Mandarin Art Festival Brings the Fun Once Again...For the 44Th Time

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Mandarin Art Festival Brings the Fun Once Again...For the 44Th Time MandarinNewsLineSM SERVING THE MANDARIN COMMUNITY SINCE 2006 M EMBER OF THE RT PUBLISHING GROUP OF COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS Volume 6, Issue 8 Visit our online edition at May 2012 Community enjoys annual event Birding with Dogwood Circle Mandarin Art Festival brings the Amateur ornithologists fun once again...for the 44th time tour with local expert By Megan Crawford By Contributing Writer Tess Hart-Ross, Mandarin Garden Club the judges always have a hard time deciding which child will receive fi rst, second and third place for their grade group. The fact that these kids are able to produce such amazing works of art is truly impressive, especial- ly considering that it took many well-known adult artists years to master the same skill. As usual, many diff er- ent forms of art were for sale. For instance hand crafted silk embroidery by Don Tran from St. Louis, Minnesota, was gazed upon with amazement while Tran practiced his craft for others to watch. To see more Bird watching enthusiasts Adams, spent an enjoyable few What’s not to love about We all know that children of his embroidery, visit www. from the Mandarin area may hours viewing the local world the Mandarin Art Festival? It’s have amazing imaginations; If you’re have heard the rumor of a rare, through binocular lenses. a great place for families to this fact proved to be true dur- into quirky art, then the artist to exotic fl ock of “birds” seen One does not garden in the spend time together and enjoy ing the Mandarin Art Festival’s see was Jeff rey Kennedy from stopping in their travels at our Mandarin area without realizing beautiful art work, jewelry and Children’s Art Show. The energy Palm Coast Florida. Attendees Walter Jones Park recently. It’s that in addition to our provid- weather. With that being said, of the art work by kids of all of all ages got a kick out of his true! On Tuesday, March 21, ing beautiful surroundings the 44th annual Mandarin Art ages truly came to life as people whimsical sculptures, such as members of the Dogwood Circle for ourselves, we’re providing Festival hosted by the Man- bought goodies from the bake “Potty Mouth,” which can be of the Mandarin Garden Club, perfect feeding and breed- darin Community Club (www. sale and witnessed children’s viewed along with his other led by the world renowned bird ing grounds for our feathered art lessons. Chris Buckley, the works at jeff watching afi cionado, member residents, both permanent and on Easter weekend proved to be woman responsible for mak- Of course, the art festival and former president of the temporary. Adams shared a fi eld another great success. ing this exhibit possible, says Art Festival cont. on pg. 10 local Audubon Society, Carole Bird watchers cont. on pg. 13 Loretto Elementary fi rst grade class plants What’s Inside oasis with a “bubble gum” tree Page 3 What’s New By Karl Kennell Page 4 From the Council Visiting environment Member’s Desk Increase for the kids the fi rst grade Page 5 School District Journal classrooms of this year as your $ales this Loretto Elemen- well as in the Page 6 The Sheriff Reports Summer tary School future.” Page 9 Third Thursday Lecture takes you to a The class’s Call today and row of bright parents pooled Page 9 Mandarin Museum white portable funds to buy Page 10 More Art Festival! ask about our buildings sepa- plants from Page 12 Youth Arts Update rated by your Hall’s Ace Advertising typical dull Hardware at a Page 13 Summer Camp Guide $pecials grey concrete discount. On Page 15 MHS Happenings sidewalk. Little the Wednesday Page 17 Youth Scene 904-866-4919 spots of grass before Spring and dirt line Break, the Page 18 MHS Sports the sidewalk to party cleaned Page 20 Constitution the portables. out the grass Page 21 Faith News To say spots of and weeds, grass is really prepped the Page 23 Job Finder Permit No.4 Permit an overstatement as there is ground and installed the plants, US Postage Paid US Postage Kim’s fi rst grade classroom. Par- Page 24 Fishing Report Presorted Standard Callahan, FL 32011 more dirt and weeds than grass. which included purple pentas, a ent volunteer Danielle Carwell Page 25 Movie Review To put it simply, it is a stark and stepped up to lead a planting Robellini Palm, cute white wire not very inviting path. party to spruce up the area low fence and of course the Page 26 Mandarin Women’s Well that has begun to in front of Kim’s classroom. “Bubble Gum” tree. Club cruise change with the blossoming Carwell described the project as You surely are asking, “Just Page 27 Gardening of an oasis in front of Andrea “an investment in our school Loretto Oasis cont. on pg. 16 NewsLine Mandarin Ste. 403 12443 San Jose Boulevard, Jacksonville,FL 32223 Page 2, Mandarin NewsLine • May 2012 • Physician Spotlight Brooke Bair, DO LV D ERDUGFHUWL¿HG GHUPDWRORJLVW ZKR VSHFLDOL]HV LQ FRVPHWLF GHUPDWRORJ\ ODVHU VXUJHU\ DQG WKH FDQFHU¿JKWLQJ 0RKV VXUJHU\ $V D WKLUGJHQHUDWLRQ )ORULGLDQ 'U %DLU LV QR VWUDQJHU WR WKH HIIHFWV RI WKH )ORULGD VXQ RQ KHU SDWLHQWV¶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¶V WHDP LQ -DFNVRQYLOOH DQG ORRNV IRUZDUG WR FRQWLQXLQJ WR VHUYH KHU -DFNVRQYLOOH SDWLHQWV E\ SURYLGLQJ FXWWLQJHGJHGHUPDWRORJ\SUDFWLFHVDQGWKHEHVWSDWLHQWFDUHDYDLODEOH (904) 239-3671 | JACKSONVILLE OFFICE OUR LOCATIONS 12276 San Jose Blvd., Suite 722 Panama City | Panama City Beach | Santa Rosa Beach | Ft Walton Beach Jacksonville, FL 32223 Navarre | Niceville | Marianna | Bonifay | Port St Joe | Tallahassee 877.231.DERM (3376) Sarasota | Jacksonville | Gulf Breeze | Dothan, AL .RUL5RDG (904) 268-7310 -DFNVRQYLOOH)/ +RPHq/LIHq%XVLQHVVq$XWRq(PSOR\HH%HQHILWV Larry had Geico auto and 'DYHKDG6WDWH)DUPKRPHDQG 'RQQDKDG$OOVWDWHDXWRDQG Greg 6$9(' $568 on his 6$9(' $670. Carl was with auto and 6$9(' $1249. Ed had 6$9(' $616/LOO\KDG6WDWH auto insurance when J P $OOVWDWHDQG6$9('$1,494 Nationwide auto and 6$9(' )DUPDQG6$9(' $240 while Perry shopped for him. with J P Perry. $337 with JP Perry. increasing coverage with J P Perry Mike 6$9(' $1981. Having JP Perry shop their insurance... Well, you get the idea! Expect more...Get more! 0RUH&KRLFHVĪ0RUH6HUYLFHĪ0RUH6DYLQJVĪIf it’s Insurance... JP Perry does it better! q-DFNVRQYLOOHnV3URWHFWRUIRU<HDUV q3HUVRQDO6HUYLFH /DWHVW7HFKQRORJ\ q([SHUW6WDIILQ(DFK6SHFLDOW\ q+XJH6HOHFWLRQRI,QVXUDQFH&RPSDQLHV q'HGLFDWHG&ODLP&RQVXOWDQW q&RQYHQLHQW0DQGDULQ/RFDWLRQ q$Q$FNQRZOHGJHG/HDGHU q*UHDW&XVWRPHU/R\DOW\ q,Q3HUVRQE\3KRQHRU2QOLQH 0,66,2167$7(0(17 7RDVVLVWRXUFXVWRPHUVLQSURWHFWLQJWKHLUIDPLOLHVDQGEXVLQHVVHVE\SURYLGLQJWKHKLJKHVWTXDOLW\LQVXUDQFHSURGXFWVDQGVHUYLFHDQGWRXVHRXU ,QGHSHQGHQW$JHQWVWDWXVWRGHOLYHUWKHEHVWLQVXUDQFHYDOXHZKLOHPDLQWDLQLQJKLJKHWKLFDOVWDQGDUGV • May 2012 • Mandarin NewsLine, Page 3 Do you have community or club news you would What’s New like included in Mandarin NewsLine? Then contact Martie Thompson at: Community Happenings [email protected] or 886-4919. There will be a community Library, located at 12125 San Breakfast will be provided by keeping and water gardening meeting on Tuesday, May 15 at Jose Boulevard. Directions for your Jacksonville Fire Fighters. has to off er. For more informa- RT Publishing, Inc. 7:00 p.m. (refreshments served the new group in support of the Proceeds from this event benefi t tion, please contact the FCKC The CreekLine at 6:30 p.m.) at the Mandarin library will be discussed and the City of Jacksonville’s Veter- president Libby Mattingly at The Ocean Breeze Community Club, located at offi cers selected. Board members ans Trust Fund, a non-profi t in 733-6831. Admission is $5 for 12447 Mandarin Road to discuss of the city-wide Friends of the place to provide essential social Mandarin NewsLine adults; children under 12 are the re-zoning/development at Jacksonville Public Library will services to Jacksonville veter- free. Check the website for more Players Journal the corner of Oak Bluff and San be on hand, including Friends ans in need, at no cost to the details: rstcoastkoiclub. Jose Boulevard. Scheduled to president Harry Reagan. It is the veteran. Tickets for the event com. Publisher Rebecca Taus attend are representatives from goal of the Friends of the Jack- are $50 each, with tables for the developer and Chick-fi l-A, sonville Public Library to form a 10 going for $450 and can be [email protected] The Bumble Bee Circle of representatives from City of chapter at each library location. purchased online by visiting The the Mandarin Garden Club will Editor Martie Thompson Jacksonville Planning Depart- Jacksonville Fire Fighter Chari- have their end of year celebra- ment and City of Jacksonville ties “Salute To Veterans” page. [email protected] The Italian American Club tion on May 3 at 6:30 p.m. at District 6 Councilman Matt will be participating in the For more information, please the club. Fun, food and games Advertising Sales, Linda Gay Schellenberg. This meeting is World of Nations Celebration at contact Mark Treglio, director of are planned. Children ages fi ve open to the public. For more public relations for the Jackson- [email protected] Metropolitan Park on May 3, 4, through 18 are welcome with a information, please call the 5 and 6.
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