Birmingham, West Bromwich, Wednesbury, and Walsall Junction Railway
4444 , Birmingham, West Bromwich, Wednesbury, and Bescott Station, Grand Junction Railway, Harden Walsall Junction Railway. and Birchills, the Pleck, the Lower Pleck, Wood End, Caldmore, Wood End and Caldmore, Millfur- "NkTOTICE is hereby given, that application is in- long, Walsall Race Course, the Long Meadows, Wal- 1^1 tended to be made to Parliament in the en- sall Lammas Lands, Walsall Town's-end, Wisemore, suing Session for an Act or Acts to authorise the otherwise Wisemoor, Bloxwich, otherwise Great Blox- construction and maintenance of the railway or rail- wich, Great Bloxwich, and Little Bloxwich, all in the- ways hereinafter mentioned, or some part or parts county of Stafford: And Notice is hereby also given,, thereof, together with all proper works, approaches, that it is intended in and by such Act or Acts to take- and conveniences connected therewith (that is to say), power to cross, stop up, alter, or divert, whether temr a railway or railways commencing at or near Broad- porarily or permanently, all turnpike and other roads- street, in the parish of Birmingham in the county of and highways, tramroads, railways, streets, paths^ Warwick, and terminating in the township of Walsall passages, aqueducts, rivers, canals, brooks, streams, Foreign, otherwise the Foreign of Walsall, in the sewers, pipes, waters, and water-courses, within or parish of Walsall, in the county of Stafford, which adjoining the aforesaid parishes, townships, town- intended railway or railways and other works con- lands, and extra-parochial or other places,
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