Salt Sensitivity, They Have Identified Vari- Food Choices
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June 2010 Volume 33 Number 6 Inside A Sensitive Issue: Salt Restriction Food Marketing Has a Big Impact. Does everyone need to reduce their so- much to learn about the mechanisms of So, learn how to take charge of your dium levels, or only those who are sensi- salt sensitivity, they have identified vari- food choices. 2 tive to this mineral? This long simmering ous factors that can place you at higher controversy rages on. While the U.S. Di- risk for it, such as increased age, genetic The Soda-Weight Gain Connection. etary Guidelines, National Heart, Lung variations, how well your kidneys ex- Some experts propose taxing sweet and Blood Institute, National High Blood crete waste, and even race—salt sensi- beverages to curb weight gain. 3 Pressure Education Program and most tivity rates are higher among African- medical organizations say we should all Americans. According to a 1996 article That’s Italian! EN compares dozens reduce the sodium in our diets, some re- in the journal Hypertension, 26 percent of supermarket Italian meals to searchers pooh-pooh that idea. It’s their of people with normal blood pressure bring you the best of the bunch. 5 contention that only those who are “salt and 51 percent of people with high blood sensitive” need be concerned. pressure were found to be salt sensitive. Living la Vida Flexitarian. There “About a quarter of otherwise healthy are lots of benefits from this new What is salt sensitivity? Salt sensitiv- adults are salt sensitive and likely are flexible eating style. 7 ity means that your blood pressure will unaware that they respond to increases respond when you change your dietary in dietary salt intake with an increase in Make the Most of Microgreens. salt intake, explains Paul W. Sanders, blood pressure,” says Sanders. These tiny leaves are big in flavor M.D., F.A.C.P., director of the Nephrol- Research is uncovering new infor- and nutrition. 8 ogy Research and Training Center at the mation that indicates salt sensitivity University of Alabama at Birmingham. carries its own risks that go beyond Just In It appears that some of us have salt sen- high blood pressure. One study re- sitivity and react directly to salt intake, ported in the 2001 issue of Hyperten- while others do not. sion found that salt-sensitive subjects FDA Cracks Down with normal blood pressure had similar Are you salt sensitive? So, how do you death rates as people with high blood on Food Labeling know if you’re sensitive to salt? Unfor- pressure. Salt sensitivity has also been In an unprecedented move, the FDA tunately, a practical, reliable test for salt linked recently with increased risk for issued 17 warnings to food companies sensitivity has yet to be developed, al- cardiovascular events and metabolic for misleading labels. The companies though researchers are currently seeking syndrome (a cluster of conditions that include POM Wonderful, Beech-Nut, to establish one. While scientists have (continued on page 4) Spectrum Organic Products, Pbm Prod- ucts, Redco Foods, First Juice, Sun- sweet Growers, Dreyer’s Ice Cream, Diamond Food and Gerber. Some of- A Natural Approach to Sweet Slumber fending product labels conveyed nutri- ent content claims that did not meet the Do you have trouble getting a good night’s ing sleep disorders, but many people FDA requirements. For example, the sleep? If you do, you’re not alone. About experience unpleasant side effects from term “cholesterol-free” was used even one-third of of Americans complain of them, such as prolonged drowsiness though the product contained higher sleep disorders—meaning any disorder or headaches. So, it’s no big surprise levels of saturated fat than allowed that affects, disrupts or involves sleep. that a growing number of people turn when this claim is made. Other food Insomnia (from the Latin insomnis, mean- to alternative therapies like herbal labels referred to websites that made ing sleepless) is the most common kind of supplements. In a scientific survey of claims establishing the product as a sleep disorder. If you’re unlucky enough more than 2,500 adults published in the “drug” that might cure, mitigate, treat to suffer from a sleep disorder, you know January 16, 2002 issue of the Journal of or prevent disease. In some cases, web- how debilitating it can be; it can cause fa- the American Medication Association, sites referred to scientific studies that tigue, moodiness, impaired function, high- it was reported that three percent of reported benefits linked with the food, er risk of injury, and anxiety during your herbal supplement consumers use them such as lowering cholesterol or blood waking hours. In fact, inadequate sleep is as a sleep aid. pressure. The crackdown sends a mes- even connected with a higher risk of health sage to the food industry that they need conditions like high blood pressure, heart Natural approaches for sleep. From to adhere to the established rules for attack, stroke and obesity. acupuncture and Tai Chi to biofeedback food labeling. Prescription sleep medications are and herbal supplements, a wide range of U.S. Food and Drug Administration a common, effective approach to treat- (continued on page 6) Printed on recycled paper with soy ink. The Power of Persuasion: Food Marketing Really Does Work After a long day, you’ve finally settled Jennifer Harris, Ph.D., M.B.A., Director enjoy a “fourth meal” of the day. To see down to a quiet evening in front of the of Marketing Initiatives and Associate samples of unwholesome food ads, visit television. A fast food commercial pops Research Scientist at the Rudd Center the Yale Rudd Center’s website (www. up and you feast your eyes on a glisten- for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale and view the Worst ing cheeseburger. The next thing you University, which conducts research on Food Marketing Practices. know, you’re hungry and you’ve got a the effects of food marketing. hankering for a burger. Is this mere co- Researchers have uncovered disturb- Targeting kids. Food marketing packs incidence or do food ads really hold the ing findings linked with food market- its most powerful punch on the young. power to change the way you eat? The ing, according to Harris. The average kid sees 15 food com- answer is right before your eyes; multi- ● Advertising can affect a person’s mercials a day, and all it takes is one million dollar advertising campaigns preference for categories of food. commercial to make a young person would not exist if they didn’t work. ● People who see more fast food com- desire a particular food. Marketing also mercials want to eat more fast food takes place in the grocery store, with Food marketing success. “There’s no than those people who see fewer TV characters on packages and shelf question; marketing of food affects eat- commercials. displays at children’s eye level. Let’s not ing behavior. It’s not just exposure to ● When people are exposed to food forget the Internet, which is brimming one ad; it’s the cumulative exposure of ads, they eat more food overall. with food marketing on children’s web- many ads over time that produces a de- ● If people see an ad before they taste sites, social media websites and adver- sire for a product. The foods advertised a food, they like the taste of that games (online games that feature food the most are the foods people say they food more. products as active components of the like the most and buy the most,” says Food marketing can also affect what game.) In fact, viewing and childhood you think is typical behavior. For ex- obesity is directly related to children’s Push Back Against Food Ads ample, people who see more fast food exposure to commercials that advertise ads think that their neighbors eat fast unhealthy foods, according to a study Try these tips to avoid being influenced: food more often. “Advertising has psy- published in the American Journal of 1. Don’t be gullible. Advertising will influ- chological effects on what you think is Public Health in February 2010. ence you, if you let it. Don’t accept all normal. TV advertising has strong af- The Interagency Working Group on marketing claims as truth. fects that are visual and emotional, with Food Marketed to Children, a taskforce stories and music. When you’re tired that includes the U.S. Department of 2. Stay on Track. Put your vision of a health- and relaxed in front of the TV, you have Agriculture, Centers for Disease Con- ful diet—rich in whole, unprocessed lean less ability to control your impulses,” trol and Prevention, Food and Drug meats, whole grains, legumes, low-fat adds Harris. Administration and Federal Trade dairy, fruits and vegetables—on a pedes- Commission, will make food market- tal and don’t let food ads knock it down. The wrong kind of message. The power ing recommendations to Congress this 3. Turn off the TV. Avoid food triggers by that food marketers wield wouldn’t be summer. And the Center for Science in leaving the room during commercial so problematic if they were advertis- the Public Interest (CSPI) has developed breaks and by limiting TV time. ing healthy food, like fruits and veg- “Guidelines for Responsible Food Mar- etables. “The vast majority of ads are keting to Children” (available at www. 4. Watch out for Internet temptations. for unhealthy products such as fast, which include criteria for The Internet is fertile ground for food food, drinks and snack foods,” stresses food marketing that doesn’t undermine marketing in unexpected places, from Harris.