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The Guardian, January 09, 1990

Wright State University Student Body

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Lightning quick Raiders de-pressurize Flyers By JEFF LOUDERBACK us in the power ratings because I don't really pay attention to that. But we've won four Sports Editor games on the road this season, including the Dayton players stared at the score with a win over South Alabama at the St John's look of dismay - and the Flyers student tournament." section became suddenly silent-as the final Charged with momentum and packed with seconds ticked offtheUD Arena clock Sat­ confidence, the Raiders will take a 9-3 record urday night and a four-game winning streak into tomorrow After 's three-point prayer night's clash with Chicago State at the Physi­ brought Dayton within 101-99 with five sec­ cal Education Building. onds left, Wright State players, coaches and Familiar flashes of two seasons ago re­ fans alike watched the time expire - and turned for Wright State when Dayton stormed celebrated the Raiders triumph over th out to an 11-1 lead. The Raiders were unsuc­ Flyers. cessful on their first seven shots, most of those "I have all the admiration for their s-'1­ misses coming from the inside. Underhill iors. They've done well and I knew it'd be a called a timeout with 17:33 left and offered good game," Wright State Head Coach RaJph oothing words of comfort to his young team. Underhill said. "I don't know if it was an "Ijust told them to settle down. Wemissed upset. 1' m not sure if they 're ranked ahead of see "Victory" page 3 Truancy bill passed in , other states to foilow Virginia and Oregon. The trend, however ByTHOMASJ.LUCENTE seems to be catching on, as Maryland, Vir­ Associate Writer ginia, Florida, Texas, California, Wiscon­ On Wednesday, January 3, the Ohio sin, Massachusetts, South Carolina and Senate passed House Bill 204, almost Oklahoma are examining such legislation unanimously. The bill, sponsored by Repre­ as passed by the Ohio Senate last Wednes­ sentative Mike Fox (R-Hamilton), requires day. the suspension of a minor's drivers license Department of Education statistics if the minor drops out of school. The bill claim that 22,905 students withdrew from also allows school districts to seek to have school lastyear. According to State Senator a student's license revoked ifhe or she uses Barry Levey (R-Middletown), "This tells WSU's Bill Edwards (42) soars above the rim as UD's Anthony Corbitt or possesses drugs or alcohol on school me that the dropout problem is real. The (20) and Negele Knight (32) stand helplessly grounded. premises or at a school sponsored event. Ohio School Boards Association testified photo by Christy Bockoven Ifthe bill is signed by the Governor and that the threat of losing the ability to drive becomes a law, the school districts will be is probably the greatest incentive we can . lack Student Union to required to notify the Ohio Bureau ofMotor devise to keep young people in school." Vehicles of the names of all students who "I have pushed this bill for the past few have dropped out. A student is considered years because I am convinced that it will to have dropped out if he·or she misses ten improve the drop-out problem in our move to larger facilities consecutive days without good cause or fif­ schools/' claims Representative Fox. "Our finalized fall quarter. The new office will teen days in a semester without good cause. children need to receive the necessary edu­ include the vacant TV Room Office and the After a student loses his orher license, there cation to lead productive lives. We need for Student Government Chair's office in the are only four ways to get it reinstated. The them to stay in school to preserve our econ­ The Black Student Union will be moving University Center. However, the mov~ is student can enroll in a GED Adult Educa­ omy, labor force and social structure. Tak­ a larger office. "We're really happy about pending construction which will begin in the tion class, plead hardship in Juvenile Cou ~ ing away driving privileges works. West · decision," said Charlotta Taylor of the near future. wait until he tutns eighteen years old, or Virginia has seen a 33 percent decline in lack Student Unioq. Roni Wilson-Vinson, Student Govern­ back to school. drop-out rates." Mike Coakley, DirectorofStudent Devel­ ment Chair, said that the transition was easy, So far only two states in the Union ha·, The Bill will become a law 90days after 1 see "Move" page 4 the Governor puts his signature to it. opment, initiate{, the proposal which was p2.2'" r " "' " S slmilr

By CHRIS ROWLEY nings in VU served as the 'essentially invented the no­ the group were Lou Reed and dence at the Cafe BiUUTe in th group, retained theVelvet d focus for th "proto-punk, tion of underground (or John Cale along with Sterling Greenwich Village. Shortly, Underground name until Associate Writer punk and post-punk move­ avant-garde, or alternative) Morrison and Angus they were fired for playing 1973. He recorded what was R R.E.M., David Bowie, the ments." rock and roll. Any rock arti t MacLise. These members "Black Ang l' Death Song" basically a olo album that ~ Cars, the Sex Pistols, Roxy Polygram records has who has defined a tyle in played under various names; immediately after being told wa rel ased only in the ~ Music, Patti Smith, Echo and now released, ~ the first opposition to prevailing com­ the Warlocks, the Primitive , not to. VU then joined Andy United Kingdom . the Bunnymen: what do these time ever, a compilation of mercial and arti tic trends and the Falling Spikes. Warh I ac m nentof hi The Be t of the Velvet bands and a myriad of others Velvet U ndergr und cla ics since the late ixtie and What et VU's mu ic mixed media how. Underground cl ic c n. The have in common? In the pe­ on one compact disc or cas­ hoped to be tak n seriously apart i , as one our"Ce says, Warh l w respon ible tain ong fr m Velvet riod preceding fonnation of ette called The Best of the owes a debt to thi band." "in the age of flower power for recording th first VU Underground and Nico, these groups each had mem­ Velvet Underground. The 15 Who were the mysteriou they spoke in no uncertain album with singer/ ctre s White lighJIWhite fl at, Ve/. ViCtO bers that were fans of the song collection l!omprises the members of such an influen­ terms of social alienation, Nico. Later, VU began per­ vet Underground (Third contl Velvet Underground. As one best of VU from a stages of tial group and what set their sexual deviancy, drug addic­ forming on their own and Album), Loaded and VU. die dunk source said, although the their career. music apart from others ofthe tion, violence and hopeless­ recorded four more album . Developed in assoc iation ..i... • • . IJlll'ir 1ns11 Velvet Underground never Anthony Decurtis, period? VU' genesis was on ness .... the songs evoked the By 1971 all VU members had with Andy Warhol, the clas· mall fall

sold many records, it seemed quoted in the ntroductory November 11, 1965 when exhilaration and destructive­ set out either on solo careers, sics package include a 1 ww/ ot I that every Velvets fan went essay, said that the most sig­ they played for a high school ness of modem urban life." like Lou Reed, or had decided page booklet containing rare .J m out and started a band. These nificant accomphshment of dance in Summit, New Jer­ Soon after the debut per­ to pursue other opportunities. photographs of band mem· fl:ttbat bands that find their begin- the Velvets wa that they sey. The founding fathers of formance VU took up resi­ Doug Yule. a late-comer to bers and their associates. dleir Pres! ii the Lilac Time • new group of musical difference Wh • behind b By CHRIS CATO is the name of a n w English The Lilac Time actually Lilac Time signed on to Fon­ Their sound is clear as is the Mother, Wife, and Child," =~ band headed by inger/song­ formed themselves in 1987, tana/Polygram and have be­ image setting, with notable and "Work for the Week· Associate Writer writer, Stephen Duffy. The just ' messing about on gui­ come an underground hit in songs like "The Beauty In end." With an increase of de· mind. Bu When the words Lilac and name suits the style of music tars and accordions" at first, America as well as their na­ Your Body," and "Ifthe Stars termination this band can OOwn and Time come together, usually to a "T," an escape, that is, but it grew into something tive England. Shine Tonight" The Lilac become one of a kind; it can pne we the thoughts of environ­ from the overuse of elec~ bigger. The band cut an al­ Paradise Circus, the Time also takes pride in nor­ become a group with the fol· said ' . mental awareness come to tronic music in bum and sent the results to group's debut album, is an mal, everyday life pictures lowing of U2, but with less foorRaid mind. However, Lilac Time today's pop mu L. critics. who praised it. The uncanny move to simplicity. with the singles "Father, politics and more pictures. lhe 89_71 twoseaso James Taylor can't escape shadow of Kool and the Gang lhecourt By CHRIS CATO · "Celebrate/' "Joanna," Master ofthe Game. experience of writing and has the Kool and the Gang has ·aireaciy'scored on a duet, "Ladies Night," and "Cher- MasieroftheGametakes producing an entire album." feel to it, which is not bad at "All I Want is Forever," with Associat& Writer " ish." Kool and the Gang so- Taylor to a different level in Master of the Game fea­ all. However, if J.T. wants to rising star Regina Belle, on For eight years, James · lidifies themselves as one of his career. Taylor says that tures some potential hits r~lly be the master of the the soundtrack of the movie, "J.T." Taylor was the lead the few successful crossover he doesn't regret the time such as "The House That game, he's got to match or "Tap." man for the well known pop R&B groups, not having to spent with Kool and the Jack Built," the aggressive outreach the current new­ group, Kool and the Gang. soften their distinguished Gang. "It was an exciting "Kiss my Face," and the jack-swing dance era of pop All of the years with .the sound. ow, Tar; has .re­ timetTaylorsaid.However, rhythmically bopping "Lay and R&B. Ballads that are group proved successful leased his l1eb ~sD.lo album ;. he still felt somewhat re­ Awake At Night." However, noticeable are the title cut spawning many #1 hits like · on the MGA . · - 1-ab~l~ strictclt. "I hadn,t had the a great deal of the album still and "Romancia.', J.T. Taylor


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ve1v, 1 dOWil by until :[~ Raiders Velvet

~e~v:; The clock says it all . • • "Pressurized Dayton " was deflated after Wrl ht State dumped the Fl ers. Nico, who laid the ball in off the Louisville catapulted the Raid­ Wright State's lead to 91-87, bricked three trey attempts early in the game, Hammonds 11 • Vet- Victory glass with 10:47 left to scrape ers to a 58-50 edge when he Cromwell was fouled and until Knightfinally rippled the finished with 18 points and Third continued from page 1 Dayton 's lead to 25-20 - a powered past Corbitt for a lay calmly buried both ends with nets with :05 left, but theFlyers eight boards. 1 . ~U. ioo dunk early and missed lead that was quickly disap­ up, but Wright State's surge 2:57 left had no timeouts and Wright "I was rushing my shot 1auon ...... _ . .de h th UllA'r 1ns1 s ots at nor- pearing. was far from over. Dinn hit both ends of the State players and coaches early. I was~'tgetting set But ~ cl~· mally fall in,., Underhill Said. A pair of free throws by Chris Wampler fired a bonus after being fouled by rushed to midcourt to cele­ I settled down and hit the in­ a "We got back in control and Edwards allowed Wright State pass to Dinn on the break and Corbitt-and gave the Raid­ brate their supposedly impos­ side shots like I usually do," g rare Slal'fed making lay up . The to grab its first lead at 30-28 the 6-6 junior laid the ball in ers a 97-91 edge with 1:37 sible victory. said Hammonds, who hit cru­ mem· ~tbat wewereabletohandle cial free throws late in the :s. 100ir pressure was important "Key rebounding and clutch free throw shooting in the final three minutes helped game. 'Tm used to playing in ii thecomeback." Wright State seal the win." front of large crowds. In high ~ When the Raider fell school, I played in Freedom behind by 10 points, Dave with 8:18 left The Raiders forWrightState'slargestlead, remaining. "A lot of people were Hall. Ijustblock the crowd out h"ld" Dinn remembered the previ­ held a two-point advantage, 85-69, with 6:48 left. Corbitt extended ~ final nervous early in the game and and act like I'm shooting free ¥~· ~ me.clin g with Dayton. 48-46, at halftime. That lead was tightened glimmerofhopefortheFlyers we weren't hitting our shots," throws in an empty gym." f d 1be thought came to "Since we were shooting after Dayton rattled off a 16-4 when he tossed in a trey from Edwards said. "Although we For Cromwell, the win ~ e· mind. But I knew if we settled only 43 percent at the half, I run - and narro~ed the mar­ the comerto decrease Wright were down 11-1, I could tell was especially sweet because . can OOwn and played our type of knew that we had to shoot gin to 89-85 with 3:37 remain­ State's edge to99-96 with :26 our shots were going to start he has been unsuccessful it ~can game, we wo uld catc h th em," better-and also get our turn­ ing. left Dayton was forced to foul falling. I felt that we would against archrivals in the past 1e101· said • Dinn, who was one of overs down," Underhill said. Key rebounding and immediately-andCromwell come back." "I've lost m_')re than a few 1 1 ess foorRaiders who experienced "Cromwell and (Mark) clutch free throw shooting in was sent to the line with 23 . Edwards, who poured in archrival games. It feels good res. dle 89-71 defeat to the Flyers Woods had three foul at the the final three minutes helped ticks on the clock and a three- a team-high 25 points and tobeabletowinthisone,"said .. twoseason ago. "Walking off half o I told them to stay away Wright State seal the win. On point Wright State lead. · ... · pulled down a game-high 11 ..Cromwell, who · had : nine die cowt losing by 18 points from fouls. They did a great four different occasions, Day­ Shooting into the vocal, rebounds, continuously har­ poin~, eight as ists and five was the wor tfeeling I've had job of not fouling." ton cut into the Raiders six­ sign-waving Dayton studeqt assed Corbitt by sinking jump steals despite suffering a :luet, here. This was definitely a big Dayton was greeted to a point lead - but each time section, Cromwell pumped in shots from the outside and shoulder injury m the second · with win for us.,, boisterous, standing crowd to Wright State re8ponded. both charity tosses to seal the blowingpastthe6-6seniorfor half. 'The first thing that went ~.on Wright State did settle begin the second half - but After Knight connected victory. lay ups. through my mind when we got >vie, lklwn after the timeout A they were quickly hushed and on a pair of foul shots to cut Dayton fran tically After missing lay ups see "Victory 11" page 4 Tyrell Cromwell inside drive seated as the Raiders exhib­ ig a lkl two baskets from Bill ited skills that had guided them :dthto Edwards narrowed Dayton's to wins over much-heralded J .e -'vantage to 11-7. schools such as South Ala­ gam Anthony Corbitt's tip-in bama and Georgia Southern. ist. with 12:13 left in the opening Hammonds buried a ftalfgavethe Flyers a comfort­ jumper from the foul line to 24-11 edge ­ but Day­ put Wright State ahead 50-48 .satJe· tln's fun was about to end. one minute into the second of Leading the Wright State half­ and Dayton' lead was

. 5 fast break, Cromwell whistled nothing but a faded memory. apass to Sean Hammonds, The 6-5 freshman from ·rm your

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Victory II Head Coach Jim O'Brien. Raiders was unnecessary for IM ove Continued form page 3 "Offensive rebounding is Dayton greeted the media behind 11-1 was what I'd a weakness on our ballclub­ with different comments continued from page 1 group at the university to Taylor said. "Th Black.J!k .,.-• heard about the Dayton game and we got nailed," O'Brien moments after hi Fly rs were but she hated giving up her work togcth r." dent n10n i ·n' tju t forb two years ago. But I told ev­ said. "We weren't able to get dumped by the Raider . office, becau e office pace at The Black Student Union tudcnts; w have Wh eryone that we can gain com­ many three-point hots be­ "Sure, it will be out there Wright State is a hot com­ nefi to the member , t po ure and get baskets. I knew cau e Wright State extended - ah me and home crie , modity. r offi c something was going to hap­ its defen e. We al o didn't that is,"'" said. "Our admini­ "My key goal i helping pen. havemuchof anin idegamc." stration i lo king into it and a ll tudent ," Vin n said; "I Something did happen ­ The am O'Bri n who we'll let you know when a hope thi deci ion will en- m r tudents and it didn't please Dayton recently said a clash with the deci ion i made." ourage the white and black nd C LASSIFIED ADVERTISING

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