Gulf Coast Woodturner December 2020 Newsletter

President’s Corner 2021 dues are due. Please renew your membership if you haven't already. You can go to our website and use a credit card, preferably yours, or send a check in care of Walter Mooney. The Ornament Exchange will be different this year. The deadline for photo entries is December 14th. Camp Hope is a residence program for combat veterans with PTSD. GCWA has donated pens made by members, later did a demonstration, and most recently conducted a pen class with four at their facility. We will conduct another pen turning class there the afternoon of January 16th and could use additional volunteers. Please contact me or Walter Mooney about helping our vets. Gold Gallery: Photos of your projects should be sent to Scott Haddix for inclusion in your section of the Gold Gallery on our website. Formerly, Show and Tell ribbon winners were automatically added to the gallery. Now we ask that you take a photo of each project and submit it. Speaking of photos, in the Members Only section of our website there is a Gallery of Rogues ie. GCWA members. This is where you can browse the photos to refresh your memory, especially since it's been so long since we have met in person. It may also be used to find the name associated with a face you recognize. About half of the members have photos posted. If you are absent from the gallery please take a selfie and email it to our webmaster, Scott Haddix. When you join our online meetings it would be nice if you "join with video". It is more like a meeting when we can see each other and using video does not degrade the session. Our January meeting will be the 16th, the normal third Saturday and will be a Zoom session. The Mendenhall Community Center is always closed the third weekend of January so we had previously reserved the 23rd, but now that's not happening. I hope we can soon return to meeting in person and have donuts together. If you can't make it to the Saturday morning meeting, we offer another opportunity to join other club members to enjoy an evening with a demo via the IRDs at the Virtual Open Shop. An email is sent prior to each meeting with the Zoom link. Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas and to some, Happy Hanukkah. Chuck Graham Click HERE to pay your dues online or send a check for $25.00 to: GCWA,%Walter Mooney, PO Box 800214, Houston TX 77280-0214

January GCWA Board Meeting The meeting will held via Zoom conference call on January 4th at 7:00PM. If you are interested in attending please contact one of the Board Members for the Zoom access information.

Page 1 of 15 November Presentation - Lyle Jamieson

In case you missed November’s presentation Lyle had an excellent presentation on making a small hollow form using his Hollowing System. Many more pictures can be found HERE on the GCWA website. Lyle’s website can be found HERE

Page 2 of 15 General Information - George Kabacinski Open Shop Night - Cypress We are continuing with the SECOND TUESDAY (Virtual) Open Shop meet ups. The December meet up is already passed. We set yet another new record for member participation for the Virtual Open Shop format with 64 participants! That is a whole lot more than would fit in my shop for an actual meet up. We had a great demo by turner/artist/author/educator and all-around nice person, Linda Ferber. Linda shared her techniques, methods, and tools she uses for carving small turned objects into fanciful art pieces. Linda graciously allowed us to record her demo for member only viewing. We will get it edited and loaded so members can access it through the member only section of our web site. Plans are to continue the Virtual Open Shop format for members utilizing IRDs until such time that it is safe to go back to meeting in person. So, at least for a few more months. Watch your email for the announcement of our guest demonstrator for the January VOS on Tuesday, January 12, 2021. That is, of course, the SECOND TUESDAY. Doing a quick video of your shop, a special tool or jig are all excellent ways to bring others to your shop using the wonders of virtual meetings. If you have any suggested topics for future VOS Zoom sessions, would like to be a presenter, or wish to submit photos or videos for inclusion in an upcoming VOS ring up George Kabacinski or drop a note to [email protected]

Click HERE to pay your dues online

GCWA 2020 HOW Class Update - George Kabacinski

We are moving forward with the first Live Remote Hands-On class with CINDY DROZDA. Some updates to the information published last month are listed below. Registration is OPEN. We need 10 students. At present we have five openings. The registration fee is $75.00 per student. Additionally, the board has approved a ‘audit’ classification for this class. The fee to ‘audit’ the class is $50.00 per person. Individuals who audit the class will have the microphones muted for the entire class and will be limited to a single connection. • Topic: Gilding • Instructor: Cindy Drozda • Date: Saturday, January 2, 2021 • Time / Duration: Probably starting at 9:00 am and going for six hours with a break for lunch. • Class Size: Ten hands-on participants. • Project: Each student MUST have their own project ready for gilding in the class. Instructions on preparing the project piece will be provided this week. • Pricing: $75 for each hands-on participant; $50 for each person auditing the class. • Materials: Logistics for materials is especially challenging with the combination of Covid and the holiday season. Therefore, we will provide a list of student supplies needed for the class as well as sources. Students will be required to secure their own supplies for the class. We expect to have the supplies list available in a couple of days. • Registration: OPEN. Please send an email to the address below if you would like to participate in this class and indicated whether you will be a hands-on student or will audit the class. If you have any questions, please reach out to the address below. Please note the ability to ‘audit’ this class is deemed practical only because of the nature of this being an on-line format. There should be no expectation that auditing hands-on face-to-face classes will be provided when we return to that format post Covid. As always, if you have an idea for the GCWA HOW class or would be interested in teaching a HOW class please contact George Kabacinski or Chuck Graham or drop an e-mail to [email protected]

Page 3 of 15 GCWA Meeting Presentations - George Kabacinski

The year of 2020 is rapidly coming to a close. Wow! Will you miss 2020? It certainly has been ‘different’. One of the changes in 2020 have been our reliance on Interactive Remote Demonstrations. It seems the majority of our members like the format, given the limitations of not being able to meet in person. It does let us have a chance to interact a bit as a group, and recently we have been seeing a number of international turners that we may not have been able to bring to Houston as readily as having them join us on Zoom. I think that is a good thing. So maybe there has been some good in 2020 after all. Due to a death in the family, Glenn Lucas had to postpone his scheduled demo for our November virtual meeting. It’s a part of life and is hardly ever on our timeline. As it turned out, it was only days before our meeting. We were able to book Lyle Jamieson who joined us from his studio in Traverse City, Michigan. It was great that Lyle was able to fill the gap on such short notice. We had a good crowd and there was good feedback on Lyle’s demonstration. Upcoming Meeting Presentations include: • December 19, 2020 – We have scheduled French turner / carving artist Laurent Niclot to provide a demo on his awesome miniature teapots. Laurent is actually in the states and will be broadcasting his demo from this side of the pond. His miniature teapots are fantastic creations, and he drew a large crowd when I his demo at an AAW Symposium a couple years back. This should be another great demo from yet another international turner. Being the last of our meetings this year, it’s a great time to drop in if you haven’t yet experienced the Interactive Remote Demo format. Check out Laurent’s website at http://laurent- • We are awaiting a reply from Glenn Lucas on rescheduling his demo and we will get that on the calendar as soon as possible. While it does appear we will be able to return to face-to-face meeting sometime in 2021, we will continue to use the virtual meeting format and remote demos for at least a couple more months. A broadcast e-mail will be sent with the virtual meeting connection information to all GCWA members. This will be sent two days prior to the virtual event and again the morning of the event so it is fresh in your Inbox. This would be a good time to pay your 2021 Dues so you stay on the email distribution.

GCWA DVD loan by mail - Chuck Graham We are starting a pilot program to loan DVD'S to GCWA members and send them by mail since we have not been meeting physically. The cost will be $7.00 to cover outgoing postage, return postage and envelopes. Our DVD librarian is Rene Gonzalez and he will have a list of DVD'S posted in the members only section of our website. This will be an inventory and all titles may not be available. A current member may select up to three DVD'S from the list and email Rene their selection. You will be notified if they are currently available and if not, ask you to make another selection. The DVD'S will be set aside until payment is received, but held no more than two weeks. Upon receipt of payment the librarian will mail your selection along with a postage paid and addressed return envelope. The fee will be $7.00 whether you select 1, 2 or 3 DVDs and they should be returned thirty days after you receive them. Media Mail may take eight days. Payment may be made by credit card through our website or by check payable to GCWA and sent to: Rene Gonzalez 11314 Sagewillow Ln Houston , TX 77089 If the the DVD'S are not returned and you have been notified, then a fee of $25.00 each will be charged so that we may acquire replacements. Please contact Rene or me about returning previously borrowed DVD'S that would have normally been returned at a meeting. We will also begin calling to remind those with outstanding DVD'S. We will evaluate the efficacy of this program as we go along and make changes as necessary. Hopefully we may begin meeting in person in the not too distant future.


Page 4 of 15 Annual Ornament Exchange Photos (received by publication time)

Page 5 of 15 December Meeting Ornament Exchange - Walter Mooney GCWA has, for many years, held an annual Ornament exchange at the December meeting. All the many cautions and precautions we've all been experiencing and dealing with in 2020 have forced us, as a club, to hold only virtual meetings for the last nine months. But we still want to have an ornament exchange, which has always been a significant annual event, so the Board has devised a plan to maintain this treasured tradition. To simplify this exchange as best we can, we must limit the exchange this year to one ornament per member. Make one, and only one ornament for the exchange, and send a good photo of it (to make it highly desirable!), with your name and a short description of it, to [email protected] by 6 PM Monday, December 14, 2020. The photos will be assigned a unique number along with the maker's name, and then assembled into a PowerPoint-type slideshow, which will be shown as part of and during the December general (virtual) meeting on Saturday, December 19, 2020. For the drawings, the first ornament will be displayed, and we will 'spin' our very own virtual wheel of fortune. The member whose name comes up on the wheel will 'receive' that first ornament. The second ornament will displayed and 'given' (virtually) to the second member by a spin of the virtual wheel, and so on, until all ornaments have been 'won'. Each participating member will then have one new ornament and only two members with whom he or she must communicate in order to complete the ornament exchange in 'real life' -- the person who won their ornament and the person whose ornament they are to receive! It will be up to each member to communicate with their two unique members to complete the ornament exchange (contact info for members can be found on our website). The non-virtual (real life) exchange could possibly entail such arrangements as holding the ornament to give to the member at the next (and first) in-person meeting in 2021, mailing the ornament (or agreeing to pay the postage to have your ornament mailed to you), or meeting safely in person to personally deliver the ornament. Or? Whatever is mutually agreed to. We really want this year's annual ornament exchange to transcend and eclipse the many complications and disruptions that have plagued us during 2020. Participation amidst the pandemic will give your ornament special significance and help in making it even more special because of this year's difficulties. Please participate, and make this year's exchange one of the best we've ever had.

GCWA Scholarship for 2021 - Lane Bradford

The Gulf Coast Woodturners Association (GCWA) is proud to offer the Gulf Coast Woodturners Scholarship. This scholarship is designed to assist students pursuing a Bachelor or Associates degree in ANY field of study as well as a Trade School certificate. We are awarding two (2) scholarships of $1,000 each.

The Application will be posted on the GCWA website in the Members Section.

For more information please contact Lane Bradford: [email protected]

Click HERE to pay your dues online

Page 6 of 15 Rose Engine to Loan to Club Members

Rose Engine for Loan to GCWA Members

A rose engine lathe is a specialized kind of geometric lathe. The headstock rocks back and forth with a rocking motion or along the spindle axis in a pumping motion, controlled by a rubber moving against a rosette or cam-like pattern mounted on the spindle, while the lathe spindle rotates. Rose engine work can make flower patterns, as well as convoluted, symmetrical, multi-lobed geometric patterns. The patterns it produces similar to that of a Spirograph, in metal. No other ornamental lathe can produce these "rose" patterns. The decoration produced by a rose engine lathe is called guilloche. Ed Peine has a rose engine lathe, which he has made available for loan to GCWA members. This rose engine is a modification of a Jet 10-inch lathe. The operation of a rose engine is specialized and takes some effort. Both Rene Gonzalez and Bill Berry have used this lathe for extended periods of time. If you believe that you would like to try a rose engine lathe for several months please contact Reggie Keith [email protected] More information on rose engines can be found HERE and HERE.

Virtual Club Meetings

Steps to join Virtual Club Meetings 1 - Must be a club member in good standing (Dues Paid). Click HERE to pay your dues online 2 - Click on link emailed to you from either George Kabacinski or Chuck Graham 3 - If this is your first time using Zoom, you will be asked if it is okay to download software from Zoom. You will need to allow this, then Zoom will download and automatically install on your computer (you may need to download and install an App on you cellphone or iPad 4. - You will be asked to join a meeting with video Notice how this fellow is working on a project and audio, you should pick both if you want people that he planning on taking a picture of and to see and hear you. emailing to me for inclusion in next month’s newsletter. Please send ONE high resolution If you choose to load software prior to the meeting picture directly to me at: go HERE to download Zoom. [email protected]

Page 7 of 15 Show and Tell -All Pieces

Since we didn’t have a normal meeting this month I requested that members send me a picture of the piece they would have brought to our regular meeting. Since I am going to be the ONLY judge(?) and without the benefit of seeing these pieces in person, I am picking the UNOFFICIAL Best of Show and maybe an Honorable Mention or two. Thanks Paul Mugridge PS: Hopefully I get everybody’s name and info correct.

Bill Lewis - based on an idea from Emma Cook

Honorable Mention

Janice Levi -7”x2” faux-segmented ornament. This concept was developed by Jerry Bennet and introduce to GCWA many years ago

Dan Schmoker - 17 Doug Grissom - Silver snowmen ornaments. yellow platter from Utah. . Approx .75” x 9.5”

Page 8 of 15 Show and Tell - All Pieces

John Chatelain - Potpourri vessel, mesquite, Liberon finishing oil, bison wax, approx. 2 x 4 inches

Rebecca DeGroot - a bunch of Gnomes John King - Peppermills 10” tall. Honorable Mention L- zebrawoosd and wenge R - maple and bubinga

Honorable Mention

Paul Mugridge - Bradford pear and cottonwood bowls for Christmas Presents. Finished with Howards Butcher Block Conditioner. Approx 10.25 to 12.75 inches and 3.5 to 3.75 inches

Page 9 of 15 Show and Tell - All Pieces

Reggie Keith - Nutcracker made 30 years ago, the face was painted by Reggie Keith -Ornament Reggie’s wife Dana It might just be me, but that Nutcracker looks a little mean, haha

Shelly Keith - ornament (Reggie Keith’s daughter)

Honorable Mention

Ric Tayler - Black ash burl platters approx. 5.5” x 1”. On the inside surfaces the dyes were applied to a bleached surface, while on the outside surface the dyes were applied to bare , which resulted in different colors between the outside and inside.

Page 10 of 15 Show and Tell - UNOFFICIAL BEST OF SHOW

Steve LeGrue- Beautiful segmented bowl from 100+ year old walnut from a barn in Georgie. The ring and base are bird’s eye maple with walnut and maple veneers. As I’ve said before, I like a bowl with a foot. In this case the foot lifts to a gracefully curved bowl with contrasting maple and walnut segments. The segments are beautiful without being complex.

Congratulations Steve

Unofficial Best of Show

Well folks this SHOW & TELL was a pretty good this month, as you can see, we had 12 turners submit photos this month. We have around 150 club members and I know many more of you turned something in the past month. So let’s try again for next month since we won’t be having an in person club meeting again. Same rules as before (I will resend the rules) For the computer challenged, ask your kids or grandkids for help in sending your picture to me. [email protected]

Page 11 of 15 For Sale/Wanted

Wanted: ======For Sale: Scott Haddix [email protected] is selling a portion of the collection of tools I purchased from Joe Burton's widow. I still have a number of skews, bowl gouges, spindle gouges, SRGs, etc. for sale, as pictured, and still have a large number of scrapers (not pictured) available as well. Contact me for pricing or details on available scrapers. 1999 model Oneway 2436 lathe, 2HP, with all of its original accessories, the 17” outboard extension, the second banjo, the dual light setup, and an extra belt for $3,890. I have a set of additional Oneway-specific accessories that I’d like to sell with it, but can sell separately if the lathe buyer doesn’t want to purchase as well, 4” and 6” face plates, Glaser screwdrive, Stronghold chuck, Live Center adapter, 6” toolrest, tap die set for M33 for $350. Pricing reflects 55% of cost new. Set of Tormek accessories (no machine), ideally as a set, but can sell piece-meal if needed. Most of these look to be new, but some don’t have boxes. As a set $350

Lathe Sold, all other items still available

Page 12 of 15 For Sale/Wanted For Sale: Some for sale items. Gary Wallace - CA PS 20" accelerator Scrollsaw. $5, Original cost 3/8 " parting $550, Asking tool $20, $300. Speeds dust collector are controlled by stand $50. belt movement. Call Dan Uses standard 5" Schmoker blades 217-416-1587 Gary Wallace 281-851-0833

[email protected]

Nell Wheeler - about 30 walnut bowl and platter blanks of a variety if sizes. $5-$20 each. Call or text Nell at 832-630-9556.

Bill Lewis - 1. Nova Comet II -Variable speed MIni lathe. With faceplate, spur drive and two tool rests. It also has a grinding station that can be mounted on the back of the headstock. $330. 2. 1/4 inch trim . Never used. Suitable for Pewas (butterfly patches on cracks in bowls.) $20. Call or text Bill at: 281-415-6920

Page 13 of 15 For Sale/Wanted

Rob Leslie contacted GCWA and is selling his entire wood shop, there are too many items to list all of the here. Please contact Rob Leslie directly at 713-261-4239 for more information. I will attach a listing of all tools to the newsletter email.

Jim Keller is giving away some mesquite wood. For the most part this is not bowl turning material. There are tree root balls, crotches and wood with a lot of character. There is also some red cedar including a large log. He is also selling some tools. Please contact Jim directly at 281-467-2866 I also have tools which I will sell at any reasonable offer. Partial list includes:

Oneway Easy core system Drillwizard Wolverine Dressing Jig Don Derry Hollowing System McNaughton Center Saver Multi-Axis faceplate Vicmarc UniChuck VM-140 5” lever chuck Misc. Hollowing Tools and Boring Bars Sears ½ hp Shaper 4” raised panner cutter Wood Mortising press attachment Misc. winches 100,000 BTU gas heater Stihl 250 Chain Saw Misc. wood including , big Leaf Maple

Page 14 of 15 Mentors Kabacinski in Cypress, and Lane Bradford in Below is an old list of members who volunteered Montgomery. to serve as Club Mentors. The concept is that, as Each of the three monthly Open Shop Night Avelino Samuel did last month, these mentors events has evolved to have its own format and a agree to talk with members who chose to bring a few “regulars” who are able to participate from particular piece to a meeting and discuss it one- month to month. Others drop in for a gathering on-one. We’re in the proc-ess of updating this list. when they can. Stay Tuned! All members and guests are welcome to join in at • Jim Keller ------(281) 467-2866 any time. Host contact information is listed below. Check it out and join in the fun when you can. It’s • Larry Zarra ------(281) 528-9183 a great way to meet other members, share some • By Reed ------(979) 830-0917 turning talk, get questions answered, and maybe • Marty Kaminsky -- (281) 339-3297 even get some time on a lathe. There’s typically a seasoned turner or three to answer your Open Shop questions and help you along. On the second Tuesday of each month, three • George Kabacinski - (832) 349-3006 members of GCWA open their shops to other members and guests to visit, socialize, learn, and • Marty Kaminsky (- 281) 339-3297 have a fun evening. These open-shop nights are • Lane Bradford - (936) 447-9310 hosted by Marty Kaminsky in San Leon, George

Board Members Chuck Graham, President — 713-899-4562, [email protected] Dave Greenawalt, Vice President — 936-524-6610, [email protected] Lane Bradford, Secretary — 936-447-9310, [email protected] Rene Gonzalez, Treasurer — 281-481-6415, [email protected] Walter Mooney, Board Member (membership) — 713-248-6431, [email protected] Scott Haddix, Board Member — 281-213-8900, [email protected] Scott Njaa, Board member — 713-249-8687, [email protected] George Kabacinski, Education/Programs, - 832-349-3006, [email protected] Don Fluker, Board Member - (713) 382-8986, [email protected]

Website Creative Director: Scott Haddix (see above) Newsletter Editor: Paul Mugridge, 713-857-2428, [email protected] Meeting Photographer: Peter Miao, 281-277-2188, [email protected]

About Our Club GCWA has been affiliated with the American Association of Woodturners for more than twenty years. GCWA meets at 9:00 am, usually on the third Saturday, and usually at the Mendenhall Community Center, 1414 Wirt Road, Houston (see map at left). Annual dues are $25. The club’s website is: and its email address is: [email protected] Click for Google Map

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