Valarie Burlingame Subject: FW: Against Larry Agran's proposal. IN CONNECTION WITH AGENDA ITEM NO. --=----6 · \ From: Betty Nguyen [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: Friday, April 04, 2014 4:49 PM To: info Subject: Against Larry Agran's proposal. Hello, I'm an Irvine resident for 17 years. My family totally against the proposal of being a sister with Nha Trang city in Viet Nam. We are anticommunist for 4 generations and we don't want our children go through those horrible days again. We think council member Larry Agran making a huge mistake. Thank you, Betty Nguyen Valarie Burlingame Subject: FW: Sisterhood of Irvine City & Nha Trang City Proposa IN CONNECTION WITH AGENDA ITEM NO. 5 · \ ------· ------·-------·----·-----· --------- From: L.T.D. Engineering [mailto:
[email protected] Sent: Friday, April 04, 2014 4:04PM To: info Subject: Fw: Sisterhood of Irvine City & Nha Trang City Proposal Dear Sirs, We are the Vietnamese Americans, we have been living in Irvine city for the past 6 years. We very much against this proposal. Thanks LONG DANG 1 Valarie Burlingame Subject: FW: Sisterhood of Irvine City & Nha Trang City Proposal -·---·------------·--·-·-·----·-·- --··-··-··-···--·---·---·--·----·-··--;=--=·-=-=====·=-==-=-=;--·--·- From: LTNguyen [mailto:
[email protected] IN CONNECTION Sent: Friday, April 04, 2014 3:43PM WITH AGENDA To: info Subject: Sisterhood of Irvine City & Nha Trang City Proposal ITEM NO.5·\-=----'--- Dear Sirs, We are the Vietnamese Americans, we have been living in Irvine city for the past 20 years. We very much against this proposal. Thanks LTN Ci'ty of Westminster fro-m- t:her~or Mayor Tri Ta April 4, 2014 Honorable Mayor and City Council Members IN CONNECTION City of Irvine WITH AGENDA 1 Civic Center Plaza ITEM NO.5.\__;;;;..;...._..;....._ __ Irvine, CA 92606-5207 Dear Mayor and Council Members: I am writing to express our concerns regarding your City's consideration of making Nha Trang, in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, a "Sister City".