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The BG News September 29, 1976

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 29, 1976" (1976). BG News (Student Newspaper). 3274.

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THE GUERILLAS were ap- Syrian and leftist troops clashed parently protesting the Syrian in- when Syrian forces i moved on the tervention in the I-ebanese civil war village of Ein el-Sohat, which sits with some 13,000 troops and hundreds above an important Palestinian of tanks. Syria intervened in June to position, he added. Flu vaccination to be given By Cindy Leise Gerald R. Ford gave authorized Staff Reporter immunization funds. Immediately, scientists and four The University Health Center will companies started producing a swine be among the first facilities in the flu vaccine. Kerr said although Perhaps this student thinks the antics of Monday night's karate whose hands may be considered lethal weapons? i News photo country to immunize a large number many delays can be attributed to the class are a little strange, but It Is doubtful that be mentioned It by Mlndy Milllgan.) of people against swine flu, the drug companies, the immunization to them. After all would you aggravate a group of people potential killer virus, an Ohio program will soon be ready. Department of Health official said Stuart O. Kerr, communicable THE immunization program is disease investigator for the state said organized in Wood County by Dr. that the flu season is beginning and William D. Hann, University the 20-39 age group is especially associate professor of biological Jury chosen for Moody's trial susceptible to swine flue, and that the sciences. The Wood County Health beginning of an epidemic could start Dept. will distribute the vaccine. in a crowded college atmosphere. Centers in Bowling Green will be set Bv Cvndi Bloom their previous knowledge of the case another said, "My mind might be IN THE afternoon session, both Area immunization is set for up for townspeople as well as and to determine if a change of venue was prejudiced. I would rather be lawyers continued to question November. University students. Cindy Lcise necessary. The action would have relieved of my duty." potential jurors on whether any one Few young people, Kerr said, "We've located our centers in Staff Reporters changed the site of the trial to One black women said at the close of in their family had been sexually consider a flu epidemic a serious places we hope will be convenient," another location but was denied by the morning session, "There weren't assualted, involved in any court threat because the last epidemics in Mary Pat Moore, health educator at Hours of questioning by the defense Judge Gale Williamson. any blacks las potential jurors) but litigation, and if they realized that the U.S. were the Hong Kong flu in the health department said. She said and prosecution resulted in a seven then, we're used to that type of Moody is innocent until proven 1968 and the Asian flu in 1957. He said the centers will be set up in area women, five man jury to judge the Five potential jurors were treatment" guilty. large-scale epidemics occur about schools. case of Paul X Moody accused of dismissed during the morning every 10 years and the swine flu The services of Wood County and attempted rape on the University Wittenberg stressed the idea that could surface as the next one. the University's Health Center's will because they said they had heard Another black woman said that she the burden of proof in the case lies • Golf Course last spring. prejudicial information about the be donated, Kerr said The vaccine is felt assured that the defense would with the prosecution which must "I THINK it's a true community supplied by the federal government. case or had preconceived opinions choose only unprejudiced whites. prove beyond a reasonable doubt that During the morning session, about Moody's innocence. hazard and steps should be taken Two separate vaccines will be • potential jurors were questioned by She also said that the reason for the Moody was the alleged assailant. immediately," Kerr said. "The used. One is for the very young, very .Defense Attorney Sheldon & Wit- all white jury lay in the fact that Both lawyers declined to comment Asian flu took over 75,000 lives and old or the sick. It will be ad- tenberg of Toledo and Assistant ONE WOMEN said that she there are very few black people on how they will present their cases. swine flue is of the same killer virus ministered through a needle, unlike County Prosecutor Gary Kuns on "hadn't heard anything nice," and residing in Wood County. The trial is expected to last three or strain." the second vaccine, which enters the four days. arm through the pores. Wittenberg said, however, that "It's sort of like Star Trek," Ken- while the girl was definitely at- Early this year the first outbreak U.S. Economic index drops of swine flu surfaced at a military said. "Thirteen hundred pounds of tacked, the case will center on camp in Fort Dix, New Jersey. pressure in the gun blow the vaccine WASHINGTON (AP)--The the index fell 1.5 percent in August, The statistic is crucial because the identification of the assailant. He through the pores. We can immunize claimed Moody was not that at- Nearly 300 people became ill and one .government said yesterday that the with about a third of the drop at- I'ersident has discounted three recruit died, Kerr said. 1,000 people per hour." index it uses to predict the future of tributable to an increase in the layoff consecutive months of rising tacker. Kerr said the vaccine doesn't hurt ' the economy has dropped for the first rate in manufacturing. This rate unemployment by citing tandem Kuns said the female University Following this outbreak, a large and there is no chance ofcontracting time since the start of the current rose to its highest level in nine increases in total employment. He student will testify during the trial. number of people attempted to the flu through the immunization .recovery. months. and his advisers feel he can win the The jury went to the golf course isolate the virus, Kerr said. Doctors process. election despite rising unem- yesterday afternoon to view the site and scientists in the Center for ' But a government economist said The drop in the index is based on ployment as long as people already of the alleged incident but in- Disease control in Atlanta pressured "THEY USED to use live virus. 'the drop in the index of leading in- preliminary estimates and could be at work feel secure that they aren't in formation about the site was not heavily for federal support for Now all the injections are with dead dicators does not necessarily mean substantially changed as more danger of being laid off. available. widespread innoculation measures. swine flu virus." | that mere will be a decline in the detailed figures are obtained. But it 'economy. compares to a five-tenths of 1 per cent gain in July. The August figure • John W. Kendrick, chief economist is the first drop since February 1975, AAondale blames Ford for high inflation .for the Commerce Department, said and constitutes the largest drop since the 3.4 per cent slide in January 1975. TOLEDO (AP) - Democratic vice In Cleveland, Mondale was ac- Republicans have given industry a anything that the market justifies." that most analysts consider a three- presidential candidate Walter companied by Howard Metzenbaum, "green light" to raise prices and Mondale said Carter has this ' month trend essential before a drop Mondale blamed the Republican Democratic candidate for the U.S. therefore worsen inflation. courage, whereas President Ford .in the index could be interrupted as Officials indicate that there are administration for high inflation and Senate in Ohio, and in Toledo he was does not. He reminded the labor projecting a general economic hopeful signs that the index will turn high unemployment in a campaign met by Rep. Thomas Ashley (D- "We have to have a president who audience that John F. Kennedy stood downturn. around and increase again in Sep- Ohio), who Is seeking re-election will stand up to these big shots who up to U .S. Steel in the 1960s when that tember, the last report before the swing through Cleveland and Toledo ■ "Most business cycle expansions yesterday. from the ninth district. want to raise prices clear beyond firm wanted to increase steel prices. have lasted at least three years, so I presidential election. The vice presidential candidate don't think this one-month decrease The Minnesota senator said that said Republican budget policies have . should be interrupted too THEY SAID these include business because of Republican policies one resulted in $42.5 billion in losi Celeste plans >negatively," Kendrick said, "ft expectations of increased spending out of every 10 Ohioans is unem- ployed and one third of the building revenues in the last two years to .would be very unusual, for the on plant and equipment over the long states and municipalities because of campus visit economy to fall out of bed at this term, last week's record growth in trades workers are out of work. unemployment. stage in the expansion." the money supply and recent ad- "It is cruel and wrong for Lt. Gov. Richard F. Celeste will vances in stock prices. Republicans to insist that the only visit the University tomorrow to talk THE PRIMARY cause of the All three factors exerted a way to combat high inflation is AS A RESULT of this, he said, with students about the necessity of decline was the section of the index depressing influence on the August through high unemployment, state and local governments have involement in the political process. index. Mondale said." gone from a $4.1 billin revenue •which reflects what President Ford surplus in 1973 to a $1.1 billion deficit While at the University, he will .calls the crucial issue of job security. What could be more troublesome He said bringing the Republican speak to two classes and meet in- The Commerce Department said for Ford's election hopes than the record to light is the best way to in 1975. formally with students at 2 p.m. in over-all index, which is composed of defeat President Ford in November. Since Ohio has 25 electoral votes, Mondale said it is not only a pivotal the Alumni Room, Union. Celeste a dozen individual statistics,is the "If we talk about issues we'll win," will have dinner at a fraternity house job market statistic. he said in response to a question state but a swing state in that it Weather doesn't always vote one way In and meet with people off-campus. Mostly dear and cool today, taw .The Labor Department also about polls which indicate Jimmy According to a Celeste spokesman, in lhe mid 40s, high In the upper reported yesterday that, after ad- Carter's popularity has slipped since presidential contests. the lieutenant governor is going to justment for seasonal variations, 1.5 he was nominated. "Ohio could well dedde whether » and lower Ms. Cloudy and we win or lose," Mondale said. "It is campuses across the state in a non- cooler tonight, low in the mid 3»s. per cent of the people at work in partisan effort to increase voter Chance of predptariha 10 per manufacturing were laid off in MONDALE SAID that despite the a battleground state, a state that awareness, voter registration, and to August That is up from 1.1 per cent polls he still feels the momentum will could swing either way." cent today and 2f per cent In a speech before labor leaders In stress the importace of voting. tonight in July and is the highest since be upward if the Democrats can stick Richard F.Celeste November's 1.6 per cent to the issues. Cleveland, Mondale asserted that opinion 'judgment is founded on truth...' get something done mao as america s mirror

The first meeting 'of the Student Government Association (SCA) WASHINGTON-The funeral was to see Jesus reign. Mao was in- most grandly exaggerated things Monday night was like hearing a broken record closed to all but the 800 million troduced to the American public as a were being said about future Sino- I very year, SCA leaders say they will initiate do/ens of programs, but rnernbers of the immediate family. high priest of diabolism. American friendship and by the time it comes to actually getting something accomplished, things No flowers please. Donations in the During the Korean War we were cooperation Mao, again, was the never change Chairman's name to go to one's Nicholas told that Chinese troops charging our measure of what idiots we could' This year, SCA is led by capable people, with responsible senators and favorite ideology suggested lines were out of their heads on make of ourselves. administrators holding office This is the time to generate ideas and get The American television was thick von Hoffman narcotics; after the war Mao was substantive programs accomplished with specials and the abbreviated depicted as a leader so evilly insane But whatever it is we call Maoism' In the past, student officers and senators have sat in their offices (they chit-chat of China watchers, scholars that he was deliberately depriving has nothing to do with such con- seldom even answered the phone) and did little more than list theii and diplomats. None of them his own people of the benefits of siderations or, perhaps, even with, titles on resumes. sounded as though they knew what Western medicine and forcing them what he did and stood for in China. Bv doing so, SCA has done a great injustice to the students, whose they were talking about; virually all to treat their afflictions with the Maoism, the attitude of mind he general fee money constitutes SCA's budget In short. SCA has been a of them have a record of undeviating disappointed the high hopes we had superstitious remedies of witch bequeathed to those who dare accept -. waste of money error in regard to Mao, his associates for her. From the late 19th century doctors and shamans. the inheritance, is ever so much less So this is the year for SCA to get on the stick and get something ac- and China. on, our business people have doctrinaire and complicated than complished bemused themselves with the THAT'S HOW acupuncture was what Marx left the world to argue * Granted, the News has not always agreed with SCA's proposals when EVERYONE AGREED a gigantic dreams of an enormous China trade described in American newspapers there have been some made (the shuttle bus issue, for example), but. by figure had passed Only the biggest which has never materialized. in the 1950s. Mao gave us the chance generating good and bad ideas, something constructive is bound to of the big get suffixes on their last Americans believed they were to learn, if we cared to, that we are no MAO PROPAGATED the notion surl.u e names. Jefferson, Jeffersonianism. principally responsible for more impervious to the most ob- that all top administrators, scholars • No American president has been preventing the European powers vious, ham-handed propaganda than and professionals work so many similarly recognized in the century, from dividing up and colonizing is a Chinese peasant. We had prayer weeks a year in the fields and fac- but Maoist and Maoism are terms China vigils for our Christian missionaries tories. That made him an enemy of used the world over. that Mao imprisoned as spies, and 20 established society everywhere just erase the barriers On the television, though, the soi- THE FACTS of the case were years later it got out the CIA was as it made him as much a threat to distant experts were talking about somewhat different. The two using ministers and priests for bureaucracy as the crankiest, tax-' The City of Bowling Green is making- the responsible dec ision to make Mao in regard to China. That's one generations of Americans before and espionage. heating reactionary in the United the city barrier free. part of him we Americans know after World War I thought that the States. especially to be congratulated is Mayor Alvin I Perkins, for appointing nothing about because he and his Open-Door Policy guaranteeing all Then in 1972 the line changed. Whether he succeeded in doing it or a citi/en advisory committee to study the problems of barriers to the movement weren't taken seriously foreign nationals equal rights in President Nixon went to China, and not in China, Mao let loose the idea handleapped in Bowling Green Kudos also go to Pamela R Cray for here until four years ago. The China should have won us trade and we were overloaded with un- that a new kind of man can be made. II performing a service to her community by chairing the committee paucity of Mao material was obvious gratitude. Neither were for- disceming, laudatory accounts of by politics, without being born again, Bowling Green and other area communities are long overdue in from the television-the same few thcoming, nor did the Chinese submit China and the Chairman. The an equal man, not free from the' removing barriers for handi< apped < ili/ens film strips repeated on every themselves to baptism in the num- propaganda apparatus in Moscow discipline of the group, perhaps, but A drive by a committee of students and administrators during the last program The Chairman's death, bers our missionaries prayed for. could't have stopped on a dime, and from the hierarchical structures of. few years has made remarkable strides toward a barrier-free campus. then, can be an occasion for us to The coming to power of Mao and veered off in a new direction anv government which afflict us the The ramps to buildings and improvements in restroom and drinking learn something about ourselves by the communists after the second quicker. The old dream of the world over. fountain facilities have made lite tor the handicapped at the University recalling the changes America and World Was was a repetition of earlier China trade had been exhumed, and easier and the same i an be true for the < ity the Chairman have gone through disappointments, made more galling if we didn't nurture the expectation A millenarian ideal, but they are. Handicapped students and c ity residents don't deserve to have to put together. by the thought that Marx would be of sprinkling holy water on the the only kind that get you an -ist or an up with barriers that c an be < orrected Even before Mao, China always enshrined in temples where we hoped Chairman's head before he died the -ism at the end of your last name.

carter, playboy and lust

WASHINGTON-The day that her. •"There are some men who lust Jimmy Carter's famous quotes from after women and there are others' Playboy were released was also the who don't. You're fortunate to be • same day he issued a paper on how to married to someone who doesn't. save the American family. Mr. "Don't tell me you've never had a Carter has said that he is very fantasy about having an affair with' concerned about whet is happening another women?" to the American family, and if he "What's an affair?" OrGXKSE becomes President one of his "What President Ford said he HE'LL LOCK priorities will be to bring it back would approve of his daughter Susan - together again. having." Well, I must say the Playboy in- "OH, THAT kind of affair," I said.. terview didn't do much in our family bifocals they give this odd effect that "The answer is no. The Lord said to to heal any wounds. some people could interrupt as lust. think of having one is the same thing' For those who have been down in a Ask any optometrist.'' as having one, and frankly since I've l coal mine all week and haven't read been playing tennis, I tire easily." what Mr. Carter told Playboy, he "ARE YOU trying to tell me you "WelL at least Jimmy Carter is 0 admitted that he has looked at a lot of weren't committing adultery in your man enough to admit his sins," she women with lust. But he said God heart when you sat on a stool at her said bitterly. , forgives sinners, including feet?" "That's unfair. Just because adulterers. "This is something God "Adultery was the furthest thing Carter confessed he lusts after' recognizes I will do," he was quoted from my mind I was breathing women in his heart doesn't prove' LOOK THE vm m?m -i \m A ftw RJUML WRDKS ID ATTEND 10/ as saying, "...and I have done it... heavily because I had too much everyone in the country does. Gerry, and God forgives me for it. But that chicken cacciatore." Ford bumps his head every time he doesn't mean that I condemn "Jimmy Carter says he's com- gets out of a helicopter. That doesnV someone who not only looks on a mitted adultery in his heart many mean every other man has to bump • women with lust, but who leaves his times." hishead" uao offers varied programs wife and shacks up with somebody "But he's from Georgia They "There were several other out of wedlock." have nothing else to do down there. I husbands at the party lusting after THE PROBLEM with this thinking live in Washington where none of us women," she said. By Michael toman break. If you'd rather catch some mixer, fear not-there are more on is that while God is willing to forgive has time for such thoughts." "IF THEY were, I can't criticize rays, come with us to sunny Ft. the way. men for lusting thoughts, most wives them" I said, "because that would Union Activities Organization l.iiRkTilak' or to Aruba in the Guest Columnist UAO is also presenting "Stop the aren't-at least not where I live. SHE SAID, "Well, he says God be a sin of pride, which Carter said is' Carribean. World, I Want to Get Off." This The night after Mr. Carter's views forgives him when he does it, but I'm worse than lust." Peter Frampton, Leonard Maybe you'd like to learn more musical depicts the everyday hassles were publicized I went to a dinner telling you right now, if I ever catch "How can I believe that whenever Nimoy.Ted Mack, Average White about plants, cars, yoga, belly of life along with the many troubles party at a friend's house where there you committing adultery in your we go out to a party you are not Band George Plinxon, Mardi Gras, dancing or how to play the guitar. If of a love affair, something the were some very attractive wives and heart you can pack your bags." committing adultery in your heart?''' Magum Force, Gene Roddenberry, you'd like to build a bar, take our University students will undoubtedly single women. "You'll never catch me," I assured As Carter would say, "Trust me.", Clockwork Orange, Crosby & Nash, carpentry' course and then follow up be able to relate to. When we gor home, my wife said, and Loggins & Messina. Sorry, but with a mixology course that will Two candle makers will once again "I saw you lusting after Florence you missed all of this unless you were teach you how to make any drink visit the Union in November and the Pennyweather." at BGSU last year. But wait, don't be your tastebuds ever craved. ever-popular art print sale will also "I wasn't lusting after her," I discouraged, look who's coming. return in October. protested. "I was talking to her The 3*5 Hews Whoops-sorry, you say you want to Piano man Billy Joel will also about tax cuts for the median class of know who presented those activities. FOR THOSE who like to start the entertain in November. American who makes an average of The Union Activities Organization weekend early, the ever-popular For all students interested in $12,000 a year." Page 2 Wednesday, September 29,1976 ■ (bet you already know that). disco Happy Hours will continue on a working with and being a part of the "YOU WERE lusting while you This coming year looks just as weekly basis on Fridays from 2-5 University's largest programming were talking." EDITORIAL STAFF p. in. in the Falcon's Nest, Union. organization, UAO will sponsor an editor losephl wollet 11 . good-if not better. It's early in the ' "How do you know that? " managing editor Kevin 0 mccray year but look what we have planned Halloween's Spooktacular will open house at 7 p.m. today in the "I saw it in your eyes." news editor Patricia a. thorn as already. Movies like Shampoo, The present an endless variety of ac- Carnation Room, Union. You are "That wasn't lust" I protested editorial editor iimts a. sluiewskl Hindenburg, Monty Python and the tivities for the Witching Weekend and invited to attend, we welcome your "The look was caused by my wire editor William p. saunOers' if you enjoyed the Welcome back input and friendship. eyeglasses. You see, when you wear makeup editor victoria I. vttord. Holy Grail. The Exorcist, Tommy, sports editor wilhs c. tsttn Taxi Driver, Billy Jack and Three l hoto editor mindy milligan, Days of the Condor. William "Captain Kirk" Shatner BUSINESS STAFF will be in town on November 3. Sound business manager douglas a. blank, - advertising manager gordon t. sayre good? Keep reading. Letters sales manager lynned. marsak, and peace, rather than remorse and production manager gregory e. kunti BACK BY popular demand is the on the second floor of the Union during the freshman mixer. dejection. skinny little boy from Cleveland, theft In conclusion, I would like to say The BO News is published daily Tuesday through Friday during the regular' Alex Bevan. This will be the first To all the readers of the BG News, I that all you Falcon out there have school year and weekly during summer sessions by students ol Bowling Green Coffeehouse performance for the As I go into the academic year of would like to say that that jacket done a great job in spreading the State University under the authority ol the University Publications Committee ' 76-77 here at BGSU, I have reason to cannot be replaced, but can only be Opinions expressed by columnists do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The year, on Sept. 30 and Nov. 1 in the "Big Orange" theme over the past BG News, the university administration, the faculty or staff or the State ot Ohio. ' Carnation Room, Union. pause and deliberate over the crimes earned, through one's athletic per- years, so as we go into this year, let's Editorials and editorial cartoons rellect the opinion ol the majority ol the mem- Would you like to eat breakfast and thefts that occured on this formance. In addition, I would like to continue to spread that theme, and in bers ol The BG News Editorial Board. with University President Hollis A. campus last year and in the past. say that I had only received it less addition let's adopt a "Be Honest" The BG News and Bowling Green State University are equal opportunity em < Moore Jr? Sign up in the UAO office than a week ago. So if any of your plovers and do not discriminate in hiring practices. I have always detested such ac- theme within our hearts-think about The News will not accept advertising that is deemed discriminatory, degrading* on the third floor of the Union and you has turned up with a BG it-what a wonderful place BGSU will or insulting on the basis ol race, sex or national origin. can discuss any issue with Dr. Moore tivity and sympathesized with the brown and orange varsity jacket, I All rights to material published in The BG News are reserved. * victims, but I never really knew what will be obliged if you will take ap- be. over an excellent Union catered Editorial and Business Offices ' meal it was like to be victim until Friday propriate action. IfM University Hall If back-packing is your nitch, you when some hot fingered individual Such activity has got to stop for us Ivor Emmanuel Bowling Green Stale University decided to walk off with my let- Bowling Green. Ohio 4)401 can go on a trip hiking on the to trust each other and for us to live International student Phone I4HI J'J !001 Appalachian Trail during Spring termans jacket from the coat room together on this campus in harmony 215 Conklin It Wednesday, September 29,1976, The BG News Page 3 Day in Review Campus smoking law not new Bv Marilyn Dillon one made by the board of areas must be established of the offices, Halpern "A faculty member is From Associated Press reports Staff Reporter trustees in 1959. Nothing in all places of public said. responsible for main- has changed," said Dr. assembly. Smoking is permitted in taining a comfortable SCIENTISTS have begun what they FOUR HOODED gunmen kidnaped a Despite what appears to Sheldon Halpern, vice hallways. lobbies, physical atmosphere as call the most intensive quest in history wealthy businessman from a Riviera many students to be new provost for faculty affairs. THE CAMPUS restrooms. and all areas of well as a comfortable to find artifacts and bones of the first villa over the weekend after robbing his campus smoking The present clarification regulation states that "no residence halls and food intellectual atmosphere," North Americans, the tribes of hunting hosts of $200,000 in jewels and cash and regulations, the present for the 1959 regulation was person shall smoke in any service areas. Halpern said. peoples that emigrated from Asia over a making the kidnap victim sign a check policy is merely a adopted because of health area designated a no Violation of the policy is According to Halpern, Bering Sea land bridge thousands of for the equivalent in francs of $400,000 clarification and rein- factors, fire hazards and smoking area..." Smoking a misdemeanor, "People the bill does not infringe on years ago. plus several blank checks, police in forcement of the students' complaints of is prohibited in can be fined," Halpern the right of smokers. The three-year project, focusing on Cannes, France said yesterday. regulations established by smoke in classrooms. The classrooms, laboratories, said, but he admitted it "They have," he said, "the eight digging sites in Alaska and one in The kidnaping of Francois Feriel, 60, the University Board of bill was expanded lecture halls, theaters, was unlikely this would be right to go to a smoking Canada's Yukon, was announced and robbery of his hosts occurred early Trustees in 1959. following the approval of arenas and gymnasiums. enforced. area and smoke." yesterday by the National Geographic Sunday morning, but was not made "I think that the major legislation by the Ohio Smoking in offices has "We're trying a low Society and the National Park Service public until yesterday when Lopez filed decision concerning General Assembly which been left up to the profile, mutual respect THE UNIVERSITY Each will contribute $300,000 to dig up an official report of his losses to police. smoking in classrooms was states that non-smoking discretion of the occupants policy," said Halpern. The "Smoking Statement" was the lost American history. Lopez said he delayed reporting the University policy states: prepared by a committee Archeologists, anthropologists and incident because the gunmen told him if "Students similarly have composed of people from other scientists are being recruited in he talked to the police, "Your wife and British pound drops an obligation to remind the Office of Environ- this hunt for early man. Scientists said son will suffer the consequences." His their fellow students to mental Health and Safety, that to date the Soviet Union has done son, Rodrigo, was asleep in his bedroom LONDON (AP) - stock. 'They couldn't AS HOLDERS of sterling refrain from smoking in Student Government more work on the Siberian travels of when the kidnapping and robbery oc- class." Association, Student these early migrants than Americans curred. Britain's battered pound, believe how cheap they sold the British currency at worth $4.80 at the end of were compared to back lower and lower prices. "The only way the policy Services. Student have done on those who reached the Chancellor of the can be enforced is if the Activities, University American side of the land bridge. World War II. plunged 4^ home," he said. more cents against the Exchequer Denis Healey students will take it upon Union, and the vice dollar yesterday and In a tough speech to made a dash from Ijondon themselves," said presidents for resource closed at a record low of Laborites meeting at airport back to his office, Halpern. planning, operations and A 43-YEAR OLD man has been , Prime Minister charged with threatening the life of $1.63. The slide, bad news missing a scheduled flight management support for the I -ibor government, James Callaghan said to Hong Kong for a British STUDENTS who have a services. President Ford in a telephone call to Britain could no longer live complaint about student or JACK ANDERSON, newspaper Secret Service headquarters. was a boon for some Commonwealth finance Halpern said the present columnist, claiming he once was almost foreign tourists. on borrowed time and ministers' meeting. News faculty smokers in their policy probably will be Secret Service agents said Sean K. money and had to start classes may contact the the target of a Watergate murder plot, is O'Leary called the office Monday while of Healey's action halted more effective than the one seeking $22 million in damages from Ford was visiting in Miami and said, "I The manager of a earning its way in the the pound's slide, and it department chairman or a established in 1959 because former President Richard M. Nixon and phonograph record shop in world. closed at $1.63 down 44 member of student people are more aware want you to get Ford out of this town or government. 19 subordinates. I'm going to kill him." l-ondon felt the effects of cents from Monday night's that smoking may be a Anderson filed suit Monday, accusing the cheaper pound im- "The cozy world which close of $1.68. There was The policy reminds health hazard. An in- O'Leary, who told police he was from mediately when two faculty members that they creased number of public Nixon and his aides of conducting a five- Cincinnati, faced a bond hearing before we were told would go on no word of what Healey year campaign to destroy Anderson's Frenchmen arrived and forever ... is gone," he would do, however, to halt have a key responsibility in places are making similar a VS. magistrate yesterday. making the program work. regulations now, he said. credibility and take away his First Miami police said the call was traced bought up armfuls of his said. the slide. Amendment rights as a newsman. to a pay telephone. They said O'Leary Lawyers for Anderson said the suit is was found sitting in a car parked about unique because they said that never 15 feet from two telephone booths and before has a reporter sought damages in made a statement about the call. federal court on grounds that his First Spokesmen quoted O'Leary as telling Amendment rights had been violated. investigators, "I want Ford out of this BIG SHEF, FF\ SOFT DRINK city befoe he ruins everything. I'd kill him if I had the chance."

DAMKI. SCHORR, the newsman A SHOPPER bought a frozen chicken suspended by CBS while a congressional at a Tallahassee supermarket last committee tried to find out who gave week-and found the butt of a marijuana him a secret report on the CIA, quit his cigarrette packed with the giblets, $ network job yesterday. according to Florida officials. Schorr said in a letter to Richard Jane Robinson, director of the state's Consumer Services Division, said 1.00 Salant, president of CBS News, that his return might be "a source of tension Monday that I.eon County sheriffs within the organization. deputies confirmed that the butt was Schorr was suspended in February part of a contraband cigarette and when the House Ethics Committee turned the evidence over to the Food announced it to know who give and Drug Administration Wed., Sept. 29 thru Mon., Oct. 4 him the report that criticized operations Robinson said the federal agency of the CIA. handled the case because the chicken, The newsman appeared before the which the supermarket replaced for the panel last week and refused to say shopper, had been shipped in from where he got the report, claiming outside the state. reporters have the right to keep sources "Herbert Hoover used to promise a confidential. The committee voted to chicken in every pot," she said. "Now take no action against him. we're getting pot in chickea" ® O ATTENTION EDUCATION MAJORS BurgerChef APPLICATION FOR STUDENT TEACHING 1976 BurnerBuige' ChrtChct ^vtinmtSvsiems. Spring Quarter. 1976 Students planning on student teaching, Spring, 1977, should attend one of the five application meetings which will be held on October 6,1976, in the Grand Ballroom. Meetings are held on the hour, beginning at 1 pin. The last meeting is at 5 pm. Applications will be distributed, placement procedures will be explained, and 510 E. Wooster supervisors will be present to discuss stations with students. LASALLE • S lllthBIRTH DAY SALE Shop early for these great buys! Juniors Juniors Juniors Juniors Sweaters Cardigan Sweaters Tunics Famous Maker Dresses Basic crew or turtleneck Both are acrylic acrylic & wool blends, stripes, jaquards, heathers Choose from a selection new fall shades solids & tweeds of prints & solids 2for 10.00 S-M-L One & two piece dresses 2for 11.00 10.99-17.99 9.99-12.99 15.99-17.99 Leather Purses Women's Sportswear Men's Sweaters Menfs Styles you must see to believe Sweater Sale Shetland crew necks C.P.O.jackets 9.99 shoulder styles *irtte"*>cks, tunics, vests, Acrylic Turtlenecks Polyurethane material pullovers, bulkies 6.99 2for 13.00 two upper patch &flap pockets\ all leather shades new fall shades Rugby long sleeve shirts Orig. 45.00 16.50-31.50 6.99-23.99 6.99 Sale 29.99 Now at Lasalle • s Junior Coordinates Men's Germaine Monteil Cosmetics Save 1/4-1/3 on our famous Corduroy Suburban Coats OPEN A STUDENT now receive a $75.00super name Junior skirts, jackets, Cotton corduroy with plush CHARGE collection of beauty products pile lining in an antique gold velour mts, shirts, sweaters variety ff of fabrics in new fall colors 34 length natural38to 46 INSTANTCREDIT dressertop chest for $10. OO CHARGE THE SAME DA Y withANYGERMA" Reg. 40.00 Hurry for best selection! Sale 29.99 APPLY CREDIT OFFICE Puge 4 The BG News, Wednesday, September 29,1978 Local Briefo Ford polishes stands for debates By The Associated Pren while he was in the House congressional leaders to pines to raise $1 million for speeches with themes he reporters. They cite of Representatives. discuss Secretary of State the Democratic National gives credit for making criticism of his Playboy Parking At the same time, Henry A. Kissinger's Committee. him a winner in the interview, where he said he has committed adultery in New Parking Services policy changes go into effect President Ford polished Nessen was asked about Rhodesian peace efforts. At the same time, he primaries: leadership, today, according to a release from the University his foreign policy image the President's acceptance The President en- reviewed newspaper ac- compassion and the need his heart but that God Student Traffic Court. yesterday and his chief of golfing hospitality. He counters Carter in their counts of his recent for a Washington outsider forgives him. All one hour parking limitations in the lots near spokesman refused to said Ford played on three second debate, this one campaigning in Texas, in the White House. covering foreign policy, on "THE PRESIDENT is Harshman and Kreischer Quadrangles will be en- answer questions about courses operated by California, Oregon and Carter also is shortening an avid golfer." Nessen forced. All motorcycles must be parked in areas Ford's use of campaign corporations while he was Oct. 6 in San Francisco. Indiana and planned the his hectic days on the road said. "He has played with designated as motorcycle lots or they will be ticketed. funds in his home district a congressman. Nessen shape of his campaign to to give him and his staff THE DEMOCRATIC come. regularity during his 26 Students have 48 hours after arriving on campus to when he was a said he does not know if the presidential nominee, at more rest. years in Washington, and congressman. companies paid the register a vehicle with Parking Services, 104 Com- home in Plains, Ga., Aides have said he is In another change, his he has accepted invitations mons. As the President met President's expenses. with the first of a parade of prepared for a country- shifting away from aides are advising him to at various clubs, which is If a ticket is received for non-registration, it will not cooking fest in the Georgia statistics and recasting his be less candid with customary." be voided until after the vehicle is registered. foreign ministers in ad- FORD'S CAMPAIGN Any student with questions about parking policy can vance of his foreign policy funds and golf outings contact the Student Court, 460 Student Services Bldg. debate with Jimmy Carter, came up as the President White House Press met with Hans-Dietrich U.S. money fuels terrorism; Secretary Ron Nessen Genscher, foreign minister Gay dance declined to say whether of West Germany. It was Ford had illegally con- the first of several such Irish women say gifts misused The Gay Union is sponsoring a dance from 8 p.m. to verted campaign funds to White House meetings midnight Saturday in the Cardinal Room, Union. A SO his personal use. which are a yearly , Northern said they will fly Monday Ulster Defense had been considerable cent donation is asked. "You know that I'm not tradition, but which the Association and the Ulster support for the Northern going to answer that White House hopes will Ireland (AP) Two leaders to Buffalo, NY., at the question... because it of Northern Ireland's invitation of the Public Volunteer Force. Ireland women's peace underscore the picture of a Britain and Ireland have movement in the VS suggests that tnere Is a president busy with foreign women's peace movement Broadcasting System Placement said yesterday they will (PBS). frequently alleged that need to answer iMhat policy. Irish-Americans send "We are going over there something like that has Foreign ministers of the take their crusade to the Williams said that they Placement Office Senior Meetings will beheld today United States next week to will appeal in a nationwide money to Northern Ireland to tell the people, par- at 10 a.m. - noon in the Main Auditorium, University been charged," Nessen Soviet Union, Britain, ticularly the Irish, to be said. France, Italy and other plead anew with telecast to Irish Americans thinking it will be used for Hall and 6-8 p.m. in the Math-Sdence lecture hall. Americans to stop sending to cut off the flow of funds rehabilitation. In fact, very careful about the There have been reports unspecified nations will money that they give to that the Watergate special follow Genscher into the money that, the women that they claim supports officials say, the major WICI prosecutor is investigating Oval Office as they travel say, fuels terrorism. the Roman Catholic and recipient is the IRA. No organizations for 'aid' in Betty Williams and Protestant gunmen waging figures were available. Ulster," she said. Women in Communications Inc. will meet at 7 whether Ford converted to New York for the annual campaign funds to his own autumn session of the Mairead Corrigan, terrorist warfare in The Provos are waging a The two women said they tonight in the White Dogwood Room, Union. All cofounders of the non- Northern Ireland. She and bombs-and-bullets terror also plan to talk to New members and interested persons are invited to attend. use through a local United Nations General Republican party Assembly. partisan and nonsectarian Corrigan are Catholic, but campaign to unite the York church leaders about organization in Michigan Ford also met with six-week-old movement, their movement included Protestant-dominated the situation in Northern both Protestants and British province of Nor- Ireland and the desire of Catholics. thern Ireland with the the people here for peace. Catholic-led Irish The women formed their "THE PEOPLE who Republic. The Protestant peace movement after give the money have no militants are fighting to three Belfast children were The Hewlett-Packard first family of calculators idea about where it goes," maintain their control over killed by a runaway auto Williams said. "They are . the province. during a gun battle bet- are in a class by themselves. third-generation American ween IRA terrorists and Irish. They have just no "MANY PEOPLE have British troops. idea about what is going on gone across to the United The children's funeral Hewlett Packard buili il»- world's /ml First family performance. addition, a complete selection of optional over here." States to try to stop the brought together 2,000 idvanccd pocket calculator back in 1972 Hewlett r.kkatd means the kind of accessories increases the versatility ol the She said U.S. money has flow of cash to the Catholic and Protestant And leil tin- w,i\ cvci since performance that includes RPN logic with calculator of your choice Hewlett-Packard been helping sustain the terrorists and have failed mourners and convinced 7IKI.IV. Hewlett Packard call ulaton>arc lour memory stack, a full range ol advanced oilers more because Hewlett-Packard's got main guerrilla armies-the but we hope we'll be more Williams, 32. that the time recognized .i- Flie 11r-i Family K more functions and much, ninth more more to offer Provisional wing of the successful," Williams had come to put an end to than one million owners worldwide In- Irish Republican Army, said. "That money could the killing. Miss Corrigan, Free booklet while the predominantly be channeled into factories eluding Nobel Prizewinners, I 'SA-USSR First family reliability. an aunt of the i slain supplies last. Catholic guerrilla army; to provide work for our children, joined her, and astronauts, explorers, educators, « icntisls v\ hen you buy a Hewlett-Packard ii you get one years protection on "What To Look For Before You Buy and two Protestant menfolk." other housewives quickly businessmen, and students Here's wh> paramilitary bands, the Corrigan, 23, said there flocked to their banner. parts ,III,( labor And a two working-day An Advanced Calculator" helps you make First familv design. mm around on most repairs a wise purchasing decision Pick up your ****** Hewlett Packard u as first and con- free copy at your campus bookstore Or * * italic, to lead in the translation <>t state- First family support. teleph,HH«00-5J8-7922 (in Calif. l * Brthc-an tccnnolouv into advanced Even -'^ ulai»»i-> degrees) Admission * • Performs rectangular/polar conversion, register Free-To all students who live on campus and * arithmetic und more * • Addressable memory who are registered to vote there. * • Two displav modes Fixed point and scientific * * * *2.00-To all others HP-22 Business Management. * $165.00* * The HP-*'easily handles (he kinds of ions * Register to vote-Oct. 4 is last day you face in business courses today, in management * tomorrow Breeze through business math calculations * Build existing statistical data into reliable forecasts If you re going into business administration, this is the * -440 Student Services 9 Noon. 1-5 (Mon.-Fri.) calculator for you * * ■Wood County Bd. o( Elections 500 Lehman Ave. -Wed.. Sept. 29-8:30-noon. 1-4:30 •Combines financial, mathematical and statistical •Thurs, Sept. 30-8:30 om-9 pm * capabilities * •Fri. Oct. 1-8:30 am-9 pm • Performs complex ume-value-ofmoney computations •Sat.. Oct. 2-8:30 am 9 pm * including interest rates * •Mon.. Oct. 4-8:30 am-9 pm • Performs rates of return and discounted cash flows for investment analysis * • Performs extended percent calculations, accumulated * Paid lor by Democratic Campus Registration Drive, John Elliott. Chairperson interest, amortization, etc * • Ten addressable memories * 302 Sigma Chi House • Full decimal display control HP-25C Scientific Program. ••••••••••••••••••••V mable with Continuous Memory. $200.00* PREFERRED PROPERTIES CO. ThcHP-2SC is our keystroke programmable It can Management Agent For solve automatically the repetitive problems every science and engineering student faces What s more. Piedmont Apartment St - 8th St. & High Continuous Memory lets you retain programs and data even w hen it s turned off Haven House Manor - 1515 E. Wooster • Continuous memory capability • 72 built-in functions and operations Buckeye House - 649 Sixth St. • Keystroke programmabiluv Bi rch wood Place - 650 Sixth St. • Branching, conditional test and fu|t editing capability • Fight addressable memories Efficiency 1 & 2 bedroom and houses • V\fe alsoolferthe HP-2S,| without the Continuous furnished & unfurnished Memory feature! for >I45 00 "i Now For Summer and Fall HP-27 Scientific/Plus. $200.00* "SUMMER RATES *300 The HT-27 is for the science or engineering student — MODE! OPfN — 1-5 DAILY w hose course work extends into business administration The reason It features every pre-programmed scientific FUR function wc vc ever offered, plus comprehensive stat and financial functions Thus the name Scientific/Plus Rfr. ■■'■|li • 28 pre-programmed exponential, log and trig functions. Mil 15 statistical functions. 10 financial functions—53 in all 'I fA|!| I • IC addressable memories — 20 memories in all • 6 selective clearing options gives flexible use of memories " ' ' .' • Fixed decimal, scientific or engineering display formats

NfW FURNITURl HEWLETT [Up! PACKARD i.: tf Orp. 6»H 1*110 hm~lc. A,.m» CWllHm CAWU Loosing Office Phone 352 9378 af Chorrywood Club 8th & High St.

f-l Wednesday, September 29,1976,1116 80 News Page5 UCF planning service projects

The United Christian tonight at the UCF center. That's our first priority, conjunction with Dr. held at Woodlane School Fellowship (UCF) is The Rev. A. Eugene Keil, then we considered which Richard A Burke's for educable mentally spearheading several associate director of UCF, people in the community or educational psychology retarded (EMR) children community service said the main objective of Wood County need help the course. Students travel to and handicapped adults. programs this year. An the program "is a most." Perrysburg Heights, Ohio, organizational meeting learning experience for THE PROJECTS include to the homes of students HOPE HOUSE will be will be held at 6 p.m. the University students. a tutoring program, run in attending kindergarten another project site. Keil through the sixth grade. said. "The group home for Keil said students will juvenile males will have work on a one-to-one basis the big sister - brother Farm shock is Greek arf to help students who have program again. The object "a variety of educational is to develop a positive role PEOTONE. 111. (AP)- this country around the As larg ize trees became needs and need a model through friendship When Pat Murray bought time the house was built scarce in settled areas, University student to be a with the boys.'' he said. 120 acres of farmland for a and how it was reminiscent forest lumber was cut, special friend." He added Two new programs are subdivision, he said,"that of a Greek temple." sawed into standard sizes that transportation and all the gerontology program shack must go." It went-to and shipped to building neceaaary materials will where students develop a the Smithsonian Institute THE HOUSE has now sites. be provided for the Wed- personal relationship with in Washington. been disassembled by nesday evening trips. a retired person, and the Murray had a jewel on Smithsonian people. It will "THE PEOPLE I bought Plans for two separate world hunger program, his land 30 miles southwest be reconstructed at the the land from, Mr. Albert recreation programs also which Keil says is "trying of Chicago, a rare example institution in February as Hal land his wife, are now will be discussed. One will to make people aware of of early prairie architectu- an example of early prairie dead. Hall was the last of be held in Perrysburg the food they waste" This re, and didn't know it. farm architecture, said the rugged individualists. Heights community co- involves asking local But an architectural Murray. He said it will He raised eight children sponsored by La Kaza restaurants to offer student from the stand next to the Hart and never got around to Unida. a social service decreased portions and University of Illnois House, an Ipswich, Mass.. installing indoor plum- group, ami will involve holding a contest to Julia Woods, new assistant director of the libraries uses her spotted the home, Murray house considered a prime bing." said Murray. "He sports programs and arts measure the amount of experience to look over the books at the main library. She says said, and begged him not to example of the 17th and farmed the land with and crafts. The other wasted food at each of the Shhhh\ her experience proves her enthusiasm for her new job at the tear it down until he was 18th century architecture. horse, and most important recreation program will be campus cafeterias. University. (Newsphoto by Mindy Milligan). contacted by his professor, Murray's house was built he never changed the basic Paul Sprague. between 1852 and 1854 with building design." Sprague examined the precut lumber and nails, "When I took one look at house and called the rather than pegs. the shack, I thought. That BARGAIN PRICES Asst. library director hired; Smithsonian. Prior to the 1850s most has to go." It reminded me THURSDAY IS STUDENT NICHT "Eventually, Rodris houses were constructed of nothing but a shack, no JiiMunlNls li )> WIIHIDI Roth, curator in the from heavy timbers cut plumbing, weatherbeaten, Smithsonian came by. near the constuction site. a mess," said Murray. SATURDAY-SUNDAY BARGAIN MATINEE'S brings experience to campus There was a lot of ootiing ADUIISONIY II 2SI Describing her job as a the mobility of her field. Woods received a and aahing over the STADIUM "little bit of everything," "One can tell by my past bachelor's degree in place." Murray said Julia Woods, new assistant positions that I do get history from Kearney- yesterday. "That's when XirjcCiner*a U director of the University around a lot." she said. State College in Nebraska they explained about how KLOTZ FLOWER Libraries comes to "Melville R. Spence, and M.L.S. from the there was a big revival of EH Bowling Green with much library director of the University of Oklahoma. Grecian architecture in FARM University, recommended library experience behind that I apply for the job, so I SPECIAL NOW...FIRST AREA PREMIER! her. did," Woods said. ATTENTION EDUCATION MAJORS "DAVID BOWIE IS OUT OF THIS WORLD" Her previous experience IN... "MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH "...TONITE includes positions as Originally from APPIJCATION FOR STUDENT TEACHING 4 Inch Potted Green . AT 7:30 AND 9:30 P.M. special materials Nebraska, Woods was $ librarian. North Texas selected from three can- Spring Quarter, 1976 Plants 1.19 Each State University; reader's didates for the job. adviser, Columbia Public Or 2 For M.98 library; and periodical bank director. Associated lilHMMil Students planning on student teaching, Spring, 1977, Colleges of Midwest. should attend one of the five application meetings which Large Variety To Choose From Woods said she enjoys will be held on October 6,1976, in the Grand Ballroom. Meetings are held on the hour, beginning at 1 pm.- The 353-8313 Home grown last meeting is at 5 pm Applications will be distributed, Corner of plants out of placement procedures will be explained, and super- Napoleon and S. College greenhouses visors will be present to discuss stations with students. Play cards with Domino's

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Room -Delux Seafood & Prime Rib Buffet ALSO with Salad Bar and Desserts Kiujm&u We're glad DSS& Bamb, fS Catering For All Occasions 163 S. Main St. 353-3251 you're back! TICMHICOLO* .Gj ^^" isitstgacatgttKtmrorarorea K**x*«$m*x*m$z* Page 6 The BG News, Wednesday, September 29,1976 Barriers to be removed for wheelchair victims

By Gail Harris Barrier-Fiee BGSU and advisory committee member, shesaid. "If there are stairs in the front, the ramp can't said. She said they are the only establishments she knows Staff Reporter took 64 slides of barriers to wheelchaired persons along be in the back, because that's discriminaation.'' of already removing barriers for the handicapped. Main and Wooster Streets. MANY public buildings also fall to provide appropriate As chairman of education for the Wood County Multiple Imagine what it would be like not to be able to enter a accomodations for the handicapped, she said, listing "We did it about two weeks ago," she said. "And it Sclerosis Society, Gray said she has become aware of the restaurant, shop, movie theater or to reach public Wood County Health Dept. and Courthouse and the city's became apparent motels, shops, restaurants and a wide problems that exist and cannot ignore them. telephone or drinking fountain. Administrative Services Building, Safety Building and range of public accomodations in the main business These situations face persons confined to wheelchairs Municipal Court Building as offenders. She said Perkins became interested in the han- each day all over the city, according to Pamela R. Gray, district presented numerous problems to the wheelchair dicapped's needs when he was involved in "Handicapped handicapped." These buildings do not have ramps at their entrances, chairman of a citizen advisory committee on the needs of she said, but the new county office building behind the Awareness Day" in June. On that day, he spent half a the handicapped in Bowling Green. Some of the establishments did not provide adequately courthouse is barrier-free. day touring the city and University in a wheelchair. The committee, appointed earlier this month by Mayor wide parking spaces, doorways and halls, she said, ad- Two McDonald's restaurants, at 1050 S. Main St. and "He became sensitive to their needs," she said "He Alvin 1. Perkins, will study problems encountered by the ding that there were many steps, but few ramps. 1470 E. Wooster St, have begun renovating their found how hard it is to get over a curb, how hard you have wheelchair handicapped, and suggest legislation to make restrooms to meet the handicapped's special needs, Gray to push and how much energy it takes." the city barrier-free. Many persons do not realize some special provisions that must be made for those in wheelchairs, she said. "OUR GOAL is to educate the business community Phones must be 48 inches high, lowered from the usual 60 about problems existing for the wheelchaired han- inches and drinking fountains should be 36 inches high to dicapped," shesaid. "We want to find workable solutions be within easy reach. relative to state guidelines and make the business community voluntarily motivated to initiate change in architectural and transportational barriers that now HALLS leading to restrooms must be wide enough to exist" turn a wheelchair around, and restroom doors should be Businesses located in the city are losing many han- freeswinging to allow easy entrance and exit. Grab bars dicapped customers because of the barriers that exist in must be installed on either side of toilets to allow persons and outside the establishments, she said. to get in and out of the wheelchair. Gray said Toledo is profiting because of the fact, ex- "The cost involved in these adjustments is not plaining that Toledo became one of five barrier-free VS. outrageous, although I can't quote prices," she said. cities. City Council there passed an ordinance in 1973 "You just can't imagine the humiliation of not even being providing ramps, parking facilities and adequate able to go to the bathroom." restrooms for wheelchair patients. "This enabled the handicapped to shop and interact It is against Ohio law to discriminate against a person without humiliation," she said. "That ordinance made it on the basis of ancestry, age, color, creed or handicap, possible for all people to spend their money in Toledo. Gray said. ' "The handicapped are invisible here. They spend their This means that if a handicapped person must use a money in Toledo." public accomodation, he must be able to enter the building at the same place a non-handicapped person TO PROVE to citizens and businessmen that problems would, she explained. exist, Gray and Keith Detamore, representative of "Where there are stairs, there must also be ramps," HUNTING FOR A GOOD DEAL?

Pagliai'S Wed. night special...

SPAGHETTI ONLY 99* A few steps can make the difference between making a person Dilemma in a wheelchair feel like an average citizen or a social outcast includes: spaghetti garlic bread from 1 1 a.m.-9 p.m. Pagliai's Moore spends 19 days in Orient 1004S.Main University President Far Eastern Trade Mission (No delivery on this special). 352-7571 Seoul, South Korea. He is scheduled to have Hollis A. Moore Jr. is in Tokyo and Osaka, Moore will also meet dinner with Japanese currently on a "com- Japan, at the request of with Japanese educators to Premier Takeo Miki while bination business-pleasure Gov. James A. Rhodes, "explore the kinds of in Japan, Edwards said. trip" to the Far East Edwards said. The trade cooperative relationships according to Richard A. mission is a series of we have explored in a very Moore left on Sunday, Edwards, vice-president meetings between Sept. 26 and will return on - small way with small 'and Assistant to -ttoe Japanese and Ohio lartsrn iiniversiliml' "njUHolrV?*. £ -. ,—„ president. businessmen. Edwards said The Trip Ts being While in the Far East, The trip includes stops in financed by "private and OPEN 7A.M. Moore will attend the Ohio Tokyo, Hong Kong and MOORE WILL lecture at personal funds" and not by the University of Tokyo University funds, Edwards and the International said. Christian University in "Part of it (the trip) will McDonald's new Japan, and will visit the be vacation because he Seoul National University (Moore) didn't get a eggs and sausage. The breakfast and the University of Hong vacation this summer," JU.A.O.: Kong. Edwards added folks are scrambling for. * Open HouseS * ******************** ** Organizational Meeting For * The Chi O's * Prospective and Old *. Say Members Tonight in the * Welcome back to * Carnation R. In the Union * t campus and best * * * * U wishes for a great * 7-9 p.m. * year. * 0 * t .*••••••••••••• * t * SOUTHWYCK EIGHT 865-7101 SOUTHWYCK SHOP. CNTR. The 37th Bank Can Be The Roughest!

Breakfast S»rvd 7:00 - 10:30 A.M. XMMII Miirniiii: V HI • ... Sr'f- - I .tin- in inj ir\ Alone with vcr\, very reuaoftaible And Avoid ihi' usual McPonalJ'* now I'IM* ,i p.iin ,'t M::1III^ hoi i-rin- And, you can uci morning scramble. i ACADEMY AWARD WINNERS .111,1 vlllvliv f«• I htV llit.NI pure pork MiiiKiiie Vout i.ivi'rue juice, We do It ail .inJ you won't have to And .i buuecA toantc coffee or milk to«o foryou .OUISE FLETCHER • KEITH CARRAJ^frfE scramble tomotuw. English imilhn alon>! ii nb " Tli it's hccmiM: we'll with jelly. S«>. »lop in .it K iv« two ilutu fresh You ..111 net the M.IVn.ilil\ V (Jr.idc A ciap icramMeJ entire hit! heart) , lor breakfast %^ "THIEVESLIKE US" vt**** * lip till It'll. breakfast lot .i _^. tomorrow. ^rAv* DIRECTED BY ROBERT ALTMAN Vw Mt^ ... sMiinDuviu.iOHNSCMuCMBfPHimsiN...—...jdwtvBicic,...-..—.. GioitGtuno. v._~..,r»ioc«wiumGHu«jr« XMN ll*«(SSU«Y t MMIRI UIMM •«.....*« MMM ■ a fOWUD AKDfRSON • k... ROStBI AllMUl , , £PENf MATINEE — WEDNESDAY! mm BOWLING GREEN SEPT - 29 &SUN all seats H.00 Wednesday, September 29,1976, The BG News Page 7 Riots leave Africans fearful Library ups lost book fee to

JOHANNESBURG, "Most of the buyers whites and 2.7 million concern in South Africa, their homeland, gun cover replacement costs South Africa (AP)-Fear expressed a genuine fear mixed race and Asian the most powerful bastion training courses and pervades this white-ruled at the unrest that is people who make up South of white supremacy on the shooting galleries, are land as never before. After sweeping the Cape Africa. continent. becoming increasingly For the first time in more than 20 IT IS listed as lost for a few months, months of black riots and Peninsula and said they Nor was there any joy for popular. years, the processing fee (the fee then the purchasing department strikes, some white South were arming themselves WHITES FEAR the South African whites when Volunteer civil defense charged in addition to the book price) reorders the book. The cataloging Africans are looking for for protection," he added. violence will resume. This VS. Secretary of State organizations are being for lost books has been increased to $5. department then updates their records new homes abroad. Others The upheavals in the is punctuated by isolated Henry A. Kissinger, during mobilized and widely The decision was made by Melville R on the book, Spence said are buying guns and segregated black town- cases of fire-bombings in his peace mission in publicized on the state- Spence, director of the University An older book can be difficult and digging in. ships since June have white shopping areas, southern Africa, met with owned television network. library, and Evron S. Collins, head of expensive to replace, he added "We have completely taken more than 340 lives militant speeches by black a group of black leaders in Whites are learning first circulation. •'The main purpose for charging this sold out," said a Cape and injured more than leaders and a general Pretoria to underline aid, how to fight fires and They said they decided the former fee fee is to discourage carelessness with Town gun dealer. "People 2,000, the casualties being sense of unease. American opposition to protect their homes. of $1.50 was not sufficient to cover the books. We're not in it to make money, are panic buying. Their almost all black. Though The situation in neigh- South Africa's racial cost of replacing a lost or damaged just to put pressure on the students. A requirements have in- the violence had eased boring Rhodesia, where separation policies. "THEY EVEN told us book. lost book is an inconvenience to others cluded shotguns, recently, it has left deep black rule in two years or One of those blacks. how to fix up a nozzle for When a book is lost, several depart- who want it." Spence said. automatics, revolvers, racial bitterness and sharply escalated guerrilla Chief Gathsha Buthelezi, our hose inside the house so ments and much time is involved. The This fee increase and the price of the rifles and even hunting distrust among the 16 warfare now appears leader of the four million you can fight a fire from circulation department makes two or missing book will be charged to .students knives." million blacks, four million inevitable, has also caused Zulu tribesmen, said in inside without risking three searches for it, Collins said. who lose books. address earlier this week being shot by rioters to a group of white students outside," said one white in at the University of the a Johannesburg suburb. Witwatersrand. "The White vigilante groups future is a black future and have also appeared to we blacks want our future guard factories and patrol tobj-ginnow." streets in white areas near There are no govern- trouble spots. SORORITY FALL RUSH ment figures on whites There have been several leaving South Africa to incidents of blacks or settle elsewhere, but there coloreds. as people of is growing talk among mixed race are called some of them of trying to here, being shot dead by Today, Wednesday September 29 make new lives in Canada, armed civilians during the the United States, Britain most recent unrest in Cape or Australia. Many South Town. is the last day to sign up for RUSH. Africans already live in Besides . the those countries polarization of races, the upheaval has brought out Go to 425 Student Services Building differences within each IN RHODESIA, the race group. 8a.m.-12, 1 pm.-5p.rn. white exodus is at a record In the black com- $ level, with more whites munity, government- 2.00 Registration Fee. leaving last month than in backed "leaders" are any month since Prime scorned and shunned by Minister Ian Smith broke the young radicals who the country away from have been in the vanguard British rule 11 years age. of protest. Come in and Get Acquainted At Rhodesian governments Even the vast majority immigration figures show of apolitical blacks are a net loss of 4,030 whites being drawn into the during the first eight confrontation through months of 1976, compared intimidation. BIGELOW MUSIC SHOPPE to a net gain of 1,510 for the "They are coming after same period last year. us now," said a worried 126 E. Wooster 353-7303 Day Or Night Uist month, Rhodesia lost black maid who lives in a 1,520 whites and attracted compound behind her We Carry- Where are the fish? No, these Ironworkers were not ensnared 611 new settlers. Rhodesia employer's home. "It is in a midair fish net It's a safety net under workers building a has a population of 270,000 difficult to work anywhere. bridge at Markland Dam on the Ohio River between Warsaw, whites and about six I cannot go to Soweto, the * Full Lines of Methods Books Ky., and Florence, Ind. The workers were straightening out a million blacks. black township outside tangle as the net was put up this week. (APWtrephoto). For South Africans not Johannesburg because * Sheet Music thinking about leaving they will attack me." * Folio's and Guitar Books —c * Full Line of Music Accessories * Full Line of Band S Orchestra Instruments SR-56 THIS WEEKS SPECIAL... King Marigaox Alto Sax and Case

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Page 8 The BG News, Wednesday, September 29,1978

MONEY SAVING DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Great Scot ACROSS niiNDir FOOD STORES 1 Tinted 49 Put in type again ( M Faun 61 Kind of affirma- 80NUS BUYS • In procreae tion 12 Stettin's river 46 No runs, no hits. 14 Portion 63 Hour, in Spain 13 Haberdashery BO — 16 gras 66 Figuratively. 16 Figure, of speech 60 Important piece 17 MuuchuMU complete inatten- of news FOR BUDGET MINDED STUDENTS! 21 Swapped 62 Goeaip: Fr dty tion 23 Paint 18 Path: Fr. •0 Human 64 Augurs 26 Indiana 66 Game of jacks, in 19 Vibration 64 Epic 26 FacalawaUl 20 The Pilgrim., for 66 Cascade Britain with stone 66 Type of school: Instance 87 Caaul —— 27 Chemical com- 22 Architectural fee- {cause of war) pound tura Lett. 67 Wing: Pr. 29 Post 68 Enjoyed the water 24 Pit out 68 Not covered by 30 Enjoy 69 "Inc 26 Baldam compenaation 32 Neck parts 28 Nama akin to 89 Trout'a couain 33 Famoue 61 Irish landmark Elaanor 70 VIP'slnthe Elizabethan 31 Looaan borne 34 Beginning 62 Stouta' relatives 36 Rafina'i apouat 71 Colleen 37 Street spectacle 63 Honorary de- 36 Didagarden 40 Snowstorm, for gree.: Abbr. chora DOWN one 66 Dickens lad 38 Adventure atory Handle 39 Roman poat Adjective suffU 41 a minute French pronoun i J~ I" 6 P~ 8 9 10 II 12 7T 42 Saratoga at al FaahionabLe r ' ♦3 "Damned If aleeve 1 IS 16 Arabic tiUea W 44 Liva Coin in Sofia 17 IS 46 Maka do( with Spanish Agnea "ont") 8 Raieond' 19 20 121 4T Be in a dither 9 Cremona violin 48 Certain dal* 10 Scapegoats: 22 23 24 fate. Abbr. 11 Heraldic bearing » 26 27 ■26 » 30 31 32 33 34 r* ■ 36 37 38 ANSWER TO PKYIMIS HIOU! nnnn nann 1 39 40 41 42 E|I|5 jit HlUlR R > il 13 44 US ■■' M NISTT 1R AIPIO L DL A R 1'j [•: CE« a n L sk 17 h ■ 50 1 M U RlNBBHlAIG G 1 r ifp R 0 0 N uu 0 V H E Is. ■ a\ ■S3 m k NO 0 ■ o E S foil U N 0 a K A T i A 66 57 SB 69 !■«> 61 62 63 M us L i t 1) I t 1) Gil M A N 0 t i t ■ " u L r" n 66 66 0 D 0 M w E R fi p » L ) A 1 D o p If S A i 67 68 U I U R E S 1 0 0 K S 1 i ( * ' s I'J H i M 1 69 70~ 71 0 Elf T L t N J ■

DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau


*>• Classifieds

CAMPUS CAIINDAR IORSALE MihHIe. congrats on your engagement to lohn1 Love the VVednesday, September 29.197b 67' Mustang 289-V8 Runs well, KL7s Active Christians Today meeting ACT Campus House, 603 Clough body fair See Liz. 116 Psyc St atTOOpm Bible StuoV, "How To Start A able StiioVOpen Bldg or 874-1654 eves Best Baby, best of lix k on your pre- to all Olter engagement to \tark W?'re Active Christians Today meeting ACT ( .in iHIS House 603 Ckjugh Stereo-Realistic 250 Receiver St .7 00pm Bible Study The Master's Plan Open to all really hippy lor you' Your KD sisters 240 Watts Realistic 9998. 3 BC.SU Photo Cltab meeting in Room 114, Business Head 3 Speed Stereo Tape Administration at 7 00 p m. Meeting free and open to all in- Sandy, we're glad to hear o< Deck KLH33 Lcxjdspeakers terested persons your lavaliering to Ken Best Cain-«5-90T8 MakeOffer C.< -iwjnioni^ Unic«imeetinginroom2l)ISul Uiyi-.ll.ill (kienln.ill1 Wishes for the luturo' Love the rslTs ALL-CAMPUS TEA SAT. CO SERVICES OFFERED children atternoons in our SAI s - What a Great start this 2-6 pm FUN FOR YOU-FROM i home CXvn transportation WrAL. • I will do light housekeeping r,j wr. year Thanx t<» the tea. We Loved It' love- The ChiOs possibly some babysitting. Two 8 track players, cheap, Drivers with own car QNOS light laundry. T52-08(>2 SORORITY IALI RUSH SIGN two samll reel recorders cheap, Pizza Pub 10 gal Aquarium 8, light, $10 Announcing Elle OTJonnell's L^ 425 Student Service) 8am- noon. 1 pm-5pm or in your Oriental Rug 9 x 12 $20; Roll-' and Linda Beck's new location Retail Clerk to work in BG dorm Giieterid. 4()m-6pm away bed $20 Call 352-7105 at Lasalle'sHair-ln Allrjldand Store 9-5 Mon. thru Fri. between 6-9 pm. Wednusday1 is tlx- last day to new customers are invited to Posit Km avail irrmed Send stop by for appts or call 352- resume with experience, signup" Smith-Corona typewriter excel W65 education & family in- Welcome Back noon only. breakfast! V\e're psyched for B-Ball to Toledo last year' Lg rm for 1 or 2 M Full access the serenade and the time ALPHA SIGMA PH|. Rush to house. 3blks. fromcarnpus Expendable babysitter tor 3 when you're our sisters at last! Thur. 7-9. Ph. 352-4312 Wednesday. September 29.1976, The BG News Page9 Bandwagon suggests Yanks, Reds will win SHORT STUFF: Many baseball experts are leaning The Tigers were enhanced on the mound and at the gate toward New York and Cincinnati to win the American and by rookie Mark "The Bird" Fidrych. National League titles, respectively, when the Fidrych, a sure bet for rookie-of-the-year, has won professional playoffs begin next weekend. nearly 20 games in leading the Tigers to a respectable I tend to agree on both forecasts, although I'm cloudy record, compared to last year's 100-loss season. on the situation in Philadelphia. Rusty SUub, an all-star like Fidrych, solidified Detroit clutch hitting this year. • •* Terry- It seems funny that the defending world champion Pittsburgh Steelers have to play catch-up football after Goodman three games. CHUCK NOLL'S Steelers have tost twice-to Oakland Even though the Phillies have clinched a post-season and New -end are now at Minnesota and spot, they haven's been playing good baseball However, Cleveland in successive weekends. Pittsburgh has pushed the Phils into playing harder than The Vikings' game will be a dandy, and, on national the Reds towards the season's end. television Monday night. In the Browns' contest, Pitt- Either the Phils will carry that attitude into the five- sburgh has a history of playing poorly on Cleveland game series, or, they'll be exhausted and just pleased Municipal Stadium's soft turf. enough to get by the Pirates. • •• Kansas City, on the other hand, has been playing good baseball, while being challenged by Oakland. But I'll go TEN YEARS AGO-Dick Williams was named to with the consensus that say the Yankees superior pit- manage the Boston Red Sox in 1967. It was Williams' first ching and speed will put them into the World Series. chance in the majors... Cleveland's Luis Tiant blanked Minnesota's 25-game winner. Jim Kaat, 44, on a six- • •• hitter. The Indians scored in the first inning on hits by The local major league baseball teams, Cleveland and Vern Fuller and Rocky Colavito, and, an error by Zoilo Detroit, showed marked improvement during the last Versalles... year. Frank Robinson, now the manager of Cleveland, sewed The Indians, playing over .500 for the first time this up the American League Triple Crown batting title. 5fo, decade have been helped by the steady performances of Hobby was hitting .316, hit 49 homers and knocked in 120 Cincinnati catcher Johnny Bench (right) tags out Philadelphia slugger Mike Rico Carty, Buddy Bell, Rick Manning and George runs... In the National League, Matty AIW(JM) had the Top stars Schmidt (left) in earlier action this season between the two contenders for the Hendrick. Jim Bibby, acquired in the Gay lord Perry deal best average and Hank Aaron was the top power hitter National League pennant (AP Wire photo) with Texas, came on strong in the latter half of the season with 42 home runs and 122 RBI.. . to become the top starter on the pitching staff. Doty L. Perry field was given the OK for its first game ever. Officials said the stadium measured 420 feet on DAVE LAROCHE and Jim Kern were excellent in both sides and with an addition (ends and a second deck), Former coaching greaf is spectator relief. In fact, LaRoche made the all-star team. it would eventually hold 60.000 people. Exhausted' -- Ewbank OXFORD, Ohio (AP)- being general manager your grandfather." memorabil IR and Bahr kicks boomerang Weeb Ewbank came back and coach," Ewbank "I hated to leave New testimonials from to Miami University this admitted, watching the York," Ewbank said. But I Ewbank's career. CINCINNATI (AP)- Johnson, who has been we hadn't blocked any until able to get his arm up and year to watch as a spec- school he had once at- want to come home ... Cincinnati Bengals rookie with the team since its today. block the ball. tator the game he labored tended as a student and enjoy the family ... old "SURE, I miss football," place kicker Chris Bahr is beginning. "Bahr must have a low over for so many years as a later served as a basket- friends ... eight grand- said Ewbank. "I love it, learning something new Some of the Bengals "I COME in low and try trajectory, although on coach ball coach. children ... just plain particularly coaching. But every week. complained that the to knock down the of- film it didn't look like it. "I'm just physically and relax." I'm still close enough... at In seven years of kicking Packers were illegally fensive lineman and then But on my block, I didn't emotionally exhausted," "I LOVED coaching, but Three weeks ago, Weeb Miami here, the Bengals in field goals, Bahr had never climbing up each others Fred Carr jumps over me have my hands that high, said the 69-year old it was impossible dealing and Lucy Ewbank came Cincinnati and Ohio State had a block. backs and blocking the and tries to block it." and I still caught." Ewbank, who retired after with those agents." home and their new home up in Columbus." "Never," he recalled, kicks. "I was just jumping, not BAHR, a former star a pro football coaching Despite his aggravation is now crammed with "not in high school, not in The Packers denied any climbing," said the 6-foot-5 kicker at Penn State, career in Cleveland, with some of the directions boxes filled with movies, "Basketball," he said, college. It's never hap- such tactics. Carr, who received credit rejected McCoy's theory. Baltimore and New York, pro football has gone. playbooks, photo albums, "was work, but football pened" "If someone was for two of the blocked field "I have a higher where he once was both Ewbank wept when he trophies, plaques, was love, my life." On Sunday, he learned climbing up a back, a ref goal attempts. trajectory than most coach and general retired two years ago and what it was like, and, to would call it-they were "Actually I had just kickers whether they're manager of the New York so did his players. One of emphasize the lesson, the there," said defensive one," he said. ' McCoy had soccer style or not," he Jets. them said, "Playing for Green Bay Packers tacW* Mike McCoy. one and Dave Roller had said. "It got to be too much Weeb is like playing for repeated the lesson again, "We've been doing this for one." and again a couple of weeks although McCoy said that he was WEDNESDAY IS "THREE blocked field m*txm*txtm*z*«xm$«3 goal attempts in one game. g ESTHER'S $ I don't think anyone has in LLAR DAY* ever done that to us BEAUTY SALON before," said center Bob QUARTER POUND * hair cutting $4.00 3*hair styling $4.00 and up CHEESEBURGER PLATTER connniont fraa pwfciitf Enjoy a quarter pound of freshly ground beef and dairy fresh cheese on a toasted sesame seed bun. In by 10:00 ■.m. FOUR OPERATORS on a platter with cowboy fries and crisp cole slaw. out by 4:00 p.m. TO SERVE YOU REG. '1.39 110 E. NAPOLEON HD -BO Good Sept. 29 Only 344 S. MAIN 352-3845 ] $1.00


Our ten cor squad is only o Would like to invite all interested telephone call awoy We ot Pisanello's take pride in rescuing you from the midnight munchies men to rush TONIGHT-at 7:30 ond dinnertime blues A pino never had It to good. The Delta Zeta Sorority will be there to party with us. So come on over and get a taste of DELT. pEJfopelb'

Just west of Harshman Quad. See you there... 203 N Moin Bowling G'r.n — 352-514* Apathetic Falcon football fans stay home stadium seats. Sam B's or watching Baylor-Illnois on television, it No, Falcon officials werent including the ushers and Student tickets, are priced at $1 a game with a season seemed like a more popular pastime than trudging to press box personel.but they're lucky they didnt take the pass and $1.50 at the gate. Perry Field. "head count" in the third quarter. ByBUIEstep So how did my roommates spend the day ? AND EVEN THOSE that did trudge to Perry Field Sports Editor As I left for the game Saturday I asked one of my made the usual early exit WITH 7-31 LEFT in the third quarter, after San Diego rommates if he needed a ride to the game. He quickly After announcing the attendance at 11,373 (12,605 State scored its third touchdown for a 27-3 lead, the mad replied,"No, I'm staying home and listen to the Ohio attended the Eastern Michigan game) in the second rush for the gates began. During a radio interview at halftone of the Eastern State game on radio." quarter, BG Sports Information Director Bob Moyers Michigan game two weeks ago, University Athletic OBVIOUSLY, HE'S not the only apathetic BG football announced later in the press box that 300 fans were ad- Were they try ing to beat the crowd? I dont think so. Director Dick Young called San Diego State "probably fan on this campus. There's always my other roommate ded. the best non-conference opponent ever to come into Perry who passed up the game to socialize at a friend's apar- Field" tment. Young may have been right. But how did the Bowling My third roommate went to the game, and after a third- ■ The BH Vewi Green fans respond? With a pitiful turnout of 11,673. quarter quarrel with his girl friend, spurred "by the Sure, this was a non-league game and Ohio State and game's boredom" returned home to say, "the difference Michigan, both within two hours driving distance, were between Bowling Green and Ohio State is like the dif- also at home. But how many Bowling Green "townies" ference between the minor leagues and the major and students can obtain tickets to those games? leagues." It was Orange Day Saturday. Lots of BG burgees and Whether it was counting cars on Wooster Street, SportsWednesday, September 29,1976 Page 10 free MacDonald orange drink certificates under the making cookies in your sorority house, eating lunch at SporTalk Steve Kuehl BG receiver is big catch

Much has been written about the strong out there and I don't like to fair catch. (graduate assistant) came in last year more than I take my academic problems Bowling Green offensive backfield, and But there's certain times, like I hyper- and we got to be real close, and then, with me onto the football field. perhaps the most overlooked Individual extended my knee on one of those catches bam, he's gone. It's pretty hard. I wish i}- What positive things have you gotten in that bunch is wingback Steve Kuehl. against San Diego when I should have fair we could have had coach (Bob) Simmons . .The versatile senior, now in his second caught it and I didn't, and I got smashed. (current receiver coach) last spring. out of participating in the football season as a starter, is one of the finest all- program here? The other person deep with me is Q-How rough Is it to play football, go to A-I think the most important thing I around athletes on the Falcon squad In supposed to tell me if I should fair catch practice every night, and then get up and ha ve gotten out of it is just meeting all the high school, at Lima Central Catholic, he it, so there's been a lack of com- go to class, and lit studying In? lettered in wrestling and baseball, set munication. But as far as the kick-offs, A-It's rough. And it's getting harder, guys and just knowing that every guy on school records in the 100-yard dash and I'm just trying to feel them out. I think because my freshman and sophomore the team would do anything, sell their discus, and gained all-Ohio recognition as they'll come. years, I kind of goofed off, took classses I soul, for any other teammate. a football tailback Q-Many people say Don Nehlen is too really didn't need, except for "accum Q-Have there been any negative . .Now primarily a receiver, Kuehl's conservative, that he runs too much. Do boosters." So now I'm scrambling to get aspects of it? running talent has been put to good use by you think BG should pass more or "open- everything together. But once I get on the A-Yeah, the way-some people don't BG with the wingback reverse, or counter up" the offense more? football field, I leave my academic start, when they should be starting. I play, this season. In addition, be has been A-I think they should have passed problems behind and start thinking about wouldn't want to talk about those, though. one of the Mid-American Conference's more ever since I was a freshman here. football. I think more than anything, I You know, playing people because of (MAC) premier kick-off and punt return As coach Nehlen says, all the great teams into my classes, thinking their background, or because of a lot of specialists the last two seasons. run. But they have to know when to pass about what I'm going to do that night, politics. But I'd rather not get into it. . In this SporTalk interview with News and when not to pass. What happens i.s we associate sports editor Dick Rets, Kuehl run, and run, and run, and the first two discusses his attitudes about BG's title games of the season, we ran, and just chances, the coaching staff and his destroyed them (Syracuse and Eastern participation In the football program. Michigan). And now this week (against Q-You've been here four years now. San Diego State), we run, and then we Coach Don Nehlen claims this year's can't run, so we start passing. But then team has the best talent of any he's had. we didn't win. But the only time we Do you agree? passed was when we had to. Yeah, I think A-Yea, I think the talent is by we could open it up a little more. far., well, the first year 1 was here when I don't think anybody can stop our pass, they had (Paul) Miles and (Phil) Polak, to tell you the truth Because we've got they had a lot of good talent, but I don't depth at our receivers that any of them think they played together. As far as this could go in, as far as I'm concerned, and team, I think Its got Just as much talent, start, right now. Willie (Matthews) came probably even more. We play together in and has done a good job, Duds (Dave and I don't think there's any weak spots. Dudley) is a good receiver, Jeff Groth This year, I think we're solid at every can play both sides, and Jeff Robertson, position. who hasn't played, I think has the best Q-Attitude-wbe, Is this year's team as hands on the team. I don't know why he's spirited and united as the last two years' not playing. teams? Q-How much has Dan Salect's loss A-I think the attitude is probably hurt? better this year. It's not a fake attitude. I A-I think it has hurt. Jim Cause and have a good attitude, but I don't go out Steve Holovacs are good players, but and yell and hoop and holler and jump Saleet is the best runner I've seen here. around, because it's just not me. I don't He and (Dave) Preston are the two best like fake enthusiasm, and I don't think runners I've watched here. They're both Steve Kuehl resting. the team has that. Everybody wants to better than Miles ever was or ever will play, everybody wants to win. be. Losing Dan really hurt a lot, because Vr-Thc last two seasons, you've been he could run, he could block, he could quite an accomplished kick and punt catch, he could just do it all. Booters host returner. So far this season, you haven't Q-Does the change in assistant broken a long one. Any reason? roaches, such as you've had this year for A-Well, one reason is because this is receivers, and also offensive backs, hurt Ohio Wesleyan the first week I got to you any, or cause any problems? return; like against San Diego State was A-Yes, it definitely hurts a lot. Like The Bowling Green pleased with a tie," the first time I returned a kick-off, or a when I was a sophomore, I had coach soccer team, after a Cochrane said. "They'll be punt. There are a few reasons, though, (Carlos) Jackson. He recruited me and heartbreaking 2-1 defeat to the third toughest opponent like lack of communication on the punts. he was like a father away from home. Kent State over the we'll face this year, behind Being crazy is one thing, I have to admit Any time I ever had any problems, I'd go weekend, will try to bounce Akron and Cleveland State. • • I'm pretty crazy on some of the things I to him. And when he died, it was really ... and receiving (Newsphoto by Mindy Milligan) back against Ohio The Falcons will be well do, but being stupid is another thing. I go tough. Then coach (Paul) Ondrus Wesleyan at 3:30 this af- rested for today's tilt, after ternoon at the soccer field. Ohio Wesleyan, unbeaten two days off. Sports in Brief CLEVELAND CAVALIERS this season in three con- • • We gave them Saturday tests, tied the Falcons in and Sunday off, "Cochrane vs- their season's opener last said. "We had an excellent DETROIT PISTONS fall, 1-1. But soccer coach practice (Monday) Mickey Cochrane expects probably one of the better LA's Alston retires Thursday, October 14 a tougher test today. practices this year, but "We were pleased with a we'll have to put it all From Associated Press Reports long way. It shows we do have an offense that can move 8:30 p.m. be last year, if you can be together during the game." and can score." Walter Alston called it quits yesterday after managing Slager had completed only nine of 29 attempts for 114 BGSU ANDERSON ARENA the Los Angeles Dodgers for 23 years. yards with three interceptions in the first two Irish "I just thought that I had enough, and told club games, a 31-10 loss to Pittsburgh and a 23*) victory over Eagles buried president Peter O' Malley that I was retiring," the 64- Purdue. year-old Alston said. He gave no specific reason for his But his 12-of-14 passing in a 4M victory against winless decision other than that. Northwestern gave him a game completion percentage on national TV He said that he will accept another full time position of 85.7, breaking the former Notre Dame record of 81.3 set PHILADELPPHIA met the Los Angeles Rams with the Dodgers, and will help pick his successor. by Bob Williams against Michigan State in 1949. (AP)-The last time the in the weekly Monday And the man who's name is popping up most as suc- Ball State tackle Tim Young has become the First in- Philadelphia Eagles were night TV game and were cessor is that ofTomLasorta, a member of the Dodger terior football lineman to win the Mid-American Con- on national television decimated 42-3. It was the organization for 27 years. ference offensive player of the week award. before Monday night's 20- kind of performance that Lasorta managed seven seasons in the Los Angeles The 6-foot-4, 235-pound junior from Chicago, was 17 overtime loss to caused a lot of channel minor league organization and his clubs won five tabbed for his outstanding blocking in the Cardinals' 27-14 Washington, they lost more switching. pennants. win at Toledo last Saturday night which tied them with viewers for the network Eagle survivors from the Walter O' Malley' chairman of the board, refused to Ohio University and Western Michigan for the league than Heidi did. 1975 massacre haven't speculate, except to say the selection will be made shortly lead. Not* Thurmond You remember Heidi forgotten the carnage. before the World Series Toledo linebacker Aaron Bhins, a 215-pound junior A few years ago, an "Forgotten it-notinmy, from Alliance, who participated in 29 tackles against Ball Student General Admission Tickets Oakland-New York Jets mind," said Eagles' Slager honored State, won the defensive player of the week honors. $Q Cf\ Mg" *So" '*»* '•" game was cut off by the linebacker Frank The selections are made by a panel of newsmen from J, JU Quo. i., Validation Card network with a minute or LeMaster. "I was really the recommendations of the members' coaches. so to play so that a embarrassed ... I think Quarterback Rick Slager, who set a Notre Dame record Bivins edged Western Michigan freshman safety Tony At Memorial Hall scheduled move, Heidi, everything that can last Saturday by completing 12 of 14 passes for 231 yards Townseod, who had two interceptions, a pass deflection could be started. The Jets happen to a team wrong, and three touchdowns, was named the Associated Press and 16 tackles in a 21-10 loss at Minnesota. , Ticket Office scored two touchdowns in happened to us that night. national collegiate back of the week Young was named over Toledo wide receiver Rick Weekdays 9-Noon; 1-5 p.m. the last minute and the "It's a thrill, "said the 5-11,190-pound senior. I think when you play on Wasserman, who had nine catches for 139 yards and one Adult Ganarol Admission and all R«».rv«d Soot Tickots station switchboards lit up Monday night, people ' 'But the team is so much a part of it," said Slager, also touchdown. like a Christmas tree. remember you. The whole a member of the Irish varsity tennis team. "I Just think Bowling Green's nominees included offensive end Dave on Ml* al Alumni Cantor Only LAST YEAR, the Eagles nation is watching." it's even greater for the team The offense has come a Dudley and defensive middle guard DaveBrown. 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