Grant Woods Priorities For Drainage Projec __ ' I Give Go-Ahead ORATORIO SOCIETY OFFICIALS EXAMINE HANDEL SCORE To Discharge Onel

Sign to BeginPlans Officer, Three Me I For Construction for Economy's Sak WJJth the spreadmg on the tax roll and one clerk Wood. Clerk Phl1lP F Allard was Washmgton conferrmg With WPB of the 1944 45 bndget for the YIllage Records show fihat wlthm the in ll"eCelptof the long awaited prIor. OffiCIalS An mvestIgatIon has been of Grosse Pomte Park Jt has been four years the number of pohcel lty Monday, whJch was granted the carried on all these ffiorts have be dliScharged The dire shortage of pohceD1 the pnonhes necessary to construct been glven out by A A GhesqUlere, As stated m the report of the po- already eXIstIng 'n the Park such a project many have been In vJllage preSIdent, after he would re llee commISSIoner, the pohce depart agatn shown last Friday noon w celve the news ment IS to consIst of one chlef, five a call came mto the station Now that the pnorlty has been offIcers, 18 patrolmen, one matron porting a robbery Soon after Native Son Awarded receIVed the go ahead Sign for the desk officer aUlgned the one av Distinguished Flying plans have been gIven the engmeer able man to JnvestIgate, (the f- mg firm of Pate & Hlrn They are Juvenile Caught other patrolmen were on sch Cross in England now Mrongmg for the sale of bondo traffiC), an aCCident call was In the sum of $265000 which was Thru Watchfulness ported The desk officer was Mr and Mrs G W BolefCted,thereby mcreasmg the val~ pomtments wlth the- approval of of the purse m the rear of the house 1Son duty 19 and 20 In Scottlsh RIte cathedral ~lso reqUired for thiS oratorio WhICh POllnte Farms completed the mall keepmg only the money ualton of the v1l1age the conulUsslon Charles HeI'Se, VII Be$ldes the regular work '" of MasonIc Temple by the DetrOlt 18 said to be even more dramatrc m 111g'of P'1er permat apphcatlOns to the While the boy was bemg questlOn lage treasuretr, Wlllaun Stamman the officers perform they take Oratoflo soclety Members of the character than the mighty MesSIah 2200 homes In the vI11age and are ed by Stanley Enders of the detec~ vJ11age assessor, ClarIce VerLmden of trafflc at the schools at wed Farms Valuations Detr()l1t Symphony wJ!l form the or- of the same composer Despite ltS deputy clerk and v\111ham J John now planmng to Issue the permIts as bve bureau J Stevens of 1312 Wa) groeat popularity tn England and Its and funerals They must also p chestra, and solmsts WIll be J ennte apphcatlons are rece1ved burn came tn and reported a second son, deputy treasurer spec1al watch for the numd Tourel, famed Metropohtan mezzo~ successful performance In thIS coun Harry A Furton VIlage clerk un Ready for the theft he saId that a sum of mane) lomes VvhlCh are left vacant soprano formerly With the Qpera try by majOr oratOriO groups, It 1S der whose dlrectIon thiS work IS and war bonds had been taken from the oceupan ts are away on vaca Board of Review Coollque In Pans, Hardm Van beheved never to have been g1Ven m done says that 7410 permits were hiS home Fnday Enders, aftt'r False Applications The waterfront park actually Duersen, Ulllverslty of Michigan DetrOlt The first performance was Issued tn 1943 searchmg the boy found some mon CAPT WAYNE N BOLEFAHR qUlr-eSa speclal '\dtch especial! Franc s A Beaupre vlllage asses 1 m Convent Garden, London, 201 Res1dents are urged to return the -ey whIch totaled the sum stolen bass and d~rector of the May Fes May Result in Park weekends However With the fahr arnved overseas m October, sor for Grosse Pomte Farms, reports years ago apphcatlons as qu~c1dy as pOSSIbleIn from Stevens Returning to the Ste- val chOt'us. A very Crew tenor solo- number of men to be ava lable 1943 after completmg flymg trammg completlon of the 1944 assessment Ist of St Paul s Cathedral, and The featured solOIst, J enme Tou- Permit Revocation order to spread the work m the off vens home, the war bonds ""ere roll which he says wJ11 be almost bce off cIa!s aore wondenng ho at PlUe Bluff Ark, Randolph FIeld Ice over the perIod between now and found 1ll a rubbish contamer lU the reI, sang fOF eIght succeSSlve sea these deta Is are go ng to be han Tex and graduatmg from Moore IdentlcaJ WIth that of 1943 when Owns wIth the Opera COmique In Because: of the great numbet" of June 15 rear The quest on has been ra se FIeld, Tex He IS wth the e ghth aIr valuatIOns totaled $312509JO 00 ParIs She escaped Just ahead of the resIdents who false statements The boy v. as taken to the Juvenl1e DePetris Announces the exped eney of lower ng th9 force m England as a fighter pJ1Qt With practically no bmldlllg m the mvadIng NazIs, reachmg the Span In apphcatIons 1UpreVIOUSyears for home Tractor, Tractor, Who ke force and sacnfiemg the s He fhes a Thunderbolt and IS flight past year and personal valuations Victory Garden Plots lSthborder WIth the and of a frIendly permIts for Gr05se POlute Park s Had the Tractor? of the reSidents foo.-the sake of commander only slightly changed the VIllage 1$ taxl drIver Her first appearance m waterfront park, drastIc steps have Autos Collide nom} 1fany agree that If the Pr.eviously he has been awarded eXipenenemg the thIrd succeSSIve Are Still Available DetroIt was last November when she been taken by the vIllage commls- Farms poltce recelVed a call from get IS to be cut those posItions I the Alii." Medal and SlX Oak Leaf year of coostant valuatIOn sang wIth the Detr01t Symphony or- Sion to prevent thu; occurrmg agam an OffQCIalof the Grosse Pomte Hon~ Two automobdes were m a eolll A hmlted numbe1" of VIctory gar are to be ehmmated should be ~ Clusters He 1S23 a:nd was promoted The assessment roll w1l1 be sub chestra thlS year or Roll Assocla1:10n to the effect son tthiS week when a car dnven by other than the safety depart to captam pnor to leavmg for Eng mltted to the board of reVIew on den plots are aval1able In the CIty Joel Sage, chaJ.rman of the park that there were some boys drIvmg Ruth Schaefer, .3974 DevonshIre and Farms, whIle all aval1a.ble plots Accordmg to W K Kelsey, the of the community If the v land May 19 and 20 and durmg these commlttee repocted to the commIs- a tracto:r on the high sobool lawn collided WIth one drIven by Joseph have been taken 10 the Park accord Commentator for The Detrolt Ne¥.s clerk 1S elected by the reslden Captam Bolefahr IS marned to days persons deemmg themselves ag~ slon meetmg Monday nl1ght tnat When offIcers arnved, the boys lJad Wlllelm of 226 FIsher road on Char~ mg to V R DePetns, head of the the receptIon given to thIS CIVICen carr v on certd.m dut es why e1 the former Ruth Ohv-er who IS now gneved may have theIr assessments already he has Il."ecelvedseveral ap- dIsappeared levOlx near Harvard Grosse Pomte VIctory Garden coun terpnse by the pubhc WIll te~t another man dassufied as the hvmg With her parents m Larch reViewed phcatlOns for the permIts WhlCh he II whether DetroIt wants a choral or- age manager to do hlS work fOif mont, N Y H1S SIster Jean IS at Members of the board for 1944 cl1 lmO'oVlS to con tam untruths regard~ gamzat!on as heartIly as It wants a Church Petition for Vacation of Goethe Is ThIS IS the place to begm the tendmg Marymount college 111 Tar wh1ch mdudes the assessor, are Paul If more reSl dents 0f tearh P k want mg the number of persons m the d 11b symphony orchestra tmg Lt would seem rytown. N Y Franseth and T R Jeffs gar en space, arrangements Wl e famdy He asked that somethmg be made to open tracts for gardenmg done about thlS Opposed by Group of Neighbors Here on the recently acqUIred VIllage Thief Attempts Leshe Alexander, vt11age attorney, property at the foot of Three MIle offered an amendment to the ordI- A large representatIOn of the mary purpose of askmg for the va Local Ration Boar School Paper dnve Requests should be made thru Daring Daylight nance gmernmg the waterfront FIrst Ch/lSt a-n Reformed church lo~ cation of Goethe was to provIde ade~ Stress Ride-Sharin Wllbam G Stamman Village clerk R bb F 'I d park WInch states that park pertmts cated on Maryland between Char quate playground faclhtles for the There are some eight open plots tn 0 ery; 01 e wl11be cancelled 11 It 15 found that le'/lOlXand Mack avenue m the Park chIldren who attend the church s OfflC als of the Grosse Pomt the Farms whde III the Ctty only two the reSident gave false statements tn attended the VIllage comm1SSlOn school the Grosse Pomte Park t on board are urgJ. g more re51 Drive Tomorrow plots are avaIlable m the Cadieux A thIef was fOIled m hIS attempt applYIng for same meetmg Monday night to suppo t Chnstlan Day School t I to adopt the sha.rc elIde pro

Another of the monthly paper \leCtiOn or gIve It to a passmg school section and 10 m the Bon Secour to rob a Park home III broad day Mr Sage and the other coromlS theIr petlUon for the vacabon of Because of the lack of play 101' the OPJ\ has sa1d that B drIves conducted by the school ch11 chlld tract l~ght last Wednesday mormng May sloners agreed that thIS was the best Goethe which ltes east of Maryland ground faclht es both for the school C ration holders who don t dren. of Grosse Pomte wIll take I Art first It seemed qUIte a Job to ------3 and escaped from the house empty pOSSible solUtlOll to thIS all1mport. and whIch dIVIdes their two pIeces chIldren and for the neIghborhood theIr cars may find them' gas l' place tomoI'lfiOW (Fnday) when Iget use'