49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018 (LPI Contrib. No. 2083) 2248.pdf THE PALAEOLAKE OF JUVENTAE CHASMA. R. Sarkar1, P. Singh1, A. Porwal1, 1Geology and Mineral Re- sources Group, CSRE, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, (
[email protected];
[email protected]) Introduction: The current idea regarding the pos- channels. Hence, for most of the duration, water com- sibility of Juventae Chasma hosting a palaeolake is that ing out of the chaotic terrain would run into Juventae the said palaeolake overflowed multiple times, and in Chasma. But then how and why did the two outflow the process carved the Maja Vallis outflow channel channels form? These channels probably formed when [1,2,3,4]. Our observations, presented here, suggest the chaotic terrain was in its infancy, and not joined to that the formations of Maja Vallis may have happened Juventae Chasma. At that time, the water could flow independently, and that the palaeolake in Juventae northwards. However, after the chaotic terrain merged Chasma either did not exist or never overflowed. with Juventae Chasma, the flow direction reversed, Datasets: The work presented here utilizes eleva- abandoning the two outflow channels. The faulting of tion data from 463m MOLA global mosaic along with the two outflow channels probably happened as the visible data from HiRISE, CTX, HRSC, and MOC, and chaos terrain expanded, however, the exact time is not daytime infra-red data from THEMIS. ascertainable. But the elevations at which the channels Observations and Discussions: Juventae Chasma are faulted/broken are over a kilometer higher than the is a merger of a chaos and a chasm.