Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro z”l Sanctuary Weekly Announcements th 770 W 40 St. Miami Beach, FL 33140 ph: 305.538.1251 email:
[email protected] Rabbi Donald Bixon – Rabbi Abraham Galbut – President Parshat Vayishlach December 2, 2017 714 Kislev 5778 ,n zxz P Youth Groups Announcements Erev Shabbat Schedule Seudah Shlishit this week is 9:15 Pre- Groups with Morah Candle Lighting 5:12PM Sponsored by Atara and Morah Esti Mincha 5:20PM Sara & Ronnie Gottleib 9:45 Regular groups begin with Youth Leaders Shabbat Schedule in Memory of their Beloved Father TEEN SHABBAT PROGRAMS Hashkama Minyan 7:30AM Rabbi Nathan Gottlieb z”l Teen Minyan @ 9:30am Main Minyan 9:00 AM Teen Shalosh Seudos Sof Zman K. Shema 9:30AM takes places after Mincha with the Teen Minyan 9:30AM Bermanator - Ben Berman, Rabbi Ney, Rabbi’s Class 4:20PM This Week’s Announcements and Rabbi G. Mincha 5:05PM Maariv 6:00PM Sponsored by Friday night Minions! Keep Shabbat Ends 6:06PM earning grand raffle tickets each Ibolya & Joe Wiesel Family Learning Time week! A children’s Minyan after in Memory of Joe’s Mother Mincha in the Bait Medrash! Stories, Sunday December 3 –Friday December 8 Chaya Mita bat Ephraim davening, games, and prizes! Friday Shacharit: 7:00am & 8:00 am night Shabbat davening comes to life - Fischel Halevy z”l Monday December 4 –Friday December 8 led by Rabbi G. Additional Shacharit: 8:45 am (Malvina Wiesel z”l) Family Torah Time - Will not Sunday December 10 –Thursday December 14 take place this week.