The University of Angie Mifsud – Senior Manager, Research Support Services Malta, May 2021

website: 1 Malta

Malta Facts

1) There are 5 islands: Malta, , Comino, and Comminotto 2) Official languages are Maltese and English 3) Valletta, capital, is one of the most concentrated historical areas in the world, according to UNESCO. 4) Location of the oldest temples in the world (3600 BC) – Hagar Qim 5) Calypso Cave is said to be the cave that Homer wrote about in The Odyssey 6) Comino population is 3 people

May 2021 website: 2 L-Università ta’ Malta

May 2021 website: 3 L-Università ta’ Malta

Overview • Highest teaching institution in Malta • Publicly funded • 11,500 students • 1,000 international students from 92 different countries • 450 visiting students • 3,500 students graduate in various disciplines annually

The Faculties, Institutes, Centres and Schools • 14 Faculties • 18 Institutes • 13 Centers • 3 Schools

May 2021 website: 4 MSCA PF history

Before: no proposals awarded! Now: 2018: 1 IF awarded 2019: 3 IF awarded 2020: 5 IF awarded with 80% above threshold (20 proposals, 16 above threshold, 5 funded) MSCA PF current status

A number of Expressions of Interest are published on our website: • Chemistry • Economic Sciences • Environment and Geosciences • Information Science and Engineering • Life Sciences • Mathematics • Physics • Social Sciences and Humanities Contact the relevant supervisor if interested, putting RSSD in copy Next steps

Matching MSCA fellows with UM hosts Grants week 2021 MSCA day 6th July 2021 MSCA training session 9th July 2021 Registration open! Research Support Services Directorate

May 2021 website: 8 Mission Statement

“The mission of the Research Support Services Directorate is to provide comprehensive support to academics on all aspects of undertaking excellent research.”

To this end, the RSSD supports activities that are similar across all faculties, institutions and associated centres through provision of core and shared services.

To support staff at the university in all aspects of research from obtaining funding to undertaking experimental work.

May 2021 website: 9 One-stop shop

May 2021 website: 10 RSSD Two Pillars

Research Funding Research Laboratories

• Prospecting • GLP / ISO / SOP / OHSA • Pre-award • Quality Assurance • Proposal writing and submission • Haz Mats • Publications/Conferences • Waste Management • Project Management • Environmental Awareness • Networks • Inventory/Assets Management • Internationalisation • Purchasing / Invoicing • … • Procurement • RRI • Industrial Outreach (->KTO/MUC)

May 2021 website: 11 Thank you for your attention.

If you have any questions, now is the right time to ask! Contact me on the details below for further info:

Logo Placement Area Angie Mifsud (+356) 2340 3151

/um.rssd [email protected]