Nbr 221 1971
f ~ .: KRAB PROGRAM GUI DE f\UI-IB ER 1WO HUNDRED AND TWE NTY ONE - CO, TAINING PROGf\AM LISTINGS FOR DECEMBER, 1971 This program gJ;ide is not sold, it is given, free of charge, to the subscribers and supporters of KRAB radio , which is owned and operated by the Jack Straw ~1emorial Foundation, a non-profi tte , tax exempt. organization composed of those self- same subscribers and supporters , both to KRAB in Seattle , and KBOO in Portland Oregon. The Board of Trustees of the Jack Straw ~ I emoria l Foundation is composed of: Byron Coney, tlike Duffy, Bob Friede, Jon Gallant (on leave), Nancy Keith , Gary ~1argason , St eve Menas ian, Helen Norton , Greg Palmer, Dave ROIlIland and Tom Slavin. /·'1embers are elected to the Board by a general e l ection held each ~1arch. KRAB STAPH : Station t·lanager, Greg Palmer; Program Director, ~1ike Wiater; Ilus ic Director, Bob Friede; Assistant ~ Iusi c Director, Phil I,junger; Assistant Program Director , Jim Duncan; Chief Engineer, Steve , )Ienasian; Promotional Director, ~larcus Kunian; Office ~Ianager , Ni la File; Bookkeeping, Ca thy palmer; Subscriptions, Trudi Friede; Guide Layout , Lorna D;1.\;son; Guide Advertising Director, ' Phil Bannon ; Engineering Director (JS~lF) Ben Dawson; Production Assistants . Steve Putnam, Ken· Sher ; Program Pro ducer, George Green, Allister COI1l-lay, Jack Boyes, Nila Fi l e; Legal Re lief, B.D . Coney, ~1 . ll . Bader ; Vo luntee r s : Roger Sale , Dick ,Tameson, Randy Francisco, ~ Iik e Duffy , Hal Sherlock, Co lette ,\'Ien asian, Tiny Freeman , ~lalcolm Griffith , Jeff Boyce, Ali San, Ray Serebrin, David Utevsky, Bruce Gri xl , Raymond Jarvi , BnlCe Gordon, Rabbit Slvanson , Randy ~1cCarty , Dick Parker, Pasco Rose, ;·lae S .
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