The BG News September 29, 1976

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The BG News September 29, 1976 Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-29-1976 The BG News September 29, 1976 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 29, 1976" (1976). BG News (Student Newspaper). 3274. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. G Slews Vol. 60 No. 6 Bowling Uraan 'State fJnivarsitg Wednesday, Sept. 29.1976 Guerrilla forces clash in Lebanon BEIRUT, Lebanon-(AP) Artillery reported, but there was no sign of a attack to crush the leftist alliance. The government news agency in disguise opposition to government try to force the Palestinian-leftist shells set mountainside villages afire major battle or infantry push In Cairo, Egyptian President Damascus said "the chief of the polities. alliance to negotiate with the right- yesterday as Syrian troops and Christian commanders said Syrian Anwar Sadat charged that the Syrian Sadat traitor regime" had nothing to wing Christians but has ended up Christian forces launched an of- armored units were advancing attack was an attempt to destroy the fighting on the Christian side. fensive against leftist Lebanese and slowly in five columns and Palestinian movement and shatter tell his people except criticism of the A Syrian military spokesmen in Palestinian guerrilla positions east of speculated that the slow advance was Arab efforts to end the war. He achievements of the late Egyptian Damascus said the Syrian forces had gone into action to clean up Beirut. The military action touched to allow the Palestinians to retreat warned that Syria' 'will never escape President Gamal Abdel Nasser. Hospitals said they had estimates off a verbal duel between the without a bloody showdown. the punishment of history." Palestinian positions "disrupting Sadat, in his speech, had commented order and peace in Lebanon." of 120 persons killed and 200 wounded Egyptian and Syrian governments. Palestinians, however, claimed it that Egyptian leftists were "cloaking in fighting in l^banon during the Isolated ground clashes were was the beginning of an all-out Syrian SYRIA SLASHED back angrily. themselves in Nasser's robes" to previous 24 hours but said that did Earlier, the Syrian government not include casualties from the said it still supported the Palestinian mountain front. cause despite Sunday's attack on a Damascus hotel by pro-Palestinian guerillas. One of the guerillas was Associated Press correspondent killed in an assault by Syrian forces Mohammed Salam, reported from and three others were captured and the front that several villages oc- publicly hanged. Four hostages had cupied by leftist Lebanese on the been killed in the guerilla attack. steep slopes of the Beirut River gorge were set ablaze by Syrian shelling. THE GUERILLAS were ap- Syrian and leftist troops clashed parently protesting the Syrian in- when Syrian forces i moved on the tervention in the I-ebanese civil war village of Ein el-Sohat, which sits with some 13,000 troops and hundreds above an important Palestinian of tanks. Syria intervened in June to position, he added. Flu vaccination to be given By Cindy Leise Gerald R. Ford gave authorized Staff Reporter immunization funds. Immediately, scientists and four The University Health Center will companies started producing a swine be among the first facilities in the flu vaccine. Kerr said although Perhaps this student thinks the antics of Monday night's karate whose hands may be considered lethal weapons? i News photo country to immunize a large number many delays can be attributed to the class are a little strange, but It Is doubtful that be mentioned It by Mlndy Milllgan.) of people against swine flu, the drug companies, the immunization Cold feet to them. After all would you aggravate a group of people potential killer virus, an Ohio program will soon be ready. Department of Health official said Stuart O. Kerr, communicable THE immunization program is disease investigator for the state said organized in Wood County by Dr. that the flu season is beginning and William D. Hann, University the 20-39 age group is especially associate professor of biological Jury chosen for Moody's trial susceptible to swine flue, and that the sciences. The Wood County Health beginning of an epidemic could start Dept. will distribute the vaccine. in a crowded college atmosphere. Centers in Bowling Green will be set Bv Cvndi Bloom their previous knowledge of the case another said, "My mind might be IN THE afternoon session, both Area immunization is set for up for townspeople as well as and to determine if a change of venue was prejudiced. I would rather be lawyers continued to question November. University students. Cindy Lcise necessary. The action would have relieved of my duty." potential jurors on whether any one Few young people, Kerr said, "We've located our centers in Staff Reporters changed the site of the trial to One black women said at the close of in their family had been sexually consider a flu epidemic a serious places we hope will be convenient," another location but was denied by the morning session, "There weren't assualted, involved in any court threat because the last epidemics in Mary Pat Moore, health educator at Hours of questioning by the defense Judge Gale Williamson. any blacks las potential jurors) but litigation, and if they realized that the U.S. were the Hong Kong flu in the health department said. She said and prosecution resulted in a seven then, we're used to that type of Moody is innocent until proven 1968 and the Asian flu in 1957. He said the centers will be set up in area women, five man jury to judge the Five potential jurors were treatment" guilty. large-scale epidemics occur about schools. case of Paul X Moody accused of dismissed during the morning every 10 years and the swine flu The services of Wood County and attempted rape on the University Wittenberg stressed the idea that could surface as the next one. the University's Health Center's will because they said they had heard Another black woman said that she the burden of proof in the case lies • Golf Course last spring. prejudicial information about the be donated, Kerr said The vaccine is felt assured that the defense would with the prosecution which must "I THINK it's a true community supplied by the federal government. case or had preconceived opinions choose only unprejudiced whites. prove beyond a reasonable doubt that During the morning session, about Moody's innocence. hazard and steps should be taken Two separate vaccines will be • potential jurors were questioned by She also said that the reason for the Moody was the alleged assailant. immediately," Kerr said. "The used. One is for the very young, very .Defense Attorney Sheldon & Wit- all white jury lay in the fact that Both lawyers declined to comment Asian flu took over 75,000 lives and old or the sick. It will be ad- tenberg of Toledo and Assistant ONE WOMEN said that she there are very few black people on how they will present their cases. swine flue is of the same killer virus ministered through a needle, unlike County Prosecutor Gary Kuns on "hadn't heard anything nice," and residing in Wood County. The trial is expected to last three or strain." the second vaccine, which enters the four days. arm through the pores. Wittenberg said, however, that "It's sort of like Star Trek," Ken- while the girl was definitely at- Early this year the first outbreak U.S. Economic index drops of swine flu surfaced at a military said. "Thirteen hundred pounds of tacked, the case will center on camp in Fort Dix, New Jersey. pressure in the gun blow the vaccine WASHINGTON (AP)--The the index fell 1.5 percent in August, The statistic is crucial because the identification of the assailant. He through the pores. We can immunize claimed Moody was not that at- Nearly 300 people became ill and one .government said yesterday that the with about a third of the drop at- I'ersident has discounted three recruit died, Kerr said. 1,000 people per hour." index it uses to predict the future of tributable to an increase in the layoff consecutive months of rising tacker. Kerr said the vaccine doesn't hurt ' the economy has dropped for the first rate in manufacturing. This rate unemployment by citing tandem Kuns said the female University Following this outbreak, a large and there is no chance ofcontracting time since the start of the current rose to its highest level in nine increases in total employment. He student will testify during the trial. number of people attempted to the flu through the immunization .recovery. months. and his advisers feel he can win the The jury went to the golf course isolate the virus, Kerr said. Doctors process. election despite rising unem- yesterday afternoon to view the site and scientists in the Center for ' But a government economist said The drop in the index is based on ployment as long as people already of the alleged incident but in- Disease control in Atlanta pressured "THEY USED to use live virus. 'the drop in the index of leading in- preliminary estimates and could be at work feel secure that they aren't in formation about the site was not heavily for federal support for Now all the injections are with dead dicators does not necessarily mean substantially changed as more danger of being laid off.
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