October 13, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2085 Wilt Chamberlain, a Philadelphia native, hospital would face to their outpatient reim- residents in celebrating Harry's latest gift to began his career with the Philadelphia War- bursements. Milwaukee: the Harry and Rose Samson Fam- riors in 1959. He remained loyal to his team Skilled nursing facilities are under particular ily Resource Center. The Center will be home for many years, and to people all over Penn- burdens under the BBA as well. The prospec- to a new and expanded program of services at sylvania, as evidenced by the game at Her- tive payment system is reducing payments by Neighborhood House. These include support shey. To his credit and the credit of the NBA, 20 percent. Rural facilities, especially, do not groups to help parents and other childcare the value of bringing professional basketball to have the operating margins to absorb such a givers, employment and work search re- people in reaches otherwise untouched by the drastic cut. There are no accounting methods sources and workshops, a clothing exchange big city teams was well recognized. to increase payments for medically complex to help families meet the clothing needs of Wilt Chamberlain's 100 point game will be cases. On a related front, many providers be- growing children, a play area that will serve remembered as one of the greatest athletic lieve the $1,500 annual cap on therapy serv- both parents and area in-home child care pro- accomplishments of all time. But it will be re- ices is arbitrary and very hurtful for seniors. viders, and a health and wellness program membered by the people of Hershey for the Many of these seniors have multiple therapy with diagnostic screenings, nutrition informa- great and imposing presence that left its im- needs which can run out in a matter of months tion, immunization and other services. pression there 37 years ago, and remains to under this tight cap. Mr. Speaker, wish I could be in Milwaukee this day. Changes in reimbursement for Graduate today to shake Harry's hand and thank him for f Medical Education unintentionally hurt family his gift of renewed hope. I wish I could join the practice training in districts such as my own. excited people touring the new Center for the BALANCED BUDGET ACT CUTS TO I hope that this body reviews the technical cor- first time. But I appreciate this opportunity to MEDICARE rections to GME reimbursements contained in share their story with my colleague and to my bill, H.R. 1222, which addressed this offer my most sincere appreciation to Harry HON. JOHN ELIAS BALDACCI issue. These corrections are especially impor- Samson for this unparalleled devotion and OF MAINE tant for rural communities, where there are still generosity and my heartfelt congratulations to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES shortages of family practice physicians. Neighborhood House on the dedication of the Wednesday, October 13, 1999 Finally, I hope we consider as part of BBA Harry and Rose Sampson Family Resource corrective legislation the incorporation of provi- Center. Mr. BALDACCI. Mr. Speaker, Maine hos- sions of H.R. 1344, the Triple-A Rural Health f pitals, home health agencies, and skilled nurs- Improvement Act, developed by the Rural ing facilities are in a state of crisis. Congress Health Care Coalition of the House. This bill is A TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF JOSEPH must address this issue before we recess for designed to address further the need for BARBERA the year. health care access for seniors in rural areas. I am proud of the fact that Maine health in- We must take the initiative to attack the HON. JAMES A. BARCIA stitutions are efficient and perform above the problem of inadequate provider reimburse- OF MICHIGAN norm nationwide in regards to quality of care. ments now. I urge my colleagues to support IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES But now our providers, especially those in the restoration of some of the most-harmful Wednesday, October 13, 1999 rural areas, are suffering disproportionately BBA cuts. under the Balanced Budget Act Medicare cuts, f Mr. BARCIA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and our resources are stretched to the limit. pay tribute to Mr. , who, along With the BBA Medicare cuts, our hospitals will CELEBRATING THE HARRY AND with his partner Mr. , created lose $338 million over 5 years. ROSE SAMSON FAMILY RE- some of the most beloved characters of the Maine has the lowest Medicare inpatient op- SOURCE CENTER twentieth century, including Scooby-Doo, Tom erating margins in the country. In fact, our op- and Jerry, Yogi Bear and Boo Boo, The erating margins are in the negative. Because HON. THOMAS M. BARRETT Flintstones, The Jetsons, Johnny Quest, of these already too-low Medicare reimburse- OF WISCONSIN Huckleberry Hound, and Quick Draw McGraw. ment rates, any cuts to Medicare hurt Maine IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For many generations of young viewers, these that much harder. There are no more margins characters have served both as barometers of left to cut. Cost shifting will occur and this will Wednesday, October 13, 1999 American culture and as tools for shaping the hurt all Maine citizens. Mr. BARRETT of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, I way these viewers relate to their family and One area which particularly concerns me appreciate this opportunity to share with my friends. And not just in this countryÐHanna- and my constituents is the effect of the interim colleagues a few words of congratulations to Barbera shows have been seen in nearly 100 payment system on home health agencies. the Neighborhood House of Milwaukee on the countries and translated into 22 languages. It The burden home health agencies have been dedication of its Harry and Rose Samson is with great pleasure that I speak today about asked to bear is extreme, especially when Family Resource Center, as well as my sin- part of that duo, Mr. Barbera, who is being considering that the losses are spread among cere appreciation for the generosity of Harry honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award only 40 providers in the state. I hope that a fix Samson. by the Italian American Cultural Society. can be developed for home health providers Neighborhood House has a long and rich Joseph Roland Barbera was born in New that includes the elimination of the 15 percent history of service to children and families in York City in 1911 to Vincente and Frances reduction in payments due to begin October my hometown of Milwaukee, WI. Its program Barbera. In the early 1930's in New York City, 2000. Home health agencies in my district services are delivered in a community setting he began his famous animation career as an also ask that an outlier payment be added to and are tailored to meet the diverse needs of accountant, and fortunately for us, found that the Interim Payment System to adequately ac- neighborhood residents. The goal has always his more exceptional skills lay elsewhere. He count for high-need, high-cost patients. A flexi- been to build ``Healthy Families in a Strong started supplementing his work by drawing ble overpayment schedule, interest-free, would Community,'' and Neighborhood House has cartoons for magazines, and soon had a job be helpful to providers, as well as a gradual never forgotten that the one implies the other. as an animator. In 1937 his career took an- raise in the per beneficiary limits for agencies I have respected Harry Samson for years, other turn, and Mr. Barbera joined MGM Stu- falling under the national median and the ex- and I have the deepest regard and admiration dio's cartoon unit, where he met Mr. Hanna tension of Periodic Interim Payments. for his commitment to improving the lives of and the two immediately produced one of their I am very concerned about the effects of the others in our community. Harry and his late most famous creations. Their first collaboration outpatient prospective payment system and wife, rose have led by example, giving gener- was titled ``Puss Gets the Boot,'' which led to the severe cuts Maine providers will experi- ously of their financial resources, their time two of America's most entertaining pals, Tom ence under this reimbursement system. By and their creative energy to support the Chil- and Jerry. The duo would eventually receive HCFA's own admission in the May 7 published dren's Outing Association, Congregation Sha- seven Academy Awards throughout the next rule, rural hospitals will take the biggest hit in lom, the Next Door Foundation, the Jewish two decades for their cat-and-mouse team. reimbursements from the outpatient PPS. The Community Center, and other worthy organi- In 1957, when MGM closed its animation total reduction in the first year for all institu- zations. studio, Mr. Barbera joined with Mr. Hanna in tions will be $900 million, or a 5.7 percent av- Today in Milwaukee, Harry Samson's many forming Hanna-Barbera Productions. A year erage reduction per facility. I hope we con- friends and admirers will join Neighborhood later the studio had won the first of eight sider placing a ceiling on the level of cut any house leadership and staff and neighborhood Emmy Awards for ``The Huckleberry Hound

VerDate 1299 06:54 Oct 14, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13OC8.022 pfrm04 PsN: E13PT1 E2086 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 13, 1999 Show.'' The duo went on to create many more venile by 59%. Therefore, we must invest in broadcasting Special English programs. I call classics such as ``The Flintstones,'' ``the programs that help to reduce child abuse. this to the attention of our colleagues because Jetsons,'' ``Top Cat,'' and ``The Adventures of In my home state of New York, a fifteen this is a service offered by the United States Jonny Quest,'' to the great delight of viewers year study of a nursing home visitation pro- Government that is appreciated by millions of all ages. gram reported that state-verified cases of child around the world, but is little known here at The reason that both adults and children abuse and neglect were reduced by 79% home. VOA's Special English program was have such an affinity to the shows can per- among program participants. Furthermore, first broadcast over the international airwaves haps be given by Mr. Barbera himself. In a re- youths whose mothers participated in the pro- on October 19, 1959. Today, there are Special cent interview with the Las Vegas Review- gram were 55% less likely to be arrested. English broadcasts around the world seven Journal he said, ``We never really played down Mr. Chairman, as we debate juvenile crime, days a week, six times a day, delivering the to kids. We made what I call entertainment for our primary focus should be on child abuse. I latest news and features on American culture, families. The kids got on board and the adults urge all of my colleagues to support these pro- science, medicine, and literature. came on board. We never really lost any of visions that are put forth in the juvenile justice Special English began as an experiment to them.'' today, the Flinstones still rank as one bill. communicate by radio clearly and simply with of the top-rated programs in syndication his- f people whose native language is not English. tory. It was an immediate success. Special English CAPTAIN SANDRA REDDING In addition to great talent, Mr. Barbera is programs quickly became some of the most MAKES HISTORY WITH CALI- blessed with a loving family. He and his wife, popular programs on VOA. Forty years later FORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL Sheila, live in Studio City, CA, where Mr. they still are. And they still are unique. No Barbera continues to serve as a creative con- other international radio station has a special- sultant, most recently with the animated fea- HON. JERRY LEWIS ized series of English news and feature pro- ture film ``Tom and JerryÐThe Movie.'' He is OF CALIFORNIA grams aimed at non-native English speakers also blessed with three children, Jayne, a pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES around the world. duction executive; Neal, a writer/producer; and Wednesday, October 13, 1999 VOA Special English is different from stand- Lynn, married to a producer and a mother of Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, I ard English in the way it is written and the way two. would like today to call your attention to an it is delivered. Its vocabulary is limited to Mr. Speaker, I invite you and my colleagues unprecedented accomplishment by Capt. San- 1,500 words. It is spoken slowly, in short, ac- to join with me in honoring Mr. Joseph dra Redding, who on Nov. 1 will become the tive-voice sentences. Although the format is Barbera, who has given many generations, first woman to serve as assistant chief of the simple, the content is not. Complex, topical both young and old alike, beloved characters California Highway Patrol. subjects are described in an easy to under- like Scooby-Doo, , Yogi Bear A graduate of San Gorgonio High School in stand, concise way. and Boo Boo. San Bernardino, Capt. Redding has risen Through the years, Special English has be- f quickly through the ranks of the CHP to her come a very popular English teaching tool, present position as commander for the San even though it was not designed to teach CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION AND English. Its limited vocabulary, short sen- ENFORCEMENT ACT Bernardino area, where she has served since 1996. tences and slow pace of speaking help lis- teners become comfortable with American SPEECH OF Although she originally attended California State College, San Bernardino, with the goal English. Individuals record the programs and HON. JACK QUINN of becoming a teacher, Capt. Redding devel- play them over and over to practice their lis- OF NEW YORK oped a love of law enforcement and joined the tening skills. Teachers of English in dozens of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES San Bernardino Police Department in 1977. countries including China, Japan, Vietnam, Tuesday, October 5, 1999 That same year, she was appointed to the Iran, Cuba, Russia, Nepal and Nigeria use CHP academy, and in 1978 joined that re- Special English in their classes. They praise it The House in Committee of the Whole nowned law enforcement agency. for improving their students' ability to under- House on the State of the Union had under stand American English and for the content of consideration the bill. (H.R. 764) to reduce Serving throughout Southern California, Capt. Redding was promoted sergeant in the programs. the incidence of child abuse and neglect, and For many listeners, VOA Special English for other purposes: 1983Ðthe second woman to reach that posi- programs provide a window into American life Mr. QUINN. Mr. Chairman, I want to com- tion in the CHP. She became the second woman promoted to lieutenant in 1987, and that may change some misconceptions. A lis- mend my fellow colleagues for their work in tener from China wrote: passing H.R. 764, the Child Abuse Prevention was the third woman appointed as captain in Act. This bill is a step in the right direction to- 1996. A wonderful world appeared before my eyes When she moves up to her new post as as- through my radio receiver. There were your ward achieving our ultimate goal of eliminating sistant chief, Capt. Redding will move to CHP history, your everyday life, your brave and child abuse. headquarters in Sacramento to oversee pro- intelligent people and your words. To get a Mr. Chairman, there are a few provisions grams in the Personnel and Training Division. better appreciation about you, I spent most currently being debated in the conference of my spare time in learning. I could say you She will be joined there by her husband, committee negotiations on H.R. 1501, the ju- presented people like me, those who have Jarrell, who is retiring after 27 years in the venile justice bill, that will help prevent child only limited English knowledge, an ap- CHP, and stepdaughters Jessica and Jac- abuse and neglect. The first provision is the proachable American culture and acted like queline. But the Inland Empire will keep a a usher leading us into it. Parenting as Prevention Program. This pro- claim on her through her proud parents, Jo- gram would provide parenting support and For other listeners, VOA Special English seph and Betty Hayes, who live in Highland. education centers to promote early brain de- provides information that they cannot get else- Mr. Speaker, we can all be proud of the ac- velopment, child development and education. where. A listener in Havana, Cuba writes: complishments of this product of San The second provision that deserves our Bernardino schools. I ask you and my col- I’m sure that you are not able to imagine complete support is the Juvenile Accountability leagues to join me in congratulating her and how many people listen to you every day. Incentive Block Grant, of which 25% is specifi- wishing her well in her new assignment. What is important in Special English is that cally reserved for prevention activities. This you broadcast the most important news and f grant program would ensure that adequate re- later give us important reports about sources are available for efforts aimed at pre- VOA’S 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF science, environment, agriculture and then venting juvenile delinquency, including pro- SPECIAL ENGLISH PROGRAMMING follow with 15 minute programs about all the grams that prevent child abuse and neglect. things people are interested in. Numerous studies have concluded that HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN And for other listeners, VOA Special English there is a direct link between child abuse and OF NEW YORK offers a way of learning American English. A a later onset of criminal activity as a juvenile. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES listener in Tehran, Iran writes: In fact, in one of the most detailed studies on Wednesday, October 13, 1999 It was summer 1993 that I started listening this issue, the National Institute of Justice con- to your programs, and during the first sum- cluded that being abused or neglected as a Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, the Voice of mer, I really had a great improvement in my child increased the likelihood of arrest as a ju- America (VOA) is celebrating 40 years of English speaking, specially my accent. Many

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