WHEN AND WHERE CLUBS MEET! Mondays Venue Time North Nommo Gallery 6:00pm Kampala South Hotel Africana 6:00pm President Fred’s Vision Kasangati Resort 7:00pm Mengo Pope Paul Social Cub 1:00pm for 2017-2018 Mityana New Highway Hotel 6:00pm Member Profile RROTARY:ROOTATARRY:Y: Kampala Green Valley Hotel 7:00pm MMAKINGMAKINGAKING A A A Kampala Naguru Kati Kati 7:00pm DIFFERENCEDIFFERENCE Rotaract theDIFFERENCE Rotary Club of Kampala for the year Galloway Hostel 6:00pm Tuesdays ahead. They are: Kabira County Club 7:00pm Bwoyogerere Hotel Mamerito 6:30pm 1. Membership growth and member Ibanda M&B Executive hall 6:30pm Iganga Mwana Highland Hotel 6:00pm participation, Kampala-Impala Kati Kati 1:00pm Kampala Mukwaya Hospital-Nsambya 8:00pm 2. Service delivery in health & education, Kasese Margherita Hotel 6:30pm working to improve the hospital in Hotel Africana 6:00pm “The Rotary Wheel” Kyotera Colombo Hotel 7:00pm “The Rotary Wheel” Mukono, and Rotary Club of Kampala Vol. 6 Issue 43 Thursday 01st June, 2017st Lubowa Grace’s Restaurant 7:00pm Rotary Club of Kampala | Club 17287 | Vol. 7 Issue 41 | Thursday 31 May 2018 Shanghai Restaurant 6:00pm 3. Improving member relations. Masindi Masindi Hotel 6:00pm Mbale Mt. Elgon Hotel 5:00pm Rwampara Rwekishokye County Club 6:00pm Fred’s aim: minimum of 2 hours each ARABA Hotel 7:00pm month per member, meet our goals and brand Rubaga Pope Paul Social Club 1:00pm Sunrise Club Shanghai Restaurant 7:00am ourselves positively. This aligns with our Wobulenzi Networth Hotel 5:30pm service focus on the Hospital, by delivering Kampala Kolping Hotel, Wandegeya 6:30pm Name Joseph Tinkamanyire education activities and service projects. Rotaract (Tinka) President’s Message Kampala City BBQ Lounge 6:00pm Wednesday Rotary DOB May 2012 HowTheHow thirdare are we wecomponent going going to to make make of this a adifference differenceyear’s strategy if if we we Did You Know? Arua Heritage Inn Hotel 6:00pm doisdo tonot not allow participate participate for members actively actively to in inbetter club club activities, activities,know each if if Bushenyi Bushenyi Guest House 6:00pm Employer TJ Business Links part in those noble activities. Windsor Lake Victoria 7:00pm weotherwe do do notand not attend buildattend strongerfellowship fellowship ties regularly, regularly, with each if if we weother, do do Jinja Crested Crane Hotel 6:00pm Position CEO notnot give give to to TRF, TRF, if if we we do do not not invite invite our our friends friends White House Inn 5:00pm personallyComing and back professionally. to the club fellowship, To get there, is the Kabarole Toro Golf Club 5:30pm Business Development andFredannouncementand colleagues colleagueswill be introducing to toof come comethe Installationand and paid join join for rotary rotary adverts of PEso so we Stephen wefor can can Dreams Guest House 7:00pm Consultancy Services havememberhave more more businesses hands hands in in this thisin ournoble thnoble newsletter, work? work? District District a forum Kampala Central Hotel Africana 6:00pm Semuga on Thursday 14 June at 12:30pm at GovernorGovernor Ken Ken Mugisha Mugisha and and RI RI President President Ian Ian Kampala west Shanghai Restaurant 1:00pm About An optimist by nature/ Sheraton Hotel. Lets be early so we can start Kampala Ndere Centre 7:00pm Riseley5Riseley minutes expect expect during us us to toeach be be the thefellowship, best best Rotarians Rotarians and other we we Kiwatule Kabira county Club 7:00pm nurture, humble, fellowship in time to witness the Installation of Sports View Hotel 6:00pm cannetworkingcan ever ever be be this opportunitiesthis year. year. Let Let us, us, within therefore therefore delivering get get ready ready principled. our 62nd President. Lugazi Scouts Office Club 6:00pm toserviceto roll roll up upto our helpour sleeves sleeves encourage and and serve. serve. members I Iwill will giveto give be you youa Masaka Masaka Sports Club 6:00pm Education University Degree a apromise promise that that the the more more you you will will serve serve with with a a Mubende Nakayima Hotel 6:00pm partBoard of the meeting projects willwe subscribetake place to. 0n 1st June, Mukono Colline Hotel 7:00pm DearProfessionalDearDear members; members; friends, Institute of Corporate willingwilling heart, heart, the the happier happier you you will will get get the the better better International Hotel 6:30pm 2018 at Rev. Sekabira’s house in Namungoona, Societies Governance of youyou will will become become as as an an individual. individual. Ivory Hotel 7:00pm TheThe New New Rotary Rotary year year is is here. here. How How fast fast it it at 5:30pm. All board members are called upon There is Rotary TV in Uganda! Portbell Silver springs Hotel 7:00pm Welcome to fellowship. WeWe are are going going to to continue continue using using the the Namuziga Namuziga Tororo Crystal Hotel 7:00pm comes!comes!Past But JobsBut it it comes comes with withToyota hope. hope. It It comes comes with with to attend.On To Toronto Rotaract promises.promises. By By the the look look of of things, things, it’s it’s going going to to be be asas our our tool tool of of sharing sharing information information both both in in the the BuddyLast week, Group on SaturdaySAGE 26th May, we https://www.facebook.com/Rotary-TV- University Guild Carteen 6:00pm Rotaryclubclub and and International beyond. beyond. We We appeal Convention appeal to to you you Junemembers members 23-27, to to Thursday a agood good year. year. Lastly, our Guest Speaker, Senior Counsel Uganda-314979232238960/ hadFamily our Rotary family2 ChildrenHealth Day at the 2018useuse this thishttp://www.riconvention.org/en opportunity opportunity to to write write articles articles or or share share any any Bugolobi City Royal Hotel 7:00pm I Itherefore therefore take take this this opportunity opportunity to to thank thank Andrew Kasirye is a Past President of this club. Gaba Green valley Hotel 7:00pm RotaryCountries Hospital Mukono.UK, World On the Traveler same day, Registersuchsuch information information (before that that Aug will will 2017) uplift uplift us us as as members$345 members Gulu Acholi Inn 5:30pm immediateimmediate past past President President Stephen Stephen for for leading leading we planted trees on the boundaries of our ofHeof the theis clubcoming club and and toRotarians Rotarians speak to altogether. usaltogether. about retirement. Hoima Hoima Resort Hotel 6:30pm usus well wellLived in in the the in past past Rotary Rotary year year 2016/17, 2016/17, and and Hotel & Flight (by Nov 2017) $1,800 Kalisizo Tropical Gardens 6:00pm land. It was work in all ways, but enjoyable The need to begin planning for retirement on Kampala Sheraton Hotel Kampala 12:30pm toto warmly warmly welcome welcome each each one one of of you you into into this this ProcessMayMay we we Visa always always (by be be Mar willing willing 2018) to to do do that that $238which which we we work.Personal When you findNetworking yourself helping the first day of your job. The need to walk the Kampala Day Break 7:00am newnew InterestsRotary Rotary year year 2017/18. 2017/18. It’s It’s going going to to be be a a Upkeepareare asked asked (suggested)to to do. do. May May we we leave leave an an indelible indelible$700 mark mark Kampala East Hotel Africana 7:00pm another overcome an ailment, putting some talk all through and how that can be done. Kampala Ssese Nommo Gallery 6:00pm yearyear of of greater greater friendships friendships and and love, love, greater greater Totalwhereverwherever we we put put our our foot foot step step for for the the betterment$3,083 betterment Kampala. City-Makerere Kolping Hotel, Makerere, Kavule 6:00pm activity,effortactivity,Favorite in together, together,enhancing Song and and mother “Think”therefore therefore nature, by greater greaterAretha when bonding bonding ofof human human kind, kind, may may we we serve serve well, well, so so we we can can Kayunga Katikoomu Soc.Cen 6:00pm I wish you good listening. Lira Margarita Hotel 5:30pm andyouand strength. plantstrength. a tree It’s It’s goingor going two,Franklin to to is be besuch a ayear (1968)year a rewardingof of greater greater makemake a adifference. difference. Mbarara Rotary Peace Chnn. Cen. 5:30pm involvementfeelinginvolvement of satisfaction. from from each each of Theof us, us, Englishso so we we can can say; be be oneable able Namugogo ABBA Hotel 7:00pm GodGodGod bless Bless Bless you. you you all. all. Rukungiri Rukungiri Inn 6:00pm togoodto ‘’feel ‘’feel turn, at at rotary.’’ rotary.’’ deserves It’s It’s another.going going to to be As be a Rotarians, ayear year of of Seeta Ridah Hotel 7:00pm growthgrowth in in terms terms of of numbers, numbers, but but also also growth growth as as we haveDi rreceivedector The so Rota much,ry Fweoundation just need to Source of the Nile Crested Crane Hotel 6:00pm individualsindividuals across across all all spheres spheres of of learning learning from from Kampala Ivy’s Hotel Wakaliga 7:00pm lengthen our Jstrideoseph Tinkama just a littlenyire bit to bring Flavia Miiro Nakayima Bwebajja Cabana Restaurant, Kawuka 7:00pm bothboth within within rotary rotary and and from from without without . . FrederickFrederick Kamya Kamya Vision Club 6:00pm a smile on Emailthe face: [email protected] of another. Thank you PresidentPresident Frederick Kamya Fridays allThe whoThe theme themefoundT ofel of:time the +256 the year toyear 772 go is; is; to200 Rotary: Rotary:Mukono 304 making makingto take a a Tel: +256 772 506 386 Kampala Hotel Africana 6:00pm President Kampala Muyenga Breeze Hotel Int. Muyenga 6:30pm difference.difference. NOB View Hotel 7:00pm 8 Kyengere RoseWeb: Gardens www.rotarykampala.com 7:00pm SinceSinceSince MayMay May 2020 20thth 1957th1957 1957,, DistrictDistrict, District 92119211 9211,, R.IR.I, R.I ZoneZone Zone 20A20A 20A RCKLA RCKLA RCKLA Rota Rota Rotarryy rClub Cluby Club of of ofKampala Kampala Kampala Web:W W eb Web:eb :www.rotarykampala.comww ww: wwww.rota.rotaw.rotarrykampala.orgykampala.orgrykampala.org 31 Kampala Metropolitan Mackinnon Suites 7:00pm 11 Current Events & Member Ideas The 4 wayP rtestesident Fred’s Vision President Fred’s Vision FFellowshipellowship P Programrogram: Of the things we think, say or do; Today’s News Member Ideas Member ProfileFIRST for 2017-2018 Member Profile fRorROOTTA AR2017-2018RYY:: IS IT THE TRUTH? 12:45pm12:45pm A rArrivalrival MMAKINGAKING A A SECOND DIFFERENCEDIFFERENCEHave an idea, thought, or inspiration the Rotary Club of Kampala for the year the Rotary Club of Kampala for the year 1:00pm1:00pm Call Call to to O rOrder:der National President Anthem Fred R oKamyayal IS IT FAIR TO ALL CONCERNED? Rotary Peace THIRD ahead. They are: ahead. Theyyou are: would like to share? Contact me by Tuesday before Fellowship T oastNational Grace Anthem WILL IT BUILD GOOD WILL & BETTER FRIEND- SHIPS? 1. Membership growth and member Fellowship 1. MembershipEmail: [email protected] growth and member 4-Way Test Royal Toast, Grace FOURTH participation, participation, WILL IT BE BENEFICIAL TO ALL CONCERNED? Applications Object 4-Way of TestRotary 2. Service delivery in health & education, 2. ServiceBusiness delivery in health Tips & education, working to improve the hospital in working to improve the hospital in Int Objectroductions of Rotary The Grace Deadline:“The“The May RotaRota 31,rryy Wheel” Wheel”2018 Mukono, and Mukono,Documentation and Ambassadorial Reports RotaRotaryry Club Club of of Kampala Kampala V Vol.ol. 6 6 Issue Issue 43 43 Thursday Thursday 01st 01st Jun Junee, ,2017 2017 Introductions For what we have recieved and are about to Each year, Rotary selects up to 100 It is important to have your company well documented recieve, may God3. maImprovingke us truly thankful member and relations. 3. Improving member relations. 1:15pm Speaker: professionals from around the world if you are seeking new partners. It will take more than a ever mindful of the needs of others. Ambassadorial Reports conversation to get a new partner in the door. My initial 1:40pm Questions: Fred’sAmen. aim: minimum of 2 hours each to receive fellowships to study at Fred’s aim: minimum of 2 hours each 1:20pm Speaker month per member, meet our goals and brand one of our peace centers. monthdocument per reviewmember, covers meet over 25 our independent goals and documents brand 1:45pm Vote of Thanks ourselves positively. This aligns with our ourselves– and this positively. is just the beginning. This aligns To get with to finance, our the 1:40pm Questions document review can reach upwards of 100 independent 1:58pm Sergeant At Arms Theservice Object focus of on Rotary the Hospital, by delivering service focus on the Hospital, by delivering Name Joseph Tinkamanyire Name FindJoseph out more: Tinkamanyire documents – all telling a different piece of the story about 1:50pm Vote of Thanks education activities and service projects. education activities and service projects. 2:00pm Final Toast (Tinka) The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal https://www.rotary.org/en/our-pro (Tinka) - your company. 1:58pm SergeantRotary At DOB Arms May 2012 of service as a basisThe of thirdworthy component enterprise and of in pathisrticu year’s- strategy Rotarygrams/peace-fellowships?cid=soc_ DOB May 2012 HowHowThe are thirdare we we component going going— Johnto to make make of Brittell thisa a difference difference year’s strategy if if we we islar toto encouallowrage for and members foster: to better know each dodois not tonot allow participate participate for members actively actively toin in clubbetter club activities, activities, know each if if Employer TJ Business Links Employerpeace2019_20180201_soc_tw_na_or TJ Business Links - 2:00pm Final Toast other and build stronger ties with each other, other and build stronger ties with each other, FIRST: ganic_apply_en wewe do do not not attend attend fellowship fellowship regularly, regularly, if if we we do do Position CEO The developmentpersonally of acquain andtance professionally. as an opportunity f orTo get there, Position CEO notnotpersonally give give to to TRF, TRF, andBooks if professionally.if we we do do notnotTo invite invite Read To our our get friends friends there, Business Development Fred willse bervice introducing. paid for adverts for Business Development andandFred colleagues colleagues will be introducing to to come come and and paid join join forrotary rotary adverts so so we we for can can havehave more more hands hands in in this this noble noble work? work? District District Rotary Club Code Song of ConductConsultancy Services memberSECOND businesses: in our newsletter, a forum Consultancy Services memberThe Death businesses & Life in our of newsletter, a forum About An optimist by nature/High ethical standards in business and professions, the About An optimist by nature/ GovernorGovernor Ken Ken Mugisha Mugisha and and RI RI President President Ian Ian As a Rotarian, I will recognition of5 the minutes worthiness during of all useful each occupations fellowship, and other RiseleyRiseley5 minutesAmerican expect expect during us us Citiesto to eachbe be the the fellowship, best best Rotarians Rotarians and weother we We the Rotary Clubnurture, of humble, nurture, humble, 1. Exemplify the core value of inteprincipled.grity in all and the dignifyingnetworking of each R oopportunitiestarian’s occupation within as an delivering principled. cancannetworking ever Byever Jane be be thisJacobs this opportunities year. year. Let Let us, us, withintherefore therefore delivering get get ready ready opportunity to serve society. behavioKampala,rs and activities. service to help encourage members to be a totoservice roll roll up up to our our help sleeves sleeves encourage and and serve. serve. members I I will will give giveto be you you a Education University Degree Education University Degree To the innocent onlooker, 2. Use my vocational experience and talents to serve part of theTHIRD projects: we subscribe to. aapart promise promise of the that that projects the the more more we you subscribeyou will will serve serve to. with with a a LetProfessional us injoin Ro tourary. hands Institute of CorporateThe application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s DearDearProfessional members; members; Institute of Corporate willingwillingthe drive heart, heart, for more the the comprehensive happier happier you you will will get get the the better better personal, business and community life. planning regions, low density 3. ConductAnd allSocieties ofraise my pe one rsonal, banner businesGovernance s, and of Uganda Societies Governance of Uganda youyou will will become become as as an an individual. individual. TheThe New New Rotary Rotary year year is is here. here. How How fast fast it it suburbs, redevelopment of central professional affairs ethically, encouraging and foster- FOURTH: WeWe are are going going to to continue continue using using the the Namuziga Namuziga Past Jobstogether Toyota The advancement ofOn international T undeo rsTtandinogr, goodon- to comes!comes!Past But But Jobs it it comes comes with withToyota hope. hope. It It comes comes with with areas,On more parks, T openo space T ando ronto ing high ethical standards as an example to others. asas our our tool tool of of sharing sharing information information both both in in the the Buddy Group SAGE will and peace through a world fellowship of business promises.promises.Buddy By By Group the the look look of SAGEof things, things, it’s it’s going going to to be be highways, public housing, modern 4. Be fairWe in all shall dealings all reach with othe ourrs and goals treat them Rotary International Convention June 23-27, Rotary International Convention June 23-27, and professional persons united in the ideal of service. aa good good year. year. clubclubneighborhood and and beyond. beyond. design We withWe appealsuperblocks appeal to to facing you you membersinterior members lawns to to with the respectFamily due t o them as fell2o Childrenw human 2018 http://www.riconvention.org/en Family 2 Children use2018use this this http://www.riconvention.org/en opportunity opportunity to to write write articles articles or or share share any any We pay homage to our II therefore therefore take take this this opportunity opportunity to to thank thank reduce traffic hazards and achieve economies of scale-- all these Countriesbeings . UK, World Traveler Register (before Aug 2017) $345 Countries UK, World Traveler suchRegistersuchand information informationmore-- suggest(before thatthat that weAug will willmay 2017)upliftyet uplift make us us our as citiesas members members$345 more gracious Club President immediateimmediate past past President President Stephen Stephen for for leading leading 5. Promote recognitioncultures and respect for all ofof the the club club and and Rotarians Rotarians altogether. altogether. Lived in Hotel & Flight (by Nov 2017) $1,800 usus well wellLived in in the the in past past Rotary Rotary year year 2016/17, 2016/17, and and Hoteland efficient. & Flight Contemplation (by Nov of these 2017) prospects, however$1,800 only fills occupations which are useful to society. Frederick Kamyya Jane Jacobs (an editor of Architectural Forum) with revulsion. Thoughts,deeds unite us all Process Visa (by Mar 2018) $238 toto warmly warmly welcome welcome each each one one of of you you into into this this ProcessMayMay we we Visaalways always (by be be willingMar willing 2018) to to do do that that which $238which we we 6. Offer Personalmy vocational talents: toNetworking provide Email: [email protected] PersonalMotivational Networking Quotes Interests Upkeep (suggested) $700 newnew Rotary InterestsRotary year year 2017/18. 2017/18. It’s It’s going going to to be be a a areUpkeepare asked askedBig cities to (suggested)to do. do. she May says,May arewe we full leave leave of strangers. an an indelible indelible Citizens$700 and mark mark opportunitiesLet for us young ever peopl toile, into wunityork for the relief Tel: +256 772 507 857 strangers alike must enjoy security on city streets. This security, she Total $3,083 yearyear of of greater greater friendships friendships and and love, love, greater greater whereverTotalwherever we we put put our our foot foot step step for for the the betterment betterment$3,083 of the specialFavorite needs of othe Songrs, and t“Think”o improve bythe Aretha Favorite“To seekSong “causes” “Think” byof Arethapoverty insists, will never come just from a vigilant police force. It requires Graciousquality of Lord, life in mwey com thankmuni t yyou.. ClubClub Secretary Secretary activity,activity, together, together, and and therefore therefore greater greater bonding bonding ofof human human kind, kind, may may we we serve serve well, well, so so we we can can ARY an intricate social system, which automatically achieves this effect. Franklin (1968)T I ChristineChristine Magala Magala Kimbowa Kimbowa andand strength. strength.in It’s thisIt’s going going wayFranklin to to isbe be toa a year year enter(1968) of of greater greater an makemake a a difference. difference. 7. Honor the trust that Rotary and fellow RotariansO N You get it from “public actors,” from habitual street watchers, such R U

Email:Email: [email protected] [email protected] involvementinvolvement from from each each of of us, us, so so we we can can be be able able provide and not do anything that will bring disfavor or G intellectual dead end because GodasGod storekeepers, Bless Bless you you doormen all. all. and interested neighbors, and from more

A Tel:Tel :+256 +256 772 772 436 436 605 605 toto ‘’feel ‘’feel at at rotary.’’ rotary.’’ It’s It’s going going to to be be a a year year of of

N poverty has no causes. Only or less constant use at different hours, which is possible only if

D growthgrowth in in terms terms of of numbers, numbers, but but also also growth growth as as 8. Not seek fromDi a rfellectorow Ro Thetarian Rota a privilegery Foundation or A Club TTreasurerreasurer Directorprosperity The Rota hasry Foundation causes.” there is a rich mixture of activities in buildings of varying age and advantage not normally accorded others in a Flavia Miiro Nakayima individualsindividuals across across all all spheres spheres of of learning learning from from character. Have a look: Flavia Miiro Nakayima Joseph Tinkamanyire Shem Nnaggenda Joseph Tinkamanyire FrederickFrederick Kamya Kamya business or professional relationship. Shem Nnagenda bothboth within within rotary rotary and and from from without without . . Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] PresidentPresidenthttps://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/ EmailEmail:: [email protected] books/97/08/17/reviews/jacobs.html?pagewanted=all Tel: +256 772 200 304 Tel: +256 772 506 386 TheThe theme theme Tof ofel :the ―the +256 yearJane year 772 is; is; JacobsRotary:200 Rotary: 304 making making a a Tel: +256 772 506 386 TTel:el: +256 712 533 096 difference.difference. 2 Since SinceMay 20th May 195720th 1957, District, District 9211 9211, R.I Zone, R.I Zone 20A 20A RCKLA RCKLA Rota rRotay Clubry Clubof Kampala of Kampala Web :W Web:wwebw: wwwww.rotarykampala.com.rotawr.rotaykampala.orgrykampala.org 3 SinceSinceSince May MayMay 20 2020ththth 1957 19571957,, , District DistrictDistrict 9211 92119211,, , R.I R.IR.I Zone ZoneZone 20A 20A20A RCKLA RCKLARCKLA Rota RotaRotarryryy ClubClub Club ofof of KampalaKampala Kampala WWeb: Webebeb:: :wwwww.rotarykampala.comww wwww.rota.rota.rotarrykampala.orgrykampala.orgykampala.org 1317 Service Projects President Fred’s Vision Rotary InternationalPresident Fred’s Vision

Rotary MemberHospital - Profile Phase II Dedicatedfor 2017-2018 to the MemberMay Profileis Youth ServiceforRROOTTA A2017-2018RRYY:: Month MMAKINGAKING AA DIFFERENCEDIFFERENCE Late RIPE Sam F. theOwori Rotary Club of Kampala for the year the Rotary Club of Kampala for the year ahead. They are: Stories of ahead. They are: 1. Membership growth and member 1. Membership growth and member participation, Rotaractors participation, 2. Service delivery in health & education, doing great 2. Service delivery in health & education, working to improve the hospital in “The“The RotaRotarryy Wheel”Wheel” working to improve the hospital in A Journey Mukono, and things in Mukono, and of a thousand miles RotaRotarryy ClubClub ofof KampalaKampala VVol.ol. 66 IssueIssue 4343 ThursdayThursday 01st01st JunJunee,, 20172017 3. Improving member relations. 3. Improving member relations. begins with the first Uganda. step. The Rotary Fred’s aim: minimum of 2 hours each Fred’s aim: minimum of 2 hours each month per member, meet our goals and brand month per member, meet our goals and brand Hospital in Mukono is ourselves positively. This aligns with our ourselves positively. This aligns with our our flagship project. service focus on the Hospital, by delivering service focus on the Hospital, by delivering Name Joseph Tinkamanyire Name Joseph Tinkamanyire The land on which education activities and service projects. education activities and service projects. (Tinka) (Tinka) it sits was donatedRotary DOB May 2012 The third component of this year’s strategy Rotary DOB May 2012 HowHowThe arethirdare wewe component goinggoing toto makemake of this aa differencedifference year’s strategy ifif wewe is to allow for members to better know each dodois tonotnot allow participateparticipate for members activelyactively to inin better clubclub activities,activities, know each ifif Employer TJ Business Links Employer TJ Business Links by Rotarian George other and build stronger ties with each other, weweother dodo notnotand attendattend build fellowshipstrongerfellowship ties regularly,regularly, with each ifif wewe other, dodo Kasedde MukasaPosition CEO personally and professionally. To get there, Position CEO notnotpersonally givegive toto TRF,TRF, and ifprofessionally.if wewe dodo notnot inviteinvite To ourour get friendsfriends there, (RIP - You are dearly Business Development Fred will be introducing paid for adverts for Business Development andandFred colleaguescolleaguesDistrict will be introducing toto Rotaract comecome andand paid joinjoin Governor for rotaryrotary adverts soso wewe for cancan Consultancy Services member businesses in our newsletter, a forum Consultancy Services havehavemember moremore businesses handshands inin thisthis in nobleournoble newsletter, work?work? DistrictDistrict a forum missed). Anima Nasaazi About An optimist by nature/ About An optimist by nature/ GovernorGovernor KenKen MugishaMugisha andand RIRI PresidentPresident IanIan 5 minutes during each fellowship, and other RiseleyRiseley5 minutes expectexpect during usus toto each bebe thethe fellowship, bestbest RotariansRotarians and other wewe nurture, humble, nurture, humble, networking opportunities within delivering cancannetworking everever bebe thisthis opportunities year.year. LetLet us,us, within thereforetherefore delivering getget readyready principled. Phase one is complete and we are geared principled. Location Mukono, Uganda service to help encourage members to be a totoservice rollroll upup to ourour help sleevessleeves encourage andand serve.serve. members II willwill give giveto be youyou a Education University Degree up to commence the second phase (The Education University Degree part of the projects we subscribe to. aapart promisepromise of the thatthat projects thethe moremore we yousubscribeyou willwill serveserve to. withwith aa Professional Institute of CorporateSam Owori Memorial Phase). We call upon DearDearProfessional members;members; Institute of Corporate willingwilling heart,heart, thethe happierhappier youyou willwill getget thethe betterbetter Service Sector Healtchcare youyou willwill becomebecome asas anan individual.individual. Societies Governance of Ugandaall well-wishers to contribute to this noble TheTheSocieties NewNew RotaryRotary yearyearGovernance isis here.here. HowHow of fast fastUganda itit Volunteer TeamPast JobsAndrew Ntegeka,Toyota David cause. We Onintend forT ito to beT oa regionalron to comes!comes!Past ButBut Jobs itit comescomes withwithToyota hope.hope. ItIt comescomes withwith WeWeOn areare goinggoing T totoo continuecontinue To usingrusingo n thethet NamuzigaNamuzigao Kasingwire, Stephen Lwanga promises.promises. ByBy thethe looklook ofof things,things, it’sit’s goinggoing toto bebe asas ourour tooltool ofof sharingsharing informationinformation bothboth inin thethe Buddy Group SAGE traumaRotary centre International catering to people Convention involved June 23-27, Buddy Group SAGE Rotary International Convention June 23-27, in accidents. It will however cater for all aa goodgood year.year. clubclub andand beyond.beyond. WeWe appealappeal toto youyou membersmembers toto Family 2 Children 2018 http://www.riconvention.org/en Family 2 Children use2018use thisthis http://www.riconvention.org/en opportunityopportunity toto writewrite articlesarticles oror shareshare anyany Partner – Local Local Gov. Mukono medical emergencies. We are currently in II thereforetherefore taketake thisthis opportunityopportunity toto thankthank Countries UK, World Traveler Register (before Aug 2017) $345 Countries UK, World Traveler suchRegistersuch informationinformation (before thatthat Aug willwill 2017) upliftuplift usus asas membersmembers$345 the final stages of negotiations with UMC immediateimmediate pastpast PresidentPresident StephenStephen forfor leadingleading Lives Impacted Lived700,000 in Hotel & Flight (by Nov 2017) $1,800 Lived in ofHotelof thethe clubclub & Flight andand RotariansRotarians (by Nov altogether.altogether. 2017) $1,800 Victoria Hospital to operate the Hospital on usus wellwell inin thethe pastpast RotaryRotary yearyear 2016/17,2016/17, andand Personal Networking Process Visa (by Mar 2018) $238 toto warmlywarmlyPersonal welcomewelcome eacheachNetworking oneone ofof youyou intointo thisthis ProcessMayMay wewe Visa alwaysalways (by bebe Mar willingwilling 2018) toto dodo thatthat $238whichwhich wewe our behalf. Budget Interests$3,000,000 Upkeep (suggested) $700 newnew RotaryInterestsRotary yearyear 2017/18.2017/18. It’sIt’s goinggoing toto bebe aa areUpkeepare askedasked to(suggested)to do.do. MayMay wewe leaveleave anan indelibleindelible$700 markmark Total $3,083 yearyear ofof greatergreater friendshipsfriendships andand love,love, greatergreater whereverTotalwherever wewe putput ourour footfoot stepstep forfor thethe bettermentbetterment$3,083 Favorite Song “Think” by Aretha activity,activity,Favorite together,together, Song andand therefore“Think”therefore by greatergreater Aretha bondingbonding ofof humanhuman kind,kind, maymay wewe serveserve well,well, soso wewe cancan Funds Raised $515,000 Franklin (1968) Funds Needed: andand strength.strength. It’sIt’s goinggoingFranklin toto bebe aa yearyear (1968) ofof greatergreater makemake aa difference.difference. Project Status Discussion with Management involvementinvolvement fromfrom eacheach ofof us,us, soso wewe cancan bebe ableable GodGod BlessBless youyou all.all. & Operations partner, $200,000 to toto ‘’feel‘’feel atat rotary.’’rotary.’’ It’sIt’s goinggoing toto bebe aa yearyear ofof growthgrowth inin termsterms ofof numbers,numbers, butbut alsoalso growthgrowth asas DirCivilector Works The required Rotary to F oundation Director The Rotary Foundation individualsindividuals acrossacross allall spheresspheres ofof learninglearning fromfrom Joseph Tinkamanyire Flavia Miiro Nakayima Joseph Tinkamanyire Flavia Miiro Nakayima operationalize, Fully licensed Finalize Civil bothboth withinwithin rotaryrotary andand fromfrom withoutwithout .. FrederickFrederick KamyaKamya andEmail ready: [email protected] as a separate Email: [email protected] PresidentPresident entityTel: +256 772 200 304 WorksTel: +256 772 506 386 TheThe themetheme T ofofel : thethe +256 yearyear 772 is;is; 200 Rotary:Rotary: 304 makingmaking aa Tel: +256 772 506 386 difference.difference. 6 Since May 20th 1957, District 9211, R.I Zone 20A RCKLA Rotary Club of Kampala WWeb:eb: wwwww.rotarykampala.comw.rotarykampala.org 3 SinceSince MayMay 2020thth 19571957,, DistrictDistrict 92119211,, R.IR.I ZoneZone 20A20A RCKLARCKLA RotaRotarryy Club Club of of Kampala Kampala Web:W Webeb::: www.rotarykampala.comww wwwwww.rota.rota.rotarrrykampala.orgykampala.orgykampala.org 3113 Guest Speaker This Month in Rotary President Fred’s Vision President Fred’s Vision

Member Profile for 2017-2018 Member Profile fRorROOTTA AR2017-2018RYY:: MMAKINGAKING A A Andrew Kasirye DIFFERENCEDIFFERENCE Chairman, Uganda Retirement Benefitsthe Regulatory Rotary Club ofAuthority Kampala for the year the Rotary Club of Kampala for the year ahead. They are: ahead. They are: Professional 1. Membership growth and member 1. Membership growth and member Andrew Kasirye is an Advocate of the Courts of participation, participation, Judicature holding the rank of Senior Counsel conferred 2. Service delivery in health & education, 2. Service delivery in health & education, by the Chief Justice on 28th March 2018 on the working to improve the hospital in “The“The RotaRotarryy Wheel” Wheel” working to improve the hospital in recommendation of the Law Council. He is the Managing Mukono, and RotaRotaryry Club Club of of Kampala Kampala V Vol.ol. 6 6 Issue Issue 43 43 Thursday ThursdayMukono, 01st 01st and Jun Jun ee, ,2017 2017 Partner at Kasirye, Byaruhanga & Co. Advocates Andrew 3. Improving member relations. 3. Improving member relations. is a member of the Uganda Law Society, East Africa Law Society and the International Bar Association. Fred’s aim: minimum of 2 hours each Fred’s aim: minimum of 2 hours each He served as President (2002-2004), a position he month per member, meet our goals and brand month per member, meet our goals and brand ourselves positively. This aligns with our ourselves positively. This aligns with our rose to from Vice President (2000-2002). Andrew also service focus on the Hospital, by delivering service focus on the Hospital, by delivering served as the firstName Vice President and CouncilJoseph Member Tinkamanyire of education activities and service projects. Name Joseph Tinkamanyire education activities and service projects. the East African Law Society (2004-2006). (Tinka) (Tinka) Member of theRotary Law Council DOB and theMay Law 2012 Council The third component of this year’s strategy Rotary DOB May 2012 HowHowThe are thirdare we we component going going to to make make of thisa a difference difference year’s strategy if if we we is to allow for members to better know each dodois not tonot allow participate participate for members actively actively toin in clubbetter club activities, activities, know each if if Committee of LegalEmployer Education and TrainingTJ upBusiness to 2006. Links Employer TJ Business Links other and build stronger ties with each other, weweother do do not notand attend attend build fellowship strongerfellowship ties regularly, regularly, with each if if we we other, do do Position CEO personally and professionally. To get there, Position CEO notnotpersonally give give to to TRF, TRF, and if professionally.if we we do do not not invite invite To our our get friends friends there, Corporate Business Development Fred will be introducing paid for adverts for Business Development andandFred colleagues colleagues will be introducing to to come come and and paid join join forrotary rotary adverts so so we we for can can He is a Director with UAP Old MutualConsultancy Insurance Services • 8th Junemember 2015 businessesto 29th January in our 2016:newsletter, The a forum Consultancy Services havehavemember more more businesseshands hands in in this this in nobleournoble newsletter, work? work? District District a forum Commission Of Inquiry into Mismanagement, Uganda Limited sinceAbout 2004; Chairperson An of optimist Great Lakes by nature/ About An optimist by nature/ GovernorGovernor Ken Ken Mugisha Mugisha and and RI RI President President Ian Ian Abuse5 of minutes Office and during Allegations each of Corruptfellowship, Practices and other RiseleyRiseley5 minutes expect expect during us us to to eachbe be the the fellowship, best best Rotarians Rotarians and weother we Safaris and previously served on the Boardsnurture, of Afrique humble, nurture, humble, in the networkingUganda National opportunities Roads Authority. within delivering cancannetworking ever ever be be this this opportunities year. year. Let Let us, us, withintherefore therefore delivering get get ready ready Voyage Ltd [1999] Gold Trust Bank[1986]principled. and Casements principled. service to help encourage members to be a totoservice roll roll up up to our our help sleeves sleeves encourage and and serve. serve. members I I will will give giveto be you you a Africa Ltd [1988].Education University Degree Education University Degree aa promise promise that that the the more more you you will will serve serve with with a a Andrew haspart chaired of the the projects Boards of we two subscribe Government to. part of the projects we subscribe to. Professional Institute of Corporate DearDearProfessional members; members; Institute of Corporate willingwilling heart, heart, the the happier happier you you will will get get the the better better Agencies: Government Societies Governance of Uganda Societies Governance of Uganda youyou will will become become as as an an individual. individual. • Chairperson, Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) May TheThe New New Rotary Rotary year year is is here. here. How How fast fast it it • Andrew hasPast served Jobs as Member ofToyota the Government On To Toronto comes!comes!Past But But Jobs it it comes comes with withToyota hope. hope. It It comes comes with with WeWe Onare are going going T to too continue continue To using rusingo nthe the tNamuziga Namuzigao 2006 to July 2009 promises.promises. By By the the look look of of things, things, it’s it’s going going to to be be asas our our tool tool of of sharing sharing information information both both in in the the Audit committeeBuddy for Group Public Management SAGE Sector Rotary International Convention June 23-27, Buddy Group SAGE Rotary International Convention June 23-27, • Chairperson of the Uganda Retirement Benefits aa good good year. year. clubclub and and beyond. beyond. We We appeal appeal to to you you members members to to (Responsible for Ministry of Local Government, 2018 http://www.riconvention.org/en 2018 http://www.riconvention.org/en Family 2 Children Regulatory Authority (URBRA). He set up the Family 2 Children useuse this this opportunity opportunity to to write write articles articles or or share share any any II therefore therefore take take this this opportunity opportunity to to thank thank Ministry of Public Service, Public service Register (before Aug 2017) $345 suchRegistersuch information information (before that that Aug will will 2017)uplift uplift us us as as members members$345 Countries UK, World Traveler Authority during his first term between 31st August immediateimmediateCountries past past President PresidentUK, Stephen StephenWorld Travelerfor for leading leading Commission, Pensions Unit, Office of the Prime ofof the the club club and and Rotarians Rotarians altogether. altogether. Lived in 2012 Hotelto 1st September & Flight 2017. (by Now Nov serving 2017) a second $1,800 usus well wellLived in in the the in past past Rotary Rotary year year 2016/17, 2016/17, and and Hotel & Flight (by Nov 2017) $1,800 Minister, Office of the President and State House) Personal Networking 5 yearProcess term as Chairperson, Visa (by URBRA. Mar 2018) $238 toto warmly warmlyPersonal welcome welcome each eachNetworking one one of of you you into into this this ProcessMayMay we we Visaalways always (by be be willingMar willing 2018) to to do do that that which $238which we we [March 2008Interests to March 2013] Upkeep (suggested) $700 newnew Rotary InterestsRotary year year 2017/18. 2017/18. It’s It’s going going to to be be a a areUpkeepare asked asked to (suggested)to do. do. May May we we leave leave an an indelible indelible$700 mark mark • Member, Governing Council, Centre For Arbitration whereverwherever we we put put our our foot foot step step for for the the betterment betterment Social andTotal Cultural $3,083 yearyear of of greater greater friendships friendships and and love, love, greater greater Total $3,083 And DisputeFavorite Resolution Song(CADER) [2002-2008]“Think” by Aretha activity,activity,Favorite together, together, Song and and therefore “Think”therefore bygreater greater Aretha bonding bonding ofof human human kind, kind, may may we we serve serve well, well, so so we we can can Franklin (1968) • Member, Buganda Lukiko 1998 -2011 andand strength. strength. It’s It’s going goingFranklin to to be be a a year year (1968) of of greater greater makemake a a difference. difference. • Trustee, Kabaka Foundation 1999-2007 Mr. Kasirye has served on two Commissions of involvementinvolvement from from each each of of us, us, so so we we can can be be able able GodGod Bless Bless you you all. all. toto ‘’feel ‘’feel at at rotary.’’ rotary.’’ It’s It’s going going to to be be a a year year of of Inquiry: • Vice Chairman, Ebyaffe Committee 2006 growthgrowth in in terms terms of of numbers, numbers, but but also also growth growth as as Director The Rotary Foundation • Secretary, Rotary Club of Kampala 1998/1999 Director The Rotary Foundation • September 2005 to May 2006: Secretary to the individualsindividuals across across all all spheres spheres of of learning learning from from Joseph Tinkamanyire • Vice President, Rotary Club of KampalaFl a1999/2000via Miiro Nakayima Joseph Tinkamanyire Flavia Miiro Nakayima Commission of Inquiry into the Global fund for bothboth within within rotary rotary and and from from without without . . FrederickFrederick Kamya Kamya Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Malaria, TB and HIV Chaired by Justice James • President, Rotary Club of Kampala 2000/2001 PresidentPresident Tel: +256 772 200 304 Tel: +256 772 506 386 TheThe theme theme Tof ofel :the the +256 year year 772 is; is; Rotary:200 Rotary: 304 making making a a Tel: +256 772 506 386 Ogola. difference.difference. 4 Since May 20th 1957, District 9211, R.I Zone 20A RCKLA Rotary Club of Kampala WWeb:eb: wwwww.rotarykampala.comw.rotarykampala.org 3 SinceSinceSince May MayMay 20 2020ththth 1957 19571957,, , District DistrictDistrict 9211 92119211,, , R.I R.IR.I Zone ZoneZone 20A 20A20A RCKLA RCKLARCKLA Rota RotaRotarryryy ClubClub Club ofof of KampalaKampala Kampala WWeb: Webebeb:: :wwwww.rotarykampala.comww wwww.rota.rota.rotarrykampala.orgrykampala.orgykampala.org 1315