KENNEDY N EARING PRESIDENCY GOP Retains Grip Case Is 331 Electoral Vote on County, District an Easy Is His Possibility
Distribution •'•'••/ Today UONDAV JHMUCH FHIDM-tST. tm 17,875 VOL. 83, NO. 92 lamed Daily, Monday through Friday, entered as Second Class Matter BY CARRIER at tbi Post OU1» at Red Bank, N. J., under the Act ol March 3. 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1960 7c PER COPY 35c PER WEEK PAGE ONE KENNEDY N EARING PRESIDENCY GOP Retains Grip Case Is 331 Electoral Vote On County, District An Easy Is His Possibility FREEHOLD — In traditionally Mr. Auchincloss piled up a 14, III LIJ'TIV Republican Monmouth County 000-vote margin over Katharine Winner the GOP won a majority of local Elkus White in Monmouth, Ocean NEWARK (AP) - U. S. Sen. Associated Press nationwide returns at 7:45 a.m. offices, held tight control of the and the southern half of Middle- Clifford P. Case, re-elected to a EST from 136,599 of 166,094 voting units: sex Counties. These totals were Board of Freeholders, and con- second term easily over Demo- Kennedy 29,265,092 (50.6 per cent). tributed substantially to re-elec- reported by the county clerks: crat Thorn Lord, today stands tion of Rep. James C. Auchin- White Auchincloss second only to President Eisen- Nixon 28,624,034 (49.4 per cent). closs in the Third Congressional Monmouth 60,305 74,764 hower as a vote-getter in New Kennedy led in 23 states with 331 electoral votes; District. Ocean : 19,097' 29,962 Jersey. Nixon in 26 states with 192; needed to win 269. Middlesex 42,191 30,918 While Democratic presidential candidate John F.
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