Distribution •'•'••/ Today UONDAV JHMUCH FHIDM-tST. tm 17,875 VOL. 83, NO. 92 lamed Daily, Monday through Friday, entered as Second Class Matter BY CARRIER at tbi Post OU1» at Red Bank, N. J., under the Act ol March 3. 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1960 7c PER COPY 35c PER WEEK PAGE ONE KENNEDY N EARING PRESIDENCY GOP Retains Grip Case Is 331 Electoral Vote On County, District An Easy Is His Possibility FREEHOLD — In traditionally Mr. Auchincloss piled up a 14, III LIJ'TIV Republican Monmouth County 000-vote margin over Katharine Winner the GOP won a majority of local Elkus White in Monmouth, Ocean NEWARK (AP) - U. S. Sen. Associated Press nationwide returns at 7:45 a.m. offices, held tight control of the and the southern half of Middle- Clifford P. Case, re-elected to a EST from 136,599 of 166,094 voting units: sex Counties. These totals were Board of Freeholders, and con- second term easily over Demo- Kennedy 29,265,092 (50.6 per cent). tributed substantially to re-elec- reported by the county clerks: crat Thorn Lord, today stands tion of Rep. James C. Auchin- White Auchincloss second only to President Eisen- Nixon 28,624,034 (49.4 per cent). closs in the Third Congressional Monmouth 60,305 74,764 hower as a vote-getter in New Kennedy led in 23 states with 331 electoral votes; District. Ocean : 19,097' 29,962 Jersey. Nixon in 26 states with 192; needed to win 269. Middlesex 42,191 30,918 While Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kennedy won * • Heart Attack Total 121,593 135,644 New Jersey's 16 electoral votes, "One district missing. Case bucked the tide to lead WASHINGTON (AP) Democratic Sen. John F. Incumbent Freeholder Earl Lord 1,402,703 to 1,093,811 with Hospitalizes Woolley, seeking his fifth term, 4,087 or the state's 4,291 districts Kennedy moved to the threshold of the presidency led the race for the Freeholder reported. today with a hairline lead over Republican Vice Presi- board. Elected with him was Only Eisenhower's total of 1,- Charles I. Smith, vice president dent Richard M. Nixon. Mrs. Hunting 600,942 votes in 1956 topped of the Allentown National Bank. Case's total. Case surpassed the The 43-year-old Massachusetts senator, who RED BANK — Mrs. Corrine Mr. Smith will succeed Victor previous performance of Demo called on America to move ahead, seemed on the Mason Hunting, 65, of 882 River E. Grossinger, Middletown, who cratic Gov. Robert B. Meyer and Rd., Fair Haven, is in critical did not seek re-election. verge of putting some new marks in the record books condition in Riverview Hospital topped both Kennedy and Nixon Defeated were Mayors Karl K. in yesterday's election, no( to by becoming the youngest today after suffering a heart trend of the vote count continued Baron of New Shrewsbury and mention Lord. man and the first Roman attack at her home last night E. Donald Osborn of Manasquan. without significant change "Sen. Early Lead Hospital authorities said Mrs. The vote: Woolley 74,955; Catholic elected to the na- Kennedy will be the next presi- Hunting was brought to the hos- The liberal, 56-year-old Railway dent of the United States." Smith, 71,694; Osborn, 57,485, and THERE WAS A CHANGE — Democratic candidates were discussing a clean sweep in lawyer look a lead in the re- tion's highest office. pital at 8 p.m. by the Fair Haven Baron, 56,686. Mrs. Nixon, fighting to hold First Aid Squad. New Shrewsbury last night when this picture was taken, but a count of absentee bal- turns five minutes after the polls But Kennedy went tn bed back the tears, stood at his side Mr. Auchincloss gained his closed at 8 p. m. and widened Mrs. Hunting's husband, Tony without claiming, victory, as the Republican candidate 10th term. It was one of his lots eliminated Francis L. Cooper, left, as a winner in the race for a Borough Coun- his margin until it was over 300,- E. Hunting, was a Fair Haven although Nixon himself smilingly thanked those who had closest contests though his mar- cil seat. Incumbent Mayor Karl K. Baron, center, and Robert L. Davidson, were 000 votes. councilman for 38 years prior gins in traditionally Republican forecast a likely Kennedy tri- worked for him in the feverish By 10 p. m. the verdict was to his resignation in June after Monmouth and Ocean counties elected on the Democratic ticket. Republican Lawrence R. Malone drew enough umph based on the early morn- day and night campaigning that clear, Lord conceded at 11:03 ended for both candidates with being defeated by Eugene Mages were in line with previous major- absentee ballots to drop Mr. Cooper. ing trend. In the Republican mayorality ities. His loss in Middlesex was p. m. and Case made his victory yesterday's record balloting. statement 40 minutes later. primary. greater than in recent cam The vice president did not Nixon said he wanted Ken- Mr. and Mrs. Hunting were paigns, but did not approach the The victory, the 13th straight finally concede defeat in a (3:15 nedy to know that if he does be- vaudeville performers on the anticipation of the Democratic without a defeat in Case's 23- a.m.) television appearance from come President "he will have Keith-Albee circuit and were act- camp. Red Bank Area Ballots (See CASE, Pg. 3) Los Angeles. He said that if the my wholehearted support." ive in the affairs of the old It'was Mrs, White's first at- At Hyannls Port, Mass., Ken- Players Boat Club. tempt for federal office. She had nedy avoided making any state- three times been elected mayor ment on the returns which KNIESLER RE-ELECTED of Red Bank and had once GOP Makes Slight showed him with a narrow pop- sought, unsuccessfully, a position Produce Mixed Results ular vote lead over Nixon but UPPER FREEHOLD TOWN with the possibility he would SHIP — Republican Fred C. on the County Board of Freehold In the Red Bank area, Demo- lector, paced the entire ticket Gray was re-elected and then ers. wind up with substantially Kniesler was re-elected to the crats and Republicans alike won with 3,247 votes. appointed a judge, he would re- Gains in Congress more than the 2(9 electoral Township Committee, defeating She is chairman of the New some tight races, both parties Councilman Thomas Oakley sign and his replacement would votes needed to make him the Milton Klink, 599 to 221. Jersey Highway Authority which had some runaways and absentee was elected to his seventh con- be named by the Borough Coun- fourth Democratic President of Nelson McGinnis, unopposed operates the Garden State Park ballots determined one winner in secutive term with 2,955 votes. cil. Mr. Nicosia said this would WASHINGTON (AP) — Solid manships and be in position lo the 20th Century. for election as township clerk, way, and is president of the New Shrewsbury in heavy voting Dr. Lawrence R. Burdge, who deprive the people of a chance Democratic majorities will con- team up with Republicans Kennedy, who campaigned on polled 607 votes. He is a Republi Board of Managers of Marlboro yesterday. replaced Everett C. Baynton on to vote for their choice for ma- trol the Senate and the House against legislation they dislike, the theme that the country had can. State Hospital. Democrat Milton Kosene, who the governing body last month, yor. when the new 87th Congress con Senate Democratic leader Lyn- lost prestige abroad and had stood lost by 12 votes in his bid for the drew 2,875 ballots for an unex- Mr. Nicosia also said that an- venes Jan. 3, don B. Johnson of Texas won still at home under the Eisen- mayoralty last year, was elected pired one-year term. nouncements last week of plans The Democrats quickly nailed re-election to the Senate, but was hower administration, carved out by 42 votes in Fair Haven. Councilman Harry Malchow, for a new railroad station and down control of the Senate in prepared to resign to assume the his apparent victory in the Long Branch Votes Incumbent Republican Mayor who has served since 1941, was development of the Farr tract yesterday's election. And by 3 vice presidency. larger industrial states. o'clock this morning, they had George A. Gray nearly was up- given 2,858 votes.. , . on the Westside into a combin- Big J Back Of the biggest aeven, he won set in Red Bank before winning Those tallies do not include ation cultural center and park captured more than half of the The big three in the House, 437 House seats. or led in New York, California, by 49 votes. absentee ballots. were "obviously political things." Speaker Sam Rayburn, D-Tex.; Government Change Nonetheless, with returns still Michigan, Illinois, Pennsylvania Voters in Sea Bright swept out Big Drop Each Take S Districts the majority leader, Rep. John and Texas. Only Ohio out of The heavy voting accorded Mr. incomplete, it appeared the Re- LONG BRANCH — Fifty years sheriff's deputies patrolled poll two incumbent Republican Bor- Mr. Nicosia carried two other W. McCormack, D-Mass., and this group favored Nixon. of commission form government ing places but no disorder was ough Council candidates. Nicosia faded when residents publicans had dented the top t h e Republican leader, Rep. districts other than the Westside heavy margins the Democrats In 27 governor's races the here was overthrown yesterday apparent.
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