SL.2017.0715. Manorside #FINAL
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SL/2017/0715 PARISH: Lower Holker Land Off Manorside, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands. LA11 7JS. PROPOSAL: Erection of extra care residential development consisting of 61no. apartments and communal facilities together with access, car parking and communal landscaped garden. (Full Planning Application) APPLICANT: Mr Peter Bowden and Mr Paul Crossland (Bowsall Ltd and Housing and Care 21). Grid Ref: E: 336900 N: 475764 1 4 MP SP 13.50 6 F SP A 1 I R 2 F T 49 I r E a L Brome ck D 45 G r 5 ee na c re s 41 12 21 33 43 e os Church 14 ntr Mo View G R E 8 17 D E 1 R N A Sunny Bank H C L R A O N 6 'S A E Glen Lea LL E 1 Nursery Briar Lea 23 1 23a 3 1 es ston Church Tel Ex Lay-by 13.4m 71 Crown 57 5 Inn 5 15.7m 7 43 27 47 53 5 37 B MARKET STREET 31 33 10.0m PH 27 67 25 SP 3 3 13 15 2 El LB 7 m Sub .2 2 14 8 24 Sta 0 4 3 4 1 4 1 Cross 6 J E 4 1 2 o D i I n S e Bridge R r y O House S N A 2 h o M p 3 1 2 MP 13.25 3 T r 2 a 1 c k S 6 t o 3 7 c k d 5 a l e 6 F 0 1 3 1 1 a 9 r m Marsh Gardens P ath Flookburgh Issues Collects 6 Smallholding 7 8 6.3m Issues " SL/2017/0715 The material contained in this plot has been reproduced from an Ordnance Survey map with permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Land off Manorside Licence o. 100024277 & Crown Copyright Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright Flookburgh and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings GRANGE over SANDS LA11 7JS Scale: 1:2500 SUMMARY 1. A Full Planning Application for the erection of extra care residential development consisting of 61no. apartments and communal facilities together with access, car parking and communal landscaped garden on land off Manorside, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands. 2. The primary issues comprise: - the principle of extra care development on land allocated for residential development in the Land Allocations Development Plan Document (LADPD); - the impact upon the delivery of land allocated for residential development in the LADPD; - the provision of affordable housing; - the impact of the development upon landscape and settlement character; - the impact upon highway safety; and, - the management of surface water. 3. The application is brought for consideration by Members of the Planning Committee as the application was called in by Councillor Gill Gardner. RECOMMENDATION 4. The application is recommended for refusal for the reasons outlined at the end of this report. DESCRIPTION AND PROPOSAL Site Description 5. The application site comprises c.0.6 ha of agricultural land located to the east of Manorside, Flookburgh. 6. The site is bounded by: the care home known as Bridge House to the north; the residential development of Manorside to the west; an existing track to the east; and, agricultural land to the south. 7. The site is enclosed by a combination of established hedgerows and trees. 8. The land is minimally higher in level than Manorside to the west; however, is at a level below Market Street to the north where this elevates to bridge the railway line. 9. The site is principally located in Flood Zone 1, with the south and west boundaries located in Flood Zone 2 and Flood Zone 3. 10. The site is not identified as being the subject of surface water drainage issues. 11. The application site comprises part of land allocation ‘East of Manorside’, which is identified for housing development in Policy LA1.3 of the LADPD. Proposal 12. This application seeks Full Planning Permission for the erection of an extra care residential development consisting of 61 (sixty-one) apartments and communal facilities together with access, car parking and communal landscaped garden on land off Manorside, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands. 13. The proposed comprises a three storey building comprising three connected elements. The western element of the building faces onto Manorside, with the eastern element orientated to follow the alignment of the eastern boundary. The central section is angled to connect the western and eastern elements. 14. The proposed comprises a combination of apartments and communal facilities at ground floor level with apartments at the first and second floor levels. 15. The proposed apartments comprise the following: - 20 (twenty) one bedroom apartments for affordable rent; - 12 (twelve) two bedroom apartments for affordable rent; and, - 29 (twenty-nine) two bedroom apartments for affordable shared ownership. 16. The proposed communal facilities comprise: a lounge, kitchen, dining room, hair salon and wellbeing suite, elements of which would be open to members of the public. 17. A range of care options would exist within the facility provided by the proposed operator Housing and Care 21, with other care providers also able to offer their services. 18. It is proposed to finish the building with render, reconstituted stone and concrete tiles. 19. Access to the development is proposed from Manorside to the west connecting to a vehicle parking and manoeuvring area comprising 23 (twenty- three) car parking spaces and a larger vehicle space. 20. A landscaped communal garden is proposed; however, full details are not proposed. 21. Foul and surface water drainage is proposed to the public main and watercourse respectively. CONSULTATIONS 22. The application has been advertised by way of a planning application site notice, press notice and notification letters sent to 21(twenty-one) neighbouring properties. 23. 7 (seven) external consultees and 3 (three) internal consultees have been consulted in respect of the application. Representations have been received from all consultees. Lower Holker Parish Council: 24. Object. Scale of Development; 25. The development is inappropriately sized for the small rural village of Flookburgh. The building would be the largest building in Flookburgh, being approx. five times the size of the adjacent Bridge House. 26. The development would result in an 18% increase in the number of residents living in Flookburgh. 27. The demographic of residents would place significant pressure on existing health facilities in Flookburgh. Appearance of Development; 28. The proposed materials are not in keeping with the other buildings in the village or the parish. Design; 29. The design is completely different to all other buildings in the village and the parish and due to the size and location would be clearly visible to everyone approaching Flookburgh from the east. 30. The scale of the building is not in keeping with the remainder of the village. Highway Safety; 31. The access to and from the site by vehicles and pedestrians is unsafe for the additional traffic. 32. The junction of Manorside with Market Street has limited visibility in both directions, with Market Street the subject of high levels of vehicular traffic associated with the services and tourism development in the local area. 33. A continuous footway does not existing for the proposed development to Flookburgh Square or the bus stop on Allithwaite Road. If approved, a pedestrian footway should be required over the railway bridge to serve the development. 34. The assessment contained within the Transport Statement prepared by Croft Transport Solutions is based on evidence from other schemes in town centres, the fringes of towns or suburban location. None are in rural areas with limited public transport as is the case in Flookburgh. Parking; 35. Insufficient vehicle parking is proposed and would result in increased pressure and parking issues on Manorside. 36. The number of vehicle parking spaces does not accord with the provisions of the Cumbria County Council Design Guide. Transport; 37. Public transport provision within Flookburgh is extremely limited and not sufficient to serve the needs of the residents of the proposed development. Flood Risk; 38. An element of the site is located in Flood Zone 2 and Flood Zone 3. 39. In the event of a flood the number of vehicle parking spaces would be limited to 13 (thirteen). 40. The proposed raising of the surrounding ground level would increase the risk of flooding on adjacent land. Structure; 41. The requirement for piled foundations will result in considerable noise disturbance during construction. Local Demand; 42. There is no demonstrated demand for this type and scale of facility in Flookburgh. Loss of Privacy; 43. The proposed development would result in overlooking of the east elevation of Bridge House to the detriment of the residential amenity of occupants. Cumbria County Council – Highways: 44. Object. 45. There is no evidence that the new junction with Manorside delivers the required visibility splays. 46. Manorside narrows to almost 4m at the proposed site entrance from a width of 5.5m. This road narrowing could cause vehicle conflict at the access and be detrimental to the residents living at the southern end of Manorside. 47. There are no proposed measures to manage or restrict parking on Manorside. Due to the width and alignment of the road, the existing uncontrolled on-street parking will create unacceptable access obstructions to the proposed site and needs to be addressed. 48. Parking provision is inadequate when assessed against the Cumbria Design Guide for a 61 bed home with 20 full time employees. Although this site is served by public transport it is infrequent and due to the rural nature of the catchment it is expected that the vast majority of trips will be by car.