M E D I a G U I
MEDIA GUIDE NYRA.COM Created more than 60 years ago so that New Within four years, the NYRA had demolished York State could share in the boom in racing the old Aqueduct and in 1959 opened the that followed World War II, The New York modern Aqueduct Racetrack. Jamaica Race Racing Association, Inc., (NYRA) holds the Track was closed the same year. From 1963 exclusive right to conduct racing at Aqueduct through 1968, Belmont Park was shuttered Racetrack, Belmont Park, and Saratoga Race while a new grandstand was built. Course until 2033. In 2012, at the direction of Governor Andrew NYRA tracks are the cornerstone of the Cuomo, a temporary, publicly controlled body state’s thoroughbred business, which contrib- was put in place to transform management of utes more than $2 billion annually to New thoroughbred racing in New York. York State’s economy. BOARD OF DIRECTORS In 2016, Saratoga continued to shine with a Michael J. Del Giudice, Vice Chairman record paid attendance of 1,123,647 during Michael Dubb the spectacular summer meet. The previ- C. Steven Duncker ous year at the Spa, on-track paid attendance Bobby Flay broke the one million mark for the first time Marc Holliday since 2003, with a total of 1,065,625. Stuart S. Janney, III Georgeanna Nugent Lussier Overall in 2016, more than 1.7 million attend- Earle Mack ed the races at Saratoga, Belmont and Aque- Chris Mara duct with gross total handle on NYRA races Robert Megna exceeding $2.2 billion. Leonard Riggio Andrew Rosen While staging just over 5 percent of all races Joseph Spinelli run in the United States in 2016, wagering on Stuart Subotnick NYRA’s races again accounted for more than Vincent Tese 20 percent of all monies bet on thorough- bred racing in the United States.
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