Need a Friend? OurOur Coordinator Team Need a Friend? Meet our Ourtwo service Team Co-ordinators. ManyMany peoplepeopleNeedNeed findfind themselvesathemselvesa Friend?Friend? alonealone forfor oneone OurOur Team Team reasonManyreason people oror another,another, find orthemselvesor areare isolated,isolated, alone perhapsperhaps for one Meet our two service Co-ordinators. Many people find themselves alone for one MeetMeet our our two two service service Co-ordinators. Co-ordinators. Manyduereasondue toto people illnessillnessor another, find oror disability.disability. themselves or are isolated, TheyThey alone justjust perhaps don’tfordon’t one getreason out as or oftenanother, as orthey are would isolated, like perhaps or see as reasongetdue out to or illnessas another, often or asdisability. or they are wouldisolated, They like just perhaps or don’t see as due to illness or disability. They just don’t duemanymany to peoplepeopleillness orasas disability. before.before. They just don’t getget out out as as often often asas they wouldwould like like or or see see as as Befriending get out as often as they would like or see as Thismanymany is people wherepeople T asasiiM before.before. FriendsFriends cancan WeWe findfind manyThis is people where asTiM before. friends can help. We Befriending a volunteer with matching interests and Befriending findThisThis isa is wherevolunteer where TTiiM Mwith FriendsFriends matching cancan help. help.interests We We find findand BefriendingService personality. This person visits you or phones Thispersonality.a avolunteer volunteer is where with Thiswith TiM matchingpersonmatching Friends visits can interestsinterests youhelp. orand Weand phones find ServiceService aonpersonality.on volunteerpersonality. aa dayday andand with This This atat matchinga a personperson timetime thatthat visitsvisits interests isis you suitablesuitableyou or orand phones phones -- wewe forfor people people in ,in the Burghfield, Mortimer, Bev French Bev FrenchAimee Fisher Service personality.don’tdon’ton a just justday turnturnand This atup.up. persona time that visits is suitableyou or phones- we for peopleWokefield, in the Burghfield,Mortimer West End, on a day and at a time that is suitable - we Burghfield Mortimer Mortimerfor people and in surrounding the Burghfield, areas ondon’t a day just and turn at up.a time that is suitable - we BevBev French FrenchBev is very active Aimeeand committedAimee Fisher Fisher IfIfdon’t youyou justknowknow turn ofof someonesomeoneup. whowho wouldwould benefitbenefit to the community in which she MortimerforSulhamstead and people surrounding in andthe UftonBurghfield, areas Nervet If you know of someone who would benefit BurghfieldBevBev is very French active and AimeeMortimerAimee looksMortimer after Fisher the clients Mortimer and surrounding areas don’t just turn up. Burghfieldserves. She says:who use our befriending fromfromIf you havinghaving know a aof regularregular someone visitor,visitor, who ororwould ifif youyou benefit wouldwould committedcommitted toto thethe communitycommunityAimee looks after the clients Mortimer and surrounding areas fromIf you having know ofa regularsomeone visitor, who orwould if you benefit would Bev is veryBurghfield active‘I and find such fulfilmentAimee in Mortimerlooks seeingservice.service. after the clients committedBevinin whichwhichto is the very communitysheshe active serves.serves. and who use our befriending likelikefrom aa visitvisit having yourself,yourself, a regular pleaseplease visitor, contactcontact or if you usus would viavia thethe friendships blossoming between Iflikefrom you a havingknowvisit yourself, of a someoneregular please visitor, who contact orwould if you usbenefit would via the committedin whichBev is she Shevery to serves. says:theactive community and Aimeewhoservice. looks useShe our after says: befriending the clients like a visit yourself, please contact us via the in which she serves.our dedicated volunteers service. fromtelephoneliketelephone ahaving visit yourself,numbersnumbersnumber a regular on pleaseonon visitor, the thethe front contactfrontfront or if of ofofyou thisthisthisus would via leaflet.leaflet.leaflet. the committed ‘‘IIShe findfind says: to suchsuch the fulfilmentfulfilmentcommunity whoShe ‘‘I’mI’m usesays: passionatepassionate our befriending aboutabout in which she serves.and their clients’.my workSheservice. and says: believe our liketelephone a visit yourself, numbers please on the contactfront of thisus vialeaflet. the ‘I findinin seeing seeingsuchShe fulfilment friendshipsfriendshipssays: ‘I’m passionate about telephone numbers on the front of this leaflet. in blossomingseeing ‘I find She friendships such says: between fulfilment our my workbefriending ‘andI’m believepassionateShe says: service our about is an telephone numbers on the front of this leaflet. blossomingdedicated ‘inI find seeing between such volunteers friendships fulfilment our and befriendingmy invaluable‘invaluableI’m work service passionate and resourceresourceis anbelieve about forforour dedicatedblossomingin seeing volunteerstheirtheir friendshipsclientsclients between and’’ our invaluablemybefriending work resourcethethe communityandcommunity service believefor ’’ isour an the community’ blossomingdedicatedtheir clients volunteers between’ Support our and befriendinginvaluable Us serviceresource is foran dedicatedIf theiryou volunteers clients would’ and like to makeinvaluablethe a donationcommunity resource ’for totheir support clientsSupport’ these services Usthe please community visit’ Us If youIfIf youyou would wouldwouldSupport like liketolike make toto makemake a donation Us aa donationdonation or text CTIM01 and the amount, to supporttoto supportsupport theseSupport thesethese services servicesservices please Us pleaseplease visit visitvisit (e.g. CTIM01If you would £10) liketo 70070 to make via JustTextGivinga donation If would like to make a donation Need Needa friend? a friend? to support theseOr services visit please visit or support text CTIM01 these and andtheand services amount, thethe amount,amount, please (e.g. visit(e.g.(e.g. Want Wantto Needvolunteer? to avolunteer? friend? CTIM01CTIM01 £10) £10) to 70070 to 7007070070 via JustTextGiving. via via JustTextGiving. JustTextGiving. Can youNeed help? a friend? orCheques text CTIM01 should and be madethe amount, payable (e.g. to WantCan to you volunteer? help? or text CTIM01 and the amount, (e.g. Want to volunteer? OrCTIM01 Orvisit visit £10) to 70070 in Mission via JustTextGiving. Can you help? CTIM01 £10) to 70070 via JustTextGiving. Telephone enquiries Cheques should be made payable to TelephoneCan you enquiries help? OrCheques visitPostal should address: be madeTiM Friends payable to 07778 911183 for Burghfield Area c/oTogetherOr Mortimer visit MissionWest End and Chapel, posted Chapel to: Lane, 07778Telephone 911183 for Burghfieldenquiries Area ChequesTogether should in Mission be made andand postedposted payable to:to: to 07778 911184 for Mortimer Area PadworthTiM FriendsCommon, RG7 4QE. 0777807778Telephone 911183911184 forfor enquiries BurghfieldMortimer Area Area Chequesc/oTogether Mortimer should in T WestMissioniiM be FriendsFriends End made andChapel payableposted to: to Email TiM is the working name of 0777807778Telephone 911183 911184Email for 07778for Burghfield Mortimer 911183 AreaArea ChapelTogetherc/o Lane, Mortimer in MissionTiM WestFriends Common,and End posted Chapel to: [email protected] ChapelChristians Lane, Together Padworth in Common,Mission [email protected] [email protected] 911184 for Mortimer Area TiM is the working name of Christians Together in Mission ( and Wales) registered Charity no. 1135307 Printed May 2015. RG7TiM 4QE Friends Registeredc/o Mortimer Charity West no.End 1135307 Chapel Printed May 2015. Printed May 2015. Printed May 2016. TiMTiM isis thethe workingworking namename ofof ChristiansChristians TogetherTogether inin MissionMission (England(England andand Wales)Wales) registeredregistered CharityCharity 11353071135307 Chapelc/o Mortimer Lane,RG7 Padworth West 4QE End Common,Chapel [email protected] Chapel Lane, , [email protected] Tim_Leaflet_Rev13-5-15.inddTiM is the working name of Christians 1 Together in Mission (England and Wales) registered Charity no. 1135307 Printed May 2015. RG7 4QE 12:15

Tim_Leaflet_Rev13-5-15.inddTim_Leaflet_Rev13-5-15.inddTiM is the working name of Christians 11 Together in Mission (England and Wales) registered Charity no. 1135307 Printed May 2015. RG7 4QE 12:1512:15

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Tim_Leaflet_Rev13-5-15.indd 1 15/05/2015 12:15 Who we are Things we do Out and About WhoWho wewe areare ThingsThings wewe dodo OutOut andand AboutAbout TiM (short for Together in Mission) TiM (short for Together in Mission) Telephone support Local Outings TTiMcomprisesTiiiMM (shortcomprises(short(short forforninefor TogetherTogetherTogether ninelocal local churches ininin Mission)churchesMission)Mission) working working TelephoneTelephone supportsupport LocalLocal OutingsOutings comprises nine local churches working Providing a friendly voice on the end of the We provide many opportunities for friends to comprisestogether,comprises in ninenine very locallocal practical churcheschurches ways, workingworking for the Providing a friendly voice on the end of the We provide many opportunities for friends to together, in very practical ways, for the ProvidingphoneProviding for aaa friendlyfriendlyweekly voicechat.voice onon thethe endend ofof thethe WegetWe provideprovideout and manymanymix with opportunitiesopportunities others. These forfor friendsfriendsinclude: toto together,benefittogether, of inin their veryvery local practicalpractical communities. ways,ways, forfor thethe phone for a weekly chat. get out and mix with others. These include: benefit of their local communities. phonephone forfor aa weeklyweekly getCoffeeget outout mornings,andand mixmix withwith Lunch others.others. clubs, TheseThese These Outings, include:include: include; ‘Pie benefitbenefit ofof theirtheir locallocal communities.communities. Home Visiting CoffeeCoffee mornings,mornings, LunchLunch clubs,clubs, Outings,Outings, ‘Pie‘Pie TiMTiiM alwaysalways seeksseeks toto workwork withwith Partners,Partners, Home Visiting & Pint’ for Men, Sing along club, Seasonal TiM always seeks to work with Partners, HomeHome VisitingVisiting && Pint’Pint’ forfor Men,Men, SingSing alongalong club,club, SeasonalSeasonal TbothTiiiMM always alwaysalwaysvoluntary seeksseeksseeks and tototo statutory, workworkwork withwithwith to Partners,Partners, Partners,deliver ourour Providing someone to visit you in your own parties, visits to TiM’s community café in both voluntary and statutory, to deliver our ProvidingProviding someonesomeone toto visitvisit youyou inin youryour ownown parties,parties, visitsvisitsSilver to toSunday, TiM’sTiM’s communitycommunity visits to TiM’s cafécafé inin bothprojects.both voluntaryvoluntary WeThis benefit time andand westatutory,statutory, from are partneringpartnering toto deliverdeliver with with ourour home, who will listen, take an interest and Burghfield, Café B. projects. This time we are partnering with home, who will listen, take an interest and Burghfield,Burghfield,community caféCaféCafé inB.B. Burghfield, Café B. projects.theprojects. Link Visiting ThisThis timetime Scheme wewe areare and partneringpartnering are supported withwith home,becomehome, whowho your willwill friend; listen,listen, perhaps taketake anan takinginterestinterest you andand out the Link Visiting Scheme and are supported become your friend; perhaps taking you out thebythe organisations LinkLink VisitingVisiting SchemeScheme whose logos andand areare appear supportedsupported in this becomeonbecome occasions, youryour friend;friend; if you perhapsfeelperhaps up to takingtaking it. youyou outout by organisations whose logos appear in this on occasions, if you feel up to it. organisationsorganisations whosewhose logoslogos appearappear inin thisthis onon occasions,occasions, ifif youyou feelfeel upup toto leaflet. A visit or phone call from a TiiM friendfriend cancan leaflet.leaflet.leaflet. A visit or phone call from a TiM friend can AmakeA visitvisit aoror huge phonephone impact callcall fromfrom to someone’s aa TTiiiMM friendfriendfriend life. cancancan makemake aa hugehuge impactimpact toto someone’ssomeone’s Marion – “If it wasn’t for my friend visiting me Marion – “If it wasn’t for my friend visiting me MarionIMarionI wouldwould – –bebe ““IfIfIf househouse ititit wasn’twasn’twasn’t boundbound forforfor my”mymy friendfriendfriend visitingvisitingvisiting mememe III wouldwouldwould bebebe househousehouse boundboundbound”” Ann – “I am visiting a lovely lady, she hears Ann – “I am visiting a lovely lady, she hears AnntheAnn gate –– ““III amamamshut visitingvisitingvisiting and gives aaa lovelylovelylovely me lady,alady,lady, wave shesheshe every hearshearshears time the gate shut and gives me a wave every time theItheI arrive.arrive. gategate Then Then shutshut andweweand gogo givesgives forfor ameame walkwalk aa wavewave andand stopstopeveryevery andand timetime Volunteers I arrive. Then we go for a walk and stop and Volunteers IchatII arrive.arrive.arrive. about ThenThenThen the wewewe new gogogo Budgensforforfor aaa walkwalkwalk in andandand Mortimer stopstopstop andandand” VolunteersVolunteers chat about the new Budgens in Mortimer” TiM Friends relies on volunteers to deliver chatchat aboutabout thethe newnew BudgensBudgens inin MortimerMortimer”” TiMTiM friendsFriends relies relies on on volunteers volunteers to to deliver deliver Mary – “II soso looklook forwardforward toto ourour timestimes TourTiiiMM services. FriendsFriendsFriends reliesrelies reliesYou You don’t ondon’tonon volunteersvolunteersvolunteers need need any any toto tospecial special deliverdeliverdeliver Mary – “I so look forward to our times our services. You don’t need any special Marytogether.Mary –– ““III Wesososo look looklookhave forwardforwardforward a good to totonatter ourourour times timestimesand a laugh” ourskillsour to become YouYou one, don’tdon’t just needneed a warm anyany specialspecial and caring together. We have a good natter and a laugh” skills to become one, just a warm and caring together.together. WeWe havehave aa goodgood natternatter andand aa laughlaugh”” skillspersonality.skills toto becomebecome We We provide provideone,one, justjust training training aa warmwarm and and andand support support caringcaring W.D. – “II amam soso pleasedpleased II acceptedaccepted aa TiMTiM personality. We provide training and support We operate in the Burghfield, Mortimer and W.D. – “I am so pleased I accepted a TiM personality.duringpersonality. your WetimeWe provideprovide with us. trainingtraining andand supportsupport We operate in the Burghfield and Mortimer W.D.friendW.D. – –and ““III am amamlook sososo forward pleasedpleasedpleased to II I her acceptedacceptedaccepted visits each aaa TiMTiMTiM week ” during your time with us. surroundingWe operate inareas the Burghfieldof West , and Mortimer offering friend and look forward to her visits each week” duringduring youryour timetime withwith WeareasWe operateoperate of West inin theBerkshire,the BurghfieldBurghfield offering andand a threeMortimerMortimer tier friendfriend andand looklook forwardforward toto herher visitsvisits eacheach weekweek”” Even the house bound can volunteer as part aareas three of tier West befriending Berkshire, service offering for a people three tier Even the house bound can volunteer as part areasbefriendingareas ofof WestWest service Berkshire,Berkshire, for people offeringoffering who aa threethreewould tiertier EvenofEven the thethe telephone househouse boundbound befriending cancan volunteervolunteer service. asas partpart whobefriending would benefitservice forfrom people extra whofriendship would and of the telephone befriending service. befriendingbenefitbefriending from serviceservice extra friendshipforfor peoplepeople andwhowho support. wouldwould ofof thethe telephonetelephone befriendingbefriending service.service. support.benefit from extra friendship and support. If you would like to volunteer, please benefitbenefit fromfrom extraextra friendshipfriendship andand If you would like to volunteer, please We aim to match our volunteers to people IftelephoneIfIf youyouyou wouldwouldwould the likelikelike appropriate tototo volunteer,volunteer,volunteer, number pleasepleaseplease on the We aim to match our volunteers to people telephone the numberappropriate on the number front ofon thisthe WewhoWe aimaim would toto matchmatch welcome ourour volunteershearingvolunteers or seeingtoto peoplepeople a telephonefronttelephone of this thethe leaflet appropriateappropriate for more numbernumber information onon thethe and who would likewelcome hearing hearing from oror seeingseeing aa leafletfront of forthis moreleaflet information for more informationand we will sendand whofriendwho wouldwould on a welcomeregularwelcome basis. hearinghearing oror seeingseeing aa frontwefrontyou will an ofof sendapplicationthisthis leafletleaflet you an forform.for application moremore informationinformation form. andand friendfriend onon aa regularregular basis.basis. wewe willwill sendsend youyou anan applicationapplication form.form. This could be a chat over the phone or a All our volunteers are approved by a This could be a chat over the phone or a All our volunteers are approved by a ThishomeThis couldcould visit beforbe aaan chatchat hour overover or so thethe once phonephonephone, a week; oror a ahomea AllsafeguardingAll ourour volunteersvolunteers agency areare approvedforapproved the protection byby aa of home visit for an hour or so once a week; safeguarding agency for the protection of homehomevisit for visitvisit an forforhour anan or hourhour so onceoror soso a onceonce week, aa week;week;or trips safeguardingsafeguarding agencyagency forfor thethe protectionprotection ofof or trips out together! vulnerable adults. ororout tripstrips together. outout together!together! vulnerablevulnerable adults.adults.

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