gon, Saturday, July 122nd Year, Number 279 Eugene, Ore 29, 1989 soCenlB Veterans welcomed in 'Hayward style' ·· Ceremony officially opens championship meet By HARRY ESJ'EVE Tb•R•&lfl � • Stories inside E g com � �;":0�':e lra�k fans wel- • Finnish competitor receives :-' a e F � emotional greeting from �!�':5m !�� �es rtcta;':5thc: ,:��o d Fleld famous a countrymen alter his win in the raucous how� - o lbat a to nabbergast � ppeared � men's-65 d1v1S1on decathlon/ 1C of the several thousand compe11� VJ.?:ils· • Rex Harvey didn't mind c ll lt CHAMPIONSHIPS running late Friday rught/3C Ore�r;:, o �::Ju� � ���t�: �ofJ /:� ia:i u th :� :;,;;k�� �p a�:�: ken stream la of app use for more than troupe , and by members of the Boy narrow corridor of the veteran com­ 10 minutes a l as the th etes marched in­ Scouis, Girl Scouts and Camp Fire petitors who wanted to get a closel .ook to the stadiu m,grouped by age. youth, who carried nai;; and placards at, and maybe get a hlgh-ftve from, By a a or the 58 nations represented in the one of their heroes. ll ccounts,the opening cere­ mony of t games. he eighth World Veterans' Keino's run ended on an elevated Championships was a huge success _ The championships, limited to platfonn, where he stood holding !he introd g ucin the albletes and the splrtt women older than 35 and men older torch aloft as volunteerson !he infield or the games lo the community and than 40, began Thursday and continue releasedhundreds of colored balloons. n e nlty's throughAug. 6. "Track and field and running is a !��i�� fo� :�::i��a!'::� . As the competitors passed each part of our fabrtc." EqeoeM ayor Jeff a grandstand,!he crowd rose in unison, "This is bsolute'iy awesome," vet­ Miller said during a number of brtef setting up a cheer that didn't stop until eran BOO-meter runner George Cohen welcoming speecbes. "We want you to the last athlete, a man n said as he walktd In front In bis 90s. e ­ leave knowing !hat you bave truly or the tered !he field. packed west gran.!stand. Co hen, of Los been In and competed lo the track cap­ Angeles. said he has competed in sev­ . The athletes waved and applauded Ital of !he world." eral previous vpterans' rl !he crowd. lampionshlps Some twirled !he nags of Cesare Beccalli, !he International but bad never ..:en sue� a large their countries - !he Union Jack, the turn­ president of !he wortd veterans' out of spectators. white cross of Switzerland , Japan's ris­ games, officially declared the games ing sun and an unofficial yellow kan­ "Nothinf nothing compares t open after commending the Eugene­ o garoo nag for Austral a this," hesatd. ia, mong others. Springfield community for Its wann embrace of the championships. "Eugene is famous all over !he world for being the city of athleucs;: BeccaJII sald. "You could be named alsothe city of hospitality." stoffphotoabvAr#lfNetlOr'I u a an athletes H ng ri show their colors Friday evening at Hayward Field during the opening ceremony of the eighth World V ' C nges ree tn wl h a l al track an eterans hampionships while a Uruguayan competitor excha g t p l oc I OSU study r caffeine Israelis abduct pro-Iran leade ties l l are bo dln& By JOEL BRINKLEY In P8rtY of God con- The Israe is did notsay wbere they Beirut, 8 spokesman for the 0 firmed the . • n abd abduction �:� ::nc:'! i: Th ;�;i;zL�;.. Israeli- comma dos ucted a ��;;:�::.;.:: !�1:��:r to syndrome leader of the Party of God,a pro-tranla� group, from There was widespread specuiatloo !hat the pro- regarded as a hostagebl msell. Lebanone arly Fnday morning Irania l Abdul Karim Obeid, mlgllt be be lo the ES THALMAN bis home in southern n eader Sheik Obeid ts beUeved lo have en invotved By JA M t a Israeliso ldierswho a an_d took him and two associates o Israel, the rmy USed in a hostage tradefor three kidnapping of Lt Col. Willi m Higgins of Ille U.S. TlleRegJJter-Ourd a reoUy by said. h ve been held In southern Lebanon, appa Marines, who wascapluttd near '!)Te. l.ebUIOn, In the a a Evidence that women who drink The 12 commandos,a rriving on helicop ters and P rtyof God, since 1986. February 1988, while serving with !he United N - a t a a n t rs, falally t on O tion. Tbere h ve even small amounts of coffee, e or c rryi g pis ols equipped with silence shot a ann sta said only !ha Uons Truce Supervisi rganiza But n Israeli y lement t at l a t n a neighbor n l ked out his doo esc ual l reports from Lebanon h HigglDS was held co as re more suscep ible lo preme ­ In the beadwhe be oo r Obeid, who is d ribed as the spirit cblef o been a ast he group left. Israel said no one else waski lled or so brieny in Obeld's apartment last year. stru l syndrome has been strength­ e uthern Lebanon of the Party of God, a Shiite l n � f ened by resu ts from a ew study of =���':�� 01:a�ti�����;tn �'!.�� � M a a as a "preacher, last year, Obeid Justified e to r uslim group b d been " rrested" Preaching to worshipers women. � l nn a against Chinese :����t and,�t times. "a p a er of ttacks E guards. Tllr• to ISRA LIS, Pase 4A Annette Rossignol,an Oregon State University assistant professor of public health, sald. Friday that her latest study, which involved rural women in China who drink nothing but lea or water, supports recent research among American women that linked TODAY caffeine and PMS. h PMS symptoms. which can Include • Tlmb4traa1Hare Bald Knob plans :�nt : �� 48 moderate to severe depression, fa­ 1 e Horoscope work." tigue, lrritablllty, anxiety and bead­ ;!��;iJreI N/s IDE Nortllwfft News 38 ,, =::e:.-:= �ir ��!��7�� hirings aclles,a flect women In dlflerent ways. PeopleIn the News 2A additional Knowing tbat sbe would meet wltb lhe northern spotted owl/18 worken to alllll In Job Some cases are qulle mild, with crav­ Religion In the News 12·13C the laltH>ff n l • La•makers ask In the planing mill to coullleling and NU'dllng,tbe offldala i gs for sa ty or sweet foods. But PMS federal Sports I Section C were kept on ofllc1at for delay & the ftnal batches ol astr.ed her IO "� ..-re people" can be so severe !hat II has been used 1n sale of •11c finish procesln dune Stoctis 1 to tatr.e up a t Illjoblllre ae former expected oneqer a l acreage S !h t hey are as defense in murder cases w lb / 18 ome lumber, whichers IS back 14A work Theaters anti tut tile, women pleading temporary insanity, two months. Pope I Talbot wwaers Vital StatlsUcs 21 to Rossignolsaid. Several 90urces Frttlay supported �i:':�':=;:,e�::. Some women can be debilitated by K ob =��::aii:::::/:'i!s � � It ls tbe iar.- em,&oyer ID WI com- PMS, and It can cause marital prob­ munlty of 3,500, fllcb ii lllnwMIII of the former Pope I Talbot lemsbecause It can lalt aslong as two many by lederalforelt - to tllreeweeks each month. The preva­ Weather, Page 2A workers, thou,11 probal>ly wltboul un- leoce and severity tend lo increase loo repre,entatlon. MOIi of !he won- "II did -.s ID - •If•plu wltllqe,sbesald. en at IlleAwm ill bad been repraent· to bin• naay.,.._ ....... •,- C1811111ec1Ada ..... U>7111 bY tbe Lumber anti Sawmill WGrlr.· 111111 • - • -'" If ...- TIie latelt raearcb lbows !hat ClrCIUlloft....... ....... ed enuDIOO- ollll,"slle...._ women wllo drllllt asIIWe u ooe-balf Cooler....... ,30a.111.11111..-. cup to 111111' cu.. of tea per day are Ohr�.. .. , ... twice u lltr.elyto aperleDce PMS lllan .rs� tllme wbo dolll •rta11 tee, RCllllpol 4 ....., ,,4, .... '°' aid. Amoo& lllllle wllo drllllr. 4� to ..=..:�!*If:.:."::- =rx:.-:. __. cu.. per day, 1k lllcldence of PMS ii IO times lliaMr, Ille aid. :ia;.�=.:.:::::.1:'===:.::::..: :=..-:.;.� .. Tee 111N ID 111t -,Y -lalDed 1- ,Jr- 1e �U ...=-w:-�:n �u._ ._� • .-... .. i d y J 29 Page A TH E RE l ER UARD, E n o tu � Z� • ��� • • ��•G��������• ��� = ���= �� � "·�� - _ i ; •• • • - ,_� _ � - •• •• , � �� � �� � -·�-'�ENE�-------- ------l Brights Seine swim comes to end THEBeirut shellingWORLD kills 13 Sears'rocker BEIRUT, Lebanon - Warring Syrian and Christian forces battered Beirut w1tb 50,000 WILMINGTON. Del. - No one noticed shellsand rocketsovernigbt. killing tJ people In Dr.lulls Olin Allen customer,as he drilled off to sleep In a in California rocking chair In the !urntlure secuon ot a a random TODAYbombardment that one radio station Searsdepanmenl store. called "a night of Insane terror " The elghl·hour From ntws servlu rrportl II barrage parked !Ires that raged out of control butWhen the losesstore closed. sale Allen was still Friday and gutted scores of warehouses, shops David Horning started his day with a swim In Paris and slumbering. HISnap lastedlour hours and apanment buildings Orange names blazed ended splashing In San Francisco Bay In a marathon dip When he awoke at l a.m. Wednesday.se n­ marking hts 4lsl btnhday and the200th an niversa ag;unst the night sky as residents cowered in ry of tbe sorsInside the store set ott alarms at his first basements and bomb shelters French IIRevolution movement. and security guards and city po­ round !be best of times and the worst of India resumes Sri Lanka pullout In between be lice surrounded the building umes,most of the latter comingon dryland COLOMBO, Srt Lanka - India decided Fri­ "l was standing there trying to !lgure out "ls this San Francisco'" the sportsprom oter laughed as be how to use the store phone wben a security da) to resume 1<1thdraw1ng ,ts peacekeeping from the bay Thursday night alter ¼ • force State T\' said 7 4 people died in one of the emerged swimmlng l guard and a poltce olftcer came 1n; said Island to Aquauc Park n ma island nation·s worst days al ethnic violence miles from Alcatraz ear Fisher n's Allen.64, wbo tbmks the Chinesefood he bad Wharf tor dinner contnbuled to blSlanguor The decision to sran pulltng out more troops todav avened a showdown 1<1th Sn Lanka n The swim down the Seine in Paris was "wonderful," be "I heard them say, ·we have our robber.' President Ranasinghe Premadasa, who had said, bui' the final leg in San Francisco look 45 minutes.
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