Annual Report 2012 1 From the Editor This annual report is designed to give you an overview of Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust in 2011/12. It covers quality, performance, financial and environmental matters and looks ahead to planning for 2012/13. This report will be available on line and printed on request. For the first time this year, we will be publishing a separate magazine, funded through sponsorship, that will capture the news, stories and events that made 2011/12 special. We are continuing to produce an audio recording that gives an overview of what is happening at the Trust, including interviews with key staff and features on different areas of the Trust. If you would like to comment on our annual report, or would like a printed copy, please do not hesitate to contact me. Jessamy Kinghorn
[email protected] 0121 507 5307 2 Welcome from the new Chairman I’d like to invite you to read the annual report for Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust for 2011/12 and take the opportunity to introduce myself as the newly appointed Chairman for the Trust. I took up post on 1st April 2012 and must acknowledge the work of the previous Chair Sue Davis, and the interim Chairman Roger Trotman and the significant contribution they have both made. This annual review shows strong performance during the year, as well as some areas for improvement. The next few years are going to be very challenging for the whole of the NHS. The new Health and Social Care Act presents us with both challenges and opportunities to improve the care we give patients.