FIILS't BAPTIST CHUFLCH EDITION the Attendance Reaches One Hundred Aurora Koon, Mrs
Pasre D BAPTIST MESSENGER August 10,1939 PROGRESSIVE CLASS CIRCLE MEETINGS, AUG. 14, 1939 B. T. U. OFFICERS FOR NEW YEAR Every' Progressive member enjoys Anna Bagby, at the jchurch, 10:30 Our B. T. U. attendance is running that enthusiastic smile that our Presi- a. m. ; ahead of last year, but not far enough dent, Mrs. Homer Jamison, has when ahead. In our business meeting last FIILS'T BAPTIST CHUFLCH EDITION the attendance reaches one hundred Aurora Koon, Mrs. R. M. Fletcher, week, enthusiasm was high to attend fifty-one, on a hot Sunday morning. All 2231 West 18, 12:15 p. m. Falls Creek and then increase our at- enjoyed the inspirational song service. Berta K. Spooner, Progressive room, tendance for August and September. , Several true-and-tried gospel songs at the church, 10:30 a. m. | In order that our work may move off were sung for the opening of the class. Bettie Lide, Mrs. M. E. Reynolds, 705 in .high in early fall, the General Direc- Mrs. Smoot led the opening prayer. Eubanks, 10:30 a. m. j tor is asking for a nominating com- In the announcement of the sick, we Blance Rose Walker, at thd church, mittee to select departmental directors. were indeed sorry to know that Mrs. 10:30 a. m. j The committee: Neal Boyd, Carl Fitch, Nathan Stewart and Mrs. McAlpine had Mrs. Hugo Mohr, Miss Lorene Agee[ Earl Hester, at the church, 10:30 H. Killingswbrth, Dr, W. R. White! been called out of the city, their moth- a. m.
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