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PRINCIPAL INDICTED★ * FOR ★ SHORTAGE ¥ OF 2S£E CCKLUBOI G 8 Fire Takes Third Mem(>er Of Mangum Family

ASKED TO BECOME GENERAL MGR. , Father Succumbs ^ m McLendon May To Injuries From Tragic Blaze (A A fire which wiped out half VOLUME 3 — No. 5 DWRHAM, N. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1962 PRICE: IS CmU of a Durham family three weeks RETURN REQUESTED Get Top Job ago claimed the third member of ihe family thia week. — John B. Mc­ ager until he actually saw the con­ Edward Mangum, 27, died in Lendon, who resigned this week tract. But he did indicate an in the Veterans Administration as coat’h of the Cleveland Pipers terest in the psrtion of the new hospital Tuesday, Jan. 30. He Carolina- Theater Segregation may step upstairs to a higher job proposal which would permit him was the .father of the family. in the Piper organization. to return to coaching the team Now the mf^er, Idrs. Hazel McLendon, at odds with Cleve­ next year. Mangum, is the lone survivor of land owner “1 prefer to coach," he said, Mangum as he appeared as a a disastrous fire which destroy­ for more than a season, finally re­ ^ e McLEPIDON, 6-A serviceman in 1955. ed the Mangum family home signed as coach of the team. at 205 West Enterprise St., in^ Issue To Face Council Monday pre (iawn hours of Jan. 13. He has been replaced by Bill HE FOUND KIDD BREWER * suffered severe bi The question of ttae segregated Sharman, former Boston Celtic and ouiir InJurtA * Carolioa Theater will again fa^ who coached the Los Angeles Jets made a vain attempt to r< tlie City Council Monday night before that team folded. I his two infant sons, trapped i' at its regular meeting as In a telephone interview with the TIMES Wednesday, the former their l>ed8 by the roaring .b tit of the Durham Yonh' flames. Ch^;iters of the NAACP will %. V ^ North Carolina College coach said that he has been offered the job The fire started from an oil appear to ask that the segre­ circulator whloh had been used gated policy of the theater be I; as Vice President and General Manager of the Pipers. to heat the Mangum home in dropped. See BLAZE, 6-A The youths had earlier asked His duties would l>e to help Unong other things in a peUtion promote interest in the sport in to the City Council, that the Cleveland and have charge of management o{ the theater be player personnel. itcnxied to discontinue the se­ “It sounds interesting. I don't Hardin to Face gregated policy in view of the know yet what the details are. I'm fict that the theater is looated to get a look at the contract to­ In city-owned property. i i j morrow (Thursday). Rap for Shortage The situation was referred tjiy tf|;Lendon said he expected to Mayor E. J. Evans to the May4)’’S make a decision soon after he ppm n^ttee on Human RelatipiWi sees the cntract. He indicated that Of $2,000.00 wiw reportedly last week, ask(e'4 he would have to decide quickly the City Attorney for a ruling because of other offers. SHELBY-A Cleveland County as to where the city legally This turn in events for the first principal this week was indicted tta^ids on the matter. Negro to coach in the profession­ by the grand Jury on a charge of However, City Attorney al ranks came on the heels of embenling money from t U ^ Claude V. Jones said Wednesday news which a]n>eared to cast Me school’s lunchroom funds. See C A aqaJN A , 8-A Lendon the losing end of a (barged by the Cla«Uad Coug ty grand 4ury UO , - ■ i ''" ie 49tiiabi'0ii^*^iubll^ an­ nounced his dissatisfaction with Wsco. _ ^ McLendon and hinted that he The grand Jury retur:; Named "Most wanted to fire him. true UU Tuesday to He blamed McLendon for not Court Judge George PattSh; Vriu' rr running away with the first half Ordered Hardin to face trial at the ^m'Ds oppoBTymTY — Mrs. Hall, a format sacratary Kennedy administration^ ap> championship in the eastern divi­ next term of court in April. Ha Influential was placed under $7S0 bond. Mr*. H«l*n Hall daught- at Southaastarn Business Col- proach to lha r4ca relations sion of the young American Bas- ■ ‘ WllSHINGTt)H,y "D. W f“ •r" 6f Mr. asd l«pc: T**"" "iB' enrrrotty m eom- issue. A reef ulier' for ^ tile fcetbaii league. ------l^ersW retaH y llalph BuAche Wait Hall, of .1210 pW*i> St., muniations dark for iha Stale State Department spent this Reports were that a growing Oscar L. Bridges, d4>year-old manl sign procuramaal act- in the. funds during an .investiga­ picked ks the iriost Influential Ne- h ^ . is typUal of flitf handrads Dapartmant in Washington. week In Durham trying to rift between Steinbrenner and Mc­ gas malar raadar, discovarad ivllias. Bridgas, who raads lha tion launched by'the county Ixiard gh> in Amerlcii by 500 top Wash- of young I^aj^OM'^Ho are fac­ The driva to slap up integra­ .interests clerks an4 steno­ Lendon had made things even lha blaadiag body of Kidd malar al Brawar's homa in of education. Hailiin has denied ih^on correspondents, virtually ing g iT M i new •mploymant tion of Nagroas in govarn- graphers in job opportiinities rougher for the former college Brawar, who allamplad lo com­ Ralaigh, Joinad a saarch for taking the money. ah o( thism white, accordirt'g to an 9pp0rtuniiiei o n various levels mant Jobs is considered by with that agency. Sea story, coiach. mit suicida laal waak. aflar him and was lha firsl le dis- It was reported that the audit article in the February EBOIcharge of sepcial markets, it was See BUNCHE, page 6-A react to the offer as General Man­ PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE Rhodes, succeeds John H. State College. College Chapter Leaders held nnounced Monday by Herbert L. ----- f— " r— — Sengstacke as president of the Before coming fb S. C. State, jiusre Siaturday. [Barnet, president. Publishers group. Sengstacke, he had taught for a numt>er of Vbrtudpatiiig also in the an­ The vice-presidency is a new veteran newspaperman, resigned See CHIPPEY, &A nual meet were Jack Greenberg, Money Granted post. Russell was promoted from Faculty Members Support CORE because of Increased rosponsi- NAACP chief legal counsel, director of special markets, which billties of his business. Mrs. Jblie Wright, southeast re­ oordinates its activities with Pep­ GOT MOHIY to BURf4T gional youth secretary, Kelly RUSSELL si bottlers throughout the United BRADEN AND WILKINSOIT Alexander, president of ttie States. Members Ousted at Southern II. For Paid Youth RELEASED FRQM PRISON North CaroUna NAACP, and In his twelve year carenr with BATON ROUGE, U .—140 facul­ taken against Southern University Charrles A. McLean, North Caro­ Pepsi-Cola Company, Russell has ty members at Southern Univer­ students for their demonstrations ALLENWOOD, PA. — Carl lina field secretary. successfully completed several Icey sity, the nation's largest, express­ and feel here is a need for a con­ Braden and Frank Wilkinson Secretary in N.C Current, in his address to the were released today from the Georgia School. assignments in the domestic and ed support for CORE demonstra­ structive reappraisal of the pres­ OHAHLOTTE The NorlhiJ?''®“ P’ NAACP international fields. tors expelled from the Univer­ ent policy regarding stuJent par­ Federal Prison Camp here, after Carolina State Conference ofT '“*^® decided that we are going sity. The University has a faculty ticipation in such protest. Wc af­ serving nine months of one-year the NAACP at. Its annual ijieetr to fight everything that is dis­ To Readmit He is the son of the late Harvey sentences for contempt of the C. Russe.ll, Sr., a well known edu­ of approximately 300. firm the sacred right of every ing of state and branch o«ficials *criminatory.” He urged that American citizen to hold and ex­ House Un-American Activities cator in the state ot Kentucky. In The faculty group said they con­ Committee. and youth council and coUegetNAACP branches “get the facts, press opinions any State President W. H. tendance. Mrs> McClain, currently ported that approximately half strations are Ihe c*«i«e of the to Abolish the Un-American 'd tu lfM . < ^ clessHied section ttie request by the youth con- too long where his Dennis sent letters to the students a teacher at Lounivillc Central the student body was boycotting eipvlslon. Activities Conunittee. llwws roewNs. Call ws first if fprence and appropriated $500 i 'are concerned,” Current telling them that they- may be re­ High School, resides at 2345 West classes. la suspending seven, the univer y«H need a help ad er a to be used on a trial basis. “You must get j»ut and admitted. Chestnut Street in I..ouisville. The faculty resolution address­ sity said, it acted on a state ALBANY NEGROES ADDED fce«se te sell or rant or if you p ra ise hell everyday in an ef- Charles McDew, SNCC Chair­ Other members of the Russell ed to University president Felton regulation that says students who TO BOYCOTT CITY fce^ any aarriee ta offer. Hie field secretary, accrodingl*ort to get your rii^ts. We man, said that the suspension of family a sister. Dr. Randa Russell, G. Clark said: have been arrested for miscon BUSINESSES POK CLAMI^ID SIRVICS to Edward Opton Jr., pre»identl«^n* Negroes working every- the students after they partiripsi- Professor of Physical Education at “Wc are opposed to racial seg­ duct and whose cases have not ALBANY, GA.—NegroM in X ■ e i the youth group, will b«"'vhere we are spending money,” ed in antisegrpgation demonstra- North Carolina A. and T.. Greens- regation and discrimination. We yet been resolved cannot attend this South G«forgia d ty Sea MONEY, 6-A “RAISE HELL”, 6-A See tiUiiPENDED, d-A . See PEPJSCOLA, 6-A regret the action whlcb hu be«D state colleges. SM NXWb BRlXf'S, «-A