Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 79, No. 05
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THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC VOL. 79 AUGUST 6, 1943 NO. War Dead Mourned On ^Uil 9U44J^: Commander Black Leaves Service Cenfer Enferfains 3,000 Summer Baseball Begins The Summer Lake C" APPOINTED BY THE U, S. NAVY ^ :>^??«3^?r-^a^^^^W=?^^ Official Distributors of REGULATION UNIFORMS for Comm^issioned Officers of the U. S. Navy Commissioned Officers' Service Blue, ^40 Commissioned Officers' Raincoat- Overcoat (with removable r.'ool lining) ^37.50 THE.MODCRfi CI LB CRT'S 813 - 817 S. Michigan St. \ In South Bend TAXT FREE to The Modern Gilbert's J HE NOTRE DAME 5ZSJZ333333ZJ3 UAMAiMiAAii T SCHOLASTIC Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive NOW UNDER Quasi Cras Moritunis FOUNDED 1867 Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, ONE ROOF! Indiana. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, October 3, 1917. Authorized- June 25, 1918. I. \, BRUGGNER^S NEWS CENTER Q CIGAR STORE F. J. PEQUIGNEY, Editor 127 W. Washinston CX I 10 North Main St. EOBEET O'TOOLE Managing Editor DICK AMES Campus Editor In the J. M. S. Building JAMES SCHAEFFER Admin. Editor BILL CAREY Sports Editor Poif, I4i. a VUii JOHN MATTMILLER Circulation CHARLES RENAUD Staff Photographer V?9WTO?9WW9OT9q<?W99W?9W99??W7999WW99y?97?'A-9^^ EEV. C. M. CAREY. Faculty Advisor Features The Week IWm. Talbot and Specializing in the ex BUY WITH CONFIDENCE amination of the eyes. (Jamss CunniTigham at On The Campus Bud Ohman South Bend's Leading Jeweler Pressbox Splinters Bill Waddington The Ears Have It Vail Pischke Dr. E. J. Cain fj. A. Flanagan, H. D. Hart, J. V-7.. "(D. Schwendeman, J. E. Taylor OPTOMETRIST V-12 Joseph Plante N.R.O.T.C ..B.. Gilligan, J. D. Usina Marines Don Wilson Prompt Lens or Frame Repair A wide selection of service in our own laboratory. Desiroble Gifts 212 S. Michigan St. on display. Phone 4-8251 Use our lay-away plan. HOLD THAT HAIRLINE! Member of Catholic School Press Association, BUSINESS AND SOCIAL NOTRE DAME Associated Collegiate Press, Distributor of Col SUCCESS DEPEND ON legiate Digest. Represented for national advertis YOUTHFUL. VIGOROUS JACKETS and BLANKETS ing by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 APPEARANCE. LET OUR TRAINED GRADUATES Madison Avenue, New York City—Chicago—Bos EXAMINE YOUR HAIR ton—Los Angeles—San Francisco. THE SCHO AND SCALP. TREAT THE REAL CAUSE OF LASTIC is published thirty times during the school RECEDING HAIRLINE. year at the University of Notre Dame. Address all FREE EXAMINATION. manuscript to the Editor, 305 Sorin Hall or 121 TREATMENTS 51. OO. Administration Bldg., Notre Dame, Indiana. Sonneborn's Sport Shop Phone 4-1481 121 West Colfax Avenue Staff meetings in the Editorial Rooms, Old Ave Maria Building: Sunday through Wednesday at HARPER METHOD MEN'S SHOP South Bend, Ind. 7:15 p. m. ^JBZ zacs 2^ sz: 3[S 3CS 2Z= ss: 2Z i M The MARINES The Week By Don Wilson XSI 2!^ sac ^s: IXC 3JELJC "Next man! Unbutton your shirt and zcs szr ss: take off your belt!" the officer bellows. BY BILL TALBOT AND JIM CUNNINGHAM No, this time it isn't a physical exam or innoculations. In this long line there FROM HERE AND THERE DINING HALL are no shaking knees or gritting teeth. Instead, there are smiles and a general AND WHY NOT The dining hall certainly tries to out desire to prolong the procedure. The The most perplexed party on the cam do itself every Friday morning uath wisecracks are not the "whistling past pus last week was a local yokel in 387 those hot hardboiled eggs. And the sal the graveyard" sort that one hears while Dillon. It seems that the mailman left a ads we get—The oil that drips off them waiting for shots. draft board notice which granted him may come from Afghanistan, but the a six months deferment. Riddle: lettuce tastes like stuff from the now- "Hey, end of the line, bud!" yells a What is it that you can't see and can't forgotten Sorin Victory Garden. Oh, Marine O.C. (this can't be the line-up hear hut know is happening?—^Hulla well, so long as the chefs can still bring for shots.) baloo! What the Na\'y loves to see: their 0A\ai lunch to work, why should "You've lost a little weight around the Marine drilling exhibitions in front of they care? middle," says a man Avith a cloth tape Dillon at each noon chow.... The local • around his neck. "Look, I can put my tailor shop, where shirts are sewed on whole fist in, your pants have so much the buttons the laundry sends back. Is CULTURE slack." getting very, very particular about its Complaints from some of the intelli- "My belt fits," replies the O.C. "Also customers The EOTC and their new gentia on campus that few cultural op my necktie—I can't understand it!" uniforms. An optimistic sociology portunities were open to them at N. D. "Well, we'll fix you up all right. Hold prof trjing to conAunce a Marine private recently resulted in the beginning of a still, now," the tailor says as he reaches that his life span should reach 63 years. series of Sunday afternoon entertain for his tape. • ments. The first of these was held Sun A burly Marine private shouts laugh day, and in spite of the superb program, ingly, "Hey, Jeeves, I want my formal OUR UNSEEN AUDIENCE not enough people attended to fill out back not later than Saturday morning, know what I, mean?—And that's an Recently we received a little anony a fight card. On August 8 a second pro gram will begin in the Rockne at 4 order! I don't want to have to wear that mous note Avhich simply stated that we green zoot-suit in towm." should not try being so funny as Jack o'clock featuring a well knowni teacher- Yes, you've guessed it—the Marines Woelfle (our predecessor). Of course, author. The entertainments are open to soon A\all be wearing their two-toned tan we knew of the terrific audience that everybody on the campus, including the .summer uniforms. The pants and shirts Woelfle enjoyed, but we couldn't figure civilians. were being altered early this week and out which half of it sent us the sour the overseas caps were issued one size note. The note Avas so full of praise of too large to allow for laundering. The Jack that we didn't know what to make HOW TO KEEP FROM Notre Dame laundry must uphold its of it. But then Augustus Gump, our reputation for shrinkage, or the Blarines ghost-writer (who is employed in chas GROWING OLD will land on the shores of South Bend ing away publicity hounds), claimed he tomorrow with pillow-case headgear. recognized what hand the note was Try and get a public telephone be typed in. When he finished demonstrat tween 7 and 7:30 p.m Ask a 'Navy ing, there wasn't a doubt left in our man why he's fooling with a rifle on mind as to who it was. It sure had us Saturday afternoon. AVink at one N. R. O. T. C to Hold worried for a while, though. And, say, of the pretty gals who comes into the by the way. Jack, let us hear from you caf late in the afternoon Take some a "Juke Box Hop" again soon. dry cleaning in and ask to have it back The Unit Athletic Association of the • the next day.... Hide some of the NROTC will open its current social sea FIRE-BUGS roomie's mail for a couple of days son with a "Juke Box Hop" to be held in Ask one of the newly outfitted marines the Rotary Ballroom of the Oliver Hotel. Not all false alarms happen to be where his number is.... Two breks and Only ROTC men Avill be able to attend, blind dates in South Bend. In fact, very a milkshake, just for laughs. and entrance vnll be free to all those who few of those nmnbers will ever have to worry about setting the world on fire. are members of the Association, while But over in Dillon there's a diffeient those who have not paid their member To Mr. James Renner: story. Three times during the. past two ship fee will be charged one dollar. weeks some AAuseacre has stood out on We offer our apologies for the ar There'll be iio shortage of dancing- the deck, at about 21-50, and warned all ticle concerning you which appeared partners for the dance because more hands not to get undressed because in these columns two weeks ago. We than 50 U S 0 hostesses will be present, there was going to be an emergency fire sincerely regret that our intended each, one guaranteed to be a queen. A drill. We all waited patiently, but noth humor placed you in an unfavorable soft drink bar %\dll be located in the Blue ing happened — except that the lights light, and take this occasion to as Room for the convenience of the dancers. went-out. But we're used to the lights sure you that no malice was in ^ If this first venture is a success the going out, especially on Saturday night tended. Association Avail sponsor more and bigger when they go out about ah hour earlier The V-7 Reporters thingsfor the future, so all hands are than in other halls. urged to turn out for the festivities^ THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana.