![Grant Woods Priorities for Drainage Projec __ ' I Give Go-Ahead ORATORIO SOCIETY OFFICIALS EXAMINE HANDEL SCORE to Discharge Onel](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
COMPLETE M-O-R-E LOCAL CIRCULAnON Onl" The REVIEW Gives Yoe LOCAL ADVERTISING I Coverage of ALL Homes In LOCAL NEWSMATrERI Crosse Pointe & Gratiot Twps. I BY CARRIER lOc A MONTH PH01'E LE. 11 VOL 20-No 40 CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY GROSSE POINTE PARK, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1944 Grant Woods Priorities For Drainage Projec __ ' I Give Go-Ahead ORATORIO SOCIETY OFFICIALS EXAMINE HANDEL SCORE To Discharge Onel Sign to BeginPlans Officer, Three Me I For Construction for Economy's Sak WJJth the spreadmg on the tax roll and one clerk Wood. Clerk Phl1lP F Allard was Washmgton conferrmg With WPB of the 1944 45 bndget for the YIllage Records show fihat wlthm the in ll"eCelptof the long awaited prIor. OffiCIalS An mvestIgatIon has been of Grosse Pomte Park Jt has been four years the number of pohcel lty Monday, whJch was granted the carried on all these ffi<lUths,numer- founi-that In the approprIatIon allot ficers has bee'! reduced from 3 VJllage by the WPB for the con- ous apphcatIons and forms have been ed for t.he pohee department, 11: wtll 1940 to 24 men for the cornmg Yi structIon ot£ the huge storm water, filled out, telephone calls have been be necessary to reduce the personnel (the latter number does not mc draInage and sewer proJect wmch made and the personal contact by of th.e pohce force by four men Two the matron or clerk) has been scheduled for Grosse Pomte Rep LOU1S Rabaut, have been to patrolmen are soheduled to leave be~ I Woods. the vlllage s advantage for obtalnmg fore June 1 whde one other IS to Emergency! ! ! !I Smce September, v~nage offICials t-he AA 3 pnonty Many hmes, leave by Aug lOne off1cer WIll also have made repeated effQfts to obtam however, d1scouragmg ret>orts have be dliScharged The dire shortage of pohceD1 the pnonhes necessary to construct been glven out by A A GhesqUlere, As stated m the report of the po- already eXIstIng 'n the Park such a project many have been In vJllage preSIdent, after he would re llee commISSIoner, the pohce depart agatn shown last Friday noon w celve the news ment IS to consIst of one chlef, five a call came mto the station Now that the pnorlty has been offIcers, 18 patrolmen, one matron porting a robbery Soon after Native Son Awarded receIVed the go ahead Sign for the desk officer aUlgned the one av Distinguished Flying plans have been gIven the engmeer able man to JnvestIgate, (the f- mg firm of Pate & Hlrn They are Juvenile Caught other patrolmen were on sch Cross in England now Mrongmg for the sale of bondo traffiC), an aCCident call was In the sum of $265000 which was Thru Watchfulness ported The desk officer was Mr and Mrs G W Bolef<lihr of voted by the Woods reSidents last of Neighbor Lady hged to tell those at the accld 403 St ClaIr were recently notfied Se~tember m a speCial electJon that they would have to walt u by theIr son, Ca.pt Wayne N Bole~ the above offIcer returned W The new p1"oJect WIll mclude the Because she was SUSpICIOUS0t a fahr, that he had been award the would have happened If aom construction of a new p'Umpmg sta- young lad reachmg lUto a neIghbor s DFC In ceremOnIes which took place had heen seriously InJured In tIon near Torrey road and Mtlk flV- w~ndow, a 16 y-ear old JuvenIle IS at hu b~se m England In March accident" Is the loss of a er to take ca~e of the southern half awaiting arraIgnment In Juvemle The DFC was awarded Captam worth the price of economy? of the vJ11age to mcrease the ,uze cotlrt on charges of breakmg and Bo-Iefahr for completmg more than ReView again states that the r of the pumpmg station at Marter entertng and larceny from a dwell SO successful aJr 2P1$S10nsof out- dents of Groue Poznte P and Hollywood and addmg two mg stand1ng ment over enemy terntory should vehemently protest the p large pump;s to properly take care of Shortly a,fter noon last Frtday A graduate orf West Pomt Ml1t~ posed f cuttIng" of the pohee fo Dhe northern half of the VIllage to Mrs Harry B Olmstea<l oi 1222 tary Academy m 1942, Captam Bole- cbnstifuct trunk hnes to properly con Wayburn saw the yout'h reach mto It was pOllted out that with I vert eXlshng sewers to t-hese 1m the wmdow and realtzmg that thIS proposed number of patrolmen I proved and new pumpmg statIOns, should be reported, she called pollce offIcers O11esergeant and SJXpo to clean out eXlstmg dItches, bulld and gave a descrlphon of the lad men would be aSSigned to a new dltches and clean out Mllk flY- ..- Sergeant Frank Snay responded to Became vacatIOn +Ime 1S nea er and l!!1crease the slze of openmgs SCORE of Handel's oratorio ~jSamaon,tt aoon to be given ita first 'kH:al perfonnance, Is being -e:lcamtnedby olficera of the Detroit Oh:torlo aocll6ty, the call He plcked up the youth at one pa trolman w-Quld always b under variOUS bndges and culverts sueces'or to the Grosse POinte Choral aocety Left to right, are Dr J C. Tapert, Gro .. e POinte Farms, Vice-preSident, Arthur Gnau mu,ncal di- Lakepb1llte and Kercheval and took vaeatlon and another would be I to partlclpate m some JOlnt dramage rector, WilHam J WeJ.pert, Gro .. e Pomte Woods,. .eeretary, .and OWell Owen, bbtroit, prealder1l of the SOCiety Raymond A. Warn:r, t!reasurerJ. him to the pollce staton where he mg hIS day off There WIll a1s work With the Wayne clUnty dram and Mn Margaret Weipert, hbra~, are not In the picture was later Identified by Mrs Olm~ S x weeks durmg the summer commISSIoner . stead Village President Makes only two sergeants would be The youth reached through the The construction program under. Further Appointments Here Farms Prepares for duty dunng a three ShIft day Present Oratorio May 19.20 wmdow of the Edwards home at way w111mean an addJtlona1 five to ThIS w111leave a workmg for 1944 Pier Permits 1216 Wayburn and stole a lady s SIX dollars In taxes yearly untIl the Ward S Van Deusen Park vlllage four patrolmen and one officer The ora-tono "Samson by George Thelma yon Eisenhauer, De1:1'OItso pocketbook He emphed the contents debt 1$ paId Oil" more bUl1dlllgs are preSIdent, made the fol1owmg ap mg the summer months If the Iff FrederIck Handel, WIll be sung May prano. Organ and harpSichord are Last week the village of Grosse e:re>Cted,thereby mcreasmg the val~ pomtments wlth the- approval of of the purse m the rear of the house 1Son duty 19 and 20 In Scottlsh RIte cathedral ~lso reqUired for thiS oratorio WhICh POllnte Farms completed the mall keepmg only the money ualton of the v1l1age the conulUsslon Charles HeI'Se, VII Be$ldes the regular work '" of MasonIc Temple by the DetrOlt 18 said to be even more dramatrc m 111g'of P'1er permat apphcatlOns to the While the boy was bemg questlOn lage treasuretr, Wlllaun Stamman the officers perform they take Oratoflo soclety Members of the character than the mighty MesSIah 2200 homes In the vI11age and are ed by Stanley Enders of the detec~ vJ11age assessor, ClarIce VerLmden of trafflc at the schools at wed Farms Valuations Detr()l1t Symphony wJ!l form the or- of the same composer Despite ltS deputy clerk and v\111ham J John now planmng to Issue the permIts as bve bureau J Stevens of 1312 Wa) groeat popularity tn England and Its and funerals They must also p chestra, and solmsts WIll be J ennte apphcatlons are rece1ved burn came tn and reported a second son, deputy treasurer spec1al watch for the numd Tourel, famed Metropohtan mezzo~ successful performance In thIS coun Harry A Furton VIlage clerk un Ready for the theft he saId that a sum of mane) lomes VvhlCh are left vacant soprano formerly With the Qpera try by majOr oratOriO groups, It 1S der whose dlrectIon thiS work IS and war bonds had been taken from the oceupan ts are away on vaca Board of Review Coollque In Pans, Hardm Van beheved never to have been g1Ven m done says that 7410 permits were hiS home Fnday Enders, aftt'r False Applications The waterfront park actually Duersen, Ulllverslty of Michigan DetrOlt The first performance was Issued tn 1943 searchmg the boy found some mon CAPT WAYNE N BOLEFAHR qUlr-eSa speclal '\dtch especial! Franc s A Beaupre vlllage asses 1 m Convent Garden, London, 201 Res1dents are urged to return the -ey whIch totaled the sum stolen bass and d~rector of the May Fes May Result in Park weekends However With the fahr arnved overseas m October, sor for Grosse Pomte Farms, reports years ago apphcatlons as qu~c1dy as pOSSIbleIn from Stevens Returning to the Ste- val chOt'us. A very Crew tenor solo- number of men to be ava lable 1943 after completmg flymg trammg completlon of the 1944 assessment Ist of St Paul s Cathedral, and The featured solOIst, J enme Tou- Permit Revocation order to spread the work m the off vens home, the war bonds ""ere roll which he says wJ11 be almost bce off cIa!s aore wondenng ho at PlUe Bluff Ark, Randolph FIeld Ice over the perIod between now and found 1ll a rubbish contamer lU the reI, sang fOF eIght succeSSlve sea these deta Is are go ng to be han Tex and graduatmg from Moore IdentlcaJ WIth that of 1943 when Owns wIth the Opera COmique In Because: of the great numbet" of June 15 rear The quest on has been ra se FIeld, Tex He IS wth the e ghth aIr valuatIOns totaled $312509JO 00 ParIs She escaped Just ahead of the resIdents who ma.de false statements The boy v.
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