Volume 29.2 (2018) COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES, UNIVERSITY OF GHANA LEGON JOURNAL OF THE HUMANITIES Volume 29.2 (2018) COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES UNIVERSITY OF GHANA ISSN: 0855-1502 E-ISSN: 2458 – 746X LEGON JOURNAL OF THE HUMANITIES VOLUME 29.2 (2018) Editor Augustine H. Asaah Assistant Editor Rose Mary Amenga-Etego COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES UNIVERSITY OF GHANA ISSN: 0855-1502 E-ISSN: 2458 – 746X CREATIVE COMMON LICENSE Attribution-Non commercial-No derivates 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) This issue was produced with financial support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York through the University of Ghana Building A New Generation of Academics in Africa (BANGA-Africa) Project. Legon Journal of the Humanities is indexed in the database of Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). It is also accessible on the platform of African Journals Online (AJOL) Legon Journal of the Humanities 29.2 (2018) Page | ii Legon Journal of the Humanities is published by the College of Humanities, University of Ghana EDITORIAL BOARD Nana Aba A. Amfo …………………………………………Chair Professor of Linguistics Dean, School of Languages, College of Humanities University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana
[email protected] Augustine H. Asaah ………….....…………………………Editor Professor, Department of French School of Languages, College of Humanities University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana
[email protected] Rose Mary Amenga-Etego ……………….……Assistant Editor Senior Lecturer, Department for the Study of Religions School of Arts, College of Humanities University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana
[email protected] Esi Sutherland-Addy ……………….......………………Member Associate Professor Institute of African Studies, College of Humanities University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana
[email protected] Susanne Gehrmann …………………………………….Member Professor of African Literatures and Cultures Department of Asian and African Studies Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
[email protected] Legon Journal of the Humanities 29.2 (2018) Page | iii Sabelo J.