The American Legion Monthly [Volume 2, No. 1 (January 1927)]

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The American Legion Monthly [Volume 2, No. 1 (January 1927)] ^TheMERICAN25 Cents January ~ 1927 EGION Chauncey MDepew- Meredith Nicholson -Will Irwin Harry Emerson Fosdick - Leonard H.Nason Charles Hanson Towne - Peter B.Kyne - R.F Foster "94% of all Foot Aches caused only by weakened muscles," says orthopedic science. Foot and leg pains now stopped in 10 minutes. Specialists urge you test this amazing dis- covery without delay FREE if it fails How Jung Arch Braces correct AT last the medical world has causes of foot and leg pains XJL discovered the actual source The Forward Arch—Top view of practically all foot troubles. It looking down on foot. has proved that 94 in every 100 (Below) cross sectional view foot and leg pains are caused by at point shown by lines. the weakening of the set of muscles in the forward part of the foot. By supporting and strengthening these muscles pains standing WEAKENED RESTORED vanish like magic. Long Weakened mus- The Jung Arch Brace troubles are permanently reme- clea allow the assiststhe weakened small forward muscles in perform- died. New troubles that may be- archtofall. Often ingtheirdutiesprop- so little you cannot notice it. eriy . The forward arch and come serious are quickly stopped. Thenthebonesspread, throw- spreading bones are restored to ing the entire foot structure their natural positions and the Now we ask you to make a out of balance. The weight is weightisagaincarriedproperly. carried improperly. Bones Its action is the same as that of simple and amazing test that crush sensitive nerves and the muscles. It makes them specialists everywhere are urging. blood vessels. Innumerable again function normally and pains and aches develop and thus regain their strength, Free if it fails. And if it ends Science has discovered the source of foot the feet tire easily. Pain is Pains and aches vanish. The Tired, sometimes present in the leg spring and resilience of the pains instantly, as millions know and leg pains. aching or burning and thigh. step returns. feet are quickly relieved. That dull, tired it will, you pay but a few cents. ache in the calf of the leg, knee or thigh, 'Do not delay another day in let- so often diagnosed as rheumatism, dis- ting this discovery prove its appears. Aches or pains in the heel, instep or If your dealer hasn't them,we will astounding powers. forward part of the foot, as well as the ankle, calf and knee, are quickly overcome. Cramped toes, supply you. Send us measurement No rigid plates. You wear the callouses and tenderness beneath the instep are of foot taken with a half -inch strip promptly relieved. Sharp pains, when stepping most stylish shoes of paper around the smallest part of on uneven surfaces, are stopped. Shoes cease to your instep, where the forward edge Difficult as foot troubles might feel uncomfortable. That tired "broken-down" feeling vanishes. We urge yon to make this of the brace is shown in the circle seem to correct, science offers amazing 10-rninute test. diagram, or size and width of shoe. you a simple, yet astonishingly effective, remedy. A thin, strong, We will immediately send tyjju a super-elastic band is provided, pair of Jung's Arch Braces ("Won- known as the Jung Arch Brace, der" Style). Pay the postman $1 and recommended by scientists as the priced unfashionable arch support shoes and postage. easily greatest foot corrective adjunct of the so detected by others. The Jung For people having long or thick feet, age. The secret of its success lies in its Arch Brace may be worn with the newest for stout people, or in severe cases, we and correct tension, in its scientific contour most stylish shoes—with sheerest hose. recommend our "Miracle" Style, extra design. It is so light and easy to wide, and Make this amazing JO -minute test $1.50. Wear them two weeks. If wear you do not realize you have it on. not delighted, we will send every penny No matter what appliances you have tried back immediately. discard forever stiff arch You may —no matter how impossible your case props, metal plates, bunglesome pads. Write for this free booklet may seem—make this simple test today. For at best rigid supports merely offer 2,000,000 people say it performs miracles. Write to us for our free book, illustrated temporary relief and tend to further with X-Ray views of feet. Tells all Go to any druggist, shoe dealer or weaken the muscles by supplanting about the cause and correction of vari- chiropodist and be fitted with a pair of their natural functions. But this soft, ous foot and leg troubles. Jung Arch Braces. Make this free test. pliable band can soon be discarded en- © J. A. B. Co. 1927 If not delighted with the instant and tirely, so quickly lasting relief, take them back and every THE JUNG ARCH BRACE CO., does it do its Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. penny will be, returned. 311 Jung work. And from Please send me a pair of Jung Arch the instant you Braces in style checked: Wonder Style, $1.00 Miracle, $1.60 slip it on you can I will pay postman the above price dance, run, or and postage. My money to be returned if not satisfied. I enclose foot measure- stand without the JUNGS ment. slightest twinge Name j of pain. ARCH BRACES Address No need now P. O State Canada: KIrkham & Roberts, Pacific Bldg.. Toronto. Postage prepaid if cash accompanies coupon to wear high- Canadian prices: Wonder, $1.26; Miracle, $1.75. , What could you do with a tooth brush five dollars? igrant to executive GEO. C. LARSEN. Pres. C. F. STANLEY, V.-Pres. GEO. YUNG, Sec.-Treab. Farmers' Union Creamery Company Dealers in DAIRY PRODUCTS JAMES C. NORGAARD, Manager Superior, Neb. O you feel that Fate has hand - icapped you by a lack of D opportunity? If you don't believe that all a man needs LaSalle Extension University, is determination to make opportunity — to Chicago, Illinois. start right where he is and land 'way higher up the ladder — consider James Norgaard. Gentlemen: He didn't understand a word of English, as he stood on a New York dock. His When I arrived in New York,%n 1914, I had equipment for success was $35.00 — and a a toothbrush, $35 in cash, a lot of pep, toothbrush. and not an English word j& my vocabulary. Today he's an officer of the grain ex- change, director in the local building and My first job, in a Wisconsin creamery, j&aid loan association, president of an ice cream me $10 a month and board. At night , school «,~ company, andgeneral managerof one ofthe in Green Bay,,. I learned English. £ largest co-operative creameries in the world. In the winter of 1919 I, took my first course And it took him only about ten years on with LaSalle--in /Traf f 1c Management. From the way up. 1919 to 1921 i pursue d LaSalle training in The really interestingthingis that there 's Business " Management and to this course I nothing unusual or startling or extraordi- attribute? most of the progress I have (since nary in the plan Mr. Norgaard followed. mad^; as without the knowledge and inspira- Thousands of other men find the same tion it gave me, I am sure I should not help in LaSalle home study business train- have attained the pos it ion I now hold. ing. It's open and available any and every day, to any and every man of aggressive- Naturally I am enthusiastic about LaSalle ness and determination. Training, and do not hesitate to say that See LaSalle clearly. View it simply as any man who is eager to get ahead in busi- a proved short cut to increased earning ness will find it the most profitable in- ability—to money and position and oppor- vestment he ever made. tunity. It's here for you and as near to you as the mails. Very truly yourjs,; These Free Books Shotv How You are eager to get ahead — you will find it of vital importance to learn more of the success-methods James C. Norgaard and thousands of others have employed so profitably. We have therefore prepared a special 64-page booklet which outlines these methods in detail. It also points out the big opportunities in the field you are in or wish to enter — shows you how you can fit yourself to get them. Find Yourself Thru LaSalle! The coupon brings this booklet to you with- out cost or obligation — also a copy of "Ten Years' Promotion in One," the inspiring story of how one man, after many wanderings, found LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY, Dept. 1 361 -R 'CHICAGO the path to responsibility and power. A pencil I would welcome an outline of the LaSalle plan, together with a copy of — an envelope— a postage stamp! Get these "Ten Years' Promotion in One," all without obligation. books now make two — and your start TODAY! rj Business Management: Managerial, Sales Modern Forcmanship and Production and Executive positions. Methods: Superintendent, Foreman, etc. Q Higher Accountancy: Auditor, Comp- PJ Industrial Management: Production Con- troller, Certified Public Accountant, Cost trol, Industrial Engineering, etc. Accountant, etc. fj Personnel and Employment Manage- Q Expert Bookkeeping. ment: Personnel Manager, Industrial Relations Manager, Employment Man- C. P. A. Coaching for Advanced Account- fj ager, etc. ants. 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