St Nicholas' CE Primary School, Oxford
MapMap ofof thethe LocationLocation ofof andand ProposedProposed newnew DesignatedDesignated AreaArea forfor StSt Nicholas'Nicholas' PrimaryPrimary SchoolSchool (dark(dark blue)blue) andand thethe proposedproposed changeschanges (various(various colours)colours) AreaArea toto bebe removedremoved fromfrom thethe DesignatedDesignated AreaArea ofof StSt Nicholas'Nicholas' PrimaryPrimary SchoolSchool andand addedadded toto NewNew MarstonMarston PrimaryPrimary SchoolSchool AreaArea toto bebe removedremoved fromfrom thethe DesignatedDesignated AreaArea ofof NewNew MarstonMarston PrimaryPrimary SchoolSchool andand addedadded toto StSt Nicholas'Nicholas' PrimaryPrimary SchoolSchool AreaArea formerlyformerly solelysolely inin thethe DesignatedDesignated AreaArea ofof StSt Michael'sMichael's CECE (Aided)(Aided) PrimaryPrimary School,School, OxfordOxford nownow toto bebe sharedshared betweenbetween thatthat schoolschool andand StSt Nicholas'Nicholas' PrimaryPrimary School,School, OxfordOxford ©© CrownCrown Copyright.Copyright. AllAll rightsrights reservedreserved 100023343100023343 20102010 Nos 1 to 35 (odds), Marsh Lane, Headington, Oxford, OX3 0NF Nos 453 to 493A (odds), Marston Road, Oxford, OX3 0JQ Nos 1 to 39 (odds), Old Marston Road, Oxford, OX3 0JR Nos 2 to 38 (evens), Old Marston Road, Oxford, OX3 0JP Nos 1 to 55 (odds), Ouseley Close, Marston, Oxford, OX3 0JS Nos 2 to 38 (evens), Ouseley Close, Marston, Oxford, OX3 0JS No. of Properties OX3 0NF [21]; OX3 0JQ [22]; OX3 0JR [25]; OX3 0JP [23]; OX3 0JS [48] 139 in TOTAL Schools affected New Marston Primary School St Nicholas’ Primary School, Oxford Background These properties are in one of the two categories below: i. To the west of Marston Road from its junction with the Old Marston Road and its junction with Headley Way/Cherwell Drive; or ii. To the west of Marsh Lane from its junction with Cherwell Drive to its junction with Elms Drive All these properties lie within the designated area of New Marston Primary School.
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