David J. Urban, Ph.D., P.C.M. Office Contact Information Home Contact Information School of Business 2641 Laclede Avenue P. O. Box 844000 Henrico, Virginia 23233-2240 Virginia Commonwealth University 301 West Main Street Home: (804) 364-0667 Richmond, Virginia 23284-4000 Cellular: (804) 512-7153 E-mail:
[email protected] Office and Voice Mail: (804) 828-7158 FAX: (804) 828-1600 E-mail:
[email protected] OBJECTIVE Creative, results-oriented academic administrator, seeking a business school deanship drawing on strengths in internal administration and external affairs, and capitalizing on excellent writing, speaking and motivational skills. ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENTS Executive Associate Dean, School of Business, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2010--present Second-ranked administrator in a major collegiate business school accredited by AACSB International, with 3900 students (3100 undergraduate, 800 graduate), 112 full-time faculty, and an operating budget exceeding $27 million. Provide overall direction and decision-making regarding administrative structure and processes, academic affairs, physical plant and equipment. Serve as the direct representative of the Dean in academic, administrative, and personnel matters. Execute the strategic directives of the school, and directly supervise eight administrative staff members, including three Associate Deans. Report directly to the Dean. Professional Highlights: Led a cross-disciplinary team to design the concept for a new graduate school of management. Directed the development of a new strategic plan for the school. Coordinated all aspects of AACSB accreditation maintenance review, and co-authored the five-year maintenance reports for the school and the accounting program. Represented the school at more than 50 events for alumni, donors, and other supporters of the school.