Professor Dahlia K. Remler Baruch College - CUNY Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs (646) 660-6725 Email:
[email protected] Education Ph D, Harvard University, 1994. Major: Economics MA, Harvard University, 1992. Major: Economics D. Phil, Oxford University, 1989. Major: Physical Chemistry BS, Univ. of CA, Berkeley, 1985. Major: Electrical Engineering Academic, Government, Military and Professional Positions Academic Professor, Baruch College. (January 1, 2011 - Present). Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research. (October 2010 - Present). Associate Professor and then Professor, The Graduate Center, CUNY. (September 2004 - Present). Associate Professor, Baruch College. (September 1, 2004 - December 31, 2010). Faculty Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research. (September 2004 - October 2010). Assistant Professor, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. (August 1999 - August 2004). Instructor (College Now!), Baruch College. (June 2003 - September 2003). Assistant Professor, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. (August 1996 - June 1999). Guest Lecturer, University of Tennessee, Memphis. (September 1998). Guest Lecturer, University of Tennessee, Memphis. (September 1997). Professional Affiliate, CUNY Institute for Demographic Research. (April 2015 - Present). Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Harvard School of Public Health. (September 1994 - August 1996). Report Generated on April 20, 2017 Page 1 of 12 Awards and Honors Faculty Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research. (May 2004). Zvi Griliches Award for the best empirical article, Quarterly Journal of Economics. (2000). Agency for Health Care Policy Research, Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship. (1994). Salant Fellowship. (1989). Marshall Scholarship. (1985). Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu, Engineering Honor Societies. (1985). TEACHING Teaching Experience Baruch College - CUNY PAF 3101, Public Finance, 1 course.