WEEK 4 ______from a hard heart.

Signs In Our Time” 1. ______Exodus 7-13

2. ______Proving ourselves seems to be woven into the fabric of life. In what ways or when have you had to “prove” yourself? 3. ______

Do we expect God to prove Himself? 4. ______

God’s instruction in a nutshell: ______Where have I acted in rebellion to God? How should we interpret God’s use of signs and wonders? What do I need to confess today that will restore spiritual health?

48 So Jesus said to him, “Unless you see signs and wonders you How will I be a catalyst of God’s goodness to others? will not believe.” John 4:48

______to a hard heart. The 10 Plagues - Jehovah Versus the Gods of Egypt 1. ______PLAGUE GODS OF EGYP T INTERESTING NO TES

WATER TURNED T O BLOOD • - Guardian of river’s source. • Duplicated by the Egyptians. • - S pirit of the Nile. • Occurs in Goshen where Israelites lived. 1 Exodus 7:14-25 • - Nile was his bloodstream. 2. ______• Dead fish — putrid smell FROGS • Hapi Frog goddess to Egypt. • Duplicated by the Egyptians 2 Exodus 8:1-15 • Heqt } Both related to fertility • Occurs in Goshen where Israelites lived.

• Not duplicated by the Egyptians LICE • Seb The earth god of Egypt • Occurs in Goshen where Israelites lived. 3. ______3 Exodus 8:16-19 • Attributed to the “finger of God.”

FLIES • God now makes a separation between the • Uatchit - The fly god of Egypt. Egyptians and the Israelites. 4 Exodus 8:20-32 • No more plagues will come upon the Israelites. 4. ______DISEASE ON CA TTLE • • Mnevis Egyptian gods associated • Affects property . • • Amon } bulls and cows. • Death of livestock. 5 Exodus 9:1-7

- Egyptian goddess of Epidemics • Affects physical bodies. BOILS • 6 Egyptian gods of healing. • Pharaoh’s magicians cannot even appear in court. Exodus 9:8-12 • } • - Egyptian sky goddess. • Historical uniqueness for such a storm in Egypt. “hardness leads to hardness” – Justin Gatlin HAIL 7 • & Seth - Egyptian agriculture deities. • Pharaoh confesses his sin but later changes his Exodus 9:13-35 • - Egyptian god of the atmosphere. mind. • Pharaoh offers a compromise. LOCUSTS • Serapia - Egyptian deity protector from 8 • The compromise is rejected. How do I prevent hardness of heart? Exodus 10:1-20 Locusts • Pharaoh again confesses his sin. • Re • Amon-re • Egyptian sun gods. • Dark in Egypt at midday . How do I come back from a hard heart? DARKNESS • } • Apparently light was still provided for the 9 Exodus 10:21-29 • - Egyptian moon god. Israelites in Goshen. This plague was a judgment on all of Egypt’s gods, including Pharaoh himself. In Exodus 1, Pharaoh had killed 10 DEATH OF FIRSTBORN the sons of Israel. Now the Lord kills the firstborn sons of the Egyptians (Exodus 1 1-12). Pharaoh will now let Exodus 12:29-36 Israel go. He will later loose his army to death in the Red Sea (Exodus 14:4-31 ). & Barnes’ Bible Charts