THE COWL Veritas
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Founded In 1935 THE COWL Veritas VOL. 4. No. 24—Six Pages PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R I., APRIL 28. 1939 5 Cents a Copy. Co-Captains At Third Order Exercises Seniors Prepare For Annual Are Elected Cap and Gown Day Exercises By Hoopsters CEREMONIES MONDAY ATTENTION Students attending the base• Kwasniewski and Barnini Largest Graduating Class ball games are requested to re• of P. C. to Receive Will Lead the 1939 main until the end. If unable to Gowns Hoop Squad do so they are asked to pass behind the stands when they leave. One hundred and forty-four seniors, Joseph A. Kwasniewski of New the largest class in the history of the Hendricken Field is not to be Milford. Conn., and John J. Barnini College, will be invested in the for• used except for official baseball Of Pittsfleld. Mass.. were elected co- mal academic attire at the 17th an• practice. Students disobeying this captains of the 1939-40 Friar varsity nual Cap and Gown Day exercises to regulation will be subject to basketball team at a meeting of the be held next Monday. May 1st, in disciplinary action as well as Providence hoopsters. The outcome Harkins Hall. The ceremonies are in police prosecution. of the election, which was held Thurs• preparation for the 17th annual Com• day, April 20. was made known to mencement in June. The Cowl, yesterday, by the Rev. The investiture of the seniors by Robert G. Quinn, O.P., director of Alexakos Wins the Very Rev. John J. Dillon, O.P., athletics. president of the college, and the Rev. Both boys, members of the Junior Arthur H. Chandler, O.P. dean, will Friars Award follow a Solemn High Mass to be cele• class, have been outstanding in Friar brated by the Rev. John T. McGregor, athletics throughout the three years O.P., moderator of the senior class. in which they have been members Will Be Presented Medal The entire student body will attend of Black and White sports aggrega• at Annual Luncheon the Mass and ceremonies. tions. Possessed of a great amount of of Friars Club team spirit and the qualities that go Following the investiture the seni• ors will march in solemn procession to make good leaders, the captains- Scene in Harkins Hall last Sunday as Providence College Chapter of the Adjudged by the coaches as the Dominican Third Order was Inaugurated. Story on Page Three. to the eastern section of the campus elect should prove valuable assets to best blocker, Ted Alexakos, sophomore to dedicate the class tree. John A. the hoop squad in their new capa• guard, will receive the Friars Club Kennedy, Woonsocket, will give the cities. medal, awarded to the football player dedicatory address. Each senior will Before coming to Providence Col• Antonio Prince Delivers Lecture who is the most proficient blocker, at assist In the dedication by placing a lege, Kwasniewski attended New Mil- the annual luncheon of the club to be trowelful of earth about the tree. The ford high school, where he partici• Before College French Society held next Tuesday at 1 o'clock in the tree will be blessed by Father Dillon. pated in baseball, basketball, soccer, Crown Hotel. The selection of Alex• On completion of the Tree dedication, akos as the best blocker was based and track. He was captain of the Former State Treasurer Dis• the seniors will return to Harkins Extension School upon the splendid performances that diamond and court teams in his Seni• Hall for a class meeting at which cusses French Contribution he has turned in during the spring or year. Father Chandler will announce the to American Culture Opens On June 26 practice sessions, Edward Burke, '39, Kwasniewski Active honor graduates for the year. president of the Friars Club, stated. As a Freshman at Providence Kwas• Lectures for the underclassman will niewski held down the center berth With a quotation from Bornier to The summer session of the Prov• The luncheon, the climax to the the effect that "every man has two idence College Extension School will resume immediately after the Tree on the Frosh squad and was one of year's activities of the Friars Club, fatherlands, his own and France" as begin on Monday. June 26 and will dedication although seniors are ex• the leading scorers. In his varsity will be attended by the Rev. John J. the theme of his lecture. Antonio continue through to July 29. Both cused from classes for the remainder career he has played at center, guard, Dillon, O. P.. president of Providence Prince. L L.D.. ex state treasurer and men and women may enroll in this of the day. and forward, showing great defensive College; the Rev. Robert G. Quinn, present postmaster of Woonsocket. R school for cultural purposes or cred• (Continued on Page 6) and offensive ability. Aside from his O. P., director of athletics at Provi• I., spoke before an appreciative group it. basketball activities, the co-captain- dence College; the Rev. Edward H. of members and guests of La Plei- The courses will be on Classical Schmidt, O. P., moderator of the elect has turned in excellent per• ade Monday afternoon. His subject Language. Education. English, His• Friars Club, Dr. Daniel O'Neill, Provi• Cowl Will Conduct formances as a member of the Fresh- was "The French Contribution to tory and Political Science. Mathe• dence College professor; Mr. Edward (Continued on Page 4) Annual Student Poll American Culture." matics. Modern Language. Natural Doherty, Providence College alumnus Science. Philosophy. Religion, and Deplores Lack of Knowledge and make-up editor of the Providence Sociology. Journal; Dr. Arthur Quirk, coach of The general student poll, conducted Pyramid Players Deploring the lack of general baseball; Mr. Edward Crotty, coach annually by The Cowl, will be taken knowledge concerning the large part A fee of ten dollars for each course of basketball and assistant football on next Monday morning. Ques• Attend Dinner which France played in the early de• will be required, with an additional coach; Anthony Pariseau, '39, fresh• tions will be of the same general velopment and pioneering of this con• charge of five dollars for courses hav• man football coach; Mr. Malcom nature as those in the student polls Father Nagle Emphasizes Need tinent. Mr. Prince traced the interest ing laboratory periods. Registration Brown, Providence College trainer; of former years. of France in North America from the must be made through the Registrar For New Students to Stanley Esielonis, '40, captain of foot• The poll will be divided into two discovery of Canada to the World of Providence College, whose office Replace Seniors ball, and Elton Deuse, '39, captain of main sections. The first section will War. "French influence," he said, will be open from 9:00 until 12:00 for baseball. deal with questions of general na• started with the discovery of Cana• two weeks before and after the open• Stating that at last, after producing ing of the summer session. tional and international interest, the da and the northeastern part of this Fr. Dillon, Fr. Quinn and the four musical comedies in a row. it students being questioed on their continent by Verrazano, who sailed The academic courses will be held coaches of athletics will address the seems that Providence College has opinions of the domestic and foreign under the sponsorship of Francis I in for six days a week and will start at club at the luncheon. Other speakers, established a tradition that must be policies of the Roosevelt administra• 1524." He went on to tell of the ex• 9:30 a. m On July 4, Independence whose names have not as yet been continued, the Rev. Urban Nagle, O. tion and also on their opinions of the plorations of La Salle. Marquette, de Day. will be the only free day. announced, will also address the club. P., acting moderator of the Pyramid policies of other nations which are Cadillac. Champlain Duluth. d'Iber- Players, urged all those who partici• of great international import. ville and the difficulties under which pated either directly or indirectly in The second division of the poll they and the French missionary-mar• the recent musical comedy to strive Superintendent's Map Predicts will deal with questions concerning tyrs had to labor in bringing faith for a bigger and better show next year. activities at Providence College. Stu• and civilization to the unknown wild• Speaking at the annual dinner of the Bright Future For Providence dents will be questioned on their erness of America. Pyramid Players, which was held Mon• opinions of the proposed Student day night at Dunn's in Sharon. Mass , By 1703 a huge part of the North Future Buildings on Campus Already Sketched Council. Comprehensive Examina• Father Nagle further emphasized the American continent was under the tions, and extra-curricula activities, need of finding students who can re• including The Cowl. French fieur-de-lys, over a quarter of Have you ever heard of Dillon's As we enter the college campus, place the senior members of the or• the population of New York was square. Foley's Point, St. Pius' Road, we are impressed with the long slim 'Continued on Page 6) ganization and carry on the tradition French in origin, and approximately St Thomas Avenue? If not. the Col• Administration building on the left, next year He stated that a permanent 10,000 inhabitants of the continent lege superintendent who has named which is surrounded by the beautiful COLLEGE RECEIVES GIFTS organization is the only instrument were French. He continued by nam• them would be glad to point them out Park of the Blessed St, Martin.