Congressional Record—House H6010
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H6010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 26, 2010 Res. 1543, ‘‘Honoring the educational signifi- The question was taken. Resolved, That the House of Representa- cance of Dr. Jane Goodall’s work on this the The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the tives— 50th anniversary of the beginning of her work opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being (1) congratulates the University of Dayton in Tanzania, Africa.’’ in the affirmative, the ayes have it. men’s basketball team for winning the 2010 Dr. Goodall once said: ‘‘Young people, National Invitation Tournament Division I Mr. POLIS. Madam Speaker, on that men’s basketball championship; and when informed and empowered, when they re- I demand the yeas and nays. (2) recognizes the achievements of the alize that what they do truly makes a dif- The yeas and nays were ordered. players, coaches, students, and support staff ference, can indeed change the world. They The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- who were instrumental in the Flyers’ vic- are changing it already.’’ This is the creed in ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the tory. which Dr. Goodall has based her entire life’s Chair’s prior announcement, further The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- work. In May 1956, a friend of Dr. Goodall in- proceedings on this motion will be ant to the rule, the gentleman from vited her to visit her farm in Kenya. She was postponed. Colorado (Mr. POLIS) and the gen- so excited, she quit her job in London and f tleman from Wisconsin (Mr. PETRI) moved back to Bournemouth so she could each will control 20 minutes. waitress and earn the fare she needed to get CONGRATULATING UNIVERSITY OF The Chair recognizes the gentleman to Africa and back. DAYTON MEN’S BASKETBALL from Colorado. Dr. Goodall or ‘‘Jane,’’ as she was known TEAM GENERAL LEAVE back then, was 23 years old at the time. Jane Mr. POLIS. Madam Speaker, I move Mr. POLIS. Madam Speaker, I re- had a wonderful time seeing Africa but the sin- quest 5 legislative days during which gle most important event of her time in Africa to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution (H. Res. 1456) congratulating Members may revise and extend and in- was meeting Dr. Louis Leakey, a famous an- sert extraneous material on H. Res. thropologist and paleontologist. Leakey hired the University of Dayton men’s basket- ball team for winning the 2010 National 1456 into the RECORD. Jane as his assistant and secretary at the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Invitation Tournament basketball Coryndon Museum and soon Jane and an- objection to the request of the gen- championship. other young student were in the Olduvai tleman from Colorado? Gorge digging up fossils with Dr. Leakey and The Clerk read the title of the resolu- There was no objection. his wife: anthropologist Mary Leakey. tion. Mr. POLIS. I yield myself such time Looking for someone to go to Tanzania and The text of the resolution is as fol- as I may consume. study the chimpanzees, Dr. Leakey found a lows: Madam Speaker, I rise today in sup- willing assistant in Jane. Not much was known H. RES. 1456 port of House Resolution 1456, which about wild chimpanzees at that time, Dr. Whereas, on April 1, 2010, the University of congratulates the University of Dayton Goodall figured that studying them would be a Dayton Flyers men’s basketball team won men’s basketball team for winning the fascinating adventure. its third National Invitation Tournament 2010 National Invitation Tournament With persistence, Dr. Jane developed a re- basketball championship in school history; Basketball Championship. The N.I.T. is lationship with the chimpanzees and observed Whereas the University of Dayton Flyers the oldest tournament in college bas- them doing things that only humans were men’s basketball team won their first Na- tional Invitation Tournament basketball ketball. Started in 1938, it was the first thought to have done, such as creating tools championship in 1962, and their second in postseason collegiate basketball tour- to hunt for food and taking in orphan chimps 1968; nament to be played in the country, 1 to raise as their own. She also discovered that Whereas the University of Dayton Flyers year before the NCAA. chimps were not primarily vegetarians, as first men’s basketball team has 40 all-time vic- The Dayton Flyers claimed victory believed. After these discoveries, National Ge- tories in the National Invitation Tour- over last year’s champs, the University ographic decided to sponsor Jane’s work and nament, second only to St. John’s University of North Carolina Tar Heels, with a 79– sent a photographer and filmmaker. Eventu- in Queens, New York; 68 win that Thursday night at Madison ally, Dr. Goodall wrote a number of journals Whereas the University of Dayton Flyers Square Garden in New York City. It and books to document her experiences. One men’s basketball team has three regular sea- was the Flyers’ first N.I.T. title in 42 son conference championships and one con- of her books in particularly, ‘‘In the Shadow of ference tournament championship since join- years and their third in University of Man and Through a Window’’ gave a new out- ing the Atlantic 10 Conference in 1995; Dayton’s history. Additionally, this look to chimpanzees of Tanzania to people all Whereas in addition to their success on the was Dayton’s 22nd appearance in the over the world. court, the University of Dayton men’s bas- N.I.T., second only to St. John’s at 27. In conclusion, I support H. Res. 1543 and ketball team upholds a high standard of aca- This Dayton men’s basketball season commemorate the 50th year of the beginning demic excellence, achieving an overall grad- marked Head Coach Brian Gregory’s of her groundbreaking research. Dr. Goodall uation success rate of 100 percent every year seventh season with the Flyers. He led has been a role model for youth of all ages, since Brian Gregory was named head coach the time to the 2004 NCAA tournament inspiring boys and girls alike to take action for in 2003; and the 2009 NCAA tournament as well people, animals, and the environment; and Whereas the University of Dayton Flyers as the 2008 N.I.T. men’s basketball team won the champion- through her Jane Goodall Institute, Dr. Goodall ship game by defeating the 2009 NCAA Tour- Dayton players showed excellent of- established the Roots and Shoots global youth nament National Champion University of fense against the Tar Heels. Reserve program which now has members in more North Carolina Tar Heels 79 to 68; guard Paul Williams scored 16 points than 110 countries. This resolution acknowl- Whereas the roster of the championship for Dayton, while Chris Wright and edges the groundbreaking environmental edu- Flyer team included Mickey Perry, London Chris Johnson both had 14 points for cation advancements by the Jane Goodall In- Warren, Rob Lowery, Chris Johnson, Dan the Flyers. With a strong lineup, Day- stitute’s Roots and Shoots initiative on the Fox, Josh Parker, Paul Williams, Luke ton beat four teams from major con- 50th anniversary of the beginning of Dr. Jane Fabrizius, Luke Hendrick, Logan Nourse, ferences en route to the championship. Goodall’s research, as well as the role that her Marcus Johnson, Chris Wright, Devin I also want to congratulate the Fly- Searcy, Matt Kavanaugh, Peter Zestermann, ers for their excellence off the court. research played in understanding both the nat- Kurt Huelsman, and Josh Benson; ural and human world. It also recognizes the Whereas head coach Brian Gregory and his The Dayton team had a 100 percent adventurous spirit of Dr. Goodall and the way coaching staff, including assistant coaches graduation rate in 2010, a rate they she inspired children around the world explore Billy Schmidt, Jon Borovich, and Cornell have maintained every year since this world and all its wonder. Mann, director of basketball operations Matt Brian Gregory was named head coach Mr. POLIS. I urge my colleagues to Farrell, strength and conditioning coach in 2003. I join the students, alumni, fac- join me in supporting this resolution, Mike Bewley, and athletic trainer Nate Sey- ulty, and staff at the University of and I yield back the balance of my mour deserve tremendous credit for their Dayton in celebrating these impressive time. outstanding determination and accomplish- student-athletes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ments; and Madam Speaker, I once again con- Whereas the students, alumni, administra- gratulate the Dayton Flyers on win- question is on the motion offered by tion, faculty, and supporters of the Univer- the gentleman from Colorado (Mr. sity of Dayton are to be congratulated for ning the 2010 National Invitation Tour- POLIS) that the House suspend the their loyalty and pride in their champion- nament, and I thank Representative rules and agree to the resolution, H. ship caliber basketball team: Now, therefore, TURNER for bringing this resolution Res. 1543. be it forward. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:13 Jul 27, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26JY7.020 H26JYPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with HOUSE July 26, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6011 I reserve the balance of my time. lina Tarheels 79–68. The University of The question was taken; and (two- b 1600 Dayton men’s basketball team is sec- thirds being in the affirmative) the ond in all-time wins in the NIT with 40. rules were suspended and the resolu- Mr. PETRI. Madam Speaker, I yield In addition to their success off the tion was agreed to.