Online Gaming a Gamble Or a Sure Bet?
INFORMATION, COMMUNICATIONS & ENTERTAINMENT Online Gaming A Gamble or a Sure Bet? KPMG INTERNATIONAL © 2010 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. All rights reserved. Foreword For thousands of years, people have been playing games of chance or wagering on the outcomes of various games and events. Today, that activity often takes place at casinos, game parlors, bookmakers and—increasingly—online. The online gaming market represents one of the fastest growing segments of the gambling industry. H2 Gambling Capital, a leading supplier of data and market intelligence on the global gambling industry, puts the size of the global online gaming market at about US$21 billion, hitting US$30 billion by 2012. But that may be just a drop in the ocean, considering that some of the biggest potential markets—such as the U.S., China, Japan, and South Korea—still prohibit many forms of gambling over the Internet. Market prospects could abound in the coming years. While it is difficult to predict political and legislative action, many markets that now ban online gaming could easily change their laws as a means of authorizing what is now an underground economy and increasing tax revenues—something that the current recession may be making more urgent. Another key opportunity may lie in the regions where online gaming is now legal. For example, KPMG firms are now starting to see a shift in online gaming regulations in Europe; state monopolies may now be giving way to privately owned websites, as we see beginning to occur in France, Italy, and Denmark.
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