Master Thesis HW/SW Co-design and Implementation of a Fountain Code for an FPGA System-on-Chip Khurram Ashraf
[email protected] Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Klaus Schneider Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Wehn M. tech. Tripti Jain Dr. -Ing. Christian Weis Declaration This work is the result of my own effort, and has been completed without any external help other than mentioned in this project report. References and literature that I have used are fully listed without emission in the literature list of my project. Khurram Ashraf TU Kaiserslautern 29 September, 2016. i Acknowledgment In doing this thesis work, I was blessed to work with some truly remarkable people. First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Miss Tripti Jain, Dr.-Ing. Christian Weis and Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Scholl for their supervision and support during the entire period of this thesis. I am really thankful to Prof.Dr. Klaus Schneider and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Wehn for their support by providing me an opportunity to work in their research group of Embedded Systems and Microelectronic Systems De- sign at Technical University of Kaiserslatuern. Furthermore, the knowledge I acquired by taking courses under their supervision helped me in building in-depth understanding for this thesis. Lastly, but most importantly, I would like to express my gratitude to my parents and brother for helping me during my studies. ii Abstract Wireless communication traffic has increased significantly over the past few decades. Communication via noisy and unreliable channel can lead to data loss or erroneous data information.