Birmingham, West Bromwich, Wednesbury, and Walsall Junction Railway
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, Birmingham, West Bromwich, Wednesbury, and Bescott Station, Grand Junction Railway, Harden Walsall Junction Railway. and Birchills, the Pleck, the Lower Pleck, Wood End, Caldmore, Wood End and Caldmore, Millfur- "NkTOTICE is hereby given, that application is in- long, Walsall Race Course, the Long Meadows, Wal- 1^1 tended to be made to Parliament in the en- sall Lammas Lands, Walsall Town's-end, Wisemore, suing Session for an Act or Acts to authorise the otherwise Wisemoor, Bloxwich, otherwise Great Blox- construction and maintenance of the railway or rail- wich, Great Bloxwich, and Little Bloxwich, all in the- ways hereinafter mentioned, or some part or parts county of Stafford: And Notice is hereby also given,, thereof, together with all proper works, approaches, that it is intended in and by such Act or Acts to take- and conveniences connected therewith (that is to say), power to cross, stop up, alter, or divert, whether temr a railway or railways commencing at or near Broad- porarily or permanently, all turnpike and other roads- street, in the parish of Birmingham in the county of and highways, tramroads, railways, streets, paths^ Warwick, and terminating in the township of Walsall passages, aqueducts, rivers, canals, brooks, streams, Foreign, otherwise the Foreign of Walsall, in the sewers, pipes, waters, and water-courses, within or parish of Walsall, in the county of Stafford, which adjoining the aforesaid parishes, townships, town- intended railway or railways and other works con- lands, and extra-parochial or other places, or any of nected therewith will pass from, in, through, or into, or them, which it may be necessary or expedient to be situate within the several parishes, townships, town- cross, stop up, alter, or divert for the purpose of con- lands, and extra-parochial, or other places following, structing and maintaining, or more conveniently con- or some of them (that is to say), Birmingham, the structing or maintaining, or using the said intended borough of Birmingham, the manor of Birmingham, railway or railways and works, or any of them: And Saint Martin Birmingham, Saint Philip Birmingham, it is further intended by such Act or Acts to vary, Saint Paul Birmingham, Saint Mark Birmingham, repeal, or extinguish all existing rights or privileges- Saint Mary Birmingham, Saint Luke Birmingham, in any manner connected with the lands and buildings Saint Thomas Birmingham, Saint George Birmingham, proposed to be purchased or taken for the purposes of Saint Stephen Birmingham, All Saints' Birmingham, the said undertaking, or any of the works connected Bishop Ryder's Church Birmingham, Hockley, Bir- therewith, or which would in any manner impede or mingham Heath, Gib Heath, Soho, Soho Works, interfere with the construction, maintenance, or use- Nineveh, Edgbaston, Aston, Aston juxta Birmingham, thereof, or of any part thereof, and to confer other Saint Peter and Saint Paul Aston juxta Birmingham, rights and privileges: And it is also intended by such Aston Manor, Erdington, Witton, Upper Witton, Act or Acts to incorporate a company for the purpose Lower Witton, Duddeston and Nechefls, otherwise of carrying the said intended undertaking, or any part Duddeston-cum-NechelJs, Saint Matthew Duddeston thereof, into effect; and to take powers for the pur- and Nechells, otherwise Duddeston-cum-Nechells, chase of lands and buildings, by compulsion or agree- Duddeston, otherwise Dudston, Ashted, Saltley, Wash- ment, for the purposes thereof, or of any part thereof, wood, and Saltley and Washwood, all in the county and for levying tolls, rates, and duties, on and for of Warwick, Handsvvorth, Saint James Handsworth, the use of the same, or any part thereof, and to grant Saint Mary Handsworth, Soho, Soho Works, Nineveh, exemptions from such tolls, rates, and duties as to Perry Barr, Harborne, North Harborne, Holy Trinity such company may seem expedient. And it is also North Harborne, Smethwick, Smethwick New Village, intended in and by such Act or Acts to empower the Holy Trinity Smethwick, West Bromwich, All Saints' said company, to be thereby incorporated, to let on West Bromwich, Saint James West Bromwich, Christ lease, sell, or transfer the said intended railway or rail- Church West Bromwich, Christ Church Division West ways, and works, or any part of the same, or the tolls, Bromwich, Trinity, otherwise Holy Trinity West rates, and duties thereof, to any other railway, canal, or Broomwich, Sandwell Park West Bromwich, Oakley other company or companies, whether already exist- Rough, Oakley, Spon Lane, Bromford, Bromford ing or to] be hereafter formed or projected, or to any Lane, Twenty House Row, Grub's Farm, otherwise other parties whomsoever, and to delegate to such com- Brickhouse Farm, Brickhouse Bridge, Ten House pany or companies, or other parties, the execution of all Row, otherwise Ebenezer Row, Harvel's Hawthorn, or any of the powers of the said intended Act or Acts, Hplyhead Road, Cross Guns, The Heath, Overend, and to authorise such company or companies, or other Virgin's End, Mares Green, Lyndon, Church Vale, parties, out of their corporate or other funds, and Clark's Field, Hall End, Ridgaker, otherwise Rid- either jointly or severally to take shares in, and sub- gacre, Ridgaker Colliery, Ridgacre Colliery, Wednes- scribe for or towards the making, maintaining, and bury, Line Collieries, the Coppice, Crook Hay, Crook using the said intended railway or railways and works Hay Colliery, Whitton's Lane, West Bromwich Heath, or any part thereof, or to purchase, rent, work, or con- Carter's Green, Hill Top, Crank Hall, Holloway Bank, struct the said intended railway or railways and works, Goldshill, Gold's Green, Balls Hill, otherwise Balds Hill, or any part of the same, and to take tolls and duties New Balls Hill, New Balds Hill, Friar Park, otherwise upon or in respect thereof, and to raise money for the Friar Park Wood, Hately Heath, Black Lake, Bells- purposes aforesaid. And it is also intended in and by more, Brockhouse Farm, otherwise Brookhouse Farm, such Act or Acts to authorise the said company to be Wednesbury, Wednesbury Bridge, Saint Bartholomew thereby incorporated to amalgamate with any other Wednesbury, Saint John Wednesbury, Saint James railway, canal, or other company or companies, Wednesbury, Oldfield, Lea Brook, Wednesbury Field, whether already existing or to be hereafter formed or Monway Field, King's Hill, King's Hill Field, Hall projected, or to agree with any other company as to End, Sparrow's Forge, Polteiy-lane, Potter's-lane other* the working or using of the said intended railway or wise Pothouse-lane, Portway-road, Riddings-lane, Bur- railways and works, by such two companies, and to croft otherwise Barcrofte, High-street, Bridge-street, authorise the amalgamated company to exercise all Oakeswell End, otherwise Oaksweli End, Wood or any of the powers and authorities before-men- Green, Old Park, The Vicarage, Wednesbury Forge, Weddesbury Forge Pool, The Delves, Tame-bridge, tioned. Fulbrook, Palfrey, Palfrey Green, Walsall, Walsall And further notice is hereby given, that maps, plans, Foreign, otherwise the Foreign of Walsall, Walsall and sections of the said intended railway or railways Borough, otherwise the Borough of Walsall, the Town- and works, and of the lands proposed to be taken for * ship of the Foreign of Walsall, the Township of the the purposes thereof, together with books of reference Borough of Walsall, Saint Peter's Walsall, Bescott, to such plans, containing the names of the reputed