gon, Saturday, July 122nd Year, Number 279 Eugene, Ore 29, 1989 soCenlB Veterans welcomed in 'Hayward style' ·· Ceremony officially opens championship meet By HARRY ESJ'EVE Tb•R•&lfl � • Stories inside E g com � �;":0�':e lra�k fans wel- • Finnish competitor receives :-' a e F � emotional greeting from �!�':5m !�� �es rtcta;':5thc: ,:��o d Fleld famous a countrymen alter his win in the raucous how� - o lbat a to nabbergast � ppeared � men's-65 d1v1S1on decathlon/ 1C of the several thousand compe11� VJ.?:ils· • Rex Harvey didn't mind c ll lt CHAMPIONSHIPS running late Friday rught/3C Ore�r;:, o �::Ju� � ���t�: �ofJ /:� ia:i u th :� :;,;;k�� �p a�:�: ken stream la of app use for more than troupe , and by members of the Boy narrow corridor of the veteran com­ 10 minutes a l as the th etes marched in­ Scouis, Girl Scouts and Camp Fire petitors who wanted to get a closel .ook to the stadiu m,grouped by age. youth, who carried nai;; and placards at, and m aybe get a hlgh-ftve from, By a a or the 58 nations represented in the one of their heroes. ll ccounts,the opening cere­ mony of t games. he eighth World Veterans' Keino's run ended on an e levated Championships was a huge success _ The championships, limited to platfonn, where he stood holding !he introd g ucin the albletes and the splrtt women older than 35 and men older torch aloft as volunteerson !he infield or the games lo the community and than 40, began Thursday and continue releasedhundreds of colored balloons. n e nlty's throughAug. 6. " and running is a !��i�� fo� :�::i��a!'::� . As the competitors passed each part of our fabrtc." EqeoeM ayor Jeff a grandstand,!he crowd rose in unison, "This is bsolute'iy awesome," vet­ Miller said during a n umber of brtef setting up a cheer that didn't stop until eran BOO-meter runner George Cohen welcoming speecbes. "We want you to the last athlete, a man n said as he walktd In front In bis 90s. e ­ leave knowing !hat you bave truly or the tered !he field. packed west gran.!stand. Co hen, of Los been In and competed lo the track cap­ Angeles. said he has competed in sev­ . The athletes waved and applauded Ital of !he world." eral previous vpterans' rl !he crowd. lampionshlps Some twirled !he nags of Cesare Beccalli, !he International but bad never ..:en sue� a large their countries - !he Union Jack, the turn­ president of !he wortd veterans' out of spectators. white cross of Switzerland , Japan's ris­ games, officially declared the games ing sun and an unofficial yellow kan­ "Nothinf nothing compares t open after commending the Eugene­ o garoo nag for Austral a this," hesatd. ia, mong others. Springfield community for Its wann embrace of the championships. "Eugene is famous all over !he world for being the city of athleucs;: BeccaJII sald. "You could be named alsothe city of hospitality."

stoffphotoabvAr#lfNetlOr'I u a an athletes H ng ri show their colors Friday evening at Hayward Field during the opening ceremony of the eighth World V ' C nges ree tn wl h a l al track an eterans hampionships while a Uruguayan competitor excha g t p l oc I OSU study r caffeine Israelis abduct pro-Iran leade ties l l are bo dln& By JOEL BRINKLEY In P8rtY of God con- The Israe is did notsay wbere they Beirut, 8 spokesman for the 0 firmed the . • n abd abduction �:� ::nc:'! i: Th ;�;i;zL�;.. Israeli- comma dos ucted a ��;;:�::.;.:: !�1:��:r to syndrome leader of the Party of God,a pro-tranla� group, from There was widespread specuiatloo !hat the pro- regarded as a hostagebl msell. Lebanone arly Fnday morning Irania l Abdul Karim Obeid, mlgllt be be lo the ES THALMAN bis home in southern n eader Sheik Obeid ts beUeved lo have en invotved By JA M t a Israeliso ldierswho a an_d took him and two associates o Israel, the rmy USed in a hostage tradefor three kidnapping of Lt Col. Willi m Higgins of Ille U.S. TlleRegJJter-Ourd a reoUy by said. h ve been held In southern Lebanon, appa Marines, who wascapluttd near '!)Te. l.ebUIOn, In the a a Evidence that women who drink The 12 commandos,a rriving on helicop ters and P rtyof God, since 1986. February 1988, while serving with !he United N - a t a a n t rs, falally t on O tion. Tbere h ve even small amounts of coffee, e or c rryi g pis ols equipped with silence shot a ann sta said only !ha Uons Truce Supervisi rganiza But n Israeli y lement t at l a t n a neighbor n l ked out his doo esc ual l reports from Lebanon h HigglDS was held co as re more suscep ible lo preme ­ In the beadwhe be oo r Obeid, who is d ribed as the spirit cblef o been a ast he group left. Israel said no one else waski lled or so brieny in Obeld's apartment last year. stru l syndrome has been strength­ e uthern Lebanon of the Party of God, a Shiite l n � f ened by resu ts from a ew study of =���':�� 01:a�ti�����;tn �'!.�� � M a a as a "preacher, last year, Obeid Justified e to r uslim group b d been " rrested" Preaching to worshipers women. � l nn a against Chinese :����t and,�t times. "a p a er of ttacks E guards. Tllr• to ISRA LIS, Pase 4A Annette Rossignol,an Oregon State University assistant professor of public health, sald. Friday that her latest study, which involved rural women in China who drink nothing but lea or water, supports recent research among American women that linked TODAY caffeine and PMS. h PMS symptoms. which can Include • Tlmb4traa1Hare Bald Knob plans :�nt : �� 48 moderate to severe depression, fa­ 1 e Horoscope work." tigue, lrritablllty, anxiety and bead­ ;!��;iJreI N/s IDE N ortllwfft News 38 ,, =::e:.-:= �ir ��!��7�� hirings aclles,a flect women In dlflerent ways. PeopleIn the News 2A additional Knowing tbat sbe would meet wltb lhe northern spotted owl/18 worken to alllll In Job Some cases are qulle mild, with crav­ Religion In the News 12·13C the laltH>ff n l • La•makers ask In the planing mill to coullleling and NU'dllng,tbe offldala i gs for sa ty or sweet foods. But PMS federal Sports I Section C were kept on ofllc1at for delay & the ftnal batches ol astr.ed her IO "� ..-re people" can be so severe !hat II has been used 1n sale of •11c finish procesln dune Stoctis 1 to tatr.e up a t Illjoblllre ae former expected oneqer a l acreage S !h t hey are as defense in murder cases w lb / 18 ome lumber, whichers IS back 14A work Theaters anti tut tile, women pleading temporary insanity, two months. Pope I Talbot wwaers Vital StatlsUcs 21 to Rossignolsaid. Several 90urces Frttlay supported �i:':�':=;:,e�::. Some women can be debilitated by K ob =��::aii:::::/:'i!s � � It ls tbe iar.- em,&oyer ID WI com- PMS, and It can cause m arital prob­ munlty of 3,500, fllcb ii lllnwMIII of the former Pope I Talbot lemsbecause It can lalt aslong as two many by lederalforelt - to tllreeweeks each month. The preva­ Weather, Page 2A workers, thou,11 probal>ly wltboul un- leoce and severity tend lo increase loo repre,entatlon. MOIi of !he won- "II did -.s ID - •If•plu wltllqe,sbesald. en at IlleAwm ill bad been repraent· to bin• naay.,.._ ...... •,- C1811111ec1Ada ..... U>7111 bY tbe Lumber anti Sawmill WGrlr.· 111111 • - • -'" If...- TIie latelt raearcb lbows !hat ClrCIUlloft...... ed enuDIOO- ollll,"slle...._ women wllo drllllt asIIWe u ooe-balf Cooler...... ,30a.111.11111..-. cup to 111111' cu.. of tea per day are Ohr�.. .. , ... twice u lltr.elyto aperleDce PMS lllan .rs� tllme wbo dolll •rta11 tee, RCllllpol 4 ....., ,,4, .... '°' aid. Amoo& lllllle wllo drllllr. 4� to ..=..:�!*If:.:."::- =rx:.-:. __. cu.. per day, 1k lllcldence of PMS ii IO times lliaMr, Ille.aid :ia;.�=.:.:::::.1:'===:.::::..: :=..-:.;.� .. Tee 111N ID 111t -,Y -lalDed 1- ,Jr- 1e �U ...=-w:-�:n �u._ ._� • .-... .. i d y J 29 Page A TH E RE l ER UARD, E n o tu � Z� • ��� • • ��•G��������• ��� = ���= �� � "·�� - _ i ; •• • • - ,_� _ � - •• •• , � �� � �� � -·�-'�ENE�------l Brights Seine swim comes to end THEBeirut shellingWORLD kills 13 Sears'rocker BEIRUT, Lebanon - Warring Syrian and Christian forces battered Beirut w1tb 50,000 WILMINGTON. Del. - No one noticed shellsand rocketsovernigbt. killing tJ people In Dr.lulls Olin Allen customer,as he drilled off to sleep In a in California rocking chair In the !urntlure secuon ot a a random TODAYbombardment that one radio station Searsdepanmenl store. called "a night of Insane terror " The elghl·hour From ntws servlu rrportl II barrage parked !Ires that raged out of control butWhen the losesstore closed. sale Allen was still Friday and gutted scores of warehouses, shops David Horning started his day with a swim In Paris and slumbering. HISnap lastedlour hours and apanment buildings Orange names blazed ended splashing In San Francisco Bay In a marathon dip When he awoke at l a.m. Wednesday.se n­ marking hts 4lsl btnhday and the200th an niversa ag;unst the night sky as residents cowered in ry of tbe sorsInside the store set ott alarms at his first basements and bomb shelters French IIRevolution movement. and security guards and city po­ round !be best of times and the worst of India resumes Sri Lanka pullout In between be lice surrounded the building umes,most of the latter comingon dryland COLOMBO, Srt Lanka - India decided Fri­ "l was standing there trying to !lgure out "ls this San Francisco'" the sportsprom oter laughed as be how to use the store phone wben a security da) to resume 1<1thdraw1ng ,ts peacekeeping from the bay Thursday night alter ¼ • force State T\' said 7 4 people died in one of the emerged swimmlng l guard and a poltce olftcer came 1n; said Island to Aquauc Park n ma island nation·s worst days al ethnic violence miles from Alcatraz ear Fisher n's Allen.64, wbo tbmks the Chinesefood he bad Wharf tor dinner contnbuled to blSlanguor The decision to sran pulltng out more troops todav avened a showdown 1<1th Sn Lanka n The swim down the Seine in Paris was "wonderful," be "I heard them say, ·we have our robber.' President Ranasinghe Premadasa, who had said, bui' the final leg in San Francisco look 45 minutes. a bll I said,'You don't have a robber. just want to called the continued Indian presence a threat to longer than anticipated getouJol the slore.•" State hts nalton·s independence TV saidmost of 'The ebb Ude wasslro nger than l expecJed," the swimmer Police and security beltevedI Allen. a ra­ e those whodted were kill d by Sri Lankan forces said as he walked out of !be water He estimated !be water's d1olog1St, and did nol presscharges in areas" here the Indians are oat deployed temperatureat "around 59 degrees " Allen called the security olftce later to Some Canadians return home Horning !atled to complete bts tnillal plan. which included thank guards and police tor tbetr courtesy - an addtltonal swim from !be Statue ot Ltbeny In New York to and !or not shootinghtm. WINNIPEG. Manitoba - Hu ndreds of eva­ Batten· Park Airplane connection problems scuttled that el­ cuees who tied forest !ires began returning to "He was grateful.'' said Dick Russell. their homes Friday, bur thousands more awa11- Ion · bead or security tor tbe store. "I tried to sell ed rains to dampen fires that sltll burned in 'Tm a ltttle disappointed." be said al the Jettisoned New him !be chair. but be wasn'tbuyi ng." central Canada Firefighters said they had York segment "But there wasno way I could have done 11 and brought some fires under control, allowing 1.400 completed the San FranctSCo swim No. 1 commuter more people to begin the Journey to homes in "The swims arethe easypan," saidH orntng "H's catching .. OAK RIDGE. Tenn. - Richard Johnson nonhern :llan,toba and Ontano On Thursday, the planes that can be trtcky more than 4.00U evacuees fromthose provinces goes to great lengths lo get to work. Really. Anyway, he dtd manage to swim to one Statue al Ltbeny and Sas�.,tchewan were allowed to return to From Lebanon to Oak Ridge -281 miles lheir reniot� northern commumt1� Canada's He swam through Pans from the Bastille to the little­ and live hours a day on !be road. Seventy­ worst forest hre season in memory kepi 19,UOU known French Statue al L1beny, on an island in lhe Seine thousand miles a year just to gel to work and people in makesh,11 accommodat10ns Friday, dov.n mer from the Et!!el Tower The statue is a reduced­ back bowever.most of them in Manitoba scalever,;1on al the one tn Ne" York Harbor Americansga, •e He does this because lus wile is a nursmg ,1 10 France in thanks tor France's g1!1 al the original to the supervisor ID Lebanon and !be dnve "IS easl· United States er on me than rumiog ber career," The swim 1n France took l hour and 15 minutes. making his total ume in the water Thursday two hours Johnson, a tooling engineer at Ptc-Air Co Such ventures are not unusual ror Horning. year he m Oak Ridge. recenUy was picked from marked his !0th btnhday bl' swimming under 40 bridges 1n among200 entrants to win the liUe of "No. 1 :llosco... New York and San Francisco HorningLa.trandmR thousands of ships, weather othc,ah sa,d Jud) \S the third typhoon \n two werk.., in A,1a, where srorm., and flooding have killed al Jea.,r 2.SOO people and left hundreds of .- THEWEATHERREPORT- - thousands al people homeless since mtd-June Jn Korea. IL, htgh 1�, ,min,sotJth Hl&h Lo w v,:1111me1te a1 E\\-EBsteamplant ,91 tem al Tnpo1 11rpor1 -Ads not working when a -.t'St>,S mph \fosUy ,·loud} 1<,ni,i,1 Lo• ll09 am �I ti 4J'.'am .01 ft \1cl\.el\Zlea1\'1da II Korean Air DC-10 crashed shon of the fog­ in the \011,er $05 \1,)Su,· cloudy �und.ay 10 O'.' p � 4 fl 4 2pm 30ft \.icJ..:en11e btloVr Leaburg Dam O80 shrouded runwa)· k 11,ng at least 77 people The 9.1lhel(lp,rrrnl han,r •fshowel"High \\11lam('ltt alHamsburg !9 1n1helo e1-:-,1'5, S1�1a,.·'learMap1e1on 32 s)stem gI\esthe p, or an automatic md1callon of Stati.,tic., t.:mpqu.1a1Elklon 31 the center of the run,.ay,but 1t had not worked Oregon Coast (Readings at Natlonal Weacber �l"\tkt, � t.:mpqua3 m1 bf-lo• v.·mcb�ter 2 4 tor several months. saidthe 0!!1c1al. Mohamed \fosll) ,,ul, tCM ay C'bance )f bn,t ,.,abloa S•�t Airport, A�a a1T1dtwa1er 14 Abughres The DC-lU cra,hed Thursday at least rain H1.,;h •n the m1d4;f)S.. Wind 9resl to uolUp.m Frida)) SL1tt2a1Slletz 24 a hall·m1le shnn of the runway Most of those '-Oulh14est 10.20 mph Chance of 1-howe:rc; Fnda� hl!U'I 86 killed were South Koreans returning from vaca­ 1tm1 hi Low In m1d-SOs Cbanct of lowFnday 47 er;SindayH1gh1nlhem1d-&oo R11nFnaay none twn to o� nn engmeenng or con..,;;tructlon proJ� Thuisd,yh1gh 19 ects Oregon Cascades lo•Thunday S7 Weather information R,i11nm2 none Afort<'aslforl...anerountyand theOregon BN:omin@partl)cloudytodayFrtt z1nR 4 hoursTbur"id,iy DC-10 loses wheel, lands OK •l about 13 .000feet \\'md btcom1ng JulythruTtu.1Nav OJ9 mcb ('oa..c;t � broadcdsl24 hou,... daily on 162 40 south.,.�! to'Atsl ID-15 mph Thickening July normal 027anch mtg,ahtrtz. Recordtd wealhtr for� TORONTO - A Canadian Atrhnes DC-10 cloud� 1on1ght FrE"ez1ng level about12.000 19119 totallhrougti Jul\ r 28 06 1nches are B\'&llable in Fugen""Spr1ngt1tld by landed safely at Pearson lnternat,onal A1rpon fttt (ons1cterabltcloudsSunda}'FrttzmR �ormal Utrnugt, J JI\ !� 24 S2 inches c.allin,: 4114-1!00 Forte� nn lhl5 page Fnday alter II lost a wheel on lakeoll tn Brazil, art prtpared in cooperation wnh Che Na · lt\tlaboul 2.UOOfeet t1nnal\\-'t>JlherSer,.·1ce andTheAssoc1aled a,rpon olflc1als sa,d None of the25l peopleon Air pollution index Eastern Oregon Prfi, board "as in1ured Airpon spokesman Bruce Frida) Retd saidthe lltghr cre11,was aware al the prob­ Fa1rovtr •ttkenduceptcbanceL"lllat Air lem and the aircraft circled the control tower to ed thundtrstormsthlSaftemoon.lhen m LeHI Quall[) Poll. crea.or;1ng threat Sunday east pan Lo• in Eu�ne OZ confirm lhe \II.heel was missing He said fire 4R good themid-40..and�H1ghtnlhe80s.lOC"al­ PorUand 4ol. �ood OZ LTEMPERATillIBS cre1nt> good Extended forecasts f(O paruculate mc:i�� mono,:ide P\1 American slain in Kenya Fo rMoadaythreughWHoHda) Wtstern Oregon Showery and cool NAIROBI. Kenya - Gunmen attacked a malnly coas1 and north lntenor Monday Visibility group of Amencan tounsts viewing w1ldhfe m and Tuesda}' Decreasmgclouds WN!nes iAIMahlon lv.tttA Jrpor1) southernKenya and killed a woman. wounded a day H1gh1n the upptr50sco upptr60s., 24·hour a,,.trage t&mlles.excel man and robbed others of money. a source said ncept upptr 70S lo 80ssouth Interior Min 116 am Frida.,. 1 milespoo. r Y1Brm1ng\\-ednl"Sdaytn60sto 70s.elcepi M at 9 ex�I Friday The arrack Thursday. the second on H0Slo lowtr90A normal temperaturesMonday and Tul"Sday Fa1r and warmer Wednesday lwnal parks. the source said State Depanment High 1n the 705tom1d.$10s.•arm1ng1o8Ds spoke woman Frances Jones saidMane Esther WN!nesday Low 35-15Monday and 40-50 Ferraro. age unknown. of New Haven, Conn , Tu�ayand\\'edntsda)' wasshot and killed and another Amencanwas shghlly wounded She dtd not g,ve the wounded July 29 on record person's name Hlghestthts dalt 96tn l973 lo

fromH,.sMrvlce rtporu

L�LOTTERY� Winning numbers Friday m Oregon's "Daily Four·• lollerygame tn which picking lour succ5slve num­ be paid $1,500, thr numbers paid SIOO and two num­ b n;p td $5 •. ,.5,2 Religion/12C Business/14C Comics/18C SPO THOMAS First win kicka to the Finnish BOSWELL Veteransexcited aftertriumphing in multi,events

Being the goat By DAVE KAYFES THRtpler-

yean r?" The answer is, sosomebody else canwin IL A d so whoever losesthis year doesn't reel too bad. prep stars n book: Somepeople get over losi g their "ultimate DruNotoriousgs, grade cheats pme." Perbaps no manager ever made a bigger FromRtailttr-Ourd blunder than Tommy Lasorda, when be had Hdoenservlctrtptrts The book claims lllll Wasllllun Neldenfuer pitch to Jack Clark with first base open .,,.._.....,._ n n Both sides tor o ce submitteda friend'surllle ample a d the Dodgers Just one out from reaching the will be looking RALEIGH. N.C.- Cbrls Wasbbumat N.C. State Slrong games from alleged Valvanoto pusa drug test at involv� N.C.Stale . Allatll­ World Series.Oark bit a three-run homer and St their quarterbacks basketllDII pmes at North ca­ n when blgb n played er time, Ille book a)'I, Waslllllll'tl: Louis we l lo the Series- which they lost because school stars from arou d State dlJe bl&b on cocaine and n n n the state n roUna n sprayed cologne Into Ills on urllle ...no, we're not goi g to blame De kl ger today. n line up tonlgbt for the 42 rrtend's uri e sample to an ual d oace med a samplebefore Itsubmlttlog forllltlna, n n Nortb-South Shrine football test at Illescbool. accorcl· Lasorda wept i the clubhouse, we t to playersto pBI a dnll pme at Portland's Civic Stadium apologize, then went on with bis life.Al the momen� . 1og toaoewllo0lt. Pe-i" Foull," ftld!IIIDll­ Nortb n be manages the reigning world champs.Maybe n Coach BJII Dreselof defe d· would play pmelOD coke," le,elpade dlanllland racllmll n I g state champion "WIiii Lasorda copedso well because he'd already go e to Beason win have an wddelllifled ieuunate ii quoted • N.C.Stale,weal011alePrtdllJllla­ n n Cius AAA offensive player llllf, be'd play _,_raaow, lllree Seriesa d won o e. ot n of the year aay1og. ''TIie ftlll .,.r, lelp.l'llbllcallOll _ Ian Sblelds Orego City coke would - o ff, and 1og111... a11111111acaa.., ...... THE FLAW IN our attltude -perhaps It ls even and Joe and111ea Ille n �u:'::itJJ uarterbacked Be1110o In Ille second 11111 be wauldn1 do a clall. an American predispositio with Puritan roots- II e� to equate defeat with sin. The unspoken asumptlon Is tlllog." N.C.SllfllVlolOIMllllrA-.c Soutb Coach Illa!thme wbo lme mustdo so becauseof some nn Thurman Beu of state "..-al Faull." by Peter Golllt­ Lalller called 1111IIOI*a....." ru er-up Roseburg hu Joe llllt N.C. Slale c.aadl IIIOrlll naw. RedlllODcl, Abba of bOCk. allOdalml n Scott Clladick of Allllaod Waslll111111 IDplay $porll, eapedally pro sports, Is ot a morality • e Jla vai-allcl'ftd = ::';! Barry of Soutb Medford .- IIIOUll 11 - fttlUIDI 1111111 of ::·:.:.-:.�=== play, mucb • It suits our oatlonaJ appetite to act u If dy ...... Itwere ...... V..... CIIIM ...111 U "ValftllO ..IIIIIIJIDrQltl ••• you worlt bani e-.gll. acrUlceeaoup,lbea ton ����PlollsThu,,- .,...... All :,111 wlll win.Tllat'I Wlll t IDIDYcoadlea leedl.Or e ,. ..., ...... UllldllllllN CburcblU will be � twe Mild we •Y preacll? b ._ liemore IMIDIII. and players n ....,...,...... eacb o llllltller, to •Y11111 If you _.very bani you wtU IlleSou111 team_ 111: ---...... DID& back na- ..., --- __.. aallelltud, llemia af M aceUence, Sc111efer111d def ,...... live lineman Lane Kll _... . ,. ya clo ...... prtaa. J aa or Illea,; ...... :-.- ... Qrtlllllll .. - ...... i e ma.Aadlilelllll.,... u .....or -.,-cloa'L...._....U-. � ::=ro:i:.on.. v If ...... wn .. aaer playeror IIbeltll' hlckllr.lo flkll cae, 111d defellllve bada Slla � =elY ,- lllllply lllve to lie wltllllllllled JOIII' nceUenc:e ICa riarteoflllll.-., ..tu dlplty of JIIUI' lffalt. �� °':..:r"fhlal Dlltr1ct il.,..,..,.,fr,rllw vu �� 11au1nor.,,.....u...,.11 Dave Grenade orNor111 ::.i,111111 eac1 a 29 1989 e n Saturd y, July ne, Or go , ' fHE REGISTER-GUARD, Euge Page ZC ____ Sutton finding 'game is fun again' l MORNING BRIEFING I e d came wh n he mtSSe the u he Tbe rinol straw c l at t ByTbeMSocia1edPrus e In early July. He sought help fro Weslern op n m Mac later be BLANC, Mich - Hal Sutton learned the bard �� �Y,:;:ti�:\t:�;���t���r1�ia:� ::�� GRAND � 0 u t t r o 0 way tha there·, no hing g eal about tbe tag r greatness d t to o Homeless ,, ened my dad, Sutt n 1 wlSh I ba l1S said. "Wben 1 u o held such bright promise t ying, 'It's slipping a o S tt n, v.hOse gol!1ng career younger, be kep sa nd y u'r e not d t t e was at t he stan or this deca e, has seen ha promise brok n t keeping up wi h 11 ·" time and again t 40 next month, Is a four Tewell wbO urns -time winner t e 1 7 e t d r he Is u t asn' won sinc lbe 98 P n o a But he ry spells neve broke Sutton and today 0 To � bu h sac l Open his cause d 0 the a o 1 t r t d d r r u hea · t was toe f r 2 h at tied fo he lea at 9-un e -pa 135 w,lb Do g Tewell t finish hlS season tbe Colonial HIS t>es . er e ro o Open d he s in dang O mossi from newrs 1u ,1c� reports mg inlo th Jhird und of the SI molh n Buick in May an be knows_ ( ng the PGA · two weeks,f he doesn t move Sutt on had rounds or 67-68, Tewell 69-66 champ1onsh1p on up quickly e Ci nc1Dnall Bengals Coach Sam Wyche says a on d not u lh 0 t "The game IS run gam," Sutt sai "II was f n OO ; ��� r��ently ranks1 9 h 00 lhe hsl Wl(b bis Involvement in help1Dg bom eless people IS d e $81 8l5 for a long tome. I did not make 1t fun for myself and di n't e a ou u ut te e t u d improv dram ucally, of c rse, ,r he � gen 1De, b blS lime grows limi d as tb foot­ u e Tha wo l sh uld nobodyc t me any slack, eith r 0 000 at he u a t t r check or $18 , t B i b ll season approaches pocke he winne 's .. ck Open o t d a catch-up, "But all this year, rve seen signs r t coming back. rve "H's real har to pl y_ said Tewell wbo So, he hopes ot hers will get mvolved w1tb o !.he d w rked" e early m season b e e r worked bard I can·1 tell you how har I've mlSSCd several we ks ecaUSe 01 back th homeless, wbole he pr pares the Bengals fo o a hnish Sutton, who won the 1 980 U.S Amateur champ1 nsh1p problems. "I need good their encore to a Super Bowl football season. r o o o t a , has won seven times n e o e a ad f ll wing a brillian college c ree d l wer ne strok he t rou u e u e d t e Sutton an Tewel of firs - It was that S per Bowl xpos r an our d t e o Play rs t nd the PGA T , inclu ing bOlh h T urnamen son, Aus ralian Way e o Leonard Thomp ne Grady, Mark Wyche's ov r­ a o d t he PGA tJtte on 1983 Bui he hasn't w o leader .------Ch mp1 nsh1p an dJoel Edv, ards -- night po t d eo t d O'Meara an pulan y since 1986 an somep ple urne on him e rs made lhe cut 4 as a sp aker Seventy-five playe at 1 2, the sixth "It was like people were mad at me," Sutton said e a e year a subpar total has b en needed to th t gav him T e d o e t ,ucces.sove play tbe t d a o u " h y JUSI expecte me t make 11 took asy and 1 wasn·t 014 d 7 o he I e t p b­ t rounds on the 7, -yar , par- 2 c urs t t d o o t e hnal wo e a War­ e easyal all I wan e t d better II was disappoin ing lo m . 0 o . licize !be ne ds Holl<, abOut5 milesnonh or Detr it too." wick of the home­ J•mHQPet e d oo..ao-, less. H ma e GIIMorgon 20 speeches �e1,t,C>NJrwoter- dunng the o!!­ ��eZ seasoo, and fig­ Er�Gonzc»ez ures be helped ::� generate per­ Bot>'ltOIC.on Rot>lnFrft'f"rVI haps SI00, 000 DonR..,. te LorfflAob«h ID corpora Aa,Stewcrt donations, or JotlnMcComiSI\ Sam Wyche u t u ButvTutet, ...... , ...... dtSCo n ed s p- oa..e E� Volunteered all summer phes, to a,d 8uOdvGcrQ"lft' Hal Sutton added a 68 to hls first-round 67 homeless peo­ ple and shellers that serve them. Bu t Wyche, 44, an Atlanta native an d former journeyman quarterback ID the National Foot­ ball League, doesn't overestimate bis contribu­ tion. 68, "The real beroes are !be people who work n's hottest pla)·er, continues strong play with one shot back In the shelters," be said. "I was just a new­ King, seaso comer, Johnny-come--lately. I don't sw1Dg much weight but after !be season we bad, there har d a e e d Deb Ric d, San ra H yni , Rosi Jones beade a was a microphone m front or my face and I u t o e ad gro p or eigh g lf rstwo sbots of! !be le wanted to do somethingwith 1t." SOMERS POINT, NJ - 1-ancy Lopez IS he .. �g what Dale Eggehng. who was 4-under-par after six boles, she calls the best year of ber Hall of Fame career and she o f· headed the group at par 70. Amy Alcott. the wonner of last Worth the effort t cond, L pez first for now st1ll 1s playing catchup wi h Betsy Krngin se Usually e t at d e "eek·s ven in Boston. P Bra ley and Beth Daniel wer Asked about !be exodus of track an d held h no d "S e IS JUSI pla)1ng so well "'." Lopez '-'.il of Krng, on bog group at 71 atbletes to Europe to compete, hurdler Tonie t u d e 0 794 ou who has won rove o rnaments an arned $5 3. "Y ll·l.f-67 NIO.vLeROU• J6.-J7-7J Campbell told Newsday· "You can have meets t u t o • )4·34-61 MoQgleWill ,,...... 73 never seem o losemomemt m I 's so bard l faller · l4-l4-61 Bart>8unkowSAv l7•Jo-7J here the quality or tbose in Europe. It can be • • »-ll-61 NoncvRomst>ot1om )6-]7-73 do o e The openrnground or the $225, 000 Allanuc Coty nass,c •• lA·JS-6' MJ.Smlttl J6.-J7-7J ne tom rrow. It's a matt r of wbo's willing to was a perfect example of that Lopez played well and shot a J.S-34-69 Heattle""Orew ll·JS-7J sponsor it. Like the Jack In The Box meet in 36-JJ-69 Bedc.vLarson ]7·]7-74 0 000 3-under-par67 to grab lhe r,�t-round lead JS-l.t-69 Ayako01>.omoto ll·l6-74 L.A (Aug. 6.) They're offering $50 , for a J.S,.J.t-69 T1noTombsPurtJ:e"" .)5,-)9-74 record in the long Jump. Mao, I want to long King missed her r,�t four greens. needed to srnk two Jhl4-69 NoncvRubln )7·37-74 l4·)S-6t KovCOO.erlll )9-J5-7il Jump." long par-5aving putts and never rell she struck the ball that ll-14-69 SueThomm ]6,-Jl-74 well S!1ll. her scorecard r ead 68 afte r the opening round on l4·l6-10 Thef'ew Heuk)n JS,-)9-74 "He was drooling,"sai d Newsday. JS-ll-10 awCrotter JS,-)9-74 6 un t 0 0 Jl·l1-7il Mcr!t\OFOVff )7·)7-74 Humanitarian �.� i1��n�����; a �:?c���i°o:� . ��.�·;�h� :,:� f�� )6-)4-10 Bedl,yPerd J9-l6-7S t d d th Dent, -­Mlk•Fetc:Nc* Jf-37-7' nie Young and Ken Carpenter ad­ t nd hir n es in e best-of-lllree a 5 0-year--0ld r ookie whose Ho""�Johnson 40-37-n � � d dr l)-34-67 t d 277-yar oving average n-.-n vancedsurvive o the sem1hnal bicycle round Fn ay eliminations is the best on 3'-JJ-67 )HM...... Whlttffl10n »-41-n t o !he PGA or lS-lJ-61 a the U.S Track Cycling Champ1on­ The !ounh winner to come out f Seni Tour, two-putted ror ]6,-JJ-69 BIii.Johnston. ,..,._n t t o es 00 r o BobRoss 4(),,Jl-11 sh1ps, bu two-tome nallonal champion he quarterfinalswas Bobby Livingst n a pai r par-5 holes berore ll-36-69 o d e o �:��� J.S-34-69 •. Jt-Jf-71 R�luMenuSHved11:J0.10:00 Scoll Berryman was eliminated on the r River al , Ga., wh beat Ph11hps ID 1 ll-41-79 1 :r:et 2 0 J4·JS-69 906W,7th•J44-9.SZJ e d 1wos1ra1ghl 3th :�e J?-37-69 ?,C:�� ,....,_,. quan rr,nals Fn ay mornong t� a:�tr,.'.'�put:�� J.t-JS-69 t ror a birdie The 198 4 Olympic gold medal1Sl on In add111on o Young, advancing 10 ]6-34-70 t t s J.S-lS-70 t d n he sem1hnals ID the women's spr1Dt r birdies he spnnt, Mark Gorski or In 1a apo­ o 1 came on putts 3'·l6-70 f ��� ; 5 ���� l6-J4-70 hs. was pushed to a thord nde on the were Renee Dupre! or Bellevue, e t e d o ]4·]7-71 u a o Wash, consider d he s con best n , q arter!on ts by Mark Garrett r Al· e ed his t Jl·JJ-71 sprinter on the country behin d Young. sw,:ch : a !� �� 1�� recen :»-36-71 hambra, Calli. but survived Gor-ki -in r o U-36-71 Bonnoe Blair, a gold med alist ID the won the h�t nde but Garrell defeated r o )6-]6-73 winter Olympics 10 spee d skaung; and ;::rss�::�� �: peJ :��c: �:�� )6-36-72 him 1n the second Go�luwas the 1985 '"Port Country Club �ll-72 o Janie Elckhorf or Los Alamitos, Calif , cour;e l6-J6-n PLYWOODDue to recent strikes atPRICES plywood mills nau nalchampion d d • J7·»-72 a oubleJun1or Worl schamp1on · o u o o o n )3-l'l-73 Berryman, f Bo lder, C l . bad t er d a good putt ," • Jrl6-n and subsequent cost increases to r a o the Blair was pres.sed in both rodes by Jon� -;:, ��:it ��� Jt-»-73 wo k hlS w y back ont quanerf,. be ed d Debra Cohen or Northbrook, Ill, the line on more s Od tter spe an JrJ7-n t e putt t Jt-»-73 us after the printing of our July 30th nals through he repechag Thursday 1 t o a d e o o d 96 Junior spnn champi n and JM6-n noghl arter losing in the sec nd r un � � �!i� u ::�:�, !�� t �: fourth-place hntsher ID the Junoor : r u � : : � � , 37-36-n 10 Steve Ph,thps or Henderson,N .C 0 tabloid, we have been forced to in­ Worlds spnnts earlier thts year Their YUSedJOputts" o t e t Al Kelley, Ir nically, he nd r Berryman bea d a qualifie u li:f-�� crease the plywood prices shown in second ri e was so close It was protest­ r rrom E shs, on th e repechage was ManyNo thsteon ed alter the Judges called Blair lhe that tabloid. or Trexlertown, Pa Nothsteon and winner, and the film or the fm1Sh had Paul Sw,rt of Kenosha, Wis , won th e to be reviewed Please be assured that we are striv­ Britain's McKean beats Paul Ereng in 800 ing to provide adequate supplies of ByTheA JOClalfdPrtt1 narrow lead, then closed ground on the �u.s.A.� plywood at competitive retails. hnal bend and took the lead 30 met ers TOUR HEADQUARTERS LONDON -Tom McKean of Bnt­ from the finish line to hand Ereng his arn upset Olympic 800-meter champi­ !lr<.tlossslnce the Un1vers1tyofV1rgrn- ES We apologize for any inconvenience on Paul Ereng or Kenya on Friday as & TRAVEL SERVIC 1a st uden t won the Otymp,c gol d medal Bn ta1n beat Kenya 125-1 08 ID a dual Fu last year n To Daily this may have caused. track meet urs of Oregon Ereng was 11med In I 44.25, with •·1 really enioyed that," said the 2� Noxon Koprollch, an Olymptc fmal1St, year--0ld Scot alter winning in I 43.88 !hlrdln I H.34 - the tounh fastes t time ID the world EL t r n a o te r TRAV he. yea a d well ahe d f his previ­ Britain's S ve C am, the world Open 7EUGEN Days A E 1 East 13th Ave. t r d r d o t e W 83 ou bes of I 44 45 ecord-hol e , ropped u or the mll 'til 9 . eek d on Campus due to a pulled musrle In his left calf p rn. Locate "II pro� that what the media <;ay with Just unde r a tap to run He im­ 687 2 about the Kenyans bem� 1Dv1nc1ble ID • a23 me dlatly withdrew fr om Britain's :7,;:tMlPs� tht ml ddlt dlstancM I. not true" !and Full-Line Lumberyard team for next weekend'. Europa Cup e o n a t e an McK an alloweDannette Young.woo gold medals. Inches on her secondattempt Keshmlr1, a 20-year-<>ld who plans The mark was three feet sbon or to transfer lrom UCLA to Nevada-Re­ her personalbest but still was her top no, won the discus on bis final throw or erron of the year and surpassed the 211-10 Olympic Festival record of 59-6a, set "I dldn'I have a PR (personal by Bonnie Dasse In 1986 record) today, but I had competition Henry, 24, or Houston. cleared 6- That will help me In lhe World Cup. I 3½, breaking the lestlvaI high jump was pushed," he said record ol 6-Jl, sel by Pam Spencer In 4 John Nichols of Wlnnllleld, La. 1981 and equaled by Judy Clough In held the lead until Keshmin's ltnal '85 and Colleen Sommer In '87 throw and l101shed second al 20!H Jim Drtscoll, who works and trains Young, of Jacksonville, Fla , ran In Eugene but lists his hometown as away from her outmalched opponents Inver Grove, Minn . won the hammer In the 200 meters but wasn't happy with a throw or 231-10 on his rounh attempt w11h her winning ume of 22.87 sec­ onds The event was conducted m a con­ ·1 could have done better with stant early evening ram, but Dnscoll more compeut1on," she said "For me said he didn't mmd to do good. I have to be pushed " "I tram in Eugene. where ii rains Nat Page. who made the L' S Olym­ six months out of the year," the Yale pic team in the b1gh Jump n,ne years graduatesaid "The ram tends to make ago and won a festival gold medal ID er to tum on anyway.· the circle easi that event 1n 1979, conbnued his un­ Pnce, who hves m Hoban. Ind likely but successlul trans111on to the , r Rn H rv (rt hl) ol Des Moines. lo"a uns tbe d,catblon hurdles agaln!I David Cowley of Groat Britain In World Veterans' Cbamplo�";'i,�;tl�d� and attends mtenor designschool, said 400-meter hurdles. winning in a per· a ey g the victory marked her llnat sonal best 49 0 seconds erron or the season The clOS<'St race of the night was "I'm pretty glad about the record," the men's 200. Tim W1lhams or Lake Pnce said ''This ,s the last meet ol the Wells, Fla . came lrom behind ,n the decathlon year !or me (m the shot pull and I adde to final 30 meters to wm ,n 20.65. three­ Crowd d spice wanted to go out "1rong It's nice to hundredths or a second ahead of run­ have the record " nerup Jeff Wllhams or Los Angeles By DAVE KAYFES mg. His pomtsIn each event were mul· desire and mental capacity to do nowskl in bis book. "Tbe Decatblon." tiphed by an age factor, gJV1ng blm The 6-foot-3, 200-pound Pnce. won TbtRtitsiu-Gu.ard the more,· he said Kathy Freeman or Baton Rouge lift he needed to urpass bis personal the discus and finished second ID the La, won the women's 400-meter hur­ In And be bas. Much more Meet off1c1als may have been wor best or 7,634 set 1979 ,n Wichita, Charlotte Hyatt or Plea.

All Participating Exxon Stations m Eugene/Springfield Motorfor July andOil August To only go! $8. 79* p,•,,a,f' Men·s& Men's& s rwrqt. Women·s :;i;l� Cushioned reg· gaoo designedlor lhe reg gaoo 95 30, J0/30, Trainer 99 lorelootstnde, 99.95 30, 10/;:lO, Spike 10/10, \TF 10/111, \TF Complete Selection of Adidas Olympic Serie 'Pnce after 1 $150.00 to $298.00 reb. 1:. Prices :a�� r;:�.�;';.."'d'.\�:�::·:i:1�11 I are motor oil Fun Run & Clinic only ec e u l ·:A°i.. ��u�r. ; Regularfor prices tnto tect, for '8H��EHT ' atEug�?� E j Jf(ON�h 1 �1 = Sanda) I 11-S PETROLEUM 50 ""}· 99'"'PACIFIC , Eu�t·n,• 683-1 133 ad in battle for Largent s batk starting QB ! .. -...... - for one lastshot Mldl�. t = .. -.-...... - � , ... KIRKLAND.w.._ -Recont- ...... I ...... , =r::c::.s: altlll ...... _.... 11ew1m11111111e team'I quar- laGiaJlaS.DteaD,1- bettle telNCk . =:==�=-,:.: _.pve1D,1arta1t110111t111D 1 Peete llas bNa lmprealve IIDce i mul ng 1111 t1ec111oato- 111ck -., • .., .... allllnlud, =·��..::�� for-a14111-1Dd ftllll-NFL Wl[lllt lDDud • lflle ... Nm Fontes said Friday lbe former Soutb· :..lleawywlpt em C41 llar looli:s better wltb every . "Lui year wu Jlllt = a 1er1e1 or I practice. lore la Seeale'I AFC dlYlllaall "I like Rodney, I really do," Fontes =�:�·:� PlaYoff pme la Clndaaa 111 New Year'sIlle Eve, said. "I tblnk be bastremendous poise OUl I I llpmeat la my lie IUffend I *'IDlw'Ylllltaptblm1111be.Ille !or a rookie. But II be were to be tbe lhlap can ll appeo � llidelllles In � NCoad =-= baU. After starter, lbey'd come after blm every I tbe pme, Wlllcb Seallawb dlllerent away. They'd giveblm dlller­ Laraent. wbo will be 35 oo IOII, be couldn't ltnlalilen up. ent reads,tbey'II try to confusehim . " Sept. 28, bad a relaUvely lnJury­ At lbe end of tbe season, be club's sixth-round draft lree career until last seaso I Peete, lbe n. underwent loot and thumb sur­ ls one of five quarterbackS bat­ pick, But lbe sight or Largent In gery Umg for the starter's Job The others pain made some of bis rans gr1. Despite the litany of Injuries, are veterans Chuck Long, Enc Hipple mace. They wrote btm letters Largen! decided lo play another and Rusty Htlger and lree-agenl Bob pleading with btm nol to come season, although be conceded that Gagltano back. They expressed fear aboul in his mtd·JOs, he doesn'I recover Meanwhile, rumors aboul unsigned bISheallh from iniunes as quickly as be dtd No. l pick Barry Sanders are amusmg in ' "I got a lot or letters wben I h1s m1d-20s. Fontes A Delroll lelevtSlon stahon re­ was gomg through !he process or "I think the tnJurles would ported thal the Lions offered last whether I was gomg to play or have happened il I was24 or 34," Trophy wmner to the vear's HeISman not," Largent said 1n an mterview Largent said Angeles Rams for runnmg back Los at the Seahawks traming camp Brian Blades, Seatue·s other a.,11 and the Rams' No l pick m Greg "They said, ·Don't play· They tarting wide receiver, said be's 1990 said, ·we love you· They said, glad Largent's coming back, nol 'Are you out or your mind'" 'We've enjoyed your career · Just becauseof what be can do for .. Fonre· said. laughing, when asked They said. 'll's been a good one . the ream, but for what Blades can aboul the lrade 'Toal wasnew to me learn from the man wbo bolds vlr­ Largent disregarded the ad­ when l heard II No one has ap­ lually au or pro loolball's pass vice He decided lo return for one th IS orgamza11on aboul 11 and catching records. proached more season after having one of one has approachedme about 1t no hIS mos1 unproductive years 1n "Being a receiver can be dan­ Barry IS sttll property or tbts or­ 1988 gerous;• Blades said "lnJunes do > gantzat,on We have a chance to have bappen You pray to God that ii For the first Ume In bIS 13 - greal offense and rm going 10 let doesn't happen 10 anyone. And I a year SeahawkS career, be dtd not htm go l don't know \\here theycame know a lot or people are con­ lead tbe learn m receiving He ap w1th that cerned about Steve's bealth caugltt 39 passes for 645 yards sanders and second-round pick and rwo touchdowns in 15 games, "But I'm not worried about John Ford from V1rgm1a are the Lions· down from S8 receptions for 912 him gelling burt He worked very only unsigned rookies yards and eight touchdowns in I J hard before be came Into training camp. He's in great condition." Fonres hopes 10 know more about games m 1987 the status or ltnebacker Jimmy Wtl· In Seattle's regular-season Largent will get Sl.35 mtllton ham., soon The coach was trymg to opener in Denver 1n September, thIS season He's the highest paid arrange a meeting with the eight-year be suffered a concussion, a receiver in NFL btslory and the velemn. who has demanded to be chipped tooth and a knee spram highest paid player m the lraded ma violent colhslon with Broncos Seahawks' 14-year hlslory ' A trade to the lndtanapolts •OIIS AHOClcrte

hlS left hip. buttoo; t\ �.., r 1g 1ll Bur Johnson said lhe [owbc)s calf ln the ne\1 \.\eek \\'1lhJffi.': v,, II he bed-nddenand ftl\·en .Jltrac:o..inutl" ,tr1 w·ashington Redsklru quarterback \\I"rt> ""' C"0115Jdtrmga UJd� for py Jnd relax:rnl med·c.1tmns rt that Dou� w,11,ams"as hosp11altzedFnda) Ste'-'e a:t 11s 1me.· John...c:on said ··"-·e UMe 1ht'"t' 1s m·,m .11 m:pr ve 1ent. \\Itha nerve root1rntat10n in tu-.lower plan r, r h 01 obebere anJrompe11ng t tt'urP ""'" rt-t:�1l1.1Jte JO� coulu al· back and will remain 1n traction for a fo,rhe ob 1Aa�·1,, rerflmmeni �urgf"r,., thnugti. minimum of h\'e days Tver 1,1r,ouldncl 5peculate on thH Buccaneer, - The Tampa Bay Though Wtlhams entered lrammg 01 our P, omellmP45 v u hJ\e ! oyt1rn1st1c If .:ill g•6 well, T\er lal'les v.tlder's legal f1ghl ag:un.• -The Dallas Cowboy, e .., h1ch included stones Slan Humphires. 24, baltling for !he came •o term."- with holdout qu(lrter- thlS week on a deCJ on b pr s urors lo '>o l )Ob hac� s1e,e Walsh for a rota I va ckage ,, , n ec charge btm with ion or manJuana more than t 1 request, team physt· o! $� I m11l1on spread over four 'rear-, pos. P,s w Al Wtlhams· months after hlS arrestin \1tssoun clan Charles Jackson dechned com· coach J·mmy Johnson sa11.. men� bur several orthopedISts said \\'abh. "ho decided re pa.,s up h,s Oilers - Running back Allen Pmk 60.000excellent MILE all Fnday Iha! nerve-relaledback in1unes senior year dl the Ln1ve--s1t) uf M1.1m1 wide ell ,tnd receiver Cunis Duncan WARRANTY* norm.ally imply disc damage Howev, lo enler lhe 'sFL s supplemental drafl aeasonv.·rh 122 c ly because pain has resonaled IO\\ard could b� lraded amestorSIJyards ·Ex,;�tti,)hPt'rl( m 225/75R-15 • PREMIUM235'75R-15 STEEL RADIAL I• •


185,60HR-14 195·60HR-14 , . : SOHA-15 I 195, 205,60HA-15

I r 1, 960 CHAR NELT ON (DOWNTO WN ACRoss FROM SEARS) 345-7521 ., ...... ofllllllllllr IOCIIIISTIR, llldl. - n appears ...... _...,. Min Dllraltbattle for Liemroaale Rodlley ..... larlllllllt. XIIKLANI>,"•-lecordo Peelle-, 11ew111111111111elelm's quar­ ID has announced that this 11,III be his 14th - and last laced wtth either coaxing Wtlltams in­ to training camp or else gmng him his outn�ht release

Redskins QB hospitalized with bad back .. 1� left h,p. bull(}{!\ '\ ,....!'nr 'lg 1tJ But ',hnson 5'1.td tht Co•·bo�s calf In the Qe\1 'Aeek \\1!11..tm'. w II he pla� In( .1<1e \lrat,h WashinRton Redskins quarterback bed-ndden and �\·en Jltnl'-0'-lfitJthe-r l· \\e re, not ronrJd�nns .i lradt:' lur p�· and relaxanr med1(ation,; ff t:tt that Doug W1!11ams was hospttalt2ed Frida) Steve at h1s'1me."John.c.onsa1d ··�'t lr"le 1ht""t' 1s m ,m JI 1mpr1 ve111enl with a nerve root 1rntat10n 1n h•� lower , plan fur h m lo be here and competing •flt' tt'arri V11l 1Tt'-t \ JIUJlt' Jnd

r ,, 960 CHAR NELT ON (DOWNTO WN ACRoss FROM SEARS) 345-7521