Copyrighted Material
Index Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations Abreu, Bobby, 4 Baltimore Orioles (baseball team), 116, Adams, Colonel Jerry, 45–46, 48, 50 118, 120, 178, 206, 216, 226, 233, Adams, Jack, 74–75, 84–85 292, 294, 296, 306 Agassi, Alex, 61 Banks, George, 100 Akins, Woody, 75 Bannister, Floyd, 219 Alessi, Phil, 344 Barber, Ket, 17–19, 21–22, 24 Alexander, Doyle, 116, 163, 215–16 Barfi eld, Jesse, 250 Alexander, Jason, 158, 269–72 Barnett, Dick, 72, 75, 77 All-America Football Conference, 27 Barnhill, John, 72, 75 Allen, Maury, 138–39 Barrow, Ed, 104–5 Alston, Walter, 164, 175 Bartlome, Robert, 124, 127–29 Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), 73 baseball, game of American Basketball League (ABL), and TV network broadcasting, 314–15 74–75, 80–81, 86–87 reserve clause, 164–65 American Hawaii Cruises company, 265 Baseball Hall of Fame, 259, 336 American League (baseball), 27, 99, 105, baseball strike (1981), 205–6 107, 117, 119, 143, 145, 178, 285, baseball strike (1994), 259 293, 330 Bass, Kevin, 250 American Ship Building Company, Bauer, Hank, 142 93–95, 99, 101, 122–29, 132, Baxter, James Phinney, III, 27 134–35, 230, 261–67, 275, 337 Baylor, Don, 166, 223, 231–33, 238 Andrews, Dave, 26 Beardsley, Jim, 20 Angelos, Peter, 292 Beattie, Jim, 186 Antonelli, Johnny, 99 Bennett, Joe, 10–11, 65, 67, 103 Aramboles, Ricardo, 305 Bergesch, Bill, 207, 217, 219 Arizona Diamondbacks (baseball team), Berk, Howard, 108, 111–12, 180 288, 306 Berra, Yogi, 2, 148, 154, 173, 188, 193, ARod. See Rodriguez, Alex 221, 225, 227–31, 312, 333 Atlanta Braves COPYRIGHTED(baseball
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