
Trinny, Susannah & Newsreaders ~ Look Good Naked ~ Getting Dirty Submitted by: Dot PR Friday, 20 July 2007

What is it that’s won the praise of celebrity TV style gurus Trinny and Susannah, and ’s , of ? Men and women alike love it and it’s not only stylists who have enjoyed the experience. TV presenter Jeff Moody and BBC newsreader Sophie Raworth have also endorsed it. In fact it’s an, ‘all channel’ winner. Trinny and Susannah say, “This is the only one to use”. Gok Wan thinks it’s, “..fabulous.” Sophie Raworth says, “I love it,” and Jeff Moody found it, “…just as good on as off.” It’s gained the approval from all the right people. So what is it? Well time is an important element. The old adage that something good is worth waiting for is spot on. Though it makes waiting for a pint of Guinness seem positively hyper-speed in comparison. So here’s the story. By the beautiful ancient shores of Lake Balaton in Hungary, is one of the world’s last remaining therapeutic moorland areas. Bringing a small part of this tranquil lake to our hectic modern world is the Balaton Spa skincare collection. These areas are extremely rare and only occur when specific geological and biological factors have coincided to create the perfect conditions. This nutrient rich moorland peat and moorland water is solely made up of hundreds of herbs, plants, organic substances, trace elements and minerals, which have remained active because they have never dried out since they were formed 20,000 years ago. This unique gift from nature is the secret and main ingredient of the Balaton Spa organic collection and contains 331 natural ingredients. Trinny and Susannah were enamoured with the Balaton Spa face-mask: "The Balaton Spa products are delicious, and we love the 100% natural face mask - it's amazing and brilliant!" Sophie Raworth loved the smoothness of her skin, after applying the mask and Jeff Moody, thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience: “The moor bath liquid was really relaxing and the face mask felt great on and after being removed.” Gok Wan, the most wanted beauty/style expert of the moment, who has recently appeared on prime time shows, 8 out of 10 Cats and Friday Night with Jonathan Ross agrees. Gok says: “This is a fabulous mask to improve the skin.” And Lucy Govern who was seen having the Balaton Spa treatment on Gok’s current series, How To Look Good Naked, says: “My skin has dramatically improved.” Lucy obviously made an impression, as Jonathan Ross chose to air a clip of the Lucy programme, when Gok appeared on his show. This rare ancient health secret, which comes straight from the earth, enriches all skin types, is chemical free and there’s no unpleasant smell, mess or fuss. The products are unisex, organic and skin-friendly - no rashes from unknown substances in this lot. Moor Water is the main ingredient in the facial creams and bodycare products, blended and complimented with nature's best - white water lily, camomile, shea butter, lemongrass, lavender and rose oils. It’s this season’s TV ‘must have’ makeover product and it’s going to be a seasonal trend that’s here to stay! Profile of Carol Harvey

Page 1 In the past Anita Roddick, was the businesswoman heralding natural beauty. But the 2007 natural ‘skincare woman’ to watch is Carol Harvey, who is bringing a touch of ‘glamour’ to a market, where in the past, rightly or wrongly, the mention of the word ‘organic’ has been associated with ‘mother earth, wellies & baggy jumpers’. Since taking over as Balaton Spa’s Sales & Marketing Director, Carol has added ‘style’ to ‘organics’, two words that until now have rarely been mentioned in the same sentence. Her flawless skin is in itself a testament to the products. In just 6 months Carole has brought us a product that has been years in the making, from these distant moors, via reality TV into all our front rooms. Carol knew from her first meeting with Balaton Spa’s owner Peter Unruh, that this product was special. Carol explains that Peter’s father introduced the Moor Products into the UK in 1967, but it was a product ahead of its time. In the past, buying products purely for their health benefits was alien to most people. But now, unlike forty years ago, the whole nation is far more aware of health issues and the people want genuine natural products. A recent BBC survey noted that many products boasting organic ingredients often also contain chemicals. Carol stresses that Balaton Spa products have a 100% mix of natural/organic ingredients, with no chemicals and this is what people want. 2007 is perfect for Balaton Spa! Carol continues: “I met Peter nearly 4 years ago at a dinner party. We talked way into the night, mostly about him and his company selling MUD! Obviously I was intrigued, and after trying the products for myself, I was hooked. I’ve traveled the world, and they were without doubt the best I’d ever used, but I’d never heard of them. I suggested that Peter needed to change a few things, which looking back was a bit cheeky, but I knew in my heart of hearts, Peter had a fantastic product and given the chance it could be a world beater!” Peter was not entirely convinced and it took some considerable time before he gave her a free rein. Carol says: “ Finally, 6 months ago, I got the chance to put my plans into action. Well this was a challenge I couldn't refuse. The first changes I made were to the name and packaging of the products. Then slowly I introduced other products to the range. Peter was instrumental in getting Trinny and Susannah involved. He simply sent them a Face Mask each and they instantly loved it. It even cured TV presenter Ellis Ward’s (Ideal World) daughter of her Eczema, as well as my son’s, in just 3 months. I love working with the products because of what they do for everybody who tries them, and this is what spurs me on to achieve my ultimate goal. Once someone has tried the products they generally stick with it. So when people ask me – ‘Who can use your products?’ I say, ‘Everybody, from the cradle to the grave!’ Balaton Spa has the potential to become a world brand leader. There is absolutely nothing to stop that happening and I am going to make damn sure that it will happen. It’s a case of when not maybe! “ Peter has no doubt that Carol will succeed. He says: “Carol is a stunning looking Lady. When she walks into a room she has an air of confidence that lights up that room. She's always smiling, bursting with energy and extremely well dressed, to suit any occasion. Carol has the drive and ambition to make Balaton Spa be more successful than Estee Lauder! She's passionate about the products - she uses all of

Page 2 them, and this passion and enthusiasm is infectious. Once you meet Carol, you'll want to know what she does and get involved, that's how charismatic she is. Carol is also very sharp, and has a good business brain inherited from her father, and can hold her own, either face to face or in a crowd.” Peter has the final word on Carol and Balaton Spa: “The Woman and the Company to watch!’ Email: [email protected] and find out more at www.balaton-spa.com

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