Lewis Nordan and the Heartbreaking Laughter of Transcendence and Hope: a Symposium
C A R O L I N E MARSHALL DR AU GHON CENTER FOR THE ARTS & HUMANITIES Winter 2009 LEWIS NORDAN AND THE HeARTBREAKING LAUGHTER OF TRANScenDence AND HOPE: A SYMPOSIUM We are pleased to present the second of ten books, including, most recently, annual Caroline Marshall Draughon Requiem, Mass. Center for the Arts & Humanities Symposium, this year on renowned International scholars Manuel Broncano author Lewis “Buddy” Nordan, an and Marcel Arbeit will travel from Auburn graduate and nationally ac- Spain and the Czech Republic to join claimed author of eight books, in- Alabamians Bert Hitchcock, Don cluding Music of the Swamp and The Noble, and Constance Relihan to pay Sharpshooter Blues. The day-long tribute to Nordan’s heartbreakingly symposium, referred to by some as the playful prose. Auburn University art “Buddyfest,” will be held on January students will display drawings rendered 23 at the Hotel at Auburn University from the stories and theater students will and Dixon Conference Center. It will enact a dramatic reading of “How Bob be a cross-disciplinary celebration of Steele Broke My Father’s Heart.” Nordan’s achievements, bringing to- gether a host of well-known writers, Other participants include Lee Martin, international scholars, seasoned experts director of Creative Writing at The Ohio in Alabama and Southern literature, as State University; Robert Rudnicki, asso- well as Auburn University’s own art ciate professor and director of Graduate and theater students. Studies, Louisiana Tech University; Barbara A. Baker, Caroline Marshall Nordan will deliver the keynote address Draughon Center; Roberta Maguire, at 7 pm, and he will be introduced by associate professor, University of his good friend North Carolina writer Wisconsin Oshkosh; Terrell Tebbetts, Clyde Edgerton, who has described his Cox Chair in American Literature, Lyon passion for Nordan’s writing by say- College; and Mary Carney, Gainesville ing that he would rather read a story State College.
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