .Cnief P1gb, John,Es .. Abrdovqb. Numberof Members ...... 2 AdmiWted during 185%-2. BEN FREWSHIRE. Browne, W. A. F., Resident Aeined dw*s 185-i. Physician to the Crichton Number of Members ...... 1 Owe, Willia s.e...... M yni Lunatic Institution ...... D)uries AdAitcd dring 1803-1. Chalmers, Andrew C., M.D. ..Thornhill Davidson, W., M1)...... Greenock XGNGOERBKEL EDINBURGBSHIRE. ROXBURGHSHIRE. Number of Members ...... 4 Number of Members ..... 18 Number of Members ...... 2 Mambers of Council .. Admited before lIt January, 1853-2. Admitted during 185*-. Admitted before lIt Januarg, 185S-2. Ducan, James, M.D...... ,dinburgh Brown, Wm. Nimmo, M.D. ..Melrose M11s, Francis, Req...... Welahpool Simpson, J. Y., M.D, Profes- Wildig, J P., Esq...... Montgomery sor of Mfidwifery in the Admitted during 1851. University ...... Edinburgh Clarkson, James B., Esq..... Melrose Ad.mtwd duu 1853-i. Admiced during 1853-16. Joe, John, Zq...... Ll larnion STIRLINGSHIRE. Alison, W. P, M.D., Professor Number of Members ...... of Medicine in the Univ. ..Edinburgh Admitted during 1853-1. Admitted durta 185-L Balfour, J. H., M.D., F.R.SE., Maef&rlane, David, M.D. ....Drym Hall, Edward, Esq ...... Newtown Plrofessor of Botany in the University ...... Edinburgh Begbie, James, M.D., Pbysi- cian to the,Queen for Scotl. Edinburgh IRELAND. Brown, William, Esq...... Edinburgh Number of Members ...... 8 Christson, Rt, M.D., Profes. Number of Members ...... 6 Member of Council ..1...... sr of MaaerisMedic in the Admitted before 1853-1. Admitted before lt January, 1858. University ...... Edinburgh Jols, T. C., Esq., Surgeon to Coxe, James, M.D...... dinburgh Grier, Alex., M.D..... H.M. 92 Highlanders, Gaway lbe Dookyad . . Pembroke Duna, J. Matthews, M.D. PhystcianAcocUlhourtothe Admitted dwing 1853-4. Brown, J. D., Esq...... Haverfordwea and Lec- Royal Dispensary, James, ...... Armah Esq ...... Narbeth turer on ...... Leslie, Esq Lewis, IL, Midwifery Edinburgh Mahood, G., M.D...... :Enliiullen Fairbairn, Peter, MND...... Edinburgh Shiel, R. G., M.D...... Killeleegh, Co. Down Gairdner, W. T., M.D., Phsi Wilde, W. t, Esq. .Dubliu cian to Royal inlirmary. ... Edinburgh of Number ofMembers...... 1 Goodsir, J., Ef., Professor Membersof Council ...... 0 Anatomy in the Univeity Edinburgh Admitted during 1854. Littlejohn, H. J., M.D. .Edinburgh Dysart, John, M.D...... Portgleaone, Co. Antrim Admitted before 1$ Jauary, 1853-4. Maclagan, A. Douglas, M.D. Edinburgh Te, ELI, Fsq ...... Prescign Malcolm, Rt. Bowes, M.D. ..Edinburgh Miller, J., Esq., Professor of Surgery in the University ..Edinburgh Omond, Robert, MID...... Edinburgh FOREIGN COUNTRIES.. CHANNEL ISLANDS. Pagan, S. Alexander, N.D. ..Edinburgh Numlj*r of Members ...... 11 Number of Members ...... 8 FIFE. Adittittegi bejore lst January, 153-7. ..ddmitd durs 185-S Number of Members...... 4 Charles, Thomas, Esq...... ySdney, Australia GObin, IL A. B., Esq...... Guerusey Admitted before lt January, 1853-1. Fletcber, John Wm., Esq..... CalcuttA DejAsle, DeBeavoir, M.D... Guernsey Day, G. }., M.D., Professr of Imlach, C., M.)...... Bombay Hokns, S. B., M.D., F.B.ES. . Guerusey Anatomy and Medicine ....St. Audrew.'s Jackson, Edward, M.D...... Italy Lund, George, M.D ...... Maideirs Ross, Archibald C.. M.D. ....Madeira ,iditted during 1813-3. Lynch, 51. II., M.D...St. Brieux, Bretagne, France ISLE OF 1IN. Adamson, John, M.D...... S Andrew's Lyell, John, M.D ...... Newburgh Admitted during 18SS-3. M.D...... Aberdour Number of Members ...... 3 Nicol, James, Barker, W. T., LD...... 4ustralia Macphersou, E. Ml., Esq. .... I'ort Louis, Mauritius Aditted bfore 1854-2.- Indies Bennett, Edrd, M.D...... Casletown FORFARSHIRE, Nicholson, T., MI.D...... Antigua, West Omid BHenry B s,.eq...- ojaj- Numbor of Members ...... 2 Admitted during 1854-1. Admitted 1853-1L Admitted during 1853-2. durng Bell, Robert, ILD.M...... Dundee Aabenbeim, Lewis, MLD. .... Falmouth, Jamaica Ojis, Robet B, eq...... Ae Murray, Dai M.D ...... Caraouste