
March For Our Lives Introduction: Welcome to the first JTB March for Our Lives presentation. Lucy, ​ Aniayah, Michael, Jaylen, and Alumni Jonah.

Jaylen: We want to spread awareness of the damages that guns have inflicted on our society today.

Lucy: The March for Our Lives movement was created after the February 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Jackson High School, in Parkland, . Those behind the movement demand for stricter legislation to prevent future tragedies from happening.

Michael: After observing the harm and damages that guns have brought, it is time to question the aspect of morality and ethics in creating gun laws.

Jaylen: Thesis/ Main Argument: Weak gun laws, frail restrictions on gun purchasing, and ​ the misinterpretation of the second amendment has led to the current state of gun violence.

Aniayah: Addressing the damages of gun violence and advocating for gun control laws would minimize gun violence and trauma that victims experience.

Jonah: This movement will create a long-lasting impact on the future.

Final Stance: We stand with/ March for Our Lives/ because we believe/ in a better future/ ​ for the generations to come.

General concept: - Guns have always been around since the founding of America. What started as a way for whites to keep their social domination has been under heated debate ever since the rise of the Black Panther movement. - Points of view: -

Laws & Policies:


Major Court Rulings:

At end: We stand with March for our lives because we believe in a better future for the next generation

Group Structure

Delivery Method: Instagram

Brady Handgun Prevention Law & Second Amendment

Brady Handgun: -

Why March for our lives is important

Hi, I’m Affan.

Hi, I’m Lucy.

And we’re here to explain the importance of the March For Our Live movement. Created on March 24th, 2018, March For Our Lives forms several demonstrations across the nation, continuously fighting for gun control. As listed on their website, their plan for a safer America is known as CHANGE.

The C stands for change the standards of gun ownership, meaning newer requirements. H for halving the rate of gun deaths in the next 10 years. A for holding the gun lobby and industry accountable. N for naming a director of gun violence prevention. G for generating community-based solutions. And E, for empowering the next generation.

Simply put, March For Our Lives aims to spread awareness to the people in power to help pass legislation and make efforts that lead to the end of gun violence.


--- The most recent march happened on March 24, 2018 in DC. Over 800,000 people attended, according to CNN. Hundreds of other demonstrations took place across the country, with people attending rallies, marches, and walkouts to fight against gun violence.


Each year 36,000 Americans are killed by guns, an average of 100 per day according to the Giffords Law center.

But gun violence is not just a statistic. It affects children, people, families from all across the united states. One death causes ripple effects and affects thousands of others. Stopping gun violence through March for our lives means ending fear for people. It means keeping communities safe. Through the help of JTB, our group uses social media as a platform to spread awareness for March For Our Lives. We hope that you will stand with us and support the movement as well by signing the petition today: https://marchforourlives.com/peace-plan/ ​

~ 426,000 have signed the M4ol petition on change.org, and the number grows each day.

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/march-for-our-lives-crowd-size-estimated-200000-people-atten ded-d-c-march/

These demands for greater gun law restrictions mean that I don’t have to think about an exit plan wherever I am to keep myself safe from a mass shooting.


Sign the petition to stop gun violence: ​https://marchforourlives.com/peace-plan/