Ronald Conway and Family - Committee Summary Based on Data Exported from the Ethics Commission Campaign Finance Database - 1/1/2010 Through 10/28/2012
Ronald Conway and Family - Committee Summary Based on data exported from the Ethics Commission Campaign Finance Database - 1/1/2010 through 10/28/2012 Filer/Committee Total Amount SAN FRANCISCANS FOR FAIR TAXES AND BETTER CITY SERVICES, YES ON E, A $275,000.00 BROAD COALITION OF SMALL BUSINESSES, LABOR UNIONS, AND TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES San Franciscans for Jobs and Good Government, Supporting Ed Lee for Mayor $105,693.62 2011 YES ON B, SAN FRANCISCANS FOR CLEAN AND SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS, $100,100.00 WITH MAJOR SUPPORT FROM SAN FRANCISCO PARKS ALLIANCE, RON CONWAY AND THE TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND SAN FRANCISCO WOMEN FOR ACCOUNTABILITY AND A RESPONSIBLE $69,000.00 SUPERVISOR OPPOSING CHRISTINA OLAGUE 2012 Coalition For Civil Sidewalks $65,000.00 San Francisco Alliance For Jobs and Sustainable Growth PAC $60,000.00 Mayor Ed Lee for San Francisco Committee $49,000.00 Cunnie for Sheriff 2011 sponsored by the San Franc $35,000.00 Coalition for Sustainable Housing, A Committee in Support of Proposition C $25,000.00 San Franciscans United for Pension and Health Reform, Yes on C, No on D, a $25,000.00 coalition of public employees, taxpayers and business groups SAVE HETCH HETCHY, NO ON F, A COALITION OF BUSINESS, LABOR AND $25,000.00 TAXPAYERS, WITH MAJOR FUNDING BY THE SAN FRANCISCO FOUNDATION, DIGNITY HEALTH, AND THE BAY AREA COUNCIL Why Tuesday San Francisco $25,000.00 San Francisco Parent Political Action Committee $20,000.00 A New San Francisco Majority in Support of the Democratic County Central $15,000.00 Committee 2012 * YES ON PROPOSITION B, supported by Public Defender Jeff Adachi, author $15,000.00 Harriet Heyman, business investors Michael Moritz & Warren Hellman, Basic American Goods executives…(Complete Name See Form 410) San Franciscans For A Better Muni, A Coalition Of Muni Riders, Concerned $10,000.00 Citizens, And Supervisor Sean R.
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