018530 - Switch
018530 - SWITCH Sustainable Water Management in the City of the Future Integrated Project Global Change and Ecosystems DELIVERABLE 2.1.1b: DATABASE SHOWING THREATS/UNCERTAINTIES TO STORMWATER CONTROL WHICH EXIST IN SELECTED DEMONSTRATION CITIES TOGETHER WITH THEIR PREDICTED MAJOR IMPACTS Guidelines for the completion of a risk assessment and risk rating procedure and testing in demonstration cities Due date of deliverable: July 2007 Actual submission date: July 2008 Start date of project: 1 February 2006 Duration: 60 months Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: Middlesex University Edited by JB Ellis, L Scholes and DM Revitt, Middlesex University Contributions by JB Ellis, L Scholes, B Shutes (Middlesex University), N Nascimento (UFMG), J-R Champs (BH Municipality), P Sharp (Ove Arup), H Langenbach, J Eckart, W Holste (HafenCity University), H. Sieker (IPS), O. Cofie (IWMI) [Final draft] Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006) Dissemination Level PU Public PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) 1 SWITCH Document: DATABASE SHOWING THREATS/UNCERTAINTIES TO STORMWATER CONTROL WHICH EXIST IN SELECTED DEMONSTRATION CITIES TOGETHER WITH THEIR PREDICTED MAJOR IMPACTS Deliverable reference: Deliverable 2.1.1b Authors and Institutions: Edited by JB Ellis, L Scholes and DM Revitt, Middlesex University Contributions by JB Ellis, L Scholes, B Shutes (Middlesex University), N Nascimento (UFMG), J-R Champs (BH Municipality), P Sharp (Ove Arup), H Langenbach, J Eckart, W Holste (HafenCity University), H.
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