Spring 2016 the Feminist Psychologist
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Volume 43 Number 1 Spring 2016 The Feminist Psychologist Newsletter of the Society for the Psychology of Women President’s Column Who Dat!? Sisters, You’ve Been on My Mind: Division 35 Members Visit New Orleans By BraVada Garrett-Akinsanya, PhD, LP his year’s Mid-Winter’s meeting we laughed and cried! We participated BraVada Garrett-Akinsanya, PhD was held in New Orleans, Louisi- in artistic expressions through crafts, BraVada Garrett-Akinsanya, PhD, LP ana right before Mardi Gras! The and drumming. We shared our love Texperience of seeing marching bands, for Social Justice by writing a letter to INSIDE THIS ISSUE floats and colorful beads streaming Mayor Landrieu about increasing healing through the air created a wonderful spaces for children, and we collaborated backdrop to the difficult and important as volunteers and fundraisers with a lo- President’s Column .............................1 work in front of us as group. New Or- cal school, Mos Chukma Institute, for the Research-to-Practice Retreat ...........6 leans is known as a city that embodies children living in the 9th Ward, who were resilience, rhythm, and positive energy most devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Division Officer Candidates .............7 about life. It was there that our Extended We kicked off our visit with an his- Council February Meeting................8 Executive Committee began a journey torical event - a joint Feminist Research- towards the honest reclamation of who to-Practice Task Force retreat with Divi- Second Institute ................................10 we are and we want to be as an APA Divi- sion 42, Independent Practice, co-chaired Walsh Award Presentation .............11 sion. Inspired by our sister Karen Marin- by Drs. Josephine Johnson and Edna da (a.k.a our Creative Arts Director), who Esnil. With an all-star cast of 10 Task force On the Term “Fellow” .......................12 even in her absence because of an injury members from both Divisions, we began Social Media Sites ..............................13 inspired us all - we danced, we sang, the journey of giving wings to our dream Florence Denmark Award ...............14 Dangers of Online Dating ...............15 Review: Daughters, Dads ................16 Challenging Sizeism .........................17 Depression Is a Feminist Issue ......18 PWQ Online First ................................19 Figure It Out Loud .............................20 Submit to PWQ ...................................21 Dr. Mom: Perinatal OCD ..................22 Listserv Netiquette............................24 Sue Rosenberg Zalk Award ............26 Strickland Daniel Award..................27 Volunteering at Mos Chukma E-version: Click on contents to go to articles & on contents link at bottom of each page to go back. Click on URLs and emails too. of expanding the constructs of feminist ing the meanings of our names. Later, practice beyond the borders of what has members engaged in discussions about been traditionally done. You will hear the wonderful work being done by the more about the wonderful Division- Committee on Women in Psychology and wide participatory projects planned for the APA Women’s Programs Office, espe- our members when you read the report cially their recent collaborative efforts at within this newsletter. creating the IamPsyched! program. Iam- Also, for the first time in the his- Psyched!, launched on March 12, 2016, is tory of our Division, our EC members and a joint project of the APA Women’s Pro- general members were able to partici- grams Office, the Cummings Center for pate in our Business meeting electroni- the History of Psychology, and Psycholo- cally. These individuals made history gy’s Feminist Voices, in collaboration with EC members decorate a gift box and give it to as our very first Mid-winter meeting the Council on Women and Girls at the the school with gift cards. technologically-linked attendees: Earlise White House and the Smithsonian Affilia- Ward, Wendi Williams, Karen Miranda, tions program. They have created a pop- Martha Bergen, Kelli Vaughn-Johnson, up museum to empower girls of color Other infrastructural factors were Sarah Ullman, and Marge Charmoli. Ad- to explore the social and behavioral sci- explored as well including an initial pro- ditional support was provided by our ences and to use psychology to engage posal to review and make changes to our APA Division 35 consulting attorney, in positive social change. The EC voted bylaws, several of which are outdated Deanne Ottaviano, who provided techni- with overwhelming support to serve as a and make reference to conditions that cal assistance about key agenda items. financial Champion of the program. For no longer serve our Division. While only We used a virtual talking stick to include more details visit the webpage: http:// seven bylaws changes were proposed, them in the conversation. The only prob- www.apa.org/pi/women/museum-day/ others are sorely needed. For example, lems that they experienced included not default.aspx?tab=1 we need to change the representation of being able to hear members’ speaking The meeting was also an excellent the Elected Executive Committee to re- when they were not holding the micro- opportunity to look at infrastructural flect the inclusion of an Early Career Rep- phone box (you had to be there)! They components of our Division. For ex- resentative. We are currently working on added valuable feedback, comments and ample, we discussed the long-standing, that language so that it will be rolled out contributions. Their participation was well-managed solid nature of our invest- while we are discussing the other bylaw very useful to our processes. ments and finances. Hearing the com- changes during the overhauling process. Our business meeting started mitments of our foremothers, inspired Proposed bylaws changes intro- earlier than usual on Friday afternoon so many EC members to continue to invest duced during the Mid-winter’s meeting that we could set time aside to engage in the Division by making donations to included: Removing language that says in a Social Justice retreat from 8:30-12:30 our ongoing efforts -- such as providing our Division should send a representa- on Saturday morning. We started out by scholarships for feminist research, teach- tive from Section 2, Practice (which is engaging in “Soulfulness Training” where ing and service. We are also actively so- defunct) to serve as an elected member we danced, clapped and rapped to the liciting support to create an endowment of CAPP. This housekeeping bylaw is nec- song “I’ll Take You There” by the Staples for the National Multicultural Conference essary because our Division no longer singers! Members introduced them- and Summit through the American Psy- has a Section on Practice. The issue is selves to each other with an exercise chological Foundation. To donate online determining whether to simply remove facilitated by Barbara Streets, on shar- go to: http://www.apa.org/apf/ the language completely by creating a Left: EC with Mos Chukma staff. Right: Healing Ceremony. The Feminist Psychologist | Spring 2016 Click here for table of contents | Page 2 Clockwise from top left: 1. Presentation of check. 2. At Mardi Gras Parade. 3. Parade. 4. At Kermit Ruffin Concert. liaison position with specifications to as- terms would end in August, continue in to the infrastructural functioning of our sure diverse representation over time. their posts for four more months until Division. This was because when our A huge problem with the Hand- December. While a majority of the EC bylaws were created, there was no such book and the Bylaws is that terms of was just about to vote on approval of thing as internet! Today, any progressive office are not uniformly described or the motion, some members (especially group must provide a clear role for tech- synchronized. Consequently, one by- those who would be impacted by having nology as an asset to its organizational laws change that was suggested was to continue in their roles for four more structure. to attempt to synchronize the terms months), voiced concern about staying The final, and dare I say, more of officers to be in line with each other in office. So the motion was rescinded complex bylaws changes introduced for and with APA. For example, APA officers pending further discussion. discussion included the long-standing (President, Council Representatives), APA Another bylaws change proposed need to create a way to remove an of- fiscal year, and many APA reports are was to more clearly delineate the terms ficer or a committee member using a “fair based on a calendar year. Subsequently, and responsibilities of the Committee on and feminist” process. The language and many of our sister Divisions have transi- Policies and Procedures whose charge is intent around how “feminists” approach tioned to a calendar year as well--in an to maintain and update the bylaws of the such decisions needs to codified and op- effort to facilitate communication and society. Despite our best efforts, lapses erationally defined so that, moving for- clarify responsibilities. Even within our in leadership have resulted in this hercu- ward, our Division will have a consensus own Division, some of our Section Presi- lean task being passed down from one on how to respectfully proceed in such dents and officers assume their positions presidential trio to the next. Other by- processes. in January, while others do not. My hope laws changes also involved clarifying the As expected, there was a great was to implement the change immedi- distinct roles of the Publications Commit- deal of debate on all of these bylaws (as ately, which would require that the entire tee and the Committee on Technology as there should be). Consequently, we will slate of the existing elected officer whose two core standing committees necessary go into a mode of creating Extended The Feminist Psychologist | Spring 2016 Click here for table of contents | Page 3 EC workgroups, and hosting discussion boards and listening sessions with our members.